InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Livin' it Up:A Summer's Dream ❯ Race the streets ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer~Oh and I have been forgetting to say this but uh, I don't own the very sexy InuYasha, freaked out lecher Miroku, insane Sango, *lovely* Kagome, pretty Fluffy Sesshou-maru, or *little* Rin. But I do own the boy stealing Calie and Herione Bob! Now on with the story...

And thanks to those who reviewed and to Trina and Erica and anyone who gave me ideas!

After having a big ass breakfast at Denny's which had become a little ritual for them now, start the day off at about 11am at Denny's.

Herione Bob, the nut, brought them down to show them 'his' part of town. He went down beside little markets with all these fruits in the front with old Asian ladies gabbing away in Japanese.

As they walked by more stores, some music ones, with guys in their twenties selling music, as they passed by Kagome and Sango started to hum along to Do As Infinity that just so happened to be playing.

Kagome hummed to the music as their twitching tour guide walked on in front of them. The old ladies and teenagers around them would call out his nickname and he waved over to them every once in a while.

"Well, someone is pretty popular..." a familiar voice said from behind them.

"Calie, yo momma.." Herione Bob smirked and hugged the girl kissing her cheek.


"What the hell, you know here?" Inu Yasha exclaimed and backed up.

"Yeah she's my girlfriend man, why?" he asked. InuYasha sat back there gaping, while the others just stood there in shook.

"Um..yeah man I'm sorry know all that crap a while back, you know just like PMSing!" Calie joked and nudged Kag who actually laughed a little in return.

'Hmm...all right PMS...explains a lot. Oh well not that cool with her but I'll deal with it for Herione Bob sure has some weird taste in women...' InuYasha thought spacing out while everyone else tried talking.

Kagome poked InuYasha looking at him puzzled.

"Something wrong?" she questioned starting to look worried as they walked on around the family stores, kids running around, and street gangs walking around bumping music out of cars. ((I suck at this all right? Leave me be lol.))

"You live in a pretty cool part of town.." Miroku said looking over at the women about their age walking around in short shorts and tank tops. Sango growled and kicked him in the shin.

"Ow! Why mommy hurt me?" he whined starting to hop up and down.

"Because sonny-boy is a hentai!" she yelled and rolled her eyes. They all snickered while Miroku glared at them.

"Hey! Herione Bob!" A tall guy, muscular, with short brown black and brown hair yelled from one of the cars bumping up music from their cars.

Herione Bob nodded towards the guy standing in front of a mechanics shop with lots of other guys in there, drinking beer, just kinda chillin' more than working on cars.

"Hey" the guy said and some kind of hand shake thing with Bob.

"These are some new friends of mine." Herione Bob somewhat smiled and then turned to his left to introduce them, but then started to scream his head off and began to breathe heavily mumbling things about the bunnies closing in all around him.

The dude came up and slapped Bob and got him to look to his right. "Chill Bobby boy, chill out." He smirked and shook his head.

"So who would these foxy young ladies be." The guy nodded to them, but quickly glanced at Kagome, then licked his lips.

"Oh yes...this is Kagome, Sango and Rin. You already know Calie." He pointed towards them.

"Then also Miroku, InuYasha, and his brother Sesshou-maru" he grinned brightly and looked at them.

"You guys this is my good friend, Josefu." He patted his friends back.

" what brings you all here, hm?" Josefu said and walked back over to a car and started to fiddle around with it a little.

"Well, I met these people last night, and they didn't run away from me, so I decided to show them a good time in my part of town." Herione Bob propped his elbow on the side of the car with his chin in his hand.

"You came to the right place then.." He got up and wiped his hands and stared at Kagome grinning. Of course, InuYasha saw this and growled. InuYasha took Kagome in his arms and hissed her hungrily smirking to himself and then pulled away.

"Huh.." Kagome looked out dazed and goofily grinned not knowing anything, but that was one hell of a kiss!

