InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Let All Hell Break Loose ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello my peoples! I see that you have cooperated and reviewed with all those reviews! I will start wanting to see at least 10 reviews for every chapter before I put another one up! hehe... I thank you for seeing my point because I do not make this fanfic just for my health I want to know what you guys think! So anywho I actually had some fun writing this with a lot of help from my trusty steed, Trina!

*claps* I thank her very much she helped me revise a little and gave me a few good ideas to help my story be more fun and sorted out! And I must thank my girl Amber who helped me out a little with clothing too because my brain didn't feel like working lol. And also I would like all of you to pray for my friend, Trina's brother. He's in jail and he's going to like miss out on very important years of her life if he stays there so I want you to pray and hope that he can get out of jail. Thanks....Well on with the mayham!

"Oh yes! Look at yourself you sexy thang you." Kagome smirked as she looked in the mirror.

"Kagome....I have to worry about you sometimes." An oh so familiar voice said to her. "Heh" she turned rolling her eyes at the one who tried to rain on all her parade. "Oh common Sango! Have some fun! Tonight we party!" Kagome did her little happy dance around the room. ((Yup its my ghettofied punk dance that I always do remember?! lol yes sir ie!))

"So never told me ya know. That day at the mall when you came back with your new clothes, why did you do it? And why didn't you let me in on it!" Sango squealed and plopped down on Kagome's bed. "Because...." she let out a side and looked out the window biting on her lip trying to think of what to say.

"I-I...was sick of people saying all that stuff about me and him Sango! Of how we didn't 'look' right together, but truth be told, I wanted to dress like this since forever, but I was afraid I guess. So now if he wants me to be street...I'm gonna be street." She turned back towards her dear friend who nodded in return, that she had known since what may as well be the beginning of time.

"And I was going to surprise people so I couldn't tell you little missy." She snickered while Sango just gave her the good-lord-don't-go-giving-me-that-crap-look-before-you-make-me-want-to-run- out-of-this-house-screaming-so-I-can-go-gag look.

"Hmph...anywho, what are you going to wear?" Kagome called from the bathroom as she began to put on black eye shadow. "Exactly what I'm wearing now smart one! This skirt and a tank top" she called back and grinned as she curled up under the covers. 'Hmm warm bed' she thought and yawned out loud. "And Sango, don't you even think about going to sleep in my bed!" Kagome AKA the woman that can see through walls and read all minds yelled back.

"Smart ass" Sango mumbled. "I heard that woman!" Kagome managed to get out applying black lipstick and then clear gloss over her lips. "Hey Kag, hurry your *sexy* ass up! The guys are coming I can see them right outside you." Sango said excitedly looking out the window to see the guys. "Oh shit!!! For real?!" she dashed over to the window pulling on her boot and ended up tripping over her own feet in the process.

"Ouchies." She whined and screwed up her face.

"You're kinda pathetic sometimes you know that?" Sango stood over her with her hands on her hips starting to smack loudly on her bubble gum she was chewing. "Feh" was the only response Kagome could out before getting up to hear her annoying little brother who really needs to get a freaking life's, voice. "HEY Kagommee!" Sota said in that oh so annoying little voice. "You and Sango's boyfriend are here! Come down so you can KISS them!" he started laughing hysterically which was really scary to see a boy at his age do.

"Grrr...annoying little fucker..." she mumbled under her breath. "Well how do I look?" Kagome stood in front of her friend wearing black lace-up boots, a tight black Green Day T-shirt, big ass baggy black cargo pants, silver little hoop earrings all down her cartilage, and lots of little bracelets that were plastic and silver and whatnot.

"Yes, very cool if I do say so myself." Sango stepped to the door and opened it on up. "Now...lets go damn it!!" she started laughing and Kagome went along with her laughing and they ran down the hallway to the stairs.

