InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Begining of the End ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey peoples! Sorry this probably took a long while! But I wanted to make it nice and long! So then I don't have to update as quickly hehehe! Anywho I can dedicate this chappie to all those who reviewed my last one and read it like my good friends Laney, Trina, and Theresa. Also I'm using Bowling for Soup's song called Runnin' from your dad but I changed the words a tid bit ^_~

Oh yeah and to let you all know I want to give me good friend Little Washu Chan credit for making up Kikyo's last name a few chapters back. And if you will notice I started put evilishly big spaces through out this chapter. All of the others on this site for some reason put huge spaces in between their text so I will go ahead with them and make the spaces too lol. Okay!! Let me shut up! on with the story!!!


"Hey Inu Yasha thanks for not messing around with my car. How was last-" Kaede walked into the room and starred down at the couple in the bed tightly holding each other tightly. 'What the hell?! I thought Kagome wouldn't be a slut like Kikyo was..I guess I may be wrong...' she didn't get to think it over because she hit Inu Yasha upside his head hard.

"Ow!" he yawned and then looked at the very angry Kaede. 'I'm dead.' "Okay damn it tell me what's going on right now." She narrowed her eyes. He gulped looking up her steam starting to billow off her head. He tried to get up, but Kagome's arms were too tightly wrapped around him. He struggled to get away, but that just woke her up.

"Wha?" she yawned and turned over to stare up into the eyes of the devil. "Eek!" Right then Kaede dived at her right as InuYasha's stereo alarm clock went off. ((Yes, an alarm clock on Sunday...just play along aiight?!))

She jumped off the bed and begun to run around the room. "Ahh! Helppp!!" Kagome jumped over the bed to keep away from Kaede. She began to sweat as she heard the words by Bowling for Soup coming from the stereo. It was Runnin' from your dad, but Kagome heard the words differently in her mind.

"It was Saturday night you were screaming.

In the parking lot out in the cold

It was Saturday, you were all dressed up again

And we made out under the window pane"

Kaede started to gain up on Kagome when she looked over at InuYasha...and he had a bonner.."Good heavens!! I will kill you girl!" InuYasha blushed bright red and rolled off the bed. "Ouf!" Kagome gulped and ran out the room, the song still playing loudly.

"And I can still Kaede

Runnin' after me with a shovel in her hand!

Don't remember much after that!

La La La La, La la la la

Oh oh oh oh

La la la la, la la la la

Oh oh oh oh"

Kagome ran down the stairs looking back in horror to see a shovel magically appear in Kaede's hands. "Ahh!!! I'm gonna die!! Someone help meee!!" she tripped over her own feet and fell flat on her face. ((Ouchies....)) "Muwhahahaha." Kaede grinned and trampled down the stairs holding the shovel over her head about to swing it down at Kagome. "EEEE!" she rolled over and ran into the living room and jumped on the couch. "Lady, what's wrong with you we didn't do anything!"

It was Christmas eve, you were crying'

Guess you didn't really like the gifts

Porno dvds and see through underwear

Should have saved all that for Miroku"

"Hah! Lyin' tramp!" she swung the shovel at Kagome's legs right as she jumped up. "Kaede!" InuYasha "She was locked out of her house I had to let her stay here!" Kagome jumped off the couch when she wasn't looking and ran into the kitchen. "Come back here!" she ran after Kagome, everything he said going in one of her ears and out the other.

I can still Kaede

Runnin' after me with a shovel in her hand!

Don't remember much after that!

La La La La, La la la la

Oh oh oh oh

La la la la, la la la la

Oh oh oh oh"


'I am one stupid, stupid dude right now,' he got all pale and started sweating when Kaede just looked at him, bored. "Oh well why didn't you just say that?!" Kaede smiled. Kagome's jaw dropped. InuYasha- *anime falls* "Hah" Kaede shook her head and went back up the stairs, her shovel disappearing into thin air.

They looked up at her, walking into her room and shutting the door. "That was unusual.." Kagome blinked and looked up at InuYasha.

"Yeah....I'm really sorry about that.." he looked over to the side.

"It's okay..maybe I should go now, everyone is up by now.."

"Yeah, guess so" he sighed. *awkward silence* She went up the stairs and changed back into her prom dress and came back down to see him still standing there.
"Thanks for trying to defend and stuff." She blushed and smiled up at him brightly. "No problem." He smiled back and wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her in for a deep kiss. He lightly traced his tongue over her lips, as she giggled. She began to trace her tongue over his, playfully nibbling on his lower lip. They pulled apart, their faces looking like strawberries.

"Bye." She whispered and went out the door, to her car off towards home. He sighed looking out the window. 'Damn...she is sexy' he got a chill up his spine and walked back upstairs.


The next week went by pretty damn quickly. Everywhere you turned there was a yearbook and a pen and at least ten people crying their eyes out. Kagome walked down the hall smiling an arm wrapped around InuYasha's waist, his arm around hers. They were both wearing their cap and gown, just walking out of the graduation ceremony.

"Man, can you believe it?! Finally, we're leaving this school and getting onto to summer." she giggled and started jumping up and down. He looked down at her giving her that what-the-hell-have-you-been-on-and-whatever-it-is-please-tell-me-you-didn't -get-it-from-Miroku look. ((Lol I'm sorry, that look sucks but it jus popped into me head so now I must type right in here.))