'Hmm...she's taken eh? I'll fix that...good fun...hehehe' Josefu thought, very slowly planning little evil things to do to screw up her and InuYasha's relationship in his head. The sceezer!

"Anyway....yeah there's a bit of a carnival thingy going on, a BBQ at old lady Kokoro's...and whatever might popup." Josefu said looking at InuYasha. He had a plan to try to throw things off. Just peachy.

"Hey..why don't you go show them around a little more Bob? But eh, InuYasha I wanna talk with you." -Josefu

"Eh sure..." Herione Bob went on with that twitching a little starting towards the back of the place with everyone trailing behind him.

Once they were out of ear-shot..."Stay away from *MY* Kagome asshole." InuYasha stepped up the guy, and folded his arms over his chest.

Josefu simply yawned at this and said "I'll do what I want thank you very much. We'll see soon enough if she'll still be yours by the time I'm done."

InuYasha was starting to get pretty freaking pissed off and started to throw insults at the guy, which lead to a little contest.

"Good for nothing wanna be pimp"

"Gay ass cunt eater"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Man whore."

And it went on for a few minutes, but then InuYasha jumped on the guy and punched him. Then Josefu came back at him with a punch in the stomach and they started to wrestle. And freakishly enough, no one paid any attention or heard anything from them.

Josefu scrambled around and got up to his feet. "Wait!" his eyes bulged out when InuYasha when he saw get up and was about to pounce on him yet again.

"I'll make you a deal..." Josefu said and smirked.

"What kinda deal?"

"Tonight...we're gonna race....we're gonna have a race in one of these cars and if you win, I'll leave her alone, but if I win, I can do whatever the fuck I want to with her."

'How the hell did I get myself into this...oh yeah Herione Bob, must note to get him alone alter and kick his ass...'

"Sure whatever...have fun sitting around with all your whores again HOE-fu" InuYasha stuck out his tongue and flipped the dude off right before giving him a thumbs up as their friends walked back to them.

'Well..someone is a freak..' Josefu ran a hand through his hair and stared out at the wall.

'Why am I worrying?' thought looking at InuYasha's arm wrapped around Kagome's waist as they walked out of the shop.

'She'll be mine..soon enough...' he waved one last good-bye to them and started to yell out orders at his worker friend people to start getting his car ready.

Herione Bob lead the way once again down a street following the distant sound of groups of people tlaking. He turned a corner where lines of little lightbulbs were stung overhead, with many people scattered underneath.

There were lanterns hung up a little higher than the lights, there was all kinds of native foods, with some guys in their 20's and 30's hanging out over at the grill. It was the perfect moment for anything to happen.

"I can't believe that you made a freaking bet about ME! That's going to cost you your life InuYasha!" Kagome hissed from the side of her mouth.

"Don't you have any faith in me Kag? Common, it'll be fine. Herione Bob got the perfect car, you have nothing to worry about." He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in for a warm hug.

"Yeah yeah.." She deeply sighed and shook her head.

"Hey do you really think for one second that I would let that jerk put his hands on you?" he looked down at her, faking a hurt expression, frowning.

"No way! I wouldn't, don't worry I faith in you, I love you." She stood on her toes and slowly reached up to kiss his cheek. She blushed and kept on going forward.

Miroku whistled at them as they caught up. "Shut your hole." InuYasha spat and warningly shook his finger at him. "Yes, almighty sex god." Miroku fakely gestured bowing down to InuYasha when he got a nice kick in the head.

"You..are so evil...." Miroku said rubbing the big bruise forming on his head.

"You bet your ass Dorothy." InuYasha laughed and patted Miroku on his back and urghed him on. They ran up to meet with the other just as Herione Bob was introducing them to a somewhat old woman in her 60's.

She had medium gray hair going down to the center of her back. She was a bit short, but hey what old woman isn't? She had bright hazel eyes and was wearing a dark blue hitori, InuYasha was in a daze from looking at her...

