InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Among Ememies ❯ Staying awake ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha.
I can't spell very good and all I got to work with is word pad so deal.
stood absolutly still, trying to assess the new foe standing before her. She wasn't sure what he wanted and why he had not tried anything wiht her yet. She knew to be carefull of him because he was able to take out so many, faster then anyone she had ever seen before. Contimplating her options she knew her chances were not good. Firstly she had run out of arrows, what seemed an enterinty ago, and secondly she was hurt, bad. She knew that it was noly the adrenilin rush that was keeping her going. Once she stopped she would surely passout.
was not were she could run for help. Kagome cursed herself for being so stupid for coming all the way out here. She knew was was just being cocky thinking she could take on anything. It true she had been pretty lucky in the past but now she just wasn't too sure.
* * * * * * * * * *
just stood there watching her, his face impassive. He watched the miko try to stand still , but the bain and loss of blood made her sway slightly with the breeze. He watcher her grimice slight, her brows knitting and a pained look come across her eyes, quickly though it dissapleared as she regained some of her composesure.
confused him though, he could feel the raw power coming from her. She sould have been able to take the minor rat demons easily, yet here she was hurt and barly standing.
Sesshoumaru said just loud enough for the woman to hear him. "why are you here?"
woman raised her head a fraction but did no answer him. She just stared at him for a moment or two.
was surprised that she didn not run in fear from him. not that it would do her any good. It intreagued him made him want to know more about her. She had just saw how easily he took care of her oponents, yet there she was standing up to him preparing to do battle if need be. ~ Stupid human doesn't she relaize how easily I can kill her. ~ he thought ~She much figure cause she was a miko she could take care of him cause there was only one of him.~ He figured that must be the reason, it could be the only reason why she was stupid enough to just stand there. He gave mental snort at the thought.
are now worth this Sesshoumaru's time. You may leave." Sesshoumaru said surprising himself. He did not really want to kill this girl she was a little to interesting. The power he felt from her was large but he figured if she truely know how use it she would not have had such problems with the rat demons. He decided he would follow her when she left. He would find out what truely was mad up of this girl.
wonan's eyes widened at his statment. Her jaw worked up and dow for a second before she spoke. "You would just let me go?" She asked in shock.
it would seem so." Sesshoumaru stated starting to get anoyed with the girl for questioning him. He did not like having to repeat himself. Even if she was interesting he would kill her for her stupidity.
The woman asked still stunned.
you truely wish to die the by all means stay." Sesshoumaru growled out.
woman took a small step back at his growl. At that moment he was able to smell the light smell of her fear. ~Good.~ he though ~the woman is not as stupid oas she looks.~
She said quickly, "I will leave." He then watched the woman slowly sheeth her daggers and then bend over, her eyes on him the entire time, to pick up her bow where she had dropped it. After she put her bow on her back she raised her hads slowly. It was almost as if she was trying to ward him off, with her palms faceing outwards. Sesshoumaru did not like it. He moved fast, faster then this human could see but it was not fast enough. A bright flash erupted from her hands stunning all his senses. For a hew moments he could not see hear not smell anything. The light had stopped him in his tracks..
and eyes starting to bleed red, as he mentally cursed himself for falling for the simple stunning spell. He should have known, and been prepared.
his senses returned. He looked quickly around for the insolent miko, but there was no sign of her. It was as if she just got up and vanished into thin air. Her scent was gone, her power aura was gone, and she was gone. He looked around but there was no trace of her. Sesshoumaru was furious, but other then his initial snarl he showed no sign of his emotions outwardly.
a few minuts of useless searching he decided to stop. He took off in flight towards his home. He had not given up his search he was just sure she would turn up later. When he did find her, he would teach her not to disrespect the Lord of the Westren Lands.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
soon as Kagome let a stunning spell fash from her hands she quickly conceled her power aura and scent then ran and hid. She hid in some bushes barly holding onto awareness. The demon searched around for a few minuts as she watched him, proaying he would not find her, for if he did it would be all over. It seemed like an eternity to her, waiting for him to leave. As he came close to her hiding spot she held her breath, her whole body almost vibrating with the tension. Seconds later he turned away and she quietly let her breath go. When finally the white demon started to fly away she felt herself relax slightly, but she didn't move for fear he still might come back. Finally she stood up and hobbeled out towards her motercycle. She leaned heavely on it as the pain rippeled though her body form her numerous wounds.
she climbed onto her bike, praying to god that she would not pass out, and started it up. Driving back along the dirt raid was extreemly agonizing her body protesting every small bump, screaming at her to just stop and lay down.
did not want to drive all the way back to her current home, it was too long and too far for her present condition. So she took the first exit she came to on the high way. It took her to a small little town, that luckly had a hospital. The town seemed to flash by as she followed the street sighns to the hospital. Releaf started to set in as the hospital came into to view. It was not a large hospital but hospital none the less. Kagome climbed off her bike and headed in the Emergency entrence. She staggered up to the nurse and promptly passed out.
