InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lolita: Sesshomaru and Rin ❯ Road Trip Part 2 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(A/N: There's things in the story that aren't in the original-namely, Rin's POV and the things that she saw, thought and heard. The novel was purposely left vague and focused entirely on Humbert's perspective in order to make the audience come up with their own interpretations about everything else, so I've added mine. I've studied Lo's behavior, and certain things are too big of a coincidence and certain things just...don't match. Humbert casually dismisses some peculiar things about her behavior, so I've made sure to note them here. Rin's P.O.V. starts now.)

I see him standing there, all by himself, here to pick me up from camp and I winced. I've gotten notice that I was to leave early because my mother was in the hospital. I'm not close to mommy, but wouldn't she have sent her friends first or something?

My thighs feel cold as I recall that one incident with the apple. Sitting on his lap, twisting and turning into all sorts of positions until I felt liquid on me. I shut my eyes. Back then I didn't know what that was, but my little experiments at camp with Kanna and Hakudoshi have taught me about ejaculation and why it happens. I just had to give in to peer pressure, being as weak willed as I am and wanting to look cool. I almost barf at the thought of what I'd learned.

Oh God, he...he likes me like that, huh?

But we are in public. I don't know if I could even tell mommy about this later, and if I did, how would she react? Would she take my side, or would she brush it off as the stupid imagination of an arrogant child who thought highly enough of herself to think that her husband would be interested in her?

I haven't time to think about that.

"Hi!" I walked up to him as cheerfully as I could, almost tripping with my heavy suitcase in my hand.

I don't want to go with him. I'm scared...but I have no choice. I got into the car with him and in order to dispell the tension from the atmosphere, I started talking.

"So how's mom?" That's better. I have to talk. Silence scares me because it gives me room to think about things I'd rather not remember, such as our little encounter.

"The doctors don't know yet. Something abdominal."

Well that was a big word. "Huh, abominable?"

"No, abdominal."

"Oh." I blinked and turned away, not being able to think of more to say.

The tension in the air is killing me. I keep thinking that at any moment, he might turn around and we'd have a repeat of what happened last time.

"How was camp?" he asked.

Is he trying to get familiar with me or something? What's wrong with him? He's married to mommy, isn't he practically my father? "It was okay..." Maybe he's unsure of what he really is in my life. "...Dad."

He flinched. "I missed you a lot."

Dammit, he didn't get the message. He's still trying to get closer to me and get me to open up. But I think I have something that'll turn his interest away. "Well, I didn't miss you. In fact, I've been cheating on you. " He should definitely distance himself from me then. He won't like me anymore. I stuck out my tongue, and saw a police car heading our way in the rearview mirror.

A police car. If they saw something, they might take him away! An idea began to form in my head. "...You don't care about me."

"What makes you say that?"

Now is my chance. When two people in these relationships get caught, the child is never punished. They'd just arrest him and return me home! "You haven't kissed me."

My timing was perfect. Just as the cop was right on our tail and was bound to drive by us any minute, I embraced him and kissed him on the lips. Not too deeply, no, I couldn't make myself do that-but just hard enough for anyone around us to understand what kind of kiss it was. When I was sure he had seen us, I pulled away.

"Did you happen to see a blue sedan drive by?" asked the cop. Sesshomaru shook his head no.

"No we didn't, but-" The cop didn't spare one look at me before he left. In my shock and disappointment, I almost revealed myself. "-Idiot! He should've arrested you!"


Crap. "-Er, I mean, you were going over the speed limit." I hoped that was believable.

Sighing, I sat back down in my seat and looked out the window. I had to think of something else. What could I do?

"Rin, what were you going on about earlier?" he asked.

He must be talking about when I said that I was cheating on him. Well, that was kind of true. I'd fooled around with Hakudoshi, so even if I wasn't an item with him, it's partially correct. "Uh, camp. We did lots of things, things you might even be shocked at. Learned the motto, camped outdoors, learned to live happily and have a good personality, washed dishes."

