InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ The Dream ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“You got any ideas of what I could want from you?” Inuyasha asked sitting on Kagome's bed.
“A kick in the butt.” Kagome muttered as she pushed more clothes into her duffle bag. He hadn't shut up since she got in the car. “He hasn't shut up for a half hour...” Kagome sighed.
“I know, but I just want something good out of you.” Inuyasha breathed in her ear.
“Ahhh!” Kagome screamed turning to hit him, but falling on her butt. “Don't do that!”
“Sorry babe didn't mean to scare you.” Inuyasha said with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“Yes you did!” Kagome said kicking his feet out from under him, there was only one flaw with what she did, he landed on her. “Get off!”
“Hey you brought this on yourself.” Inuyasha said putting his weight on his elbows looking her in the eye.
Kagome blushed and hit him on the shoulder. “Get away from me!”
Inuyasha's hand covered her mouth, his bandanna moving a little from his ears twitching. “Shut up and don't move, no matter what.” Inuyasha whispered moving off her and walking low on the ground to her out of her room.
“Like hell I'm staying here.” Kagome whispered to herself walking the same way as Inuyasha out of her room and down the stairs looking for Inuyasha. Kagome made it into the living room, and then stood up straight only to have someone grab her and push her to the ground.
“I told you to stay up stairs.” Inuyasha growled at her.
“This is my house I can go where I want.” Kagome said as calmly as she could.
“Not when something could be trying to kill us!” Inuyasha growled in her ear.
Kagome stopped struggling under him her eye's getting huge for a second then returning to normal. “Inuyasha you can get off me now.”
“After we get one thing straight-“Inuyasha stopped when the door bell rang.
Inuyasha let Kagome get out from under him and followed behind her to the door. Kagome looked out the peephole to see that it was indeed a police officer. Kagome opened the door and said sounding like she was trying to stay calm, “Yes can I help you.”
“Some of your neighbors called the other day saying that some suspicious guys were roughly taking two girls out of here. We came then but no one was home.” He said eyeing the two.
When Kagome didn't speak up after a few seconds Inuyasha hugged Kagome around the waist leaning his head on hers and said with a smirk, “Oh yeah I'm sorry about that, the boys you saw were the other girls boyfriends, they were just messing around, it was all my idea.”
“And you two?” the officer asked.
“Kags here went out a few minutes before we got there, so I went to go get her.” Inuyasha said running his hands up and down Kagome's arms as she shivered.
“Oh sorry for the inconvenience you two, just doing my job, but be careful of how it looks next time you and you friends pull a prank like that” The officer said tipping his hat.
“No problem.” Inuyasha said waving and shutting the door.
“Nice lie.” Kagome said looking back at him.
“Year's of practice although I have never had the pleasure of using one quite like that.” Inuyasha said letting go of her. “The way he was looking at us it looked like he was accusing us of something.
“The way you were acting I wouldn't doubt it.” Kagome said shaking her head and walking back upstairs.
“I was acting like we were up to something?” Inuyasha asked walking upstairs after her.
“Yes you were, but you were also acting protective, so he probably thought you were lying.” Kagome said as she picked her duffle bag back up.
“And what holding you hostage in your own house?” Inuyasha asked as they walked back out.
“Well technically you are.” Kagome said as she went into the kitchen.
“Technically I'm just holding you hostage no matter what.” Inuyasha said looking at her as she grabbed a soda. “What are you doing we're leaving.”
“It's only six-thirty in the afternoon we might as well stay a while.” Kagome said pointing to the clock on the wall.
“We can have soda and do what we want back at my place so let's go.” Inuyasha said putting down her soda and grabbing her hand pulling her towards the living room.
“No let's stay here for a while it won't hurt.” Kagome whined trying to stop him from going any farther.
Inuyasha spun around grabbing her shoulders and asked, “What's wrong with you?! You sound like our lives depend on it!”
Kagome stopped moving and lowered her head, “I just don't want to take the chance…”
“What do you mean?” Inuyasha said letting go of her shoulders and grabbed her chin in one hand making her look up at him.
“It's nothing I just didn't like it, so I thought I would just make sure it didn't happen.” Kagome said as confidently as she could.
“The dream you were having what was it about?” Inuyasha asked letting go of her chin and leading her over to the couch and sat next to her.
“It's nothing.” Kagome said looking away from him.
“Kagome tell me.” Inuyasha said putting his hand on her shoulder.
“We got pushed off the road, but we got out ok. Once we both turned around we both were pointing guns, but there was too many people pointing ones at us, so we dropped our putting our hands above our heads.” Kagome said moving away from him.
“Then?” Inuyasha urged her.
“Inuyasha it doesn't matter we aren't going to go anywhere and it's not going to happen.” Kagome said glaring at him.
“I still want to know.” Inuyasha growled, “What if it does happen just later on? Tell me.”
“It won't.” Kagome insisted.
“You're still going to anyway.” Inuyasha insisted standing in front of her. “You said while you were sleeping not to go, who was going were?”
“After we dropped our guns all but one person left…he shot you a couple of times, and I grabbed my gun and shot at him but I missed, my vision was blurred…Who ever it was got in front of me so fast I didn't have time to register it.” Kagome looked down at her feet and then continued. “He beat me up pretty bad, and shot me…When he left I went back over to you and was telling you not to die and leave me there basically. Last thing I remember is you raping your arms around me.”
“How do you know that's would happen today?” Inuyasha asked looking down at her.
“Because that cop…that's the same one from my dream.” Kagome said looking back up at him.
“How do you know the time?”
“I looked at the clock in your car before I got out…”
“What time was it?”
Inuyasha looked at the clock on the wall in the kitchen from where he was standing. “We'll wait till seven then we'll go.” Inuyasha said sitting down grabbing the remote.