I can't spell very good and all I got to work with is word pad so deal.
stood absolutly still, trying to assess the new foe standing before her. She wasn't sure what he wanted and why he had not tried anything wiht her yet. She knew to be carefull of him because he was able to take out so many, faster then anyone she had ever seen before. Contimplating her options she knew her chances were not good. Firstly she had run out of arrows, what seemed an enterinty ago, and secondly she was hurt, bad. She knew that it was noly the adrenilin rush that was keeping her going. Once she stopped she would surely passout.
was not were she could run for help. Kagome cursed herself for being so stupid for coming all the way out here. She knew was was just being cocky thinking she could take on anything. It true she had been pretty lucky in the past but now she just wasn't too sure.
* * * * * * * * * *
just stood there watching her, his face impassive. He watched the miko try to stand still , but the bain and loss of blood made her sway slightly with the breeze. He watcher her grimice slight, her brows knitting and a pained look come across her eyes, quickly though it dissapleared as she regained some of her composesure.
confused him though, he could feel the raw power coming from her. She sould have been able to take the minor rat demons easily, yet here she was hurt and barly standing.
Sesshoumaru said just loud enough for the woman to hear him. "why are you here?"
woman raised her head a fraction but did no answer him. She just stared at him for a moment or two.
was surprised that she didn not run in fear from him. not that it would do her any good. It intreagued him made him want to know more about her. She had just saw how easily he took care of her oponents, yet there she was standing up to him preparing to do battle if need be. ~ Stupid human doesn't she relaize how easily I can kill her. ~ he thought ~She much figure cause she was a miko she could take care of him cause there was only one of him.~ He figured that must be the reason, it could be the only reason why she was stupid enough to just stand there. He gave mental snort at the thought.
are now worth this Sesshoumaru's time. You may leave." Sesshoumaru said surprising himself. He did not really want to kill this girl she was a little to interesting. The power he felt from her was large but he figured if she truely know how use it she would not have had such problems with the rat demons. He decided he would follow her when she left. He would find out what truely was mad up of this girl.
wonan's eyes widened at his statment. Her jaw worked up and dow for a second before she spoke. "You would just let me go?" She asked in shock.
it would seem so." Sesshoumaru stated starting to get anoyed with the girl for questioning him. He did not like having to repeat himself. Even if she was interesting he would kill her for her stupidity.
The woman asked still stunned.
you truely wish to die the by all means stay." Sesshoumaru growled out.
woman took a small step back at his growl. At that moment he was able to smell the light smell of her fear. ~Good.~ he though ~the woman is not as stupid oas she looks.~
She said quickly, "I will leave." He then watched the woman slowly sheeth her daggers and then bend over, her eyes on him the entire time, to pick up her bow where she had dropped it. After she put her bow on her back she raised her hads slowly. It was almost as if she was trying to ward him off, with her palms faceing outwards. Sesshoumaru did not like it. He moved fast, faster then this human could see but it was not fast enough. A bright flash erupted from her hands stunning all his senses. For a hew moments he could not see hear not smell anything. The light had stopped him in his tracks..
and eyes starting to bleed red, as he mentally cursed himself for falling for the simple stunning spell. He should have known, and been prepared.
his senses returned. He looked quickly around for the insolent miko, but there was no sign of her. It was as if she just got up and vanished into thin air. Her scent was gone, her power aura was gone, and she was gone. He looked around but there was no trace of her. Sesshoumaru was furious, but other then his initial snarl he showed no sign of his emotions outwardly.
a few minuts of useless searching he decided to stop. He took off in flight towards his home. He had not given up his search he was just sure she would turn up later. When he did find her, he would teach her not to disrespect the Lord of the Westren Lands.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
soon as Kagome let a stunning spell fash from her hands she quickly conceled her power aura and scent then ran and hid. She hid in some bushes barly holding onto awareness. The demon searched around for a few minuts as she watched him, proaying he would not find her, for if he did it would be all over. It seemed like an eternity to her, waiting for him to leave. As he came close to her hiding spot she held her breath, her whole body almost vibrating with the tension. Seconds later he turned away and she quietly let her breath go. When finally the white demon started to fly away she felt herself relax slightly, but she didn't move for fear he still might come back. Finally she stood up and hobbeled out towards her motercycle. She leaned heavely on it as the pain rippeled though her body form her numerous wounds.
she climbed onto her bike, praying to god that she would not pass out, and started it up. Driving back along the dirt raid was extreemly agonizing her body protesting every small bump, screaming at her to just stop and lay down.
did not want to drive all the way back to her current home, it was too long and too far for her present condition. So she took the first exit she came to on the high way. It took her to a small little town, that luckly had a hospital. The town seemed to flash by as she followed the street sighns to the hospital. Releaf started to set in as the hospital came into to view. It was not a large hospital but hospital none the less. Kagome climbed off her bike and headed in the Emergency entrence. She staggered up to the nurse and promptly passed out.