But then he snapped back to reality when the woman started to yell at some teenage boys spraying water at some girls.

"Hey you two! Stop that right now before I come over there and stick that hose down your throats!" she shook a fist and tried growling at them but only ended up coughing instead.

"She's really normally a sweet woman, but you get out of line, and you've got a death wish." Herione Bob whispered behind him.

"InuYasha, Sesshou-maru, Miroku, Kagome, Sango, Rin, I would like you to meet the lovely, Kokoro." He held a hand out in front of her turning to his left and then started having a spasm.

"For Gods sake..." Kokoro sighed and yelled over her shoulder to one of the men at the grill. "Hey one of you come get Bobby, give him some herione and sake please!"

She blinked down at the guy twitching on the ground right before a guy came over to pick him up and bring him to..where ever he needed to go.

"I'm surprised to see that he stayed so good for so long." she tilted her head back and laughed, just like she was a kid again. "Very nice to meet you" Sesshou-maru shook her hand with an emotionless expression on his face.

'Nice to meet you my ass...' the woman thought and giggled out loud. "Anyway, I welcome you to my part of the tracks, have a good time." Vida smiled and bowed and gave them quick hugs, then took off to tending to the party.

"Wasn't that nice now?" Sango said sarcastically and waved her hands in the air. "Now what do we do?" Rin asked leaning into Sesshou-maru. "I don't know, look around?" Miroku said then let his eyes wander over to a group of fifteen year olds wearing shorts and swimming suit tops, even though it was around 8 and starting to get chilly.


And Miroku received another bitch slap in the head by Sango.


"You sure you want to do this?" a guy said in a soft voice.

"Of course we should! I am going to win that Kagome over, and if it means screwing with their car to get it, then to fucking bad!" Josefu glared at the shrimpy guy who was sabotaging InuYasha's car.

Josefu put a tube into the waterhole and right then, the water started to come out form the car. Then after that he sucked out all the oil.

"Muwhahaha..." he laughed evilly as the little guy started twitching nervously looking out for anyone coming.

"And for the last touch..." Josefu loosened the plate on one of the wheels. "Common Chibie!" he ordered and they both ran off. ((Yeah I wanted to use Shorty as a nickname but I couldn't find a slang use for it so I made it up lol))


"Jigoku....that was good" Miroku burped and rubbed his full belly.

"Gods, you've no manners!" Sango said rolling her eyes and stuffed a whole eggrole in her mouth.

"Look who's talking..."Miroku mumbled. He and InuYasha snickered.

"Well, I am glad to see you liked my cooking," they all jumped in surprise as Kokoro sat down and smiled. "You're enjoying yourselves?" she asked. They all nodded in agreement. "So-" she was cut off by Josefu cutting right in front of her then passing InuYasha sending him a quick glare.

"Time for the race. Herione Bob will tell you where it will be at I expect you to be there so I can win. Bye loser," and with that he slammed the door to his black car with red flames on the sides. He started it up and he was off.

"I never liked that boy. So spoiled. Sheesh." Kokoro grumbled. "Well, we gotta go then." InuYasha got up only to look back down at Kagome, who was sadly staring up at him.

"What? Don't worry, I'll be okay. I have something to come back too." He smiled and kissed her cheek. She blushed. "Love ya." he said winking then backed up to the car. "Love you too InuYasha!" she smiled.

"Ah hell come here, you guys come and watch me kick this guys ass!" without any arguing they piled into the car, Rin in Sess's lap, Sango in Miroku's lap, Herione Bob squished in the middle with big hiped Calie on his lap, Kagome sitting on Kokoro's lap who was in the front. ((whoot whoot!))

InuYasha devilishly grinned and started up the car. He zoomed down the street..for about ten seconds before the wheel thing came spinning off and the hood started to fume.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" they all screamed as InuYasha swerved to the side of the street. He stopped the car and breathed deeply. "Everyone okay?" InuYasha turned to face everyone. "MHM.." Was their response.

