InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Not Just A Party ❯ Books ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha woke up and looked around, something was off. “Kagome…?” That was it! He sat up and franticly looked around. “She better be down stairs.” Inuyasha growled to himself as he pulled on some jeans and a top.
As he made it down to the second floor he noticed a lot of noise coming from the training room. Figuring she was watching the fight going on he headed over and into the training room. Once he got there and shifted through the crowd he saw what had drawn more then half the house to be standing there.
Now Inuyasha had figured that Kagome would be part of the crowd not drawing it. Kagome and Sango were fighting each other head on with staffs. What made it worse was what they were wearing, which was close to nothing in his opinion.
Kagome was in those short shorts she was wearing before, and a black tank top. Sango was in the same thing, but her top was maroon. Back against the wall Ayame was also in the same only in a white top, she looked to be catching her breath.
Inuyasha let out a low growl, his ears going back showing the people around him, his opinion. Some backed away, but others were to into the fight to notice. Kagome got pushed back off balance before Sango swung her staff at Kagome's feet knocking her down.
“Nice one Sango.” Kagome said with a smile as she caught her breath. “But I so would have won if I had fought you first.”
“No way.” Sango said helping her up. “I'm a better fighter, and you know it.”
Kagome shrugged and looked at the crowd noticing Inuyasha standing there very unhappy looking. “Hey Inuyasha.” Kagome said as she walked up to him, kind of cautious.
Inuyasha growled lowly, and then turned around and left, the whole crowed parting franticly to get out of his way.
“See ya guys, Sango tell me how many times you win.” Kagome said as she walked after Inuyasha. She followed him up stairs and stopped him right before he got to his door. “Inuyasha what's up with you? I was just having some fun.”
Inuyasha turned and glared at her for a second before his gaze softened. “I know. I'm just feeling a little strange today, sorry for taking it out on you.”
“Are you going to be ok?” Kagome asked as she grabbed his hand, stopping him from going into his room, leaving her out there.
“Yeah I'll be fine.” Inuyasha said leaning in and kissing her lightly on the lips. “I'll be down later, I'm going to shower.”
“See you later.” Kagome said as she let go of him and headed down the hall.
“Hey Kagome is Ayame still hanging around the training room?” Kouga asked as he walked up.
“She might be.” Kagome said with a shrug. “Does this place have a library or is that too much to ask of this place?”
“It's down in the basement, mostly on demons.” Kouga said as they started heading to the training room. “Sesshomaru insisted he put it down there just in case of an emergency that needed research. He didn't want us using the internet, saying it could be wrong and it would be best if we had it in writing we could touch.”
“Well that's what I'm looking for. Thank you Kouga” Kagome said as she hurried to her destination.
Once down there Kagome's mouth almost hung open. There was wall to wall books, and a few huge comfy looking chairs. “A nerd's paradise…” Kagome mused to herself. “I feel like I'm back in school.”
Kagome looked around for a second longer then walked over to a wall and looked down the line of books looking at the titles. She must have some luck because she found what she was looking for, or at least what she figured she was looking for. It was a rather large book too, Dog Demons, simple enough title, but it was what she was after.
She couldn't just ask, he wouldn't tell her what was really going on. He was acting possessive and in her opinion stupid. She had learned a little about demon habits from her grandfather, and it sounded kind of familiar, but it just wasn't clicking.
After a while Kagome put the book down a full blush on her cheeks and then picked the book up again flipping to the same page, before putting it back down. She had read right, she wasn't insane and seeing things. Kagome stood up and grabbed the book putting it back on the shelf. “No it couldn't be…”
“Couldn't be what?” Inuyasha asked as he walked in.
“Nothing.” Kagome said turning around on her heal.
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her, but didn't point out that he could smell that she was lying to him, and that what ever she had read had aroused her. “Find anything interesting?”
“Just a book on demons…” Kagome said remembering the book next to it said Demons of Feudal Japan.
“What kind?” Inuyasha asked, walking over and looking at the shelf directly behind her.
Kagome spun around and grabbed the one on Feudal Japan demons and showed it to him. “This one.”
“Really now…” Inuyasha said moving her over, and looking at the shelf. “I think it was really this one.” Inuyasha pulled out the one she really had been reading. “Find out anything interesting about my heritage?”
“I wasn't reading that one.” Kagome insisted. “I read this one, ask me a question from the first few pages.”
Inuyasha looked at her lazily before grabbing the book from her, shoving the other one at her. He would play along, and see how long she could keep sounding like she was telling the truth, but he didn't trust sound, just smell. “Give me the name of the hair demon, mentioned on the first page.”
“Uh…” Kagome said trying to remember back to what her grandpa told her. “Yura?”
Inuyasha nodded at her, his eyes returning to the text in front of him. “What's a fox demons specialty?”
“Trickery.” Kagome said with a smile.
“How do dog demons mark their mates?” Inuyasha said after he turned the page.
“Biting their necks…” Kagome said slowly, pretending to be unsure.
Inuyasha snapped the book shut glaring at her.
“What?” Kagome said backing away from him.
Inuyasha set the book on the shelf and calmly walked after her. “Guess, just guess.”
Kagome set the book down on the table and moved so the chair was between her and Inuyasha. “It wasn't in there…”
“Bulls eye.” Inuyasha growled, although he looked calm.
“Can I have a head start?” Kagome said as she ran for the door.
“No.” Inuyasha said as she ran into him. “You don't get a head start.”
Kagome went to back up, but he grabbed on to her arm. “Inuyasha.”
“So Kagome, tell me why you're so interested in dog demons.” Inuyasha said as he pulled her close to him. He put his arms around her waist and looked at her. He leaned down and nipped her ear and added, “What did you need to know that I couldn't tell you?”
“It's not that you couldn't, it's that you wouldn't.” Kagome said looking up at him when he moved his head back.
“How do you know?” Inuyasha asked as he ran his claws lightly down bare arms, watching as she tensed up from the tickling sensation.
“Would you have answered any question I asked you unconditionally?” Kagome answered his question with a question.
Inuyasha let out a sigh as he looked her in the eye. “I guess not…”
“But that doesn't mean go and find out for your self.” Inuyasha said as if he was scolding a child.
“What else am I supposed to do?” Kagome insisted. “I don't have your senses; I can't tell when you're lying to me.”
“Would you listen to me if I told you to live with it?” Inuyasha asked with a smile.
“No.” Kagome said simply. “You wouldn't either.”
“True, but I'm not you.” Inuyasha said with a smirk. “I have the means to tell if you're lying, or if you aren't telling me something. Hell I can tell when you like someone.”
“Cheater…” Kagome mumbled when his eyes flash with arrogance. “You and you're demon cheating senses.”
“Demon cheating senses?” Inuyasha laughed.
“I don't know what else to call them.” Kagome defended. “It's not my fault that I'm here with you and my brain has melted.”
“True that's my fault.” Inuyasha said with a grin.
“Kagome, Inuyasha Miroku wanted to know if you were joining us for a party.” Sango said as she walked in.
“What party?” Inuyasha asked as he turned around and looked at Sango.
“The one that Miroku and Kouga are throwing, upstairs in about an hour.” Sango said with a shrug. “You didn't know about it?”
“No.” Inuyasha growled as he walked past her. As he walked up the steps he yelled, “Miroku, Kouga what have I told you about throwing parties in MY HOUSE?!”