InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ They All had the Same Idea ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I meant to put this in the other one, but just in case you didn't realize it Rin isn't in this story, I know it had said her name in the beginning but I changed it. Rin was originally going to be in it not Ayame, but I changed my mind.
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Inuyasha growled in frustration as he paced in front of the sound proof office, you could hear while you were in there, but not while you were outside of it. Sesshomaru had designed it. Sesshomaru had insisted on talking to Kagome alone, probably to try and talk her out of staying. “It's not her choice anyway!”
Sesshomaru walked out of the office saying, “I don't care anymore, she's your problem! Inuyasha I don't want to hear a peep out of you till some one attacks you.” With that Sesshomaru left the house.
Kagome was standing in the doorway with a smile. “He also owes me two hundred dollars if I'm still around the next time he stops by.”
Inuyasha shook his head, “It's a good thing he has money to spare.”
“Inuyasha we're home!” Kouga's voice floated up to them.
“And we have something to tell you!” Miroku's worried voice came.
“How much you want to bet that they did something dumb?” Inuyasha said with a smirk as he led Kagome downstairs.
“Sango, Ayame!” Kagome happily cheered as she hugged her friends.
“Couldn't resist.” Miroku said with a nervous laugh.
“So how long are they staying?” Inuyasha asked as the girls started to bicker.
“As long as they want.” Kouga said with a smile. “What about Kagome?”
“She's staying.” Inuyasha said as Kagome shot him a heart melting smile. “So you decided they would be safer with us, or just being greedy?”
“Greedy.” Kouga and Miroku said at the same time.
“Me too.” Inuyasha said with a grin as Kagome ran behind him when Sango and Ayame stopped laughing with her.
“Kagome, you ditched us to hang out with someone you hate?!” Sango said dangerously as she stalked over.
“Well, you see I was originally going to just sleep, but he called and I agreed, you know I just feel bad for the guy. He has had a crush on me for the past few years. That and I had a lousy time anyway!” Kagome shrieked when Ayame started chasing her.
“Kagome get back here, so I can hit you for not coming with us!” Ayame yelled as they ran around the guys.
“Shouldn't we assist Kagome?” Miroku asked as he dodged Sango.
“No, this way she'll be too tired to protest when I lecture her about what she did.” Inuyasha said with a smirk as Kagome ran past him into the kitchen and out the back door.
“I think that they might actually attach her.” Kouga said from the kitchen as he looked out the window. “No just push pool…”
“What?!” Inuyasha asked as he ran outside to see.
Ayame had pushed Kagome who had grabbed on to her, and Ayame grabbed Sango. Now all three of them were coming up for air.
“Ayame!” Sango and Kagome yelled as they splashed their friend.
“Hey!” Ayame yelled splashing them back.
Kagome swam over to the edge and got out. Only to jump back in, and when she came up she said, “It's freezing out there.”
“No duh Kagome.” Inuyasha said as he came looked down at her from the edge of the pool. “You were wet, and it's not exactly a nice summer night.”
“Then could you get us towels?” Ayame asked nicely with big eyes as she and Sango came up beside them.
“No I'm sorry but I can't.” Inuyasha said with a smirk as Kouga and Miroku came up next to him agreeing.
“I dislike you Inuyasha!” Kagome said splashing at him, but he moved out of the way and she only managed to get Miroku with a few drops.
“Well this is what you get.” Inuyasha said with a shrug as he returned to his spot.
Kagome swam back over to the edge, and took a deep breath before getting out. “Damn it's cold.” Kagome said as her teeth chattered.
“I'll go get them towels.” Miroku said as he walked inside.
“Then I'm getting back in.” Kagome said as she walked up to Inuyasha.
“The pool is in that direction.” Inuyasha said as he looked at her suspiciously.
“I know.” Kagome said as she hugged him.
“You're cold!” Inuyasha whined as the water soaked into the front of his clothing. “Kagome you're cold!”
“You should have gotten me the towel.” Kagome said with an evil grin as she looked up at him. “So are you going to hug me back or just let me freeze?”
“I'm going to let you freeze.” Inuyasha whined as he tried to back out of her grip.
“Hey!” Kagome said tugging on one of his ears.
“Ow! Kagome!” Inuyasha yelped as he grabbed her hand away from his ear as Miroku threw a towel at his head.
“Thank you Miroku.” Kagome said as she let go of Inuyasha as she bent down and got the towel. Kagome giggled as she looked at Inuyasha. He had a shocked look on his face and had a huge wet spot from where she was hugging him.
“Kagome I can't believe you did that.” Sango laughed as she and Ayame came up beside her.
“That was awesome!” Ayame cheered.
“Thank you.” Kagome said with a smile. “Let's go inside before we get a cold.”
They nodded as they headed inside taking off their shoes before hand.
“Thanks for the top and pants Inuyasha.” Kagome said as she walked out of the bathroom in some pajama bottoms and a big white T-shirt.
“It's no problem.” Inuyasha said as he got up from his desk stretching. He was now in some pajama pants.
“I still have to sleep in here, huh?” Kagome asked as she sat on the bed and got under the covers.
“Yup.” Inuyasha said getting in with her. “At least until Lena transfers over to where Sesshomaru works.”
Kagome nodded with a yawn as she moved closer to him.