InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Long Lost.... ❯ Run Away With Me ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Long Lost...."
by: TrinityK

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, for if I did I would not be writing or reading fanfics about him. He'd be with me and we'd have... FUN. LoL. ^_^ He belongs to the oh so creative, Rumiko Takahashi.

A.N.: Hi everyone. Once again, I'm so sorry for the long wait. I meant to update like a week or two ago, but school, work, and everything were in my way. Plus, I've been sick on and off this whole past week. To be honest, I'm still a bit sick now, but I wanted to get a new chapter out sooner, rather than later.And I kept thinking about the story too. Thanks to everyone who took the time to review my story, last chapter, I appreciate it. I'm glad you guys like my story. Anyway, the song I'm gonna be using in this chapter is by the same band who sang ".45" in one of the previous chapters before. The song in this chapter is called "Beyond the Sun" by Shinedown. I hope you can find it, download, and listen to it. Listening to it makes the story much more alive. Okay, I hope you like this chapter. Read and review. ;-) The title of this chapter alone should say something about what it'll be about, lol.

Chapter 9: Run Away With Me

"Kagome-san! Inuyasha-san! Was the kiss a part of the performance or is there something more between you two? Inuyasha!" The endless reporters yelled out to the two music artists being quickly ushered off into their dressing rooms by their managers.

Kagome brought her hand up to shield her eyes from all the camera flashes, then slightly stiffened when she felt a strong arm wrap around her shoulders, and a body shield her own from view of the massive onslaught of questioning reporters, and news journalists. Kagome looked up, over the rim of her hand, and met an all too familiar, golden gaze. Inuyasha glanced down at her, and the intensity she saw in them made her shudder with an un-named emotion, that had nothing to do with fear, and everything to do with lo--. Kagome was abruptly brought out of her reverie when she was suddenly jostled. She looked up at Inuyasha, and he gave her an apologetic look, mentally telling her that they were almost to her dressing room. They were in the backstage hallways of club SUNSET, and currently she was in the center of a fast-moving group of people. Sango and Miroku were in front of Inuyasha and her, trying to make a clear path for them. There were also a few of the club's bouncers behind them, in case one of the reporters got s little too persistent or aggressive. When Kagome's dressing room door finally came into sight, the group walked faster toward their destination.

Sango quickly opened the door, ushering them all inside, excluding the bouncers, leaving them to guard the door. When they were all in the room, Miroku closed the door and locked it, but not before telling one of the bouncers to watch out for Myouga Totousai, should he come. Miroku heaved a big sigh and turned back to look at the room's inhabitants. Sango was silently pacing on the far-side of the room, and Kagome and Inuyasha were sitting next to each other on the couch facing him. Miroku observed the two artists sitting so closely to one another. Kagome was looking down at her hands in her laps, and Inuyasha still had his arm around her shoulder, looking at her bowed head with a look of such utter tenderness. Miroku shook his head, chuckling softly. Oh, Inuyasha...

"So... Mind explaining what that little tete-a-tete was between the two of you, on stage?" Miroku finally asked, moving to sit on one of the chairs next to the door. Sango stopped pacing, and also moved to sit in a chair next to him, so that she could face the said singers, while they explained.

Inuyasha looked at both of the managers, moving his gaze from Kagome to them. He looked at them with an unreadable expression, then finally said, "It wasn't planned."

"I could sort of already tell that, Inuyasha. What I want to know is, was it just some part of the performance to spice it up, or is there something more? Because any minute now, Myouga will come cheerfully barreling into this room, praising you both for yet another good strategy in pushing the ratings up and up." Miroku said, running his hand through his short hair. "I simply want to know, the truth for what happened between you two on-stage before anyone says other-wise, that way we can do our best to do any damage control with any rumors and such."

"Kagome?" Sango hesitantly asked her best friend, sitting quietly on the couch.

Kagome slowly looked up at her friend, asking her with her eyes, what she wanted.

"Can you tell me the truth for what happened on-stage?" Sango asked, leaning forward in her seat.

After a second of nothing Kagome softly said, "I'm not sure I know myself yet, Sango."

Just then a booming knock echoed into the silent room. Miroku rose from his chair to open the door. And lo' and behold, it was a smiling Myouga "Miroku! My good man, where are my two best partnered artists?" Myouga said.

Miroku smiled good-naturedly and moved aside to let the big man in. "Right in here, Myouga."

"Inuyasha! Kagome! That performance was magnificent! It was even better than I expected, and believe me, I expected something pretty great. You two, never cease to amaze me." Myouga sad, grinning at them.

Kagome and Inuyasha stood up to bow to the CEO, Inuyasha's arm still in place around the girl.

"Thank you Mr.Totousai." Kagome said.

"Thanks Toto." Inuyasha said, smiling at the old man.

Myouga laughed and took Inuyasha's free hand, shaking it. "You are quite a character, Inuyasha." Myouga said. The sudden ring of a cell phone stopped whatever more the old man was going to say. Totousai reached into his pocket and answered the ringing phone. "Totousai, Myouga here... Ginenji! Yes, those are two of my artists, I told you about them before... I know! The response is just wonderful! ... Really, now? ... I'm with them right now.... Alright, I'll be right there." Myouga hung his phone up and looked back at the two artists, smiling. "An old business friend. Very big in the music business."

Myouga, took a step back and turned, so that he could see all the people in the room. He looked at them for a moment, then cleared his throat. "I just want to say that the performance tonight was genius. I loved it. Absolute genius. From beginning..." Myouga moved his gaze to rest on just Kagome and Inuyasha. "...To end." When Kagome noticed his direct stare, she looked down and blushed a little. Myouga softly laughed, Inuyasha's possessive arm around her, not being missed by him.

"I've got to go meet someone, but we'll talk more about this later. I'll call you two." Myouga said, referring to Sango and Miroku. Myouga bid farewell, then made his way to the door. He turned around to look back at Inuyasha and Kagome, and lightly chuckled again. Then turned to the door once more, and left.

When all as quiet for a full minute, Sango cleared her throat, the tension getting to her. "Well then... I guess me and Miroku will be going. You know, we have to go over the pros and cons of managing a... Got to go." Sango suddenly said. She quickly grabbed her purse on the vanity table, then grabbed Miroku's arm.

Miroku grinned. "Why Sango, if you want to be alone with me, all you have to do is ask. No need to come up with... Ow." Miroku said, rubbing the side of his arm where she had pinched him.

Sango looked at him then moved her eyes to Inuyasha and Kagome standing there, not looking at each other, then back to him, hoping he'd get the message.

Realization dawned on him. "Oh! Oh yeah, the pros and cons... Uh, I'll call you later Inuyasha, Miss Kagome." Miroku said, quickly bowing, before he was practically dragged out of the room by Sango.

"I'll call you later too, Kagome. Bye Inuyasha." Sango said, making her way to the door with Miroku in tow. When the door closed behind their managers, Inuyasha turned to look expectantly, at Kagome.

Kagome sat back down on the couch, still not looking at him. Inuyasha quietly sat down also.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha softy asked.

Kagome turned to look at him. She moved her body so that she was facing him, with her back leaning against the couch's arm. "Yes?"

"So... where do we go from here?" Inuyasha asked.

"What do you mean?" Kagome said, trying to appear indifferent, knowing deep down, she was anything but.

"What do you mean, what do I mean? You know what I'm talking about." Inuyasha said, starting to get irritated.

"I don't know, Inuyasha... Where can we go from here, huh? It's not as if we can just suddenly be together now or something just because of what happened tonight." Kagome said, looking back down to her hands in her lap.

Inuyasha stiffened. "Why not?" He tartly asked. "Who says we can't be together Kagome, who? You know how I feel about you, and I know you feel the same. I know it. Who are people to dictate to us, about whether or not we can be together?"

Kagome abruptly stood up and softly raked her hand through her curled hair. She walked a little away to pace a bit. "It's not as simple as that, Inuyasha, and you know it." Kagome said, frustrated by his easy words.

"It can be, Kagome. Why does everything have to be so complex?" Inuyasha asked, standing also.

"So, you think I'm making everything complex? I'm not, Inuyasha, it's just life. You can't just pause reality to go off and do whatever the heck you want. There are other people involved and responsibilities..." Kagome said, turning her head to stare at a wall she suddenly found so interesting.

Inuyasha strode towards where she stood, and stopped right in front of her. He used his hand to lift her chin, so that she was looking at him. "Who's the one saying these things, Kagome? Because it isn't me." When Kagome didn't say anything he continued. "Is it Kouga?"... "Is it Sango?" ... "Or is it your heart... or your head, hm?"

When Kagome still stayed silent, Inuyasha groaned in frustration. "Tell me." He repeated.

Inuyasha let his hand fall at her silence, and shook his head. "You can't tell me that what happened on-stage tonight, meant nothing to you. I know it did! I felt it." Inuyasha finished off softly.

Kagome looked at him, standing so close, and sighed. "It did mean something to me." She quietly said. "But even though it did, it still doesn't mean that we can just do whatever we want. I still have Kouga to deal with, and you've got Kikyo..." Kagome ended, in a whisper.

