InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Live for the Music ❯ I've Got What I Want ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I own nothing.


Live For The Music

Chapter Ten- I've Got What I Want


"What am I going to wear?" Kagome asked Sango as she started going through all of her clothing. "I don't really own anything nice!"

"Yes, you do Kag, you just don't like dressing up," she replied as she walked into her sister's closet, and grabbed a burgundy colored long dress, with black designs on it. "This will work quite nicely."

Kagome sighed, and quickly changed into the dress, Sango smiled. "Now for the hair and makeup," she said as she plugged a nearby curling iron in to warm up. She then reached for Kagome's black eyeliner, some blush, a blue-ish gray eye shadow -"To bring out your eyes!"- and clear lip gloss. After she was finished applying the makeup, she curled Kagome's hair and left it down.

"And now for shoes," Sango said as she reached for a pair of black high heeled strappy sandals.

"Perfect! You look beautiful Kag!"

"T-thanks," she said. "What time is it?"

Sango looked down at her watch, "he should be here any mo..." she was cut off by the ringing of the door bell. "There he is now!"

"I can't go out there like this!" Kagome whimpered. "Besides, I don't have a nice jacket to wear, and I'm almost positive it's freezing cold outside! And what if I'm over dressed?" she asked looking down at her dress.

"Don't worry about it so much Kagome," she said placing a hand on her shoulder. "You look fine, and I'm sure your not over dressed," she continued as they walked down to the door. "I think you have someone waiting for you."

"R-right," Kagome said as she opened the door. "bonsowa-ru Inuyasha," she exclaimed happily as she let him in. He smiled as he entered the house.

"You look..."

"Horrible? Oh I know! I'll go change," she said and started to walk off, only to be stopped by a hand around her wrist.


Kagome blinked at him a few times, "Are you sure, because I could always go change if you want me too. It's no big deal!"

"No," he said and pulled Kagome closer to him. "You look beautiful the way you are."

She blushed, "you don't look to bad yourself," she looked him over noting they both matched. Inuyasha was wearing a burgundy dress shirt, a pair of black dress pants, a tie, and to top it off a nice-warm looking-leather jacket.

"Ready," he asked looking her over again. "Shouldn't you have a jacket? You'll get sick or something."

"I'll be fine," she smiled.

"Here," he took his jacket off and help her put it on. "Shall we," he asked offering her his arm.

"We shall," she beamed and linked her arm with his.


"So where exactly are you taking me," she asked watching out her window at all the lights and buildings that went by.

"It's a surprise," was all he said.

"Will I like it?"


"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now if your done asking questions, we're here," he said grinning.

"Why you!"

"So what do you think," he asked, and chuckled at the look of amazement that dominated her features.

"This is one of the most expensive-est restaurants around here Inuyasha," she said looking him at him. "Surely you weren't taking me here, were you?"

"Of course I was, nothing but the best for you," he said with a wink.

"But it's so expensive!"

"Don't worry about it."

She nodded her head, "If your sure."

"Kagome," he growled. "We're really going to have to do something about that."

"About what?"

He rolled his eyes and ignored the question, "let's go, or we'll be late for our reservation."


They were now seated, and enjoying their meal. Every once in a while one of them would say something, but most the time was spent in silence. They just wanted to enjoy each others company.

"So what possessed you to ask me out anyways," Kagome asked after a while.

"I've always wanted to," he stated. "It's just I never had the nerve to, and then that stupid bitch got in the way. But that doesn't matter anymore because now I have what I want."

"Oh, and what's that?"

He smiled, "you."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~


Bonsowa-ru: good evening