"Hey wait, we must not look like children we must-" Sango hissed but was cut off by Kagome sliding down the stair rail. "WEE!" she squealed sliding down and just so happened to fly off and land in InuYasha's arms. He stood there smiling down at the little body he held in his hands. She giggled madly blushing so much you thought she would die any second..but she didn't it's to early for her to die! "Hi" she looked up into those deep...violet eyes.

'Aww...God, you're good very good to make a man this damn sexy, I under estimated you!' she sighed as he put her down. "Hey" he tried to force down the urge to giggle in front of her. "You look pretty damn sexy you know that?" he said in a mellow tone. 'How did those words just come out of my mouth?' He gently kissed her cheek and she just looked up at him giggling looky at him with googly eyes and then realized what she was doing. 'Crap..' She blushed violently biting down on her lip.

"Hey sorry to interrupt you two love birds, but uh its about 8:00 and WE HAVE TO GO TO A CLUB HERE!" Sango blurted out and twitched. "Eh let's go before Sango starts getting those blue veins popping' outta her head." InuYasha snickered and started out the door gently pulling Kagome behind him.

"Grrr" she narrowed her eyes glaring at him and started to follow them out the door and roughly pulled Miroku behind her. "Ooh Sango, I didn't know you were feeling so feisty today!" he said all enthusascally. Being Miroku he was, he look his little perverted hand tried to slip it actually down in Sango's back skirt pocket while she was about to get in the back-seat of Kagome's car. Poor perverted Miroku.....*SLAP*

"AH!" he yelled and fell on the the street. "Whoops.." She smirked and jumped into the bad seat of the car and they just started snickering at him. "Haha..I get no love, no love" he stuck out his lower lip and got into the back seat jumping into Sango's lap.

Being Sango she threw him out of her lap and smacked him upside his head. "Okay Kagome drive before I beat the hell out of him BEFORE we even get to the club," she rolled her eyes, very annoyed. "Sure thing." Kagome started up the car and they were off.

***** 20 minutes and five slaps for Miroku later *****

"Ahh the abuse!!" Miroku stumbled out of the car and onto the street. "You, are very weak you know that?" InuYasha chuckled getting out of the car and helped him up. "Yeah yeah.." He mumbled looking at the black building with a line of people going into it, and loud ass rock music playing inside. "Hurry up you guys!" Kagome said all excited. 'Tonight is mine oh yes everyone will see me, the Kagome they just never thought they would see.'

She ran up to the front of the line to bump into the big....fat....scary-looking security guard dude. "Step to the back of the line miss," he said calmly in a deepish voice. "Well, I was wondering" she smirked and ran a finger down his chest.

"If you could let me and some of my friends in her now." She smiled innocently and motioned over to her friends, including a very 'jealous' looking InuYasha. 'What the hell is she doing?! She is mine..if puts a hand on her I'll..." he shook the thought from his head gritting his teeth together making a vein pop out of his neck. (( *Coughs*anger management *cough*))

Before they knew it Kagome was giggling with the security guard and they were motioned to go inside. They all ran up behind Kagome who had a huge grin on her face. "Kagome, you are good." InuYasha grinned pulling her close against him walking into the club, the music booming all over the place. There were a few smokers here and there, but not to bad. There were gray booths were people sat wearing leather with dyed hair all colors of the rainbow, mohalks and other outrageous things. ((Hah outrageous man that's just cool dude!))

"InuYasha!!! Dance with me!!!" Kagome yelled over the noise tugging on her boyfriends arm. "Er.." He shrugged. "Pleaseee?!" she gave him puppy-do eyes. "Noo, damn those puppy-eyes..those very cute puppy-dog eyes...very sexy too...damn' "Ah Okay!" he yelled back at her.

"Cool! Hey Sango and Miroku-" they looked around trying to find their friends. "Where'd they go?" Inu looked around and saw them in a booth nuzzled up together making out, tongues and all.... He tugged on Kagome's shirt and point towards them. "Hehe, well we know where they are, let's go!" she smiled and started to pull him to the dance floor.

