InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Bits ❯ In Silence, Wonder ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: This piece is based on 'Inuyasha', owned by Rumiko Takahashi. No copyright infringement intended or implied.

In Silence, Wonder

I hang above the village. These days my keepers find no cause to set me ringing.

Because of the hanyo, it seems.


Long ago, I was rung as that same hanyo soared above the village, breaking nets, dodging spears, before destroying the sacred shrine. I was rung frequently in those days, as magic and youkai-spawned mayhem seemed centered in the village. He vanished then, along with the powerful miko who had been dwelling here. With them, vanished much--though not all--of the sources of alarm.

Years passed, and I was rung no more often than those of my kind watching other villages. Then the hanyo returned. Why his presence caused no alarm, I did not know, unless the ring of magic around his neck kept him from attacking. But, because of him, or that new, strange miko, youkai gained new interest in my village, and my voice pealed out with dreadful frequency.

The worst came that terrible day when a mammoth ball of youkai flew down towards the village. Never have I been struck so hard, with so much terror. When the huge sphere began to break apart, my beaters fled, fortunately to safety. I was less fortunate, brought to the ground under a massive weight of shouki.

Hands found me, polished me, remounted me in a new watchtower. Oddly, since then, I have not been rung. Because he is here? If so, where is the miko?

In silence, I wonder.

Author's Note: This drabble was originally posted on June 10th, 2009, on the Inuyasha Issekiwa community, for the prompt "Bell". It tied for second place.