InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life Isn't Fair ❯ Why Me?! ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Me no own nothing!

(AN: Try living without internet for about 2 months. Well, that's what I had to go through, and believe me its hell. Work isn't cutting it. I need my (internet) life back damnit! My mom took it away saying that I was "too addicted" to the internet. I don't believe her. I was not! *sigh* anyway, I still don't have my internet back so I'm stuck writing to spend my time. I read occasionally but that isn't satisfying me. On other news, I saw `Just Married' when it came out. It was funny. *sigh* I guess that's it, back to writing…..)

Life Isn't Fair

Chapter One:

Why Me?!

To being the most popular and successful junior in highschool is a prestigious honor. That is what Kagome Higurashi is. To know her is to be blessed and to be her is to own respect. Being smart and beautiful has its advantages but also its downfalls. Surprisingly that hasn't happen….. yet…..

Kagome's Mother, Ruri Higurashi, is the most feared woman in her business. She owns the Tetsuno Corporation. A company that develops software used for military use and for medical purposes as well. So in being pretty and smart, Kagome can add to her list that she's rich too.

Kagome's Mother, being the businesswoman that she is, travels quite a lot. At times, she leaves her household for months at a time. This has Kagome feeling quite separated from her mother. Her younger brother as well, but they don't say anything as to perturb their mothers work.

With only one more week before school starts and Kagome entering highschool as a senior, her mother must leave on a very short notice that something has gone wrong with one of her close friends, Yuki Matsuda.

It seems that Yuki is in the hospital for reasons unknown to Kagome, but her mother says she's going to be fine. In the mean time, she will be there to help her friend along the way.

"But Mom, if she's going to be fine, then why do you have to go?" Kagome tried reasoned with her Mother, but it didn't seem like it was working.

"Because Dear, Yuki was with me when I was pregnant with you and Souta. She was there for me even when I told her I was fine. I want to be with her so I can repay the favor she did for me years ago. You understand that right honey?" Kagome's mother said sweetly while she touched her daughter's face. Kagome didn't believe her mother's story a lot, but she couldn't disagree with her on the subject. Yuki was always there for her mother and she knew that more than anyone, especially when Kagome's father died.

"Besides, I'm only going to be gone for about a month or more" Kagome's mother said like if it was nothing. Kagome was used to this so she didn't feel so indifferent about it. "And also, you're not going to be alone with Souta"

"What do you mean `not going to be alone with Souta'? Every time you leave for months at a time I always stay alone with Souta, taking care of him as best as I can while you go off for months at a time on business trips!" At this point, Kagome raised her voice at her mother, making her stop packing her stuff. Kagome felt frustrated when she had all that bottled up inside her.

Kagome's mother looked at her with sad eyes. She knew that she was ignoring her own children because of the work she'd always have. This made her realize that her daughter and her son were unhappy because of it.

"Honey I'm sorry. I know I can't make up for lost time, but I'll make it right, that I promise you. In the mean time, Yuki's son will be here keeping you company"

This made Kagome's blood run cold. She remembered well both of Yuki's sons. The older one was much nicer and had better manners than the younger one. That one was just a brat. "Which….. Son?" Kagome gulped. At this point she prayed it was the older one.

"Umm…. The younger one, Inu Yasha" Her mother replied as if nothing happened, she didn't even notice her daughter start getting pale.

Yup, at this point, Kagome was white as a ghost. Her blood was running cold as ice water. She remembered well Inu Yasha, and what they would do when they were kids. Eventhough he is only five years older than Kagome, she still liked him. He was her first crush.

Then flashbacks started happening to her. She remembered when they started to get older and Inu Yasha went for Kagome's cousin Kikyo. This made Kagome angry and very hurt. Since she found out about Inu Yasha and Kikyo (kissing in Inu Yasha's bedroom. Yikes!), she has tried to avoid Inu Yasha as best as she could. It's been eight years now, and Kagome hopes that all feelings towards him have disappeared over time.

In the mean time, Kagome's mother was trying desperately to make her daughter come out of her daydreams and back to the real world. "Kagome? Kagome? Hello?" She waved her hand infront of her face.

Kagome quickly regained consciousness of her surroundings and shook her head. "Yeah? Sorry Mom, I was thinking about something. So you mean to tell me, Inu Yasha and I will be living under the same roof? Ha!" Kagome said, almost laughing.

"Well, that's not all….." Kagome's mother started off, her face seemed a little guilty for some reason.

"Well? What else?" Kagome urged her mother to go on. She was anxious to see what other reasons Inu Yasha was going to live in her house.