Inuyasha turned his head to look at her sharply at the mention of Kikyo's name. "Why do you always have to bring up my relationship to Kikyo? It's not as if I bring up Kouga every damn minute, Hell, I try not to even think about the guy. And how many times do I have to tell you. We. Are. Just. Friends. Kikyo and I."

Despite what Kagome said to Kikyo about not mentioning it to him, she couldn't help it now. Kagome scoffed. "Since when do friends give each silver, heart pendants, huh?"

"What are you talking about?" Inuyasha asked, looking at her with confused eyes.

"The silver, heart necklace you gave her. I saw her in the restroom before the performance, and she told me all about your plans of becoming official after this whole partnership is over with me. So, how can you just stand here, like your so free of responsibilities and ties to other people, and I'm the only one?" Kagome said, walking to sit in front of the vanity mirror in the room.

Realization about what Kagome was talking about dawned on him, and he got even more frustrated at her misunderstanding, and at Kikyo's influence. "Yes, I gave Kikyo a necklace. For her birthday. We were at the mall one day and she saw it and said she liked it. So I got it as a be-lated birthday present. And don't even act like friends can't give each stuff like that. We did it enough times when we were younger, and you didn't seem to have any scruples about it then. As for becoming official or whatever, I have no plans to do so, at least not with her. That's what the whole dinner with her a few days ago was about. I told her I didn't feel the same way about her, that she did for me." Inuyasha said, walking to stand a few feet behind her chair, looking at her with angry eyes in the mirror.

Kagome stared at him through the mirror with slightly confused eyes, then understanding finally flitted across her features. She looked at Inuyasha with an expression that said 'oh.'

Inuyasha moved around her chair, so that he was kneeling right in front of her. He placed both his hands on the seat, one on each side of her, and looked straight into her eyes. "Tell me, Kagome. What other reasons can you throw at me, as for an explanation to why we can't be together? I remember my vow to myself, but I can't just ignore you. I tried to ignore my feelings, believing my intentions and vow honorable. But seeing you so much, after so long, I can't ignore how I feel. I can't ignore you. Kouga, be damned." Inuyasha said, moving his hands from her seat, to her hands. "I want to be with you, can't you understand that?" Inuyasha pleaded, looking at her with a vulnerable expression, no one but Kagome knew about.

Kagome briefly thought about her life, her past, her present, and the people in it, especially the people. Then after a minute or two of contemplating she sighed, gently removing her hands from beneath Inuyasha's all encompassing ones. She softly shook her head. "I'm sorry... I just can't. Kouga--," She started, but was cut off when Inuyasha suddenly stood up.

Inuyasha's whole expression and facial features changed. What was once vulnerable and pleading a minute ago, was now cold and harsh. Closed off. Inuyasha clenched and un-clenched his fists at his sides. "Is that what you really want?" He asked shortly.

When Kagome mutely gave a slight nod, he responded. "I see. Well, then. I can't force you to see what's right in front of you. I'll leave, and I won't bother you with this matter any more." Inuyasha briskly strode to the door but stopped with his hand on the knob, and his back turned to her. He sighed, leaning his fore-head against the door. "You say that tonight meant something to you..."

Kagome just stared at his broad back as he softly spoke.

"But if that was true, then you wouldn't care about what others thought, or how people say we're supposed to live. It would just be me and you." Inuyasha said, looking at the door as he spoke. He opened the door and was faced with the now empty hallway. "I guess the promise of us, isn't enough for you to ignore everyone else." And with that, he stepped over the door's threshold, and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Kagome let the breath she was holding out, and began to take deep, un-even breaths. She brought her hand up to clutch her chest, and continued to breath deeply. It hurt. The blade his words had stabbed in her heart, hurt. But she couldn't just let the world fall away from her, and forget about the rest of the people in her life. She did that once, before he left her all those years ago, nearly dying at his sudden and pro-longed absence. She couldn't risk it all again, and survive. She wasn't ready to fall. Not again.

(+++++++++++++++++++++++SCENCE+CHANGE+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++)

Inuyasha stalked the club, looking for an exit, and quick. He saw Miroku and Sango talking at one of the tables. Miroku smiled and waved, trying to motion for Inuyasha to come over. But once he saw the set of Inuyasha's stone face, his smile began to falter. Inuyasha ignored the two and briskly walked right past them, seeing an exit nearby. He was going to get the hell out of there, go home, drink, something, anything, to get away from thoughts of the woman who had the power to being him to such highs, yet such lows at the same time.

The cold air that greeted his face outside, calmed him down a bit. Then he saw Kikyo standing with a few of her friends outside of the club. Inuyasha walked right up to them and took hold of one of Kikyo's arms. "We need to talk." Inuyasha said, looking directly at Kikyo's face.

She looked up at him, towering above her, and silently nodded. She turned to her friends, who were staring at Inuyasha in awed rapture, some giving her wondering looks. She told them about how she was hooking up with the famous music star, but they didn't believe her, tonight's performance making her tale even more a lie. But seeing Inuyasha Takeishi actually come up to Kikyo and talk to her, just made them stare at her and him, in wonder. "Well guys, I gotta run. Inuyasha wants to talk to me. See you girls later." Kikyo said smiling, satisfied at their hanging jaws. She told them.

Inuyasha grunted at them, then lead Kikyo away from them. He led her to his car, parked across the street and unlocked the doors of his cherry red speedster. "Get in." Inuyasha shortly said.

Kikyo opened the passenger-side door and got in. She luxuriated at feel of the soft Italian leather of his seats and smiled. She was worried after the performance. Especially because of the kiss. She thought he'd be ignoring her now, more than ever. But she over-heard Miroku and Sango talking when they came out of the back hallway, about how Inuyasha and Kagome needed to talk things out. Apparently that didn't go so well, and Inuyasha finally decided that the girl wasn't worth the trouble, and was coming to her to tell her. Kikyo inwardly smirked. Finally, Inuyasha saw that she was a much better choice than Kagome. Oh, the possibilities.

Kikyo was so lost in her own planning thoughts, that she failed to notice where they were going. Inuyasha hadn't said a word, but when she finally realized where they were headed, she smiled. Her place. So, now, he wanted to go to her place. Kikyo smiled again, like the cat that knew she would be getting some sweet milk soon.

When they reached her house, Inuyasha turned the car off. He stared off into the the dark road for a few minutes before finally saying something. Kikyo was about to find out, that she was so wrong about why Inuyasha wanted to talk to her.

"Why did you tell Kagome that we were going to become official?" Inuyasha asked, gripping the steering-wheel with both his hands.

Kikyo stared at him for a second, uncomprehending, then understood. So, she told him about that? That girl would definitely hear it from her. "Who said anything about that?"

"Don't play dumb Kikyo, I know you told Kagome that. Why? I made it clear how I felt about you. Why are you telling people otherwise?" Inuyasha said, turning to sharply look at her.

Kikyo swallowed the lump in her throat and shook her head in defeat. "I don't know. I just thought that maybe... Maybe you'd change your mind."

When Inuyasha didn't say anything, Kikyo continued. "Oh come on, Inuyasha. You and I both know things can't work out between you and her. She has Kouga, another man. They're engaged. Your on about something that existed between the two of you years ago. It's the past, leave it there. If you really cared about her, you would've looked for her a lot sooner. And I'll bet if it wasn't for this coincidence about seeing her at the label, you still would have never looked for her. You have me. I care about you. She doesn't. She'll never love you openly, the way I do. She doesn't care about how you feel. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here with me now." Kikyo said, looking at Inuyasha intensely, hoping that he would finally open his eyes and see.

Inuyasha just continued to stare at the road ahead, silent. Then, "Get out."

"What?" Kikyo asked, incredulously.

"I said, get out." Inuyasha curtly said, not looking at her.

"Inuyasha..." Kikyo started.

"No. Get out! Who are you to judge my relationship with Kagome? You know nothing! You no nothing about how I felt when I had to leave her, or why, or why I didn't go looking for her. And I will not sit here and listen to you, of all people, critique and belittle my relationship with her. Yeah, we're having problems right now, but that doesn't give you the right to just say whatever you want to me. You don't know Kagome. And I guess you don't me either." Inuyasha said, looking straight into Kikyo's surprised face.

"I'm sorry... but--" Kikyo started again.

"No. Whatever happens between me and her, is between me and her. I don't need your opinions, and I'd appreciate it, if you didn't go around telling people, and Kagome for that matter, lies." Inuyasha said.

When Kikyo still looked at him with a sort of startled, hurt expression, he sighed. "Look... I'm sorry I'm so harsh Kikyo. You were my friend, when I needed one, and I'm glad I got a chance to meet a great person like you. But my life right now... I don't need--." Inuyasha sighed again.

"Me. You don't need me." Kikyo softly said, looking down.

"No... I don't know what I'm trying to say exactly. But I think it would be best if we didn't see each other for a while. I'm sorry." Inuyasha said.

