InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ Mistake ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Fine! Leave! I don't give a fuck!” Inuyasha yelled as Kagome walked out of the room.
“I will!” Kagome yelled as she walked down stairs him following her. “I won't be a waste of your damn time anymore!”
“Good!” Inuyasha growled as he followed her.
“What's going on here?” Sango asked as she and Ayame walked up.
“He wants me to leave, I'm leaving.” Kagome said as she put on one of her shoes. “I'll be at home if you need me.” Kagome finished putting on the other shoe, standing up strait.
“Inuyasha you can't let her leave.” Ayame shrieked as she looked at him.
“If she wants to leave far be it for me to stop her.” Inuyasha said crossing his arms over his chest.
“We're not letting you leave.” Sango plainly stated.
“I don't care what you are letting me do, I'm leaving.” Kagome said as she opened the door walking out.
Sango followed her saying, “You can't just leave us behind.”
“I'm leaving you were it's safe!” Kagome yelled as she turned on her heel facing her friend.
“Then why the hell are you leaving?” Sango asked as Kagome turned back around and started walking.
“Because.” Kagome said bluntly as she walked around the corner and Miroku stopped Sango from following her.
“I'll get Inuyasha to go after her in a minute.” Miroku said leading Sango back inside.
“Good riddance.” Inuyasha growled as he walked to the training room, as soon as he walked in everyone cleared out.
“Inuyasha what the fuck was that about?!” Miroku asked as he walked in.
“She said she could take care of herself, she's taking care of herself.” Inuyasha said as he walked over to the punching bag and started punching.
“There has to be more to it then that.” Miroku prodded.
“There isn't.” Inuyasha growled.
“Inuyasha, what the hell going on with you?!” Miroku yelled at his best friend.
“Nothing.” Inuyasha yelled as he turned at his friend.
“Miroku I'll deal with my younger brother.” Sesshomaru said as he walked in.
Miroku walked out with a sigh. The only time Sesshomaru said younger brother was when he was going to beat him to the point were he couldn't move.
“What are you doing in my house?” Inuyasha asked as he eyed his brother.
“Came to make sure you didn't do anything idiotic, which I can see you have already done.” Sesshomaru said removing his shoes.
“I'm not in the mood to fight you.” Inuyasha growled.
“Well, that proves that we need to fight.” Sesshomaru said as he went at Inuyasha who dodged.
“So what's the great Sesshomaru's diagnosis?” Inuyasha said sarcastically.
“You want to make sure you can let her leave.” Sesshomaru said as his fist connected with Inuyasha stomach.
“Yeah right.” Inuyasha said as he kicked Sesshomaru, only to end up on his back knocking the air from his lungs.
“I'm not going to try and beat you unconscious because you're going to go and get her.” Sesshomaru said as he kept Inuyasha down with his foot.
“And why should I?” Inuyasha asked as he tried to get up.
“So she makes it to see tomorrow.” Sesshomaru said as he walked away. “I have no qualms with beating you so bad you don't leave your bed for a month, if you don't come back with her. I don't really feel like killing you because you went insane after finding out you were too late.”
Inuyasha ran up to his room grabbing his jacket and his shoes, before running down stairs and out of the house. As much as Inuyasha hate to admit it, his brother was right. He wanted to make sure he could let Kagome leave; he didn't mean to make her that mad. He had originally was going to go after her when he made sure he wouldn't appear to mad at her, but he would prefer to get her back now. Inuyasha ran across the street and down an ally where Kagome's sent was.
A guy came running out of the ally and pushed past Inuyasha. The guy was screaming something about ghosts.
“Damn, stupid, muggers.” Kagome mumbled as she slid down the wall holding her stomach. Kagome looked up at Inuyasha who was looking down at her worried. “What idiot mugs a girl in baggie jeans, a baggie top, and no purse?”
“An idiot.” Inuyasha said as he kneeled down moving her hand. “Ghost?”
“Miko.” Kagome as she pushed herself back into the wall as he moved the top away from the wound.
“You know you have the worst luck in the world?” Inuyasha said tearing the bottom of the top off.
“So I've been told.” Kagome said as she got up with help from Inuyasha. “Once by Sango for an F I got on a test, another time by a cop when they looked at my file when I got mugged with Sango.”
“And now me, I think I've had better luck with the cops then you've had with a staying safe.” Inuyasha said as he had Kagome lean on him as they headed back.
“How many times have you gone to jail?” Kagome asked.
“None, but they seem hooked on totaling anything I'm driving when they find me, and do you know how annoying it is to have to sit in a courtroom when you know you're going to win for the simple fact that everyone in the room is afraid of you.” Inuyasha said giving up and picking up Kagome, before taking off running.
“I thought you never wanted to see me again.” Kagome breathed laying her head against his shoulder.
“Stay awake!” Inuyasha growled at her.
“Why'd you come after me?” Kagome asked as Inuyasha ran faster.
“Because, I'm going to protect you.” Inuyasha said as he came to a stop in front of the door, kicking it to get some one's attention.
“Inuyasha…” Kagome whined as Ayame opened the door.
“Ayame have someone call Kaede.” Inuyasha said as he laid Kagome on the couch.
“Yes.” Ayame said as she ran up stairs to get everyone.