"He applied for a job….. In your school….." She trailed off. She knew what kind of reaction her daughter was going to have. "And he got accepted"

That's it; at this point Kagome was officially dead. Hell, they could burry her under six feet of dirt and she wouldn't complain. Come to think of it, that sounded a lot better than the situation she was in right now. "What kind of occupation did he apply for?" Was Kagome's only response. She didn't know what else to say, she was speechless.

"World History"

`Great, just the class I just HAD to take this year. Damn, I hate being a senior.' Kagome thought. `I hope I don't get him as a teacher. Hell if living with him is bad enough; now I have to see him at school and at home! Damn my life!'

"Honey, are you ok?" Kagome's mother asked seeing as her daughter became an unearthly wan color. This scared her a little bit, it made her rethink her plans. "If you want, I'll stay home and forget about my trip."

Kagome wanted to say yes, but she knew what kind of friend Yuki was to her mother; she was like a sister. She couldn't ask that of her mother. "No, its ok. Go. Yuki needs you" Kagome smiled. "By the way, when is Inu Yasha suppose to arrive?"

"Any time now, he said he'd be by at around 4 o'clock" Kagome's mother looked at the watch in her room. It read 3:10. "He'd be here in the next hour or so." She said calculating.

Kagome knew Inu Yasha well and she knew he'd be early. She didn't feel well and decided to go to her room and lay down. She excused herself from her mother and left to her room.


In the meantime, inside a train, almost at its destination point, Inu Yasha was grumbling to himself on why he had to accept a job within Kagome's school. He remembers that he enjoyed being with Kagome and spending time with her, but that was when they were kids. People grow and change. He wasn't sure if the same sweet little Kagome he knew so long ago was the same person he thought she was.

Just thinking about her made him feel something funny in his stomach, like butterflies or something. He quickly dismissed the feeling, thinking it was something he ate. Inu Yasha kept his eyes on the scenery outside. He tried to distract his mind from thinking about living with Kagome and seeing her in school. God! He was acting like a schoolboy seeing the girl he's had a crush on since they were kids.

This made Inu Yasha stop thinking. Kagome wasn't his crush. And yet, it made him nervous just thinking about her. He knew she wasn't his crush because she caught her cousin and him making out in his room. This made Inu Yasha remember her sad face. He felt guilty.

`Maybe she forgot about that already' Inu Yasha thought, hoping he was right. `Besides, she was only like….. What? 10? Besides, its not like she ever liked me.' His thoughts trailed off. He decided he was thinking too much and decided to read a random magazine he picked up from the compartment inside the back of the seat.

Within three minutes of flipping though the pages he was restless and wanted to be there already. He sighed in frustration and decided to close his eyes until the train arrived in Tokyo.


Inside her room, Kagome laid right side up, looking at her ceiling. She thought about how she was going to act when Inu Yasha arrived.

`Maybe if I pretend nothing happened, then everything will go ok.' She thought. `But it was so long ago, I really doubt he remembers anything, except Kikyo.' She frowned. This was getting too complicated. She was getting frustrated about something that hasn't happened yet, and she was getting worried on how she should act.

"Ugh, I'm getting a headache. I think I'll go take a bath. What time is it anyways?" Kagome asked herself. She looked at her computer. The time said 3:20. "He wont be here for the next 40 minutes or so. I guess I have enough time to take a bath before he gets here" She mumbled to herself.

Since Kagome wasn't going to go out today, she decided to dress all lazy like. She picked out cute-looking shorts with kittens on them. Since the background color was pastel yellow, the color suits her well. The pair that came with the shorts was a tank top of the same color; it also had kittens on it, but only one big kitten appeared in the middle of the tank top. (It's so cute!).

--- 30 minutes passed….. ---

Kagome came out of the shower, soaking wet (duh!). She tied the towel around her body and one on her head like a turban. She cursed at herself for taking so little in the bathroom; if she took longer then she would have a reason why she wasn't able to greet Inu Yasha when arrived.

She sighed. `I'm acting like a child.' Kagome thought. She took a deep breath and calmed herself. She was going to get through this like a civilized person, no more worrying about how to act. He was her friend, and still is, eventhough they haven't talked to each other in about eight years.

She changed quickly only to stop dead in her tracks when she heard the doorbell ring, the door open, her mother's muffled welcoming and someone, more sounding like a male voice muffled as well, answering back.


"Welcome Inu Yasha!" Kagome's mother greeted downstairs.

"Thank you Ms. Higurashi" He simply replied.

(AN: Awful cliffhanger, I know. I appreciate it if you would review! Thanks! Next Chapter: `Awkward Encounter')