"Okay." Kikyo softly said, proceeding to get out of the car, but his voice momentarily stopped her.

"I hope you take what I said to heart. I would really like it if you didn't butt into my relationship with Kagome. Whether we're just friends or not. Please." Inuyasha said, looking at Kikyo.

"Fine." Kikyo said, getting out of the car. When she was out of the car, she leaned down to say one more thing to Inuyasha. "I hope you get what your looking for with her, Inuyasha." Kikyo said.

Inuyasha nodded. "I hope so too." And then he was gone, speeding off into the night, leaving her.

When his car was out of sight, Kikyo fell to her knees. She covered her mouth with both her hands tightly, to hold the sob in, but barely succeeded.



< br> Kagome sighed. It had been 2 days since the whole thing at club SUNSET. Two days with no word from Inuyasha. She saw Miroku once, and when she asked about him, he just said that Inuyasha was out, busy somewhere. He then quickly changed the topic, making it clear that he didn't want to talk about Inuyasha with her.

Kagome flopped onto her bed, and stared at the glowing stars on her ceiling above. She thought back to her confrontation with Kouga, the day prior.

He had been at the club that night and saw the whole thing. But he didn't get a chance to talk to her. So he had just left and called her to meet him the next day, later.

"Kouga..." Kagome greeted as she met him at a restaurant in town.

"Kagome... Sit down." Kouga said, not looking at her.

Kagome did as she was told, and picked up the menu to look like she was doing something. "Kouga, about last night..." Kagome started, looking but not really seeing the menu in her hands.

"Was the ending, part of the performance last night as well, Kagome?" Kouga asked, still looking through the menu.

"Kouga..." Kagome said.

"Was it?" Kouga repeated.

Kagome had decided to tell the truth before she got there, but watching him now, she couldn't. So she lied. Kagome slowly nodded.

Kouga finally looked up at her as she gave her answer and nodded also. "So, that matter is settled. Let's not dwell on it too much then, hm?"Kouga said, smiling then. Kouga had a feeling Kagome was lying, but even if she was, he really didn't want to deal with the truth, so he just accepted her answer, with no questions asked.

Kagome nodded again, feeling guilty.

Kouga put his menu down, and placed one of his hands over her's on the table. "I've been thinking about the wedding, and so has my mother. I think we should really start getting the process in motion. Pick the caterers, the flowers, the guest list. That way, the invitations will be out in no time. What do you think?"

Kagome looked at him. "I don't know. So soon?" Kagome hesitantly asked.

"Kagome, honey, this is not so soon. We've been engaged for a year or so now. I think it's about time we really got the ball rolling. Besides, what with your music, I know your probably gonna be touring soon. And I'll be with my father for the business and everything..." Kouga said, using both his hands to grasp both her's.

Kouga looked deep into Kagome's eyes. "I want to be married before then. I know I'm busy now, on my trips and such, and you have your mini-concerts. But I want to be with you. Officially, in the eyes of God. The sooner the better." When Kagome still didn't say anything, he continued. "Come on, Kagome, we've known each other since we were practically in diapers. What's there to wait for, now? I love you." Kouga finished off, intently.

Kagome sighed. "Your right. Fine. I'll start planning." 'After all, this is why I can't be with Inuyasha..Might as well deal with it.' Kagome's mind whispered.

"Great!" Kouga said, giving her hands a gentle squeeze. "My mother said she'd handle most of the affairs, so all you have to do is just tell her what you want, and she'll get it. Money is not an issue." Kouga laughed. "My father's words," he added.

Kagome smiled lightly at his words, and nodded. She was so not looking forward to spending her time with Kouga's mother. It wasn't that she was mean to Kagome, per say, but ever since they were kids, Kagome always thought of his mother as sort of snobbish, like she always thought she was above everyone else. And the fact that Kouga put a lot of his life on hold for Kagome when Inuyasha left didn't help the matter. His mom knew who Inuyasha and his mother were. She knew that they weren't rich, and that they weren't in her family's status. So she looked down upon them and the fact that her son was comforting her, because of the very people she scorned had left, didn't help matters. But after Kouga made it clear to her that he wanted to be with Kagome and that he loved her and wouldn't have any other, she relented on her initial bitter attitude towards Kagome. She was still snobbish, and thought herself better, but she tolerated Kagome because her son said so. And despite the way she acted, Kagome knew, Mrs. Ookami loved her son fiercely.

"I'll tell my mother then. She'll probably call you when she has time to do some wedding planning, okay, hon?" Kouga said, oblivious to Kagome's thoughts.

"Sure, Kouga." Kagome replied.

"Wonderful." Kouga said, smiling at her. Just then, his cell phone began ringing. "Oh, hold on a minute, hon." Kouga reached into his jacket pocket and pulled his phone out, answering it. "Ookami, Kouga... Uh-huh... No, I said to analyze and look through the data file... Yes.... No, I'm having dinner with my fiance... No, I can't.... Just look through the--wait, hold on a sec." Kouga turned to look at Kagome with an apologetic expression, placing his hand over the mouthpiece of his phone, covering it. "I'm sorry hon, I need to take this really quick. I promise, I won't be long, okay?" Kouga asked.

"Sure Kouga, you take as long as you need to. The food isn't here yet anyway." Kagome said.

"Thanks, hon. I promise, I'll be just a second." Kouga said, standing up. He started to talk into the phone again. He was about to pass by where Kagome sat, but paused. He pulled the phone away from his ear again, and leaned down to give Kagome a soft kiss on the cheek. "Thank you." Kouga softly said, the words and way he said it, somehow thanking her for more that just the phone call. Kouga stood up and smiled down at her. Then he proceeded to walk into the lobby of the restaurant with the phone pasted to his ear again.

Kagome watched his retreating back. 'Would dinners be like this for the rest of her life, after she married him?' Kagome sadly wondered. She hoped not.

Kagome shook her head to dispel any thoughts of Kouga, his mother, and wedding plans. She sat up in her bed, and looked out the window. It was raining.

Where are you Inuyasha?

Kagome's thoughts were put on hold as the shrill ring of her cell phone broke her of her reverie.

Kagome reached over to where her phone lay on the bedside table and looked at the caller ID. 'Sango. She's probably calling to tell me about what Myouga said.'

"Moshi moshi, Sango... Uh huh. He wants to have a meeting? ... When? ... Alright, I'll be there in half an hour... Yeah, I know, I'll bring an umbrella... I do not get sick easily when it rains! ... Well.... But that was just--... Fine, but not all the time though... Okay, bye." Kagome sighed as she hung up with her friend.

Kagome got off her bed, grumbling about worrying managers and such. It's not like Kagome was disaster prone to getting sick every minute. She sighed again, remembering how as a child and in college, she got sick more easily than other kids. But she thought she was over that. She hadn't gotten sick in over months now. She thought perhaps she was growing out of that whole thing.

"Oh well, I'll just bring an umbrella. I should be fine. Sango's just worrying too much." Kagome said to herself as she proceeded to look through her closet for something to where to the meeting at the record company.

She felt fine. Fit as a fiddle.

Little did she know, that she spoke too soon...

(+++++++++++++++++++++++SCENCE+CHANGE++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++)

Inuyasha yawned as he sat in the big meeting room, waiting for the rest of the people to show up so they could start the darn thing, and get it over with. He was wearing faded denim jeans, and a black muscle shirt, and a pair of converse. Inuyasha impatiently ran his hands through his long silver mane, and sighed. He looked over at Miroku and saw him avidly writing something in his planner. Sango was reading something from the seat next the man, softly mumbling to herself. Inuyasha shook his head, just as the door slammed open, revealing a slightly wet, disheveled Kagome in brown, low-waist hip-huggers, and a dark blue t-shirt. Her hair was a little damp, from the rain, and she shook her head a little to rid the stray droplets. She shook the umbrella in her hand and placed it in the stand, next to the door. Sango looked up at her friend's entrance and shook her head. Kagome gave her a sheepish smile, then walked over to sit next to her. When she was settled in her seat, she looked up at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha gave her a blank stare then turned his head to look at one of the plaques on the wall. Kagome frowned a little, then slowly turned to look at the other people sitting at the big table. Miroku looked up from his planner and gave her a charming smile, then went right back to writing. Sango, took out a hankerchief from her purse and gave it to Kagome to wipe any excess moisture off. Kagome smiled gratefully and took the offered cloth. Just as she was wiping a wet brow, Myouga entered the room with Miyuki by his side.

"Hello hello, everyone! I hope you all are in a beautiful mood, despite the ugly weather today. I see we are all here, so we may begin." Myouga said, with enthusiastic vigor. He took his seat at the head of the table, Miyuki following off to his side. Myouga sighed, good-heartedly, and looked at the people sitting at the table before him.

