InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Living Through The Forbidden Alone or Not ❯ His Plan Fails Part 2 ( Chapter 12 )

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Disclaimer: I dont own Inu or Yu Yu but i will own the guitar im getting in 3 days!
A/N: Yay thanks for all the reviews! hehe and yes i promised an update and im doing it now! hehe Enjoy!

Living Through The Forbidden Alone or Not

His Plan Fails Part 2

Last Time:

With Kagome and the others

"So, what are we exactly looking for," Kuwabara asked.

"Yes, Kuwabara is right, what are we looking for," Kurama said.

"Well thats something new, Kuwabara was right," Yusuke said laughing at the stupid look on Kuwabara's face.

"HEY," Kuwabara said finally registering what he had just said.

"Whats that," Kagome said pointing upward but when everyone looked they didnt see anything.

"What are you talking about Kagome, nothings there," Inuyasha said looking up.

"No, i see something there, its coming for us," Kagome said hiding behind Inuyasha.

"What the-" Inuyasha was cut off by something appearing out of no where and turned out to be an old miko.

"Ahh, so you are Kagome, i can tell by the way you saw me when no one else could," Mizuriku said looking at her.

"You dont dress like a miko," Mizuriku said upon further inspection.

"Yeah, whats it to you," Kagome said eyeing the old miko before her.

"It's just i came here for you under the command of Naraku" Mizuriku said and lashed out at her grabing her wrist and taking off into the sky.

"KAGOME," Inuyasha and everyone else said in unison.

"INUYASHA," Kagome yelled and saw Hiei ganging up on them quickly.

"Hiei," Kagome screamed as he got closer and...

This Time:

Kagome's POV

Hiei got closer and then the old miko took out this black and blue powder and casted it over my head and let me drop. I felt someone grab me when i fell and then the darkness consumed me and it felt good to be at rest for the time being.

"Kagome," i heard someone whisper in my ear and i stirred out of my sleep and opened my eyes to see Hiei there right next to me.

"Hiei," I whispered and tried to get up but regretted it and fell right back down

Normal POV

'What happened,' Kagome asked herself as she tried to sit up with the help from Hiei.

"Thanks," Kagome said quietly and looked around the room.

"Where are we," Kagome asked noticing that she was in her room.

"WHY ARE WE BACK HERE," Kagome screamed/asked.

"It wasnt safe back there so i brought you here," Hiei said with concern in his voice.

"Oh, sorry for yelling," Kagome said looking down.

"Its okay," He said.

"WHAT WAS ALL THE YELLING," Kuwabara and Yusuke yelled coming into the room.

"You couldnt have just left them there too," Kagome asked and laughed.

"Well we could have but then they probably would have destroyed the Feudal Era" Kurama said coming in.

"Heheh, you have a point," Kagome said with a sweatdropped looking at the two fighting.

"What happened to the old miko," Kurama questioned and sat on the edge of her bed.

"I dont know, she threw this black and blue powder at me and then vanished"
Kagome replied.

"Black and blue poweder," Yusuke questioned after knocking out Kuwabara.

"Yeah, i dont know what it was though," Kagome said feeling around in her hair and found some.

"Heres some," Kagome said opening her hand.

"We should give it to Koenma for inspection," Kurama said looking at it.

"Yeah he could do some kind of test thingy," Kuwabara said and everyone sweatdropped at his choice of words.

"Okay, hold on," Kagome said as she got out of bed and walked out of the room down into the kitchen and got a plastic bag and put it in it.

"Here," Kagome said coming back up the stairs and into the room.

"Okay, we'll be back soon, Hiei you stay here and keep watch," Yusuke said as he called Botan to come make a portal for them to Koenma.

"Bye," Kagome said waving them off.

With Yusuke and the others

"Hey toddler," Yusuke yelled walking over to his desk.

"YUSUKE WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT CALLING ME TODDLER," Koenma said and changed into his teen form.

"Here," Yusuke said tossing the bag over to Koenma.

"Whats this," Koenma questioned looking at it.

"Its some weird powder this old miko threw on Kagome," Kuwabara said.

"We want you to do some tests on it to find out what it is," Kurama said.

"Ill do what i can," Koenma said.

With Kagome and Hiei Kag's POV

I got up and sat on the window sill and stared out at the well. My gaze shifted to the god tree and i felt comfort in its purity.

"Kagome," I heard Hiei call for me and i turned to look at him when my eyes were assulted with red. Crimson red. I couldnt see it was all red.

'Is this what the powder is doing,' i thought and screamed when a sharp pain came to my head and i fell to my knees. I heard Hiei scream out my name and take hold of me but i couldnt see. My eyes were then assulted with darkness. I heard Hiei growl.

"Hiei, whats wrong," I asked him and got no answer.

"Hiei," pause no answer. Then i screamed, "HIEI!" and i still got no answer.

Then i felt a sharp pain in my arms were his hand were. My vision came back and i saw Hiei with blood red eyes which terrified me.

"Hiei was wrong," I asked softly but then felt his claws dig into my skin.

"Nothing," He said but when he said it i swore i heard Naraku then.

"Naraku, leave him alone," I shouted and felt his grip get tighter but then let go but then his hands moved to my throat and his claws dug into my tender flesh and i felt some blood trickle down.

Normal POV

Hiei stood there with his claws dug into Kagome's neck and then a portal appeared and when Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama came out they saw this.

"KAGOME," They all yelled and ran over to her.

"HIEI LET GO OF HER," Yusuke yelled not wanting Kagome to get hurt.

"Its not him whos doing this," Kagome choaked out.

"What," They all said.

"Its Na-Naraku," Kagome said as she struggled to get lose.

"Since he was there the powder spread to him and i think because of my purity i wasnt affected," Kagome said and finally got free as Hiei collapsed to the ground.

"It must have not lasted long, but long enough to do damage," Kagome said rubbing her neck and arm with her other hand.

"You need to get healed," Kurama said pulling out his communicater and calling Botan to come help.

A couple seconds later a portal appeard and Botan came out and went straight to healing Kagome. After a couple of hours she left and Kagome was doing much better.

"So, whats gonna happen to him," Kagome asked with her gaze on Hiei.

"Im sure he will be fine soon enough," Kurama said reassuring her.

"Thanks," Kagome said.

Hiei stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes to see Kagome.

"What happened," Hiei asked and after a half an hour of explaining and a lot of sorrys they all left besides Hiei who went out into the tree to sleep but most improtantly to watch over Kagome.

"Good night Hiei," Kagome said out the window.

"Hn, good night Kagome," Hiei said and layed down on the tree.

"Hey Hiei, we're going back to the Feudal Era tomorrow morning so we can finally dispose of Naraku," Kagome said with a smile looking out a Hiei.

"Hn," Hiei said with his eyes closed.

Kagome summond all her courage and jumped out onto the branch he was on and snuggled up to him. "Good night," Kagome said with a smile closing her eyes.

"Good Night," Hiei said wrapping his arms around her waist.

A/N: There you go! Please review and then ill update as soon as i can... all im asking for is like 2 or 3 more reviews and ill update! Oh and i was thinking of changing my name soon so if you see the name XxXxFire-IceMikoxXxX Thats me so See Ya!