They had just turned on the song Bouncing off the Walls by Sugarcult. Kagome grabbed InuYasha's hand and started jumping up and down to the music.

"I'm bouncing off the walls again whoa

And I', looking like a fool again whoa

I threw away my reputation

One more song for the RADIO STATION!!"
Her hair was flying everywhere. She twisted her hands up in the air grinning up at his tall figure jumping up and down with her grinning back. 'Whoa..didn't know she was capable of that..she looks so happy. She's free now.. I really do love her, now I just have to tell of these days'

"...And My heart's beating outta my chest!

And this town's still making me sick

And every penny from my last paycheck I've blown it on you!!!

I'm bouncing off the walls again

I'm looking like a fool again

So go ahead and take a picture

And hang it up so you can tear me down.."

She then wrapped her arms around InuYasha and started swinging form side to side still magically in time to the music not caring. She didn't care what anyone thought about her anymore, because she had InuYasha, and he made her happy. So she was happy hell right about now. He just stared down at her laughing dancing with her. Then she began to sing with the song, in a pretty decent voice too...

"Mom and Daddy got the best cocaine

Ritalin's never gonna feel the same

Twenty-four hours on an empty brain

I got my finger on the trigger and you're in the way

I'm bouncing off the walls again

I'm looking like a fool again

I threw away my reputation

One more song for the radio station!!!"

They kept on maushing to song after song each of them getting all sweaty laughing their asses off at all the people who tried to out do their moves. Miroku even came onto the floor finally starting to freak dance... And all the girls in the club looked at him and actually thought he looked pretty damn sexy!

This caused a very angry and jealous Sango. 'What the fuck does he think he's doing?! Trying to show off, he's supposed to be dating me! Look at all those sluts starting to walk up to them. I'll show them damn it, no one messes with my perverted man!'

She snickered and walked up to the freak dancing Miroku and two sluttly looking girls. "Hey! You two back up away from the man!!!" She glared at them all evil like starting to get blue veins popping out of the sides of her neck. "and what you gonna do about if we don't feel like it, BITCH" one of the girls said cocking her head back and pushing her 'breasts' out in Sango's face.

"Or, I'll do this." Sango then punched the slut's nose HARD. Then the woman started screaming bloody murder and then Sango kicked the girl in her ass! Miroku just stood there dumbfounded while Sango's magic frying pan appeared out of nowhere. And then she started to smack the girls upside their heads with it, eventually knocking them out. "Now! Anyone else who try's to take him has to deal with me! Thank you." She bowed and people applauded while their dancing crazy friends were laughing like hyenas.

"Sango, my love!" Miroku ran to her and grabbed her in a tight hug grabbing her ass. "I didn't know you cared!" he sarcastically said to her. "Yeah, to dance?" she didn't wait for him to answer, she grabbed his hand and started dancing with him as some techno music came on. ((Get ur freak on! Wooohoo! no..))

"Hey you two!!" an unknown noise called over to Inu and Kagome's way. "Heh" they both spun around to find Shippou ((imagine to be like 17 in a human form and uh badass looking!)), Kouga, and Rin ((bout 15 years old.))

"What do you want Kouga?" InuYasha said rolling his eyes and protectively wrapping an arm around Kagome's waist. "Nothing, just coming' here to get a closer look of the former preps' new look." He sneered and looked Kagome up to down in disgust.

"Hey! Watch it Kouga, don't make me hurt you, you know I can." He said back to him. "Oh so you get you're little boyfriend to stick you for you reject? Figures, wear the clothes without the attitude to back it up. Pathetic." She snickered.

"Listen, smart-asses, why don't you fuck the hell off, and find something better to do than to come over here and start some shit with us. I've changed and if you can't handle it tough so if you want to start something then come get it cause I'll fight you damn it if I have to!" Kagome with some attitude in her voice, stood up to Kouga and his people. "Hah, prove it, bitch." Shippou spat out at her. "I do have a name you know and it's Kagome!"