"Now, I know I briefly went over how I felt about the performance last night, but I just can't say enough about what a great pair you two make." Myouga said, referring to Inuyasha and Kagome with his hand. "It was genius, I loved it. The phones have been ringing off the hook, all the music magazines and entertainment reporters, trying to get an interview with you two. So I think it's safe to say, that you two will be doing an interview. I'll try to make it so that you only have to do one interview though, and the others can just recycle that one and use it. Is there any reporters that you two have in mind, any preference?" Myouga asked, smiling.

Inuyasha shook his head. "I don't know any reporters in particular. So, I don't care."

"Kagome-san?" Myouga asked, looking at her.

"Hmm..." Kagome pondered. "Well, there was this one reporter I promised an interview to... Her name was Shina Yoshida, and I think she was from IK Music TV."

"IK Music TV? Miyuki, did you get that? Alright Kagome-san, I'll have Miyuki look them up." Myouga said, turning to look at his assistant. "I would estimate, that maybe we can have the interview as soon as in 2 days or so. Is that alright with you two?" Myouga asked, turning back to look at the two music artists.

"That sounds good to me." Kagome replied, beginning to gather her things.

"I ain't doing anything, so whatever." Inuyasha gruffly said.

Myouga chuckled. "Perfect. Well, if you would all excuse us, we have a new line to discuss with a few other executives. Let's go Miyuki-san." The big man stood up, along with his assistant, and with a little wave in their general direction, was gone.

"Hm, well, that went fine." Miroku said, closing his planner. "Now, if you'll excuse the lovely Sango and myself, we'll be off. There's a meeting for all the managers on the 14th floor. I'll call you to tell you the interview time tomorrow, Inuyasha." The violet-eyed man said, standing.

"Same here, Kagome. Call me if you need anything else, kay?" Sango said, also standing.

"Sure, Sango." Kagome said.

"Whatever." Inuyasha said, looking out the floor to ceiling windows of the office.

Sango and Miroku walked towards the door together. Miroku held the door open for Sango, and gave a little bow. Sango snorted, then turned to look back at her best friend. "Really Kaggie, call me for anything. And don't forget your umbrella, either."

"Alright, Sango. I heard you the first time." Kagome grumbled.

Sango laughed and left the room, with Miroku on her trail.

With the click of the door, all was silent, until...

"Inuyasha..." Kagome started.

Inuyasha turned to look at her. "What, Kagome?"

Kagome paused at his tone, but continued. "Uh... What are your plans for the rest of the day."

"Why do you care?" Inuyasha curtly replied, looking directly into her chocolate-brown eyes.

"I-I was thinking that maybe we c-could hang out." Kagome stuttered, his piercing golden gaze, finally getting to her.

"Why? You made it clear we couldn't be together, last night. Why are you now, so eager to hang out with me?" Inuyasha sourly asked.

"That's not fair. Just because of what happened... last night, doesn't mean that I don't want to be your friend and hang out with you. Can't it just be like old times, when we used to hang out doing everything, yet nothing?" Kagome said, with hope in her glistening eyes.

"No. It can't be like that, Kagome. It's too late for that. You know what I want. And I'd rather be denied Heaven completely, than to catch glimpses of it from the gates." Inuyasha ended in a whisper, turning his head the other way.

"Inuyasha... Please. I miss you. I'm sorry about last night, but can't we just--," Kagome started but was cut off by the chilly air of Inuyasha's tone.

"No. You wanted your space. Well, I'm giving it to you. After this whole partnership thing, I won't bother you anymore." Inuyasha bitterly said, rising from the table. He put his messenger bag around his neck and strode towards the double doors.

"Inu, please..." Kagome silently pleaded.

Inuyasha stood in front of the door with his back to her, and closed his eyes. He sighed, then shook his head. He opened the door and left.

Kagome began breathing hard again. She clutched the table for a second, then stood up. The world blurred for a sudden second, causing Kagome to grab onto the table again. She shook her head to clear it, then grabbed her bag, forgetting about her umbrella completely...

(+++++++++++++++++++++++SCENCE+CHANGE++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++)

"I like the Tafita brides-maids dresses, Kagome. What do you think?" Mrs. Ookami said, from her place next to Kagome, in a wedding boutique. They were sitting in the front room of the store, looking through wedding magazines of every aspect. Kouga had called her when she got home from the record company yesterday, telling her where and when to meet his mother the next day. Kagome tried to put some false cheer in her voice when she answered the older woman.

"They look beautiful." Kagome replied, not even looking at the dress Mrs. Ookami was pointing at.

"Yes, I know, that's what I said." Mrs. Ookami distractedly said, turning the page.

It had been 4 hours already, in this little shop, and it was 3 in the afternoon already. When Kagome woke up that morning, she noticed something a little off about herself, but decided it was just her lack of excitement about spending the day with Kouga's mother.

"Oh, look at that ivory table setting. Isn't it just gorgeous?" Mrs. Ookami asked, not even looking at Kagome.

"Uh huh." Kagome sighed.

Mrs. Ookami turned to look at Kagome with a critical eye. "Am I boring you, Kagome?"

"No, that's not, no." Kagome said, trying not to offend the woman.

"No, be honest. Here I am, taking time off my busy schedule to help you plan your wedding to my son, and your sighing as if your doing a chore. Really Kagome, where did you learn you manners?" Mrs. Ookami said, frowning at the younger girl.

Kagome was about to sigh again, but stopped herself. She leaned over to look at the ivory table setting the woman was talking about. "Yes, it is gorgeous, Mrs. Ookami."

Kouga's mother rolled her eyes. "Yes, well..." Mrs. Ookami said, turning her head to look back down at the magazine in her hand.

Kagome let the breath she'd been holding out, and leaned back in her chair. She looked up at the blinding, florescent lights above. Again, the world swam for a second. Kagome shook her head, and closed her eyes. She looked back down to the table, and everything was normal again. She'd been having a few of those lately. And everytime, she would dismiss it as fatigue or something. Nothing to really worry about.


(+++++++++++++++++++++++SCENCE+CHA NGE++++++++++++++++++++++++++)

Kagome woke up in cold sweat the next day. She was disoriented for a minute but her heard cleared. She looked over at the alarm clock, glowing ominously on her bed-side table, and sighed. 6:39, in the morning. Kagome dis-entangled her limbs from the clinging bed-sheet and put her house slippers on. She grabbed her bathrobe and headed to the bathroom. She turned the shower onto a warm temperature then walked over to stand in front of the sink mirror. She had semi-dark circles under her eyes, her face looked pale and gaunt, and her hair was a mess.
'Maybe a shower and some food will do me good. It's probably just a sleepless night.' Kagome mentally told herself.

The interview was at 12 in the afternoon, at the music hall downtown. So Kagome still had around 5 hours to kill. She yawned at shook her head. Kagome stripped her bathrobe off and placed it on the hook beside her shower, then stepped under the warm spray of water. She turned around, letting the water caress her back and sighed. 'This past week has been Hell,' she thought. 'The wedding plans, the weird dis-orienting moments here and there, these past few days. And Inuyasha... Inuyasha still has been avoiding my calls and everything.'

"Well, I'll see him today. So maybe I can convince him to hang out with me, after the interview." Kagome mumbled. She smiled a little at the thought. "I feel like when we were kids, and I'd spend days just pestering him to play with me, when he would claim, he had boy things to do..." Kagome softly said. Her heart clenched at the thought of how their present relationship was like. She lathered soap in her hands and spread it across her body. When she was done with that, she put some shampoo, then conditioner into her hair, rinsing after.

Kagome stepped out of her shower, and wrapped her bathrobe around her. She walked into her room and sat in front of her vanity. Kagome opened a bottle and put some lotion on herself. Out of the corner of her eye, the calendar sat, at the edge of the table. She looked at the date and smiled. "Our birthdays are next week..." Kagome whispered. "At least this year, I'll know where Inuyasha is for our birthday." Kagome sadly said, remembering each birthday that would pass, with her thinking about Inuyasha. Kagome touched the date on the calender with her fingertips. Then she took her hand away. Kagome walked over to her closet to get dressed. Today, would be a long day...

(+++++++++++++++++++++++SCENCE+CHANGE+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++)

Shina Yoshida opened the hall doors, looking around for deep brown eyes, and a black head of hair. Tough to do in Japan, but she'd manage it. She'd never forget Kagome. When she spotted the pair of singers at table nearby, she smiled. She looked down at her jeans, and long-sleeve shirt. Kagome had said she wanted it to be casual, so she dressed the part. She nodded once, then made her way over to the two.

Inuyasha Takeishi looked godly in just his black jeans and red pull-over. He wore a sour expression on his face, as he looked around the vast music hall. Kagome on the other-hand looked... nervous for some reason. She was wearing denim jeans, and a deep violet shirt. Her hair was in a ponytail, and when she saw Shina, she smiled and waved her hand.

"Kagome-san! It's so good to see you, again. When I got the call from your label yesterday, I was elated. I guess, I just couldn't believe that you kept your word." Shina said, shyly.

"Why wouldn't I keep my word Shina-san?" Kagome asked, good naturedly, and she motioned for her to take a seat.

Shina lightly laughed and nodded. "Right."

