InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Living In A Moment ❯ Hope Springs Eternal ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own, nor will I ever be talented enough to ever own something as wonderful as Inuyasha and crew.


Living In A Moment

By DBZ Vegeta


Chapter 3 - Hope Springs Eternal


"Kagome, are going to stay in there all day and do nothing but study. Get out here, everyone's waiting for you!" yelled a voice from the living room of a small two-bedroom apartment. Kagome tried to ignore the voice and focus on the textbook in front of her.

"Kagome! Quit ignoring me and get you butt out here now!" yelled the voice again. She sighed as she marked her page and laid the textbook down gently. She knew that if she didn't respond this time, Sango would literally drag her out of her room. She had protested Sango's idea of a birthday party, she hadn't felt like dealing with people, particularly the guys, trying to get her attention. She would have rather that she and Sango had a quiet dinner and that was all.

She stood up and brushed the wrinkles out of her dark blue skirt before heading for the door. As her hand reached out to open it, it sprang forward and smacked into her quickly upraised palm.

"Kago. . .Oh, you're coming. Well, finally. Everyone had been patiently waiting for the birthday girl to show herself." Sango said enthusiastically.

"Sango, I really wish you hadn't gone to all this trouble. You know that I really would have rather had a small quiet celebration by myself." Kagome said in a low, troubled voice.

"Kagome, you have to quit living in the past and get on with your life. It has been almost 18 months since Inuyasha died. You cannot continue to immerse yourself in your studies and ignore life going on around you. I watched you do it in high school, but I am not going to let you continue to do it in college. Now, let's party." Sango said as she took Kagome by the arm and led her out into the crowded living room, before releasing her to bounce across the room.

Kagome shook her head in exasperation, she loved Sango but wasn't sure if she really understood the true depths of her grief. Just thinking about Inuyasha almost made her cry again, but steeling herself she was determined to endure tonight. Walking through the crowded room, accepting congratulations from those she passed, as she stepped into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door to extract a bottle of juice.

Closing the door, she turned to go back into the living room, when suddenly she collided with a large warm body. Her hands came up automatically to steady herself and came into contact with a male chest. She looked up and found herself staring into a pair of deep purple eyes.

"Oh, I am sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." she said as she took a quick step back from the stranger.

"Oh, no, I am the one who should be apologizing." came his deep voice, "My name is Miroku." he said as he execute a small graceful bow and extended a hand out to her.

"My name is Kagome." she said as she took his outstretched hand.

"Ah, the birthday girl. It is my eternal pleasure at making you acquaintance." he said as he drew her hand to his lips to kiss the back softly. She blushed at the Old World charm of the man and before she realized what he was doing, he had pulled her back into the living room and down onto the sofa.

"Uhm Miroku, what are you doing?" she said as she reached up and plucked his arm off of her shoulder and scooted away from him.

"Why I was just trying to make you comfortable, my dear. I have a question for you." he said as he slid closer to her and took her hand in his again, gazing into her eyes.

"Ah. . .Yes. . .What is it?" she stammered as she tried to extract her hand from his grip.

"Would you please bear my child?" he asked seriously. Her eyes widen and her jaw dropped before she jumped quickly up off the couch and directly into Sango.

"Oh Kagome, I see you have met the pervert." Sango said as she slapped Miroku upside of the head. His hand had been sliding up her leg towards her backside. "Don't take him seriously, he asks that question to every woman he meets. He actually is nice, if you get past the groping part."

"Hey, I don't grope everyone I meet." Miroku whined as he rubbed the side of his head. Sango had a hell of a slap.

"Uh huh, and that wasn't your hand I just felt a minute ago." Sango said as she dropped down onto the couch next to him and pulled Kagome back down next to her.

"Hey, babe. You know that you are the only one that I love." he said, taking her hand in his and holding it to his cheek. Kagome would have laughed at the distressed expression on his face, except that the sweet scene went straight to her heart and caused it to ache fiercely.

Clutching her chest, she quickly stood up and bolted out the front door, ignoring Sango's cries. She blindly ran from the apartment building and down through the courtyard. She ran until her breath was spent and collapsed beneath a large elm tree next to a small pond. Crying she curled up tightly, trying to ignore the blinding pain radiating from her heart. She cried herself into an exhausted sleep.

~*~ Dreamscape ~*~

Kagome was running though a densely wooded forest. The trees seemed to close in on her, trapping her, not allowing her to breathe. Trying to push through the foliage she became ensnared, the limbs of the trees dragging her into the darkness. She screamed and fought, crying for help.

Suddenly a flash of light and a loud yell echoed around her. The trees that where holding her where quickly demolished and she fell forward. She would have struck the ground but for a pair of arms that encircled her body and picked her up. Strong arms cradled her body gently and carried her into a small clearing, before setting her down.

Moonlight streamed down through the treetops, casting a bright silver light around the clearing. Looking up, she was mesmerized by the piercing gold eyes that looked lovingly back down at her. Her hand trembled as she reached out to touch the face in front of her, praying it was real. His skin was so warm against her fingertips and his clawed hand came up to cover hers as he leaned into her touch.

"Inuyasha." she cried, her voice filled with pain and incredulity, "Why did you leave me alone?"

His eyes looked sad, as he smiled softly down at her.

"But I didn't leave you alone, Kagome. I am still alive and will return to you. I promised that I would always be with you, didn't I." his voice whispered, carried by the wind to wrap warmly about her body. She felt his love glow through her and knew that he wouldn't lie to her.

"Don't give up on me Kagome. I will return to you soon. I love you, my dearest." he said, as his form began to become hazy and turned to mist before her eyes.

"No." she screamed. "Don't leave me again, Inuyasha. Please come back." She thrashed as she felt something holding her back, not allowing her to chase after him.

"Come back. I love you, Inuyasha." her screams echoed through the dark night.

~*~ End Dreamscape ~*~

"Kagome, wake up! Kagome!" Sango yelled as she slapped the screaming girl across the face sharply.

Kagome gasped and her eyes flew open. She stared up at Sango and Miroku, who were kneeling, next to her, concerned expressions mirrored on their faces. She launched herself into Sango's arms sobbing hysterically.

"He's alive Sango, I know it. He came to me in my dream and told me. He has to be alive." she babbled hysterically.

"Kagome." Sango said, pushing her back away from her and shaking her shoulders hard. "Don't do this to yourself. He's dead Kagome. You have to realize that."

"No, Sango, he's not. I just know that he is alive." Kagome chanted, her eyes looking off into the distance. "I just know that he is." she whispered softly, before falling heavily into Sango's arms unconscious.


A/N: Ok, is she just hallucinating or it is real? Only time will tell. Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading ~ DBZ Vegeta