"Sure, bitch." He chuckled evilly. "I SAID!!!" she screamed and punched him in his gut. "MY NAME" she then grabbed him by his arm and flipped him on his back. "KAGOME!!!" she kicked him in his balls as he yelped out in pain grabbing his balls his eyes starting to water. InuYasha stood their in shock. "When did you learn to do that?!!" he hugged her smiling. "Oh just picked it up, you know watching tapes after you know prom night. Felt like being more prepared." She blushed violently red.

"Uh, guess we under estimated you 'Kagome' " Rin said starting to back up. "Y-y-you're cool in our b-books now, so uh don't fret or n-nuttin! We'll see you later." Shippou stuttered and then him and Rin ran into the crowd dead scared of Kagome.

"Ohh yeah I'm damn good" Kagome started dancing' out of joy of finally having people see what she had been waiting to get out for years. "Oh yes you are." He whispered in her ear pulling her closer to him and kissed her cheek. A slow song came on and they started to sway from side to side. "Mmm InuYasha..I could stay here forever as long as I'm in you're arms." She said softly.

"Well, I could stay here holding onto you forever." He whispered tightening his hold on her.

'Say the words to her now you ass!'

No damn it why would I say that to her in a club of all places?!

'Say it!'


'Yes say it now say you love her!'




'Common don't be a small penis.'

What?! Damn it fuck off!

'I cannot fuck off, I am about of your brain, I'm with you until you die.'

Damn..just leave me alone for now!

'Fine..jack ass.'

He shook his head of his mixed up thoughts and lightly stroked his hands over Kagome's hair. "Kagome?" he whispered. "Hm?" she sighed and tilted her head up towards him. "Kagome I-I...lo-" he was cut off by an oh-so familiar annoying voice. He growled turning around to see Miroku with his arms wrapped around Sango.

"Hey you guys! We saw you earlier, goo Kagome I didn't know you had it in you!" he got a tid bit carried away in the moment and smacked her ass. "DAMN IT MIROKU!' she punched him in the gut hard. "OOOWW!" he stumbled back in pain.

"Hm saved me from having to do it." Sango pointed and laughed at him. ((Poor Miroku....not.)) InuYasha and Kagome sighed their little moment they had, long gone. "So how much longer you guys want to stay here?" Sango said starting to kind of dance to the next herself. InuYasha shrugged.

Kagome jumped up and down "I'm hyper!! Come with me!!" Kagome pulled her man along to the bar and she jumped up and down waiting for the bar tender guy dude. "Hello..." he stared at the jumping not very sane girl.

"What'll it be miss?" he asked. "Ooh I want two dirty martinis please!!" she smiled cheerfully. "Um.. alrighty then." He turned around and about 5 seconds later he handed her the drinks.

"There you go two dirty martinis. Be careful with those now." He turned and walked away. Kagome giggled widely and downed both the martinis in about ten seconds. "Ahh! Uh Kagome?" he poked seeing her eyes starting to get all reddish.

"Yep?!" she grinned happily. 'You okay?" he sat down at the bar grabbing her hand. "Oh! Who me?! I'm hunky dorky dory!!!" she pulled away from him and 'accidentally' stole a customer's shot of Vodka and gulped it down.

Then none other than Shakira's song Whenever, whatever came on and all hell broke loose. Kagome got on the bar and stood up and started to belly dance. All the people in the bar whistled loudly as InuYasha tried to calm her down, even though it was arousing to see her dance like that.

Then suddenly she bent down on her knees and started to roll her tummy right in front of InuYasha's eyes. 'I'm in heaven...gah..' He smiled and then she turned around and started shaking her ass right in front of him. 'must..not get...horny..' His heart started to beat faster as her ass moved faster right before him. "Okay! Time to go Kagome!" he picked her up and ran out the door yelling for Sango and Miroku to come on.