"Can we just cut the formalities, and get this over with? I got things to do." Inuyasha gruffly said, crossing his arms over his chest. Kagome looked at him and frowned. When she had arrived at the hall, Inuyasha was already there, and adamant as ever, about ignoring her, or giving her short, curt answers. His treatment hurt. Then again, it was sort of her fault, but still...

"Uh, sure." Shina replied, a little taken aback by his behavior. Sure, she heard rumors about how Inuyasha Takeishi was rude and arrogant. But she had hoped otherwise.

"Okay then, let's get started." Shina said, her cheerful smile, back in place. Miyuki had told her all about how the pair would only be doing one interview, and how it would just be recycled for everyone else. She had been honored beyond words that Kagome had mentioned her name.

Shina took out her laptop and voice recorder. She opened a Word document on her computer, ready to type away, and placed her voice recorder in the center of the table, hitting record. "Hello, this is Shina Yoshida with IK Music TV, and right now, we have an interview with Japan's biggest pair. Inuyasha Takeishi, and Kagome Higurashi."

"Hello Japan." Kagome said, smiling.

''Sup." Inuyasha said.

Shina laughed. "Alright, first question, how do you two feel about being the poster pair in the music world, right now?"

"It's a great experience, and I'm glad I get to do this. Music is a big part of my life." Kagome said.

"Yeah, what she said." Inuyasha said, not really caring about the interview.

Shina laughed a bit uneasily and nodded. "Right. And how do you two feel about working so closely together? I heard you two have a history...?"

Inuyasha turned and looked at the reporter. "Yeah. We knew each other when we were younger, lived around the same area."

Kagome frowned at his response and cleared her throat. "It's more than that. We used to be best friends, we did everything together." Kagome said, looking at Inuyasha.

Inuyasha frowned at her. "Key words: used to."

Kagome knitted her eye-brows together at him while they stared at each other.

Shina cleared her throat at the sudden tension and laughed. "Well then, quite a history. Onto our next question. Kagome, I understand that your engaged to the son of the CEO of Ookami Corp. Is this true?"

Kagome looked at Shina with an indecipherable expression and nodded. "Yes, I am engaged to him. Kouga Ookami."

Shina nodded while typing on her laptop. "I see, and how did you two meet?"

"I guess you could say, we were child-hood friends also. He helped me through some tough times in my life. And I'll be forever grateful to him for it." Kagome said, hoping Inuyasha would somehow understand her position better.

Inuyasha stiffened, then slowly turned to look at her. She was looking down at the table.

"Wow. That sounds like a heart-felt story. And Inuyasha, I hear you've been linked to a woman, yourself. Kikyo Hitomi, am I correct?" Shina asked, still looking at her laptop, typing.

Inuyasha stiffened again, and turned to look at the reporter. "Kikyo and I are friends. Nothing more."

Shina looked up at him, and slowly nodded at his expression. "Hm."

"And now, the long-awaited question. Was the kiss in Kagome's last performance part of the show? Or is there more that lies behind this partnership?" Shina asked with an impish smile, the underlying emotions of the two sitting in front of her, unknown.

"It was--." Kagome started.

"Yes. It was planned. All part of the show. You know, we wanted to keep the audience on their toes. And what better way to do that, than to put on a little show, within a show, right?" Inuyasha bitterly said, with a cold smile.

"Is that so?" Shina unbelievingly questioned. She looked over to where Kagome sat, and saw her with her mouth hanging open, staring wide-eyed at the cold, silver-haired God, next to her.

"Kagome?" Shina hesitantly asked.

Kagome closed her jaw, but she still didn't remove her gaze from the man sitting next to her.

"So I guess that concludes the interview, right?" Inuyasha said, face and tone flat. He stood up and started walking towards the door.

Kagome sat, frozen for a moment, watching his retreating form, then stood suddenly. Her world swam again, but she quickly shook it off. Completely forgetting about Shina, she rushed over to catch up with Inuyasha.

He was almost at the exit, when someone grabbed his right arm, jerkily. Inuyasha turned around to see Kagome breathing a little heavy. He suppressed his initial urge to see if she was okay and hug her, by tightening his fists at his sides. Inuyasha looked at Kagome with emotionless eyes. "What do you want?"

Kagome gripped his arm, and shook her head. "How could you... How could you callously s-say that? You know what you mean to me." Kagome said, still breathing hard.

"What I mean to you? What do I mean to you, huh, Kagome? It kills me to even be near you now. I can't stand it. Everytime I see you, I just wanna rip my hair out." Inuyasha said, starting to get frustrated.

"You can't mean that... I know you care about me." Kagome said in a whisper, looking at Inuyasha with desperate, glistening eyes. "Can't you just... just..."

"Just what Kagome? Ignore the pain in my heart everytime I see you, and go on pretending everything is happy go lucky? It's not, and I won't. You made it clear what you wanted. And I'm trying to give it to you. But I need to keep some distance between us for a while, so I can think." Inuyasha said, emotions starting to flit across his face.

"Please..." Kagome pleaded, breathing harder. She didn't loosen her grip on his arm, only tightened it.

"I have nothing more to say, and I don't want to hear anymore. Let me go." Inuyasha said, putting up his barrier again, letting his face return to chilly nothingness.

"Please..." Kagome said again, clutching her chest with her free arm.

"Let. Me. Go." Inuyasha said one last time in a dead tone.

Kagome sniffled, and let the tears finally fall. "I-I-I ca-can't." She hiccuped.

"What did you say?" Inuyasha asked in a whisper, his barriers once again falling.

"I-I can't let you go, Inuyasha. No matter how hard I try. I know it's my fault we're in this situation right now, and that it was my decision to stay with Kouga." Kagome sobbed, falling to her knees at his feet. "But I can't let you go..." Kagome whispered, brokenly.

Inuyasha kneeled in front of the weeping goddess before him and took her shoulders in his hands. "Kagome..." He softly said.

"I need you too much...Yash." Kagome choked out.

"Kagome..." Inuyasha softly said, wanting her to look up at him. When she didn't, he used one of his hands to lift her chin. The face that greeted him, stabbed his heart, and made him feel like the scum of the earth. Kagome had tears running down her face, her cheeks were flushed--a little too flushed for crying--her nose red, and the saddest eyes anyone could ever imagine.

Inuyasha lifted Kagome to her feet with his hands on her shoulders. He let her go, so she could stand on her own, but as soon as he did, she practically fell to the floor again. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist to hold her up and leaned his head away a little, so he could see her.

"Kagome...? What's wrong?" Inuyasha softly whispered, concerned.

"I feel... light-headed Yash." Kagome softly said.

"Kagome!" Inuyasha said with more alarm and panic. He gripped her body to him and looked at her with wild eyes.

"Will you catch me if I fall?" Kagome slurred, her eyes already starting to close. That second, Kagome's body fell limp against Inuyasha's own.

Inuyasha held Kagome more tightly and looked down at her with clear, golden eyes. "Always..." He whispered into her hair.

(+++++++++++++++++++++++SCENCE+CHANGE++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++)

Inuyasha held Kagome's hand as they sped to the hospital in an ambulance. Apparently Shina had called an ambulance, because they arrived, right when Inuyasha managed to get Kagome outside. He was going to take her in his car, but the paramedics in the ambulance advised him that it would be better for Kagome if they took her. He agreed on the condition that they let him come with them. They did.

The sirens blared distantly in his ears, as he held Kagome's hand, giving her a gentle squeeze. He looked at her closed eyes, and wished with all his heart, that he could see chocolate-brown staring at him that second. He was a bastard. Here, he thought that because Kagome didn't want to be with him the way he wanted to be with her, it meant that she didn't care about him. How absolutely wrong... and stupid he was. He knew that Kagome got sick easily, and what with the weather and the stress he was causing her... He could just kick himself for not realizing it sooner. Not anymore. 'I won't let you fall anymore, Kagome.' Inuyasha mentally told himself.

"Sir, we've arrived." The paramedic next to him declared.

Inuyasha looked at him, then back at Kagome and nodded. The next thing he knew, Kagome was being speedily wheeled away into a room, where they were trying to stabilize her. They told him he couldn't enter the room, and he just growled at the guy and stalked off to pace the hallway, just outside of Kagome's room.

Inuyasha had been pacing for almost an hour when the doctor finally exited her room. "How is she? What's wrong?" Inuyasha frantically asked the doctor, grabbing his coat collar. The doctor gingerly removed Inuyasha's hands from him and sighed. "Are you family?"

Inuyasha looked confused for a second, then his eyes cleared. "No, but... She's my best friend." Inuyasha softly said.

"Where is she?!" Came a roar around the corner.

Kouga appeared then, practically running when he saw Inuyasha. Kouga stopped right in front of Inuyasha and punched him, square in the jaw. "What did you do to her, mutt!?"

Inuyasha landed on his back, and rubbed his chin, where Kouga had hit him. The doctor placed his arm on Kouga's. "Please, sir, there's no need for that. Ookami, Kouga, I assume?" The doctor asked.

