InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Longing ❯ Longing ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Note: I do not own Inuyasha or the following poem…thnx…

This poem, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, brought to mind the feeling that a young InuYasha may have felt while living on his own.

I see the lights of the village

Gleaming through the rain and mist;

And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me,

That my soul cannot resist.

A feeling of sadness and longing,

That is not akin to pain,

And resembles sorrow only

As the mist resembles the rain.

--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

A 10-year old Inuyasha sat in the branches of a tree not far from the village he had just been chased from. It had just gotten dark and now it began to rain.

The lights from the village danced through the rain and swaying branches just making it into his vision. He still remembered the hated words coming from the other children as they chased him from their village: `Run away half-breed' and `We don't want none of your kind here'. And the adults had been worse… some of them went running for garden hoes and other makeshift weapons.

His young mind still could not comprehend the hatred that was aimed his way whenever he entered a human village, but he did understand the word half-breed. He didn't before, but since his mother had died he had learned that it not only meant that he was of mixed blood, human and youkai, it also meant that he did not belong with the other children in this village… at least not according to those children and their parents.

Inuyasha sat there for a while in his tree, just staring towards the village and wishing he fit in. He would have loved to have been able to play with children his own age and to join in their games, but it was now blatantly clear that he was never going to get that wish. The humans would never accept him as he was. He would just have to make a place of his own. For now, however, he would get some sleep, the morning would be soon enough to get started on his plan.