InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Send in the Clowns: Part 1 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ehhh its been a while! Well, I want some reviews dangit that's why I have taken so freaking long to make another chappie so I will just have to go on what I was going to do before! So here it be...the story with the InuYasha who is oh so sexy that I do not own. *sniffles*wahhhhh!!! I want my momma ((j/k))

Kagome started down the street wearing jean Capri's and a tight black top with boots, on her way to get her nails and her hair done for later that night. 'Oh God.....tonight is the night..eep.' She bit on her lip looking down at the ground and bumped into someone. "Hey watch where you're going you little prep!" this tall dude yelled down at her. "Hey sorry" she looked up to see him and two other dudes, one of which was InuYasha. "Hey just leave her alone alright? Let's go." InuYasha said to them. They looked at her curiously and started to walk away InuYasha went after them right as he mouthed "I'm sorry" to her.

She sighed and walked into the beauty shop to get her hair washed and styled. "Hello Kagome, how are you doing today?" a lady said cheerfully escorting her to a sink. "Oh nothing GE-gee, just thinking about this guy I'm going to the prom with" she trailed off. ((Okay people GE-gee was the only thing I could come up with give me a break okay?))

"Ah I see, that reminds me of my prom...I didn't even make it to the door" GE-gee giggled and began to work on Kagome's hair. 'What did she mean by that?' she thought 'Take a wild guess baka' the other part of her just chimed in. 'Ok could have lived without hearing that.' She shuddered at the thought.


It was 6:00PM as he rushed out of the shower and into his room and looked at the time ((Oh...wet InuYasha coming out of the shower..oh joy!)) "SHIT!" he yelled looking at the clock and started rumbling through his drawers looking for boxers. "Ah Hah!" he quickly put them on and rushed over to his tux. 'Ack..must not let those guys I have to call new 'friends' in the way, especially not Kikyo.

I swear that girl screws this up and I'll kill her I'll kill her with my own two bare hands!' he growled and without paying attention he fell over, ripping his pants. "FUCK IT! NOOO!!" he ran downstairs and into the kitchen where Kaede was sitting at the table. "Kaede!!! My pants! They ripped fix them please!!! Hurry!" he stood beside her tapping a foot in only his shirt and his boxers. He realized what he was wearing. InuYasha *sweatdrop* "Alright calm down" she snickered and took his pants and walked back to her sewing machine and began to sew them back together.

15 minutes later....
"Ahhhh! Kaede are you done yet?!" he shouted pacing back and forth looking at the clock seeing it was about 6:45. 'Shit, I'm going to be late! She'll already be mad for what those guys did today!' "Finished" she brought out the pants that didn't even look like anything happened to them. "Thank you!" he grabbed them and looked at her. He half smiled and gave her a hug and ran back upstairs.

'Crap!!! I forgot to call her!' he panicked slipping into his pants and his shoes and quickly dialed her number ((eh he got it from Sango at one point in time lol remember it was all cause of Sango they are going to the prom anyway!))

"Hello, Hirshburgh residence" a woman said.

"Eh this is uh..InuYasha I-I-Im taking K-kagome to the prom...I forgot to ask what's the address?" he managed to finally get out.

"Ohhh! Hi there young man, the address is 777 UpYourAndAroundtheCorner Lane!" she said cheerfully.

"Uh thanks.." O.o

"Your welcome! I'll be looking forward to seeing you!" he hung up the phone and blinked 'this will be interesting' he got up and walked back downstairs and into the kitchen and grabbed the carnation from the refrigerator. "Well Kaede...I'm off" he took the keys of the table and started to walk to the door. "Good luck InuYasha, have a good night, like your parents would have wanted you to have." She smiled to herself and he walked out the door to Kaede's car.

~Kagome's House~

He walked up to the door carnation in his hand and rung the door bell. 'Yup I'm dead' he thought 'Yes but think about it at least you'll be seeing a hot girl before you die' he shook his head as Kagome's mother answered the door. "Well, hello you must be Inu Yasha, come in" she opened the door and directed him towards the living room where Kagome's brother and her grandpa sat.
"Hello." her grandpa said and glared at InuYasha.
"Uh hi." InuYasha *sweat drop*

"Soo what are you planning to do this evening?" he scooted closer to InuYasha.((*yells*RAPE!))
"Um..just going to the prom"...

"Oh yeah?! No little stops in between?! To parks to rape my young grand daughter!!!" "NO! I wouldn't do that!"
"Oh yes you would you and the other youngsters these days! I swear back in my day..." he trailed off and suddenly went to sleep. InuYasha *anime falls*

"Old coot" he mumbled and looked over at her little brother. He stared back. They sat there and stared at each other at what seemed to be forever then...
"I'm here" Kagome trampled down the stairs. "Okay then" he sorta blushed and put the carnation on her wrist as she smiled. "Awww.." her mother went on making little noises and they stood there blushing. "Well we should be off now Mom! Bye!!!" Kagome grabbed Inu's arm and ran out the door.
"That was hell" he opened her car door and she got in blushing fiercely. "Yeah...Im really sorry about that. "He climbed in on his side and began to go off to the hotel where the prom was going to be held glancing at Kagome blushing all the way there.

*~ My Note! ~*
Okkaayyy!!! REVIEW THIS REVIEW THIS REVIEW THIS!!!! I want reviews! I know this kinda sucked but I tell you right now that it will get better at the prom! Kinda sad but after the prom everything begins to pick up I swear! So tell your friends tell everyone about this fanfiction! I want it to known! Lol help me out here! While I sit and do my French homework and think of ideas on the French video we have to make its gonna be soo cool but that rhythms!