Kouga looked at the doctor and nodded. "Yes, I'm Kouga. Now, where is my fiance?" he demanded.

"I see, so your her fiance. We saw your business card in her wallet and weren't sure what your relationship was. But a fiance is like family, so I'll take you to see her." The doctor said, leading Kouga into Kagome's room.

When Kouga saw Kagome lying there, through the door the doctor held open, he turned around to face Inuyasha. "If I find out that you had absolutely anything to do with why Kagome is in this hospital bed, I'll kill you. Regardless, stay from her. We're going to be married soon, and I don't want you hanging around her." When Inuyasha didn't say anything, Kouga turned around and entered the room.

Inuyasha sighed. He couldn't even get angry at the wolf. It was his fault. He got up to stand to the side of the door, so Kouga couldn't see him, but he could hear what was going on.

"What happened?" Kouga asked the doctor again. He took the seat next to the bed, and took hold of Kagome's hand.

The doctor sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, we got the records of her child-hood medical history, and it tells us that she got sick quite easily as a kid. Paired up with stress..."

"Is that all?" Kouga asked, looking up to stare at the doctor.

The doctor stared at Kouga for a minute, then sighed again. "We did some tests, and we found something with her heart..."

"Her heart?" Kouga hesitantly questioned.

"Yes. It seems that her heart rate increases when stress of any kind is put on it, or her. Causing her to hyperventilate when massive, intense stress is put upon her. Is there anything in her life right now, that might cause that amount of stress?" The doctor asked, looking at Kouga expectantly.

"Well... she has been planning our wedding..." Kouga slowly said.

"I see. Planning weddings can be really stressful. I advise that you put that hold for a little while. Give her a few days to a week to rest. She should fine." The doctor said.

"Okay. Thank you, doctor." Kouga said, turning to look back at Kagome face, worriedly.

"Good." The doctor said, making his way to the door. He was surprised to see Inuyasha still there, leaning against the wall, slumped. The doctor blinked. "I suppose you heard everything about your friend, then?"

Inuyasha nodded, with his eyes downcast.

The doctor nodded, then walked around him, to his office.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome, through the little window on the door, lying on the bed. He shook his head, then slowly made his way out of the hospital, to the music hall to retrieve his car.



< br> "She went home today. Kouga took her home." Sango said to Miroku and Inuyasha. They were sitting in the label's meeting room again, discussing Inuyasha's next performance tomorrow night.

"Really? How is she?" Miroku asked Sango.

Sango sighed. "She looks fine, albeit a little exhausted. Kouga wouldn't stop catering to her. He almost didn't even let me see her yesterday at the hospital."

"Hm..." Miroku mumbled, taking his planner out.

"Yeah. She looked a little awkward with him, but hey, what do I know." Sango said, looking forlornly out the big windows.

Miroku placed his hand on Sango's, on the table. "You do know Sango. She's your best friend, before she's your client. Your worried about her, we all are."

Sango looked at Miroku with soft eyes, and nodded slowly.

"So Inuyasha, how did it all happen? I know it happened after the interview, two days or so ago." Miroku inquired, looking at his friend. Ever since the the ordeal at the hospital, Inuyasha was quiet, lost in thought. He wanted to know what was up with his best friend... He thought his friend wouldn't answer, but after another minute of silence, he did.

"The interview was over, and I was leaving. She caught up to me and we... we had a huge fight. Then all of a sudden, she fainted." Inuyasha softly said, not looking at anyone.

"Huh. Well from now on, let's try not to have any screaming battles, now that we know what was wrong with Kagome, hm?" Miroku said.

"Yeah..." Was all Inuyasha said. Miroku sighed and turned to look at Sango. She looked at him with knowing eyes, then quickly darted her gaze to Inuyasha and back to him.

Miroku shook his shoulders and turned back to Inuyasha. "So what song are you gonna do tomorrow night?"

"...Beyond the Sun." Inuyasha said, looking down at the table.

"Alright, I'll tell the guys at club ELIXER. You should be able to go and do your sound check tomorrow morning." Miroku said, writing it down in his handy little planner.

Inuyasha nodded, then stood. "I got to go."

Sango looked up at him for a second, the nodded. "Kouga's not at Kagome's anymore. He had to work."

Inuyasha squinted his eyes, and looked at her. "And your telling me this, because...?"

"Nothing, I just felt like saying it. Bye Inuyasha. Good luck tomorrow." Sango said with a wave, pretending to look through her purse after.

Inuyasha stared at her for a second later, then nodded to Miroku. "See you later."

"Yeah, you too, man." Miroku said, clapping his hand to Inuyasha's in a guy hand-shake. "Good luck."

"With tomorrow?" Inuyasha asked, with a raised brow.

"No." Miroku said in a cryptic tone.

"With what then?" Inuyasha asked, confused.

"Just... Good luck, man. I mean it." Miroku said with understanding eyes.

"Alright, man. Whatever." Inuyasha said, already heading towards the doors.

When Inuyasha was gone, Miroku and Sango looked at each other.

"Are you thinking, what I'm thinking?" Sango asked, with a mysterious smile.

"That you wanna go out with me and bear my children? Why, yes I am, Sango dear." Miroku said with a laugh.

"No, you idiot." Sango grumbled.

Miroku smiled. "I'm kidding, love. Yes, I think I am thinking about what your thinking."

"Really?" Sango suspiciously questioned.

"Sure. Inuyasha and Kagome... Let the games begin." Miroku said with an impish smile.

(+++++++++++++++++++++++SCENCE+CHANGE+++++++++++++++++ +++++++++)

"Yes Kouga, I know... No, I'm not out on my cold balcony, I'm inside my room... Yes... I know.... Alright.... Kouga, I know.... Yes, I did.... Fine.... I'm sorry, I know, really.... You don't have to worry about me... Okay... Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow... I'm going to sleep... Okay, bye.... Me too." Kagome sighed as she hung up her cell phone. She didn't know Kouga could be so... so... over-bearing. Okay, he was just looking out for her, but there was such a thing as over-kill.

Kagome shook her head of any ill thoughts and turned the lights off in her room. She had gotten home this morning, from the hospital, and Kouga had stayed with her. He refused to go home at first, but after he got a call from the company, he reluctantly left, calling her every 30 minutes.

Kagome lifted the coverlet of her bed and got under the covers. She folded her hands over her stomach and stared at the ceiling. She was still a little tired, but other than that she was fine. It had been another 2 days since she last saw Inuyasha. She vaguely remembered glimpses of him, holding her hand in the ambulance, but when she woke up at the hospital, it was Kouga's hand in her's, not Inuyasha's. When she asked about Inuyasha at the hospital, Kouga just grunted and told her he wasn't there, and that he left. He then changed the topic quickly, ordering her to drink some water.

Kagome sighed. She remembered her fight with Inuyasha prior to her little *cough* nap. She remembered the harsh things he had said and the way he had looked at her with such indifferent ice. It chilled her to the bones, thinking about it. But she also remembered the way his eyes had changed when she had told him, how she couldn't let him go. They became... softer. She remembered asking him something though... What was it?

"Ah, I remember." Kagome softly said to herself, smiling.

"Will you catch me if I fall?" Kagome slurred, her eyes already starting to close. That second, Kagome's body fell limp against Inuyasha's own.

Inuyasha held Kagome more tightly and looked down at her with clear, golden eyes. "Always..." He whispered into her hair.

Kagome grinned at the memory. Oh yeah, she remembered. Kagome turned over and was about to close her eyes, but she heard something tapping on her window. tap... tap... Then another one. tap...

Kagome got up and slowly walked over to her balcony doors. Maybe it was a burglar, Kagome thought. She quickly grabbed her black wool jacket, and put it over her green flannel jammies. "Who's there?" Kagome quietly whispered.

"Kagome...?" Came a soft, velvet voice, she knew all too well.

"Inuyasha? Where are you? What are you doing out there? And why are you tapping my window?" Kagome asked, tying her hair in a pony-tail, while squinting, trying to see through the darkness.

"I needed to see you. Talk to you..." Inuyasha's voice said.

Kagome still couldn't see him. "I can't see you..."

"Can I come in?" Inuyasha softly asked.

"Sure, but... Let me get the front door, then you can... Whoa, how'd you do that?" Kagome gasped, taking a step back when Inuyasha suddenly jumped onto her balcony. He landed gracefully in a crouch in front of her then slowly stood up.

"I was in the tree across your balcony..." Inuyasha trailed off, lifting his head to look at her.

Kagome swallowed, then nodded. She motioned for him to come inside, and he quietly obliged. Kagome walked over to her bed, but didn't sit on it. She stopped when she reached the foot, then turned around to face Inuyasha. "So, what are you--" Kagome started, but was cut off, when she was suddenly pulled into a crushing hug by Inuyasha.

Kagome gasped. "Can't breathe... Yash."

Inuyasha loosened his tight grip but didn't let her go. He wrapped his arms more securely around Kagome's frame, enveloping her. "You baka. You un-thinking baka. If you weren't feeling well, you should have just stayed home, instead of worrying all of us." Inuyasha whispered, into the crook of her neck.

