InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Unexpected ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Oh good Im back! I got well err two reviews, in my mail...not on the site but that's ok! I got encouragement so I'm cool! lol anyways Right on back to the story I left with you with to ponder in you little minds about what will happen. mwhahahaa. And I wont forget to mention it but...*sniffles* me no own the Mr. sexy man InuYasha...WAH!!!


"INU YASHA!" An old woman yelled. He pulled away blushing((Oh yes I am just that mean har,har))"Eh, well I better go..."he quickly got out of the car as the woman walked over "Hey InuYasha who's your little friend? And where have you been?" she said

'Urghhh damn woman why did you have to get in the way?!!' Ah yay ha, ha I win!
Right as he was about to close the door the woman walked over to him and grabbed the door.

"Aw who's your friend?" she grinned and winked at him. InuYasha *sweatdrop* " Ack Kagome, this is um err Kaede I live with her....Kaede, this is Kagome, a new friend I made...SO since we've all been introduced now! I'll see ya later!" he said quickly then slammed the door and ran from the car pulling the lady behind him yelling about to nosy.((Oh yes isn't that oh so weird?! You wouldn't' think I would make her his now legal guardian did you? I know you didn't hehe))

'Oook well that was interesting now wasn't it?..think I'll be better if I run away next time I see her' she started up the car again and drove home to the house of noise and extra homework from her bitchy teachers which awaited her.

~At his house~

"DAMNIT WOMAN!! Why the hell did you do that for?!" e hissed at her walking in the house and slamming the door.
"What do you mean? I only wanted to meet your little girlfriend" she smiled and laughed to herself

"She is NOT my girlfriend Kaede, hell she's not even my friend I hardly know her!!" he yelled starting up the stairs. "Don't hide it from know you like her." she walked away sighing

"Ever since your parents died, you've been afraid to let anyone into to your should stop fighting what your heart has to say..."
'Damn woman doesn't know what the heck she's talking about he sighed as he laid back on his bed 'Oh yes she does, you're just afraid, when you know very well she wants you'
Shut up will you?! he thought arguing with himself 'Fine...but it's the truth' he groaned and dozed off

~Her House~
She reached her house and got out her car and started her way up the steps. She opened the door only to hear silence which was then blocked out by her little brother snoring on the couch.'Ah what a dork' she chuckled to herself dragging herself up the stairs to her room. She laid her bed staring at the ceiling...

'What am I thinking. I love him..and I know it therefore I suck because it will never happen. He doesn't want a girl like me...'
Then the voice came back 'What are you talking about?! What do you call that little kiss-to-be this afternoon eh? He wants you he just cant admit himself that he does. Show him..' she buried her head under a pillow and just went to sleep thinking about him.


She walked into a classroom wearing the skimpiest schoolgirl outfit you could find. Short plaid skirt, tight white blouse hair in pink-tails the works on her but with fish nets and high black boots.((Yup)) "Hey class" Kagome walked up to InuYasha and sat on his desk and he looked up at her in awe. She bent down and kissed him passionately letting her tongue explore his mouth.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, Inu, I think you've been bad" she grinned and got up pulling him behind her.

He stuttered "W-w-where are w-we going?" his question was soon answered by her pulling him into an empty classroom. She pushed him against a chalkbaord and handcuffed him to it.((I don't know how but she just did ok?!)) she snapped her fingers and he was naked...just naked! And she pulled out a leather whip." InuYasha I think you've been a bad haven't shown me what I I guess I'll have to show you what I can do"she grinned evilly and started to hit him with the whip as he moaned out. Kagome pushed up against the blackboard licking his ear rubbing against him and.....

"AHHHHH!!! OH MY GOD!!!" He fell out of his bed waking up from his dream noticing he had a boner. InuYasha *sweatdrop* he looked around him to see he was in his room still and turned to his clock, it was only 9:30. 'See....I told want her.'


Read this!! Reveiw this!! I hope you liked it! Cause there's a whole lot to come *grins and does my gehttofied dance* Oh yeah hehe. I love that word ghettofied and I like punkafied too yup, yup I'm hyper don't mind me :)