InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ Rooming ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha looked down at Kagome with a smile; she looked so beautiful in the dim lighting. He had almost killed the shades for not being down when he woke up, but whatever he was awake, and he wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep now. Kagome yawned moving closer to him and opening her eyes. Inuyasha couldn't help but smirk at her as she looked around happily oblivious to everything. “Morning.” Inuyasha said with a little bit of a chuckle in his voice.
“Morning Inu..yash...a.” Kagome said slowly realizing where she was as she looked up at him a blush creeping onto her cheeks. “We should get going.” Kagome said as she moved back.
Inuyasha pulled her back stopping her from falling off of the bed with a smirk and said, “I guess if we have to.”
“We have to.” Kagome said as she sat up and moved out of the bed grabbing her clothes, and walking out of the room.
“Where you going?” Inuyasha asked as he got up and stretched.
“It's called a shower.” Kagome said from down the hall. “Normal people take them Inuyasha.”
“I see, and you claim to be one of these normal people?” Inuyasha said. It took all he had not to laugh when he heard the door slam with a loud curse telling him to do something he rather not. He was kind of shocked that came out of her mouth, but whatever usually he wasn't a morning person either, but hey today was different, much better then most.
After Kagome and Inuyasha got to the mansion the girls decided to pick their rooms. Now Sango and Kagome were arguing over how straws were an unfair way to pick, seeing as there was a just a slight problem with rooming arrangements.
“That isn't fair! This is something that just shouldn't be picked with straws, Kagome.” Sango whined.
“Well we all know that Ayame and Kouga aren't sharing a room, it would be a disaster, seeing as Ayame decided her room was coming with her even though we are, eventually, going to go back to our homes.” Kagome said with a shrug. “It's the only fair way I can think of, unless you have an idea.”
“Are you sure there are no other rooms?” Ayame asked Inuyasha who looked like he was enjoying himself.
“Unless one of them wants to live next to the club, down stairs and god knows what people use that room for.” Inuyasha said shaking his head. “Most of the time some one will get drunk and crash in there, it's not a good sight to see.”
“You'd willing let one of them in that room?” Miroku asked looking at Inuyasha like he was insane for even suggesting some one use that room.
“No if it comes to that, we'll give them no choice.” Inuyasha said looking at Kagome with a grin, not that she noticed.
“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked walking over to him. “What happened to the rooms we were going to get before, you know the one's we couldn't have because you thought “it would be too dangerous”?”
“Well you see we miss counted, and some people came over from one of our other gangs.” Inuyasha said with a shrug and an “innocent” smile.
“You evil thing!” Kagome said throwing her arms in the air.
“I can't believe this…We'll never decide at this rate.” Sango said with a sigh.
“Hmm…I know! We could vote for who should have to stay in a room with one of the guys.” Ayame said looking between Kagome and Sango.
“I guess.” Kagome and Sango said slowly.
“Ok.” The guys said really not caring.
“Ok Inuyasha you first.” Ayame said looking at him. “And seeing as we're in a circle we'll go to Kagome next.”
“Kagome.” Inuyasha said with a shrug, and a smirk.
“Sango.” Kagome said ducking as Sango's hand came flying towards her head.
“Kagome.” Sango said crossing her arms over her chest.
“Sango.” Miroku said with a grin as he looked at Sango.
“Sorry Kago.” Ayame said with a smile, before seeing her glare and dropping it looking to Kouga.
“For the sake of there being no tie, Kagome.” Kouga said putting his hands in the air when Kagome glared at him.
“Either some one up there hates me, or some one down there likes me too much.” Kagome said grabbing her duffle.
“I don't care who or where they are, but they like me!” Sango cheered as she danced around in a circle.
“Come on Kagome.” Inuyasha said with a smirk, as he started for his room.
“I dislike you.” Kagome growled as she followed him.
“I know we've been over this.” Inuyasha said as they walked down the halls.
“Do we really have to share a room?” Kagome asked.
“Yeah, there's no where else to put you.” Inuyasha said as they made it to his room and walked in.
“I could just bolt lock the room down stairs near the club and fumigate.” Kagome said thoughtfully as she put her duffle by the door.