Kagome relaxed in his arms, and tenderly embraced him back. "I'm sorry Yash. Sorry for everything. Sorry for not caring about your--"

Inuyasha interrupted Kagome by placing a finger on her lips. When Kagome complied, he slowly removed his finger, to caress her face. "You... have no reason to be sorry. It's all my fault Kagome. I should have understood. Not you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Inuyasha raised both his hands to softly stroke her face as Kagome looked at him. "I'm sorry for being such a bastard to you. I don't deserve your friendship. Take it back."

Kagome giggled. "I could never do that. If I did, I would cease to exist, remember?" Kagome teased with twinkling eyes.

Inuyasha lightly laughed. "Your right. You would cease to exist without me. I remember, now."

Kagome brought one of her hands up to gently stroke Inuyasha's cheek. His skin was so warm. Then she noticed a light, almost faded bruise on his jaw. "Where did you get this? What happened?" She asked him, using her hands to examine the bruise in the dim-lighting.

"Feh. I got it in a huge fight in town a few days ago. The guy said he was tougher than me. So I showed him." Inuyasha said, smiling at the worried expression on her face.

Kagome lightly slapped his arm. "Liar." She whispered, looking at him with concerned eyes.

Inuyasha tenderly stared down into Kagome's angelic face, then wrapped his arms around her waist a little tighter. "I'm so happy. So glad, that your okay, you don't even know..." Inuyasha softly said.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his shoulders, the breeze coming through the open balcony doors, soothing. "I wish we could stay like this, forever." She whispered.

"Really, Kagome? Would you really wish that?" Inuyasha softly asked, into her hair.

"Yes..." Kagome softly replied.

"What if we could finally make that wish reality, Kags?" Inuyasha asked, pulling apart slightly, so he could stare into her eyes as she answered.

"I would do it." Kagome whispered. Her eyes were closed and she was leaning her fore-head against Inuyasha's strong chest. He was so warm and inviting.

"Kagome... Kags, open your eyes, look at me." Inuyasha softly demanded in a tender tone.

"What is it, Yash?" Kagome serenely asked, slowly opening her eyes. Chocolate-brown locked with vibrant gold.

Inuyasha stared deep into Kagome's eyes for a while, before he spoke. "I need to know. How do you feel about me?"

"Hmm... I care about you... deeply. When I'm not with you, I'm thinking about you. When I'm not with you, I... I don't know. It's like a part of me closes down, or it's not there. I suppose you could say, that your my... my..." Kagome started, but stopped and looked straight at Inuyasha's chest, rather than his face.

Inuyasha gently lifted her jaw, so that she was looking at him. "Your what, Kags?" He softly asked.

Kagome stared at Inuyasha's face, felt his strong arms around her, and couldn't lie. "My soul-mate." She said, in a bare whisper.

Inuyasha smiled so suddenly, it was bright enough to light the dark room and all other dark paths. "I like that term. Soul-mate. Yeah, your my soul-mate too, Kags."

Kagome shyly smiled at him, then leaned forward to rest her ear on his chest. His heart was beating like crazy. Then again, her heart was beating pretty crazy too. She smiled, tightening her arms around his solid waist.

"I'm sorry I didn't find you sooner, Kags, truly I am." Inuyasha whispered.

"Inuyasha, why are you apologizing so much? It's not like you. Are you sick?" Kagome laughed, leaning back to place her right hand over his fore-head, as if to check his temperature.

Inuyasha shook his head, and guided her hand to lightly rest on his cheek. "I'm not sick. But I need to tell you all of this. So, don't laugh."

Kagome nodded at his serious tone, then began to softly caress his cheek again.

"I'm sorry for the way I am. And I'm sorry for how I hurt you in the past. And I'm even sorry for any future hurts, I might cause you later." Inuyasha said, pulling her closer.

Kagome stayed silent and let him continue. Somehow she knew, he wasn't finished, just yet.

"But I promise, I will care for you, for the rest of my life. After all, you are my one and only soul-mate." Inuyasha said, with a soft smile.

"Inuyasha... What are you trying to say?" Kagome slowly asked, not quite sure where he was going with this. And then...

"I love you." Inuyasha whispered, staring at her intently.

"Huh?" Kagome dumbly asked, blinking her eyes rapidly, as if she was seeing, or hearing wrong. Something.

"I love you." Inuyasha declared more loudly, a slow grin appearing on his handsome face. "I said, I love you."

"Inuyasha..." Kagome trailed off, not knowing how to answer.

Inuyasha smiled, and gently cupped her cheek. "You don't have to say anything back yet, Kagome. I know how you feel. I feel it, too."

Kagome cupped both of Inuyasha's cheeks, and against what her mind was telling her, leaned up on her tippy-toes, and softly kissed Inuyasha's lips.

Inuyasha closed his eyes, and just savored the feeling of Kagome in his arms, her lips on his... He wrapped his arms more securely around her, and leaned forward to kiss her more deeply.

When they broke apart a minute later, gasping for breath, Inuyasha whispered against her lips. "Let's run away."

Kagome froze,and opened her eyes to look at him. "What?"

"Let's run away. My next performance is tomorrow night. Let's run away and go somewhere after. Just the two of us. We can make this wish a reality." Inuyasha softly pleaded, bringing the woman in his arms, even closer than possible.

Kagome swallowed and didn't say anything, her arms lightly resting of Inuyasha's shoulders. He continued on.

"I know your scared, and worried about our responsibilities. But we already tried to ignore our feelings, and look where it's left us." Inuyasha said, trying to sound convincing. "I love you. I want to be with you, more than anything in the world. I can face any punishment for the both of us, as long as I have you."

Kagome looked up at Inuyasha with doe-like eyes, still not responding. Inuyasha sighed. "You don't have to answer me now... But soon, please. Meet me at club ELIXIR tomorrow night, at my performance, if you agree." Inuyasha slowly let his hands fall away from her. He looked at her with pleading eyes, filled with love. "I should probably get going."

Inuyasha took a step back, then leaned forward, yo ever so slowly give Kagome one last, chaste kiss. "Whatever you decide, just know that I've always loved you. Even back when we were kids." Inuyasha chuckled. Then he sobered up and walked over to the balcony. With one last glance at Kagome, he saluted her, then jumped off the two-story balcony, disappearing into the night.

Kagome quickly ran over to the balcony to see where he landed, but by the time she got there, he was already gone. Kagome brought her hand up to lightly touch her lips, where he had kissed her. No one else, would ever make her feel the way Inuyasha Takeishi did.

'What should I do? What should I decide?' Kagome thought, looking up at the moon.

"Should I just let go of everything else, and fall again?" Kagome softly asked, aloud.

"Will you catch me if I fall?" Kagome slurred, her eyes already starting to close. That second, Kagome's body fell limp against Inuyasha's own.

Inuyasha held Kagome more tightly and looked down at her with clear, golden eyes. "Always..." He whispered into her hair.

"Maybe..." Kagome whispered to herself, then made her way to bed.

(+++++++++++++++++++++++SCENCE+CHANGE+++++++++++++++++++ +++++++)

Loud music pumped through club ELIXIR the next night, as everyone danced in tune with the beat, without a care in the world.

Inuyasha paced his dressing room over and over again. He was scheduled to go on live, in ten minutes. And still no sign of Kagome. 'Maybe she really decided not to come...' He thought.

"Inuyasha! The club is pulsing outside, man! They're all hyped about your performance, dude." Miroku said, walking into the dressing room, and clapping him on the back.

Inuyasha grunted at him, then continued pacing.

"What's wrong, man? Nervous? Gah, don't be! You'll do great, I know it. So, chill." Miroku said, walking over to sit on one of the leather couches in the room.

"I'm not nervous about the performance." Inuyasha mumbled, still pacing.

"What are you nervous about, then? Kagome? Speaking of which, is she coming tonight? Because Sango's already here, man." Miroku said, leaning back.

Inuyasha stopped pacing for a second. "Sango's already here? And Kagome's not?"

"Yup. Sango came like five minutes ago. When I asked her where Kagome was, she just shrugged and said she wasn't sure if Kagome was even coming tonight." Miroku said, studying his friends reactions, through half-lidded eyes.

"Huh." Inuyasha said, returning to his pacing.

"Inuyasha, if you don't stop, your going to run a whole in the carpet." Miroku said.

"Shut up. I can pace if I want to." Inuyasha gruffly said.

"Fine, but if you do, and the club makes me pay for it, I'm handing you the bill." Miroku said, laughing.

"Whatever." Inuyasha replied.

There was a knock on the door, then a short man opened it. "Your on in 5 minutes Takeishi-san. The stage director said to take your positions, now." When Inuyasha nodded, the man backed away, closing the door with him.

Miroku stood, then grinned at his friend. "Show-time."