He ran outside and threw her in the back-seat of the car. "Ohh that was fun can I do it again?!" he looked up with bright anticipating eyes. "No! Calm down okay?!" he sighed heavily and rubbed his forehead.

"Okay you guys she couldn't have gotten drunk that quickly, so I will go with the fact that she's hyper." He growled to himself thinking of something to do. "I'm bored!" Kagome whined from inside the car. "Yeah actually I'm kinda bored too!" Sango jumped right in with her to add to InuYasha's stress level.

Suddenly out of nowhere he heard the car start behind him. "Kagome!! NO!!!* he roughly opened the car door and grabbed the steering wheel. "Aww Inu babe common!! We're all bored and I know you are too, let's go for a joyride!! It'll be soo much fun!" she looked up at him with anxious eyes waiting for approval.

"Hey that sounds cool!" Sango squealed and jumped in the back-seat Miroku right behind her. InuYasha rolled his eyes and put down the roof to the car and got in the passenger side. "Well, then okay!" he sat back in his seat. "Drive woman drive!" he turned up the CD player that happened to be playing Three Doors Down.

Kagome started to speed down the street the speed going from 65 to 80! They started screaming out the words to the song as Sango and Miroku got on the head part of the back seat and were waving their hands in the air wildly as Kagome swerved at a corner.

InuYasha started to get in on the fun whooping just like everyone else and started to sing out the words to the next song.

There's another world inside of me

That you may never see

There's secrets in this life

That I can't hide

Kagome grinned speeding up to 85 miles and started to sing with the words with InuYasha...

Somewhere in this darkness

There's a light that I can't find

Maybe it's too far away...

Maybe I'm just blind...

Maybe I'm just blind...

'I swear this song was made for me' Kagome thought and then started to scream out to the chorus.

"So hold me when I'm here

Love me when I'm wrong

Hold me when I'm scared

And love me when I'm gone

Everything I am

And everything you need

I'll also be the one

You wanted me to be

I'll never let you down

Even if I could

I'd give up everything

If only for your good

So hold me when I'm here

Love me when I'm wrong

You can hold me when I'm scared

You won't always be there

So love me when I'm gone"

InuYasha sung out the words, with a really good voice and turned over to Kagome. 'Kagome..this song is like me in so many ways...if only I could tell you I love you..if only I could tell you my secrets...' he thought starting to sweat.

"Hey Inu! Will you drive the car for me?!" Kagome yelled over the speakers. "Sure!" he responded. "Okay!!" she yelled back. He grabbed a hold of the wheel as she started to get in the passenger seat the car swerving left and right and quickly InuYasha jumped in the drivers seat and Kagome plopped down in her seat.

InuYasha was a wild man, speeding up to 90 miles yelling the song out even louder.

"When your education x-ray

Can not see under my skin

I won't tell you a damn thing

That I could not tell my friends

Roaming through this darkness

I'm alive but I'm alone

Part of me is fighting this

But part of me is gone

So hold me when I'm here ... and love me when I'm wrong!!"

He sped onto the highway and down one of the ramps. He looked in his mirror to see Sango and Miroku in the back-seat making out and he looked over at Kagome who was just as hyped as him starting to get just a little bit mellower as time went on. "InuYasha!! Drive to where the road the takes you!!! Don't stop!!" she jumped up outta her seat and back down. "Sure thing babe!" he snickered and kept singing to the songs coming on, singing in perfect harmony with Kagome.

She leaned over and kissed her speeding boyfriend letting her tongue play with his. She sat in his lap as he drove and he started to slow down and drove with one hand wrapping the other around Kagome's waist.

After three hours, their friends were in the back sleeping so he got off the freeway and pulled up into a parking lot. "I'll be right back.." He whispered to Kagome who nodded in return and got in her seat. He went to he back of the car and put up the hood. He got back in the car and pulled Kagome into his lap and spread his legs over to the passenger seat.

