InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life of a Youkai's Lover ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )
Chapter 4:
"COME ON INU-YASHA, WE HAVE TO FIND HER!" Kagome yelled; as she watched the dog-demon take it's time out the well.
"Why? Didn't you want this?" Inu-yasha asked.
"No! I didn't want her to end up there like this. She could have been attacked or sexual harassed or or or..." Kagome felt her eyes watering.
"Your not going to cry are you?" Inu-yasha asked.
"It's my fault! If I would have explained myself better she wouldn't be here. She must be so scared and confused. What if we never find her?" Kagome yelled; as tears rolled down her face.
"CHILL OUT, KAGOME." Inu-yasha yelled pulling her into his arms. "We will find her I promise." He whispered; kissing the top of her head.
Kagome turned bright red and nodded, "Let's go."
` Great I'm cold again. What's with this cold air? '
Rin turned over again and felt something warm and soft drop on her shoulders. ` Wait, what the heck? '
"WHERE'S MY CLOTHES?" She yelled; noticing she wasn't wearing her wedding dress anymore.
"I simple removed them. It's okay, just rest a bit," a familiar voice whispered.
Rin turned around and saw the man from earlier leaning against a tree. His yellow eyes were on her and had a soft yet dangerous look to them. Rin felt like he could see right through her.
"Who are you?" Rin asked; covering herself with what looked like his fluffy thing.
"I knew you wouldn't remember me," He smirked, coming closer.
Rin pushed herself back a little bit, but remembered she couldn't move much, unless she wanted her nude body exposed.
"Name?" she asked more determined.
The man rose an eyebrow, "Sesshoumaru."
He sat next to her and looked her in the eyes.
"Sesshoumaru? I've heard that somewhere before," Rin whispered; but his youkai ears where able to hear.
"It's because you're my mate," He said bluntly.
"Mate? How am I your mate? I never in my life saw you... well except in my dreams. But, other than that." Rin yelled; clenching the fluffy.
His eyes seemed to travel across her and that made her feel strange.
"Don't worry; you'll remember me very soon." He said, grabbing her hand.
"What are you-" Rin started, but his lips pressed hard against hers.
(A/N: I'm going to go back in 1st person again for a second. I'm sorry... I just can't decide how I'm going to write this.)
My body went completely stiff as I felt some kind of warmth run through my body. It first started at my toes and ran all the way up, circling around my back. He pulled away and looked me directly in my eyes.
"Sesshoumaru-sama." I whispered, but snapped out of my trance.
` Where did that come from? ' I thought.
I noticed he was coming close to me again, so I jumped back.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I can't do this. I-I just met you... everything is strange."
"You will get used to it," Sesshoumaru said; trying to bring me to him.
"NO!" I screamed, running away.
(A/N: Omg! Can you just see a girl running around the forest with this big white fluffy thing for clothes? I bet everyone thinks she's some kind of freak.)
"Hey do you smell her yet?" Kagome asked.
"Look, this is the last time I'm going to say this, I'LL TELL YOU WHEN I DO." Inu-yasha yelled.
Kagome mumbled but let her anger pass. Now wasn't a good time to get in a fight with Inu-yasha.
A few minutes went by and Kagome was about to ask again, but a loud scream caught her attention.
"RIN!?" Kagome yelled, running to where she heard it.
"Come on." Inu-yasha said; signaling Kagome to get on his back.
"Let me go!" I yelled; as this wolf like creature held me in his arms.
"Hmmm, you have a little scent of Kagome on you." He said; licking me down my face.
"What does Kagome have to do with it?" I asked, trying to get out of his hold.
The wolf creature threw me down and had this glazed look in his eyes. I finally noticed that fluffy thing I had on me was open, exposing every part and detail of my body. I screamed again and covered myself up.
"It would just be easier to take you as my women. Considering dog boy is always with Kagome and you have no one here." The wolf whispered, to himself.
He looked down at me and began walking over.
"Don't come near me."
"Just relax, I promise I won't hurt you... much" He said, grabbing one of my breasts. I let out another bloody scream and felt a great force of wind.
"Inu-yasha , faster... faster...FASTER!"
"Kagome, if you don't shut-up I'm going to drop you." Inu-yasha yelled, as he landed in a tree.
"I see her." Kagome whispered, trying to make her way to the ground.
"Stop!" Inu-yasha whispered.
Kagome looked up at him and was about to yell, but she noticed there were other people down there with her.
"Rin, are you okay?" I heard someone ask.
I opened one of my brown eyes and my heart jumped.
"Sesshoumaru, what happened to-" I began, but saw a dead creature on the side. I quickly covered my mouth and turned my head away.
(A/N: Okay, if you all haven't figured it out yet, the wolf creature was Kouga-kun. I love him so much and I didn't want to kill him. But, I had too because it just went with the story. I'm sorry Kouga fans you can all kill me later I promise.)
"Rin, are you okay?" He asked again.
I nodded my head and began to feel my body shake with fear.
"He was going to..." I cried.
Sesshoumaru was quite for a bit and came closer to me. He bent down next to me and pulled me into his arms.
"I wouldn't have let him do that to you. He would have to kill me first." He whispered.
I pulled out of his arms a bit, "Why would you die for me?"
"I already told you. You are my mate. The most important thing to me. Even more important than my own life," Sesshoumaru whispered as he cupped my face.
He gave me a look and then kissed me softly on the lips.
"Ah! Inu-yasha shouldn't we stop them before it gets weird. Even if she is the girl who died a long time ago, she wouldn't remember." Kagome whispered, feeling a deep blush show on her face.
Inu-yasha just continued to watch, "Let's just see what happens first."