"Eh sorry" she blushed right as someone shoved her yearbook in her face. "Here" Kikyo said dryly pushing her yearbook in her face. "Heh, you weren't even here long enough to get you're picture in the yearbook stupid." Kagome smirked holding InuYasha tighter to her. "This isn't my yearbook dumb ass it's Hojo's. He wants you to sign it for some reason or another. SO hurry up and get to it I don't need to be seen around you two." She glared up at InuYasha and, and rolled her eyes. "Fine." Kagome snatched the yearbook from her hands and help it up against a locker and began to write with a dark blue gel-pen.

"Hey Hojo, I hope you go onto doing
wonderful things in the world.
No actually I don't! I wish you
burn in hell and put you're
family out of embarrassment.
Never talk to me again you
Dirty, good for nothing, lazy,
uncaring, playin', hoe
wanting bastard!! I am much
better off without you, cause
now I have a boyfriend that's
hotter than you ever were, while
you sit back with your sluty
girlfriend. BuByE Wont miss U!
*Kagome H.* ^_~

She grinned evily snickering handing the book back to Kikyo. "Here..slut." she mumbled. "Hmph" Kikyo turned her nose up and walked over to Hojo handed him the yearbook. "What did you write in there Kag?" InuYasha whispered in her ear looking over at Hojo scanning through his yearbook. "Oh nothing." Kagome looked up innocently. Kagome grinned as she saw Hojo stop and read what she wrote. "Okay, we can go now." She smirked and flipped Hojo off and walked to the entrance of the school where Miroku and Sango were waiting for them.

"Hey you guys!" Sango waved a hand. They walked up to them right as Miroku settled his hand where he really shouldn't have... "HENTAI!" she kicked him in the shin and he fell over. "Ow! What was that for all I wanted to do was show my affection for you, love!" he looked up at her and smiled innocently. "Hah" she rolled her eyes and turned to InuYasha and Kagome.

"What you guys want to do?" she asked leaning against Kagome's car. They all shrugged. "Uh, we can go to my house I guess..." Sango yawned. "Okay!" they all agreed and jumped inside Kagome's car. "Oh yeah don't even ask me just go ahead and get in the car assuming we should use mine." Kagome mumbled and got in the car and started to drive, Good Charlotte blasting outta the speakers. ((Yeah!! They rock u know it man *does my punkafied dance* hehe Ah they is so sexy *drools* not as sexy as InuYasha though! And because I am such a freakin lazy ass, I'm going about let's say a week later...))

"I'm bored.." Sango whined. "What else is new?" InuYasha smirked and went back to glancing at the people who were staring at his arm around Kagome. "InuYasha?" she whispered to him

"Yeah?" "Have you noticed that everyone has been staring at us?" "Yeah.." Kagome tuned out and began to listen to an old couples conversation next to them.

"Kids these days, I tell you..." the old woman 'whispered' to her husband. "I know dear, look at him, with his dark clothes and cold expression on his face. And her! She's so pretty with her bright self and lovely face, a real flower you know. It makes me sick to see a girl like that with a young man like him.." He babbled on and on.

Kagome clenched her teeth together. 'This has been going on all fuckin' week!' she narrowed her eyes. 'Everyone has been saying that stuff about us! It's none of there business anyway!' she looked around only to be greeted by more stares and more 'whispering'. "That's it! I will back, come meet me at the mall entrance in an hour!" she got up and stormed off leaving her friends in the dark. "Eh, what's wrong with her?" Miroku blinked. "How should I know?!" InuYasha threw a French fry at him. "You're her boyfriend that's why!" he snapped back at him. "Hmph" he flipped Miroku off and stared up at the ceiling.

"Where the hell is she?! She should have been here ten minutes ago!" InuYasha began pacing at the entrance of the mall. "Dude! calm down and listen to yourself! It's just ten minutes!" Sango snickered. "feh." was his only response. "Aww look at little InuYasha, he misses his Kagome already!" Sango and Miroku fell over laughing.

"Well, I would like to know that I was missed by somebody" they all turned around and all their jaws dropped. InuYasha slowly looked her up to down a grin spreading across his face. "H-hey." he walked up to Kagome and wrapped an arm around her waist. He bit down on his lip still looking at her in enjoyment.

"Nice look." He commented looking at her quite short plaid skirt, black fishnets, long black boots, and a very tight shirt saying 'I'm the girl you're Parents warned you about.' Her hair was back in a tight ponytail with her bangs pulled to the front, which had been dyed blue. She wore a chain-link choker, with a lock dangling off of it, along with 21 plastic and silver bracelets on each of her wrists.

"Thanks" she smirked. "Well, let's go you guys!" she picked up her 10 bags of clothes she got from Hot Topic and began walking out the door. "Oh, no Kagome, let me take those for you!" Miroku rushed up to her and took the bags. "Grr.." InuYasha sent him the don't-you-dare-think-about-touching-my-woman-unless-you-want-to-die-today-y ou-hentai glare. "Eep.." Poor Miroku lowered his head and quietly walked out of the mall behind Kagome, Sango and InuYasha following.