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and made his way to the door. He was wearing black, leather pants, black combat boots, and a white, long-sleeved shirt, with a black skull in the middle. Inuyasha ran his hands through his silver tresses as he stood in front of the closed curtains, with the mic stand, right in front of him. Miroku clapped his hand on Inuyasha's back again, and gave him a thumbs-up. Then he left with a wave to take his seat in the audience, most likely next to Sango. Inuyasha shook his head at his friend/manager, and spread his legs a bit, when the DJ's voice was heard over the system.

"Nice night dudes, and dudettes! What's the mood of ya'll tonight?"

"Whoo!!!" The audience answered in a loud cheer.

"Alright, alright. Tonight, we have the oh so famous, Inuyasha Takeishi! Ladies, he's alone tonight." The DJ laughed, causing Inuyasha to softly growl.

"As if last week's performance wasn't hot enough with Kagome, tonight we have the great Inuyasha and one of his song's from the album. So we get a little sneak peek of what's to come. Now, tell me, who's excited?!" The DJ continued. When the crowd just loudly cheered again, he chuckled into the mic. "Without further ado, Inuyasha Takeishi."

The stage curtains lifted then, to reveal Inuyasha and a live band behind him. Inuyasha closed his eyes at the bright lights for a moment, then slowly opened it. He saw a panning camera that would feed a live show on TV. Inuyasha blinked his eyes, and tried to see all the faces in the crowd. He spotted Miroku and Sango near the stage, to the side. They waved at him, and he nodded his head in acknowledgment. He even saw Kikyo towards the back, with her friends. She looked at him, and gave a slight nod. That was it. Inuyasha just nodded in return and moved his gaze to search the never-ending faces. Inuyasha didn't see Kagome there. Maybe she was in the bathroom. Or maybe she was on her way to the club, that very instant. Inuyasha shook his head, trying to ignore all emotions until his performance was over.

He looked back at the general area of everyone. "How's everyone doin' this fine night?" Inuyasha asked into the mic, pasting a charming smile on his face. When he heard girls swooning and even guys cheering, he laughed. "This song is called 'Beyond the Sun.' And it's dedicated to a very special someone. She should know what this is about." Inuyasha said.

Everyone 'oohed' at the mention of a 'she' but all noise stopped, as soon as the music began to play.

Inuyasha picked up the guitar next to him and began strumming.

Speak to me
So I can understand your tongue
You seem rather fragile
It's been said
It's cold beyond the sun
Have you ever been there?

Inuyasha looked out into the crowd, looking for a particular raven-haired, brown-eyed goddess.

Communicating thoughts of ways
To never have to speak again
Let me be the fire in your head

The beat of a bass joined his acoustic. Inuyasha stomped his foot, and raised his hand to the crowd.

Bring what's yours, I'll take what's mine
And meet you on the other side
We'll leave a sun so anyone can find us
A better place, a sweeter time
We won't need any wings to fly
A place beyond the sun

Inuyasha gripped the mic stand and sang the next verse into the mic. He constantly roved his eyes over the crowd, hoping to see someone, he wasn't sure was coming at all...

Look for me
The way you would if you were blind
Don't be so resistant
I've been known
To travel much too fast
Is that you in the distance?

Inuyasha placed the guitar down and just gripped the stand with both hands, still searching.

Communicating thoughts of ways
To never have to speak again
Let me be the fire in your head

Inuyasha took the mic out of it's stand and walked around it, so that he was closer to the crowd. He hunched over the audience, reaching a hand out as he sang.

Bring what's yours, I'll take what's mine
And meet you on the other side
We'll leave a sun so anyone can find us
A better place, a sweeter time
We won't need any wings to fly
A place beyond the sun

Inuyasha moved in tune to the music. Letting the encompassing beats, cleanse his mind of any worries. Even if just for a short moment.

Communicating thoughts of ways
To never have to speak again
Let me be the fire in your head

The crowd all had their hands raised, moving their head in tune to Inuyasha's lilting voice. Inuyasha looked out at the crowd again, knowing the song was coming to a close, and there was still no sign of Kagome. He closed his eyes, to fight off the hurt, and let the music have it's way with him, as he sang the last verse, the most strongly.

Bring what's yours, I'll take what's mine
And meet you on the other side
We'll leave a sun so anyone can find us
A better place, a sweeter time
We won't need any wings to fly
A place beyond the sun


He had put all his emotions into that one verse... And the response, was deafening.

Inuyasha took a deep breath, and walked around to place the mic back in it's stand, as the audience cheered so loud, Inuyasha's doggy ears folded themselves down. Inuyasha smiled at them and waved. But inside, his heart was breaking...

Inuyasha took the bottle at his feet and guzzled some water down. He took a towel that was placed to the side and wiped his face also. He tossed it to the crowd and smirked when he heard the cat-fight that ensued for it. Inuyasha thanked the band, and praised them for their good job. He then made his way to his dressing room to change. Ten minutes later, Inuyasha emerged from the restroom in his dressing room, patting his newly washed face with a hand-towel. He was wearing faded denim jeans, and a red cotton band-tee. Inuyasha tied his hair into a ponytail and flopped into one of the couches. He took his cell phone out of his messenger bag and checked to see if he had any missed calls. Zero.

Inuyasha sighed, but startled when his dressing room door slammed open, revealing Miroku.

"I told you, you would have a great show. Who's a psychic?" Miroku laughed.

Inuyasha cleared his throat. "Not you. I always have a good show. So, it's no surprise I did tonight."

Miroku chuckled. "Touchy, much?"

Inuyasha glared at his friend. "Look, I'm kind of expecting something right now, okay? So if you have nothing more to say than rubbish, leave."

"Fine, fine. I didn't want to talk to you anyway." Miroku playfully said, making his way to the door.

Inuyasha grabbed a pillow beside him and chucked it at Miroku.

Miroku easily caught it, with a laugh. "I'm going. But hey, me, Sango, and her kid-brother are gonna go grab something to eat. You sure you don't wanna join?"

Inuyasha raised his eye-brows at him. "Since when are you hanging with Sango and her kid-brother?"

"For a while now." Miroku said, not elaborating.

Inuyasha snorted. "Yeah, sure. And thanks, but no thanks, I have plans."

"With Kagome?" Miroku asked, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Nunya. Now, get out." Inuyasha said.

Miroku chuckled and closed the door behind him.

Inuyasha was waiting for what seemed like forever in his dressing room, but was really just 15 minutes. He sighed and stood up to get something from his bag. Just then, there came a knock on the door. Inuyasha's head snapped in the direction and he made a dash for the door. When he opened it, he was dissapointed to only find a teenage girl, holding up a picture of him, with her face down. Inuyasha sighed and took her offered sharpie, and signed the picture. With a quick 'thank-you' the kid was off, speeding to tell her friends, probably.

Inuyasha shook his head and closed the door. He walked back to the couch, and sat down. He'd wait...

Inuyasha woke up with a start when he felt his head falling. He was leaning on one of the couch's arms and fell asleep. But he woke up when his head started to slip off the arm. Inuyasha blinked groggy eyes and looked around. Then he sat up, stiff as a board. He quickly pulled out his cell phone to check the time. He had been asleep for an hour. Inuyasha shook his head and stood up. He walked to the door and opened it, looking both ways. Nothing. Inuyasha heaved a big sigh and closed the door.

"I guess she's really not coming..." Inuyasha mumbled, hurt.

He put all his things into his messenger bag, slinging the strap over his right shoulder, and dejectedly walked to the door. Inuyasha looked down at the ground as he walked. And when he opened the door--planning in his head, how he would just go home and do something, then call Kagome the next day, as if he didn't mind that she didn't show--another pair of feet entered his view. They were a pair of small, worn out, black converses'.

Inuyasha slowly moved his gaze up the body attached to the feet, and swallowed the lump that had appeared in his throat. Could it be...

"I'm sorry I took so long. Traffic was killer." Kagome said, with a nervous laugh. She had a small duffle bag in her left hand and was gripping it tightly.

Inuyasha blinked as if seeing a ghost, then a slow smile made it's way onto his face. "Kagome..."

"I'm ready to fall, Yash." Kagome softly said, with a genuine smile in place.

Inuyasha dropped his bag and enveloped Kagome into one of the most loving embraces any lover could ever receive... "I'll catch you..."

(+++++++++++++++++++++++END+CHAPTER++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++)

A.N.: Wow. That. Was. A. Long. Chapter. LoL. Even longer than the last. Again, sorry for the uber long wait. But think of it this way, the longer the wait, the longer the chapter, right? Right? Heh, don't count on me to follow through with that though. I really just plan a set of events to happen in each chapter and don't stop till it's all out. I hope you guys like this chapter. It took me a while to write. Sorry for any typos or grammer errors, I'm too lazy to proof-read over 30+ pages on Word. The next chapter will be fluffy fluff so sweet it'll make your teeth ache, haha, just kidding. Hmm... Inu's and Kag's birthdays are gonna be in the next chapter. Lemon... Maybe, I don't know, I'm still contemplating whether or not to take that route now, or wait till the end. What do you think? Anyhow, review! They're all very much appreciated. ;-)