"Kagome.." He breathed. "My Kagome.." He nuzzled his chin on her neck and lightly kissed her nose. She looked up at him softly smiling "My InuYasha..." she whispered back. "Don't leave me..." she whispered lowering her head and yawned. he lightly brung her head up with his finger and looked into her eyes. "I won't leave now." He pulled her tight against him and settled back letting sleep take him. She leaned on his chest and looked up at his sleeping figure. 'I hope you don't leave me InuYasha...I love you.'

*~*~* InuYasha's Dream *~*~*

"Kagome?" InuYasha called out. "She's not here..." he turned around to be face to face with Miroku. "Huh? What are you talking about where's my Kagome...." he looked around him. He was in a white room, a completely white room with a white bed, and a white chair and a white desk with a white chair. "Miroku, where are we?' he turned back around and Miroku wasn't there.

Where the hell am I?!" he shouted. Then he realized there was no door. "Shit...' he cursed under his breath. "InuYasha..." he smiled at the soft voice he heard and turned around to be face to face with Kagome. He sighed "Yes, I'm happy to see you Kagome," he hugged her tightly never wanting to let go. "Kagome, where are we? There's no door." He scratched his head. 'Then how did she get in here....' he thought. "Kagome?" he looked down at her. She stared up at him, with no emotion on her face, then suddenly spoke.

"InuYasha...will you promise me you will never leave me?" she whispered. "Of course I won't leave you." He said and kissed her forehead. "I-I love you." He whispered running his hands softly through her hair. "I love you too, InuYasha... I wish you could just really admit that to me." She trailed off and looked at the sunset. "What?" he gave her a confused look. Then she turned back around, only it wasn't Kagome. "Mom?!!" he scrabbled to his feet thinking.

'God, please tell me I didn't just kiss my Mother who is dead!'

Dude, haven't you figured this out by now, this is a dream! Idiot.

'It can't be!'

Fine I won't even try to argue with you..

The woman smiled and got up her long black hair flowing behind her. " son." She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back. "Mom, what are you doing here?"

"I came here just to tell you something. Don't be afraid anymore, don't forget to love. All of what you feel is real. Don't be afraid to tell your life to the one you love." She smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "Good-bye, I love you." She turned and walked away. "No!! Mom come back!" he tried to run after her, but his legs were stuck to the sand. "No! Come back!! Please!!" he called out to the woman who began to fade the farther she got.

*~*~* Dream End *~*~*

"InuYasha?!!!" Kagome yelled holding his head in her hands. "Heh, wha?" he looked around slowly taking in his surroundings. " was a dream?" he mumbled to himself. 'Told you.' 'Shut up damn brain..' "Are you okay?" she whispered looking worried. "Yeah I'm okay he kissed her lips lightly and then looked around him. "Hey you guys." He looked down to see his sleeping friends in the back seat. He hit Miroku up side his head making him really accidentally hit Sango's ass.

"DAMN IT MIROKU ITS TOO EARLY FOR THIS CRAP!" she poked him in the eye and giggled. "Ouchies.." He looked down kinda sad. " know what I think?" InuYasha looked at his sleepy friends. " I think it's time for a change....We should pack up, and get out of this town for the summer!" he shouted and everyone grinned at him liking the idea. "Sounds great!" Kagome said and poked InuYasha in his stomach. "Hehe.." She giggled and he snorted. "Well, you guys..let's head back alright?" They all mumbled okay and then went back to sleep.


Hey I hope you liked this chapter I think it's the longest i written so far! Well I mean it! i want at least 10 reviews for me to put up the next chapter, writing a personal e-mail with comments makes me write faster too! Thank you very much!! *hops on one foot and then starts running around singing to Our Lady Peace* Yay! ((And I will admit that one part in the fic where Kagome said "if he wants me to be more street then Im gonna be more street" yea that was from that JaRule with Asanti video..just to put that out there..))