He got out of the car and looked under the hood and couldn't find much wrong. So he checked the level of oil and water. Bone dry. He stepped back to the car and looked in. "It looks like someone did that purposely. damn that Josefu..." he pounded his fist into his hand clenching his teeth.

"Now hold on you, I have an idea, everyone out of the car!" Kokoro said and they got out and followed her to her house. She opened her garage door with a little help from InuYasha and they all gasped.

In front of them was a 1969 Chevy Convertible, covered in dark and light blue perfect flames.

"Now...this is a car my friends..." Kokoro patted the car and sighed, memories flooding her mind. "No..Kokoro we couldn't use this car!" InuYasha protested.

"I said you the damn car and Godsdamnit your gonna race with this car!!!" she bellowed and they all scrambled into the car. 'Now that's what you call power' she thought nodding, very satisfied with herself.


"WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!" Girls flashing the crowd jumping up and down screamed while guys sat back and yelled "Yea!" every now and then.

'What?!!! Nooo! He's here! doesn't matter I'm going to beat him anyway.' Josefu frowned putting his car in drive on the track under the old bridge.

"Good luck InuYasha!" Kagome wrapped her arms around InuYasha tightly and kissed his lips. "No problem Babe." He flashed her a grin and she got out the car.

People were set up behind the racers, girls sitting on their boyfriends shoulders, and little kids sitting in front. "Okay! two laps around here and the first one back wins! All right!" Some random woman yelled to the crowd and stood to the side with a checkered flag. She held it up then waved it down.


And they were off. Speeding around the track, dust flying up around them. InuYasha started to catch up to Josefu, and then Josefu started to swerve in front on InuYasha blocking the way.

"Hey! That's not fair!! He's blocking the way!!!" Kagome screamed pushing her way to the front of the crowd.

"Hey sister, in these things, anything goes," a soft voice came from behind her. She turned around just to see no one there. 'Heh'

'One lap down, just more to gooo' InuYasha thought then sped up, bumped the bumper of Josefu's car and kept speeding up faster and faster to the finish line.

"NOOOOOOOOO"Josefu screamed as InuYasha passed the finish line as he came in right behind InuYasha. His head hit the steering wheel, in frustration. He looked up slowly to see his friends looking at him in shame. "Damn.." He mumbled.

"Yay!!!!! InuYasha!!!!!" Kagome came running and jumped into his arms as he got out of the car. "I was worried about you!" she kissed hm deeply, letting her tongue explore his mouth.

InuYasha stared out when she pulled back. "Hmm maybe I should do this more often!" everyone laughed, then Kokoro came up to them.

"Congrats, InuYasha, hey everyone back to my place so we may finish the party eh?!"

The group cheered in agreement, others started to walk back to the party and InuYasha and their friends piled back into the car and went back to the party.


"Hmmm.....I see your secrets InuYasha. You will be mine. Watch your back...." a man said in a dark alley and cackled. He peeked over to see InuYasha dancing with Kagome, just as happy as they could be.

"I'll fix this...for you have something to pay me." He turned around to his assistants.

"Make sure you bring him to me..."

"Yes, Menomaru." they all grinned and walked back down the alley, to where they spent their days....their nights...

'Anyone perfect must be lying, anything easy has its cost

Anyone plain can be lovely, anyone loved can be lost

What if I lost my direction? What if I lost sense of time?

What if I nursed this infection? Maybe the worst is behind

It feels just like I'm falling for the first time

It feels just like I'm falling for the first time'

InuYasha thought, rested his head ontop of Kagome's and sighed. They gently swayed with the music..."I feel nothing without one can take my Kagome away from one" he whispered into her ear.

She smiled and replied "The same for me InuYasha...the same for me."

Okay! Done please review this to make me not think I sucked at this chapter! And yes i have totally mixed up the plot now it's going way off but i think it may be ok!And yes Grease got in this chapter I dunno how but it did! lol.So yeah peace for now!