"Exactly what would I be shocked at?"

He knows what I mean. Why must he pry? I don't feel comfortable talking about that in detail with him, not after...after that. Just take the hint. I am dirty, I've been had by someone else-now leave me alone!

"Well, you know, Rin is a bad girl. Filthy thoughts and words."

"I sincerely hope that is all."

"...I'll tell you about it later when we're alone." I coughed. He is just impossible. "Can we stop by the candy bar?"

You can never go wrong with junk food! I got a big sundae with syrup and candy on it and everything. While I was eating it, all I could think about was how heavenly it tasted and nothing about my current situation entered my mind whatsoever. But soon it was gone, and I didn't want to go back in the car with him. I tried to delay it by going to the washroom, but he didn't want me to. A bit apprehensive about disobeying him, I listened.

Can you believe he actually kissed me in the car? Ew, ew, ew. By the time we got to a hotel, I was almost dying to get away from him. So imagine my shock when I found out that we'd be sharing a room.

"If mom finds out, she'll kill us!" I exclaimed.

"Rin, listen to me. I am practically your father and I care about you." He said. So he knows that? And he still does this! "When we share a room, we become-"

"-The word is incest." I spat to his face. I can't believe it, I actually had the nerve to say out loud how I felt about his actions. Is this victory, somehow, that I got away with saying this? I couldn't help but giggle as I checked out the room. I had won, I felt good.

There was a sound of something shaking in a bottle behind me; I turned and saw Sesshomaru eat something that looked like blue candy. Due to my happiness from my supposed "victory", I felt cheerful and comfortable enough to approach him.

"Ooh, so blue!" I exclaimed. "What are they?"

"Pieces of the sky."

Idiot. "No, be serious."

"Vitamins. They're good for you, you should try some."

I held out my hands and accepted three. Mommy used to feed me these to make me stronger.

That night, sleep came to me much, much, much easier than normal. I found it hard to think straight or feel, or even to keep myself sitting up.

At first, I didn't know what it was that he had done to me. I ignored the fear, sadness, insecurity and confusion in my heart and I tried my best to be nice to him. Whenever I doubted him, I brushed those thoughts away and made sure to be even more affectionate to him. I told myself those feelings that I had back then when he...did that to me-the voices in my head that told me that something was wrong-were just a figment of my imagination. I even made parallels of him to my favorite actor when I noticed their similar features.

But then camp came, and through my experiments, I found out exactly what it was that had happened.

Thinking about that makes me sick. Somehow, I feel the need to voice my thoughts...something in my head is not right.

"I made so many mistakes...we did so many disgusting, sick things." I said out loud to the wall. "Me, Kanna and Hakudoshi, we-"

"Silence." Sesshomaru put a finger to my mouth. I forgot that he was there. "Go to bed."

I can't make out what he's saying. I can't keep my thoughts straight-where am I again? I am so dizzy. I can't even keep my head up. He's right, maybe I should just go to sleep.

Raising my foot, I clumsily set to taking my shoes off. I feel like eyes are on me, but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's probably nothing. I'm fine. Curling up in the bed in the shape of a Z, I shut my eyes tight and let sleep overtake me.

Yet I can't completely fall asleep.

It's quiet in here. The room feels strangely empty.

After a few moments, I felt something shift on the other side of the bed. When I opened my eyes, I saw a bunch of silvery white hair. Kind of like...


But it wasn't. Blinking my eyes and rubbing the sleep away from them, I saw that the person on the other side of me was Sesshomaru. Of course. He has the same color hair as hers. It's just that in my disgust and regret over what happened at camp, my head is filled with memories of pale, white-haired people and I seem to be unable to distinguish between them. Sighing, I turned over and attempted once more to sleep peacefully.

Just then the covers seemed to fly away from me, and I shivered, then rapidly sat up, blinking.

That Sesshomaru. What is he up to?