InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Long, Stout, and Sharpeye - A Fairy Tale ❯ The First Night. ( Chapter 8 )
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A/N: Wow. I was really inspired by the outpouring of response to my plight regarding my search for another copy of this book, and would like to thank kookookitty and ladygeri on for their suggestions : ) (To ladygeri, I’m not sure, it sounds like it, but without a picture or description……I have come across many different versions and I am really hoping to locate the exact same one I have. If it is, great, I am going to look into it some more. And kookookitty, I did as you suggested and placed a request at the site you mentioned. Thanks again to both :D)
And to inu4ever, thanks to you as well for the support regarding a late update. Obviously that wasn’t the case (I’m not sure exactly what happened, I can only surmise that I got bitten by the inspiration bug ‘cause once I got started I couldn’t stop.) but I appreciate the support. My concern was entirely for you guys. I know I personally can get irked when a story I am reading takes forever for an update. But anyway, that didn’t happen, but at least if it does, it’s nice to know I shouldn’t worry : )
And just to all my reviewers, really, thanks. It’s so nice to hear all the support for my story. I am so glad you all like it : )
It took them awhile to develop any sense of ease amongst themselves again after their encounter with Naraku. Not only had his presence alone left a feeling of dread and disquiet, but so had his words.None of them could stop thinking of the dozens of statues littering the yard of the castle that had once been alive, had families, dreams and obviously love, as they had been turned to statues because of their attempts to rescue the fair princess in the hopes of winning her love. The very quest they, themselves were now on.
They also felt insufferably ill at ease knowing they were being watched. How was he watching them? Was he watching them now? Would he always be watching them?
Eventually they gave up on the hope that they would feel comfortable again while staying in the caste and so settled themselves down to watch the princess for the night, each vowing not to drift into sleep, lest Naraku attempt to take her while they dreamt.
They arranged themselves around the room, with Shippo puffing himself out in front of the door, Inuyasha in the middle with the princess held protectively in his arms and Miroku sitting under the window at the far end of the room, staring through his blinkers at the princess.
Sango adopted the least comfortable of positions as she stretched herself out and wrapped herself around the group, layering herself along the outside of the room, laying on her side.
They were settled and prepared for the long night of watching when Miroku suddenly felt his eyes start to drift closed. Sango’s head drooped, and a trail of drool slowly left Shippo’s opened mouth.
There was a spell on the room, and soon the four fell into a deep, deep slumber.
They slept soundly through the rest of the night, until at last as the sun peaked over the horizon Shippo’s snores dragged Inuyasha from his sleep.
Instantly he missed the Princess’ warmth by his side. She was not in the room! They had lost her!
He immediately woke his companions with his urgent cries, as panic threatened to overwhelm him at the thought of losing her.
He growled out his rage, effectively waking the others from their slumbers.
“Wake up! Naraku will be here in a second and the princess is gone! We have lost her!”
“Calm yourself Inuyasha.” Miroku soothed as he removed his blinkers and scanned the area surrounding the castle through the window. “Yes…yes, I see her! Though it is not her as she was. A hundred miles from here there is a forest. In the middle of the forest is an oak tree, and on the top of it there is an acorn. That acorn is the princess! Sango, if you grow yourself taller, will you be able to carry me there? I will show you where she is, but you must hurry!”
Sensing Inuyasha’s ensuing protest at being left behind, he quickly explained.
“As fast as you are Inuyasha, I believe Sango will be faster. Besides, if we do not return in time, you are the only one strong enough to possibly fight him off, so stay here. Sango and I will return quickly.”
With that said the two left and were back within an instance. It took only six of Sango’s immense strides for the duo to complete their journey.
Miroku quickly handed the tiny acorn he claimed to be the once beautiful princess to Inuyasha.
“Inuyasha, take it, and throw it to the ground.”
Inuyasha did as he was told and sure enough as the acorn made contact with the hard floor there was a flash and there stood the princess.
It was not a moment to soon, for the smoke had barely cleared when the door flew open and in strode Naraku, grinning darkly to himself.
But when he saw the princess standing in the room, Inuyasha holding her against him protectively, his face grew dark with fury and one of the iron bands around his waist burst and fell clattering to the floor.
In his rage and fury the handsome and silkily charming host from the night before vanished, leaving a vile and evil seeming creature.
“Inuyasha! I have over estimated you this time. It will not happen again!”
With that he seized the princess by the wrist and dragged her from the room.
Inuyasha growled low in his throat at the loss of the princess, but allowed it. They had succeeded in stopping Naraku for now, and certainly they had enraged him, which could only be taken as a good sign. Maybe this wouldn’t be so hard after all.
They all grinned, and laughed as the relief and realisation that they had completed the first night and were still flesh and bone hit them, causing them to become a little giddy.
They had kept the princess safe and were one night closer to being rid of Naraku and his vile castle.
The four spent the next day, after quite some deliberation as to whether or not it would be a smart thing to do, wandering the seemingly abandoned castle and it’s many floors.The entire time of their ‘tour’, they saw not hide nor hair of Naraku, Kanna, or any of the ‘others’ Naraku had mentioned.
Despite the desolate surroundings the group was in fairly good spirits.
Their mood only sobered slightly when they once more looked out a window into the barren courtyard below. Still there was no sign of life there. No grass grew, nor did any bird sing. And there, darting among the few weeds in disarray stood the lonely and wretched statues of the ones that had come before them.
It wasn’t until noon, when Shippo’s rumbling stomach once more urged them to search out food that they returned to the room.They entered to see Kanna setting the last of four plates onto the table were another miraculous feast awaited them.
They ate as before, not fearing poison or spells as Inuyasha once again did his sniff-check and assured them of it’s safety.
After eating they went back to wandering the castle until Miroku finally pointed out that the sun was rapidly disappearing into the horizon. It was nearly dusk. They returned hastily to the room, once more finding a generous feast awaiting them.
Once there they did not have to wait long for Naraku‘s return. He once more opened the door, holding the princess by the arm. He stood there for a moment before shoving The princess somewhat roughly into the room and turning and leaving. He did not say a word to anyone.
Once more the group settled into the room for the night, vowing again to stay awake and this time make sure he never was even able to get the princess from their grasp. Another rescue would not be needed.