InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost But Found ❯ Lost But Found ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello minna-san. This ficcy is actually a story I made up for my Honors Language Arts class. I would love to know what you guys think of it before I turn it in on December fifth. So please review it at the end. And everyone this is only a One-Shot (and my first to that) so be nice or be mean I really don't care. Just tell me the truth, okay here it is. Be warned that this may seem darkish but I guess it brightens up and it is indeed quite short.

Disclaimer : InuYasha and Co. does not belong to me and my person. It is in sole possession of

Rumiko Takahashi.

Lost But Found

The cold pierced through Kagome's skin like a knife. She was surrounded by a black void that seemed never ending and worst of all, she was alone. She could remember what brought this her here and chose to ignore the stabbing pain of filth and sorrow. Her world, a perfect one to her, shattered with one single act.

As hard as she try she couldn't ignore the fact that she was raped by one of her best friends no less and left to die in an alley. He - - InuYasha and Kagome hoped with every fiber of her torn being he be cursed - - asked her to come with him and, as trusting as she was, she went with. That was the stupidest mistake she ever make even stupider than ditching her girlfriends (and one other guy friend) to hang out with Him.

My best friend raped me and left me to die, she thought looking at the threatening black clouds above that promised thunderstorm.

As the promised rain fell on her naked and torn body, she let her repressed tears fall from dull sea-green eyes. Those eyes just a few hours ago were lit up in laughter and love for her friends and Him. He had turned her trust and love against herself and then left her alone.

Suddenly footsteps sounded in the alley she currently resided in. She was afraid.

Why would he return, she felt panic thundering in her veins.

She saw a man's head of hair, bright silver that could out shine the most expensive silver. It looked as soft as the most expensive silk.

So different from the dark black that was His hair, Kagome mused.

"I thought I heard . . . Oh God!" The man saw her. How torn and battered she must look in comparison to his white sweater and denim pants with his waist knee length hair held back by a black hair-band. To her, he was an angel in this dismal world in which she was a prisoner. But much to her dismay and slight (almost invisible) happiness it was SesshoMaru, the man who she was secretly in love with.

"S-SesshoMaru . . ." Her once soft flowing voice sounded course and harsh. But it still drew his attention.

"Shh . . . I'll take you home." His velvety voice soothed her.

Kagome realized, as he took off his sweater to cover her nakedness:

"Even in the worst cases there is always good trailing behind."

She was safe in his gentle and capable arms. So she slept yet it was warmth that surrounded her this time.

Told you it was short. I don't know what I am going to do with this . . . I just wanted some in put on it. Some of my teachers (except my HLA teacher) has read it and loved it. Said it was a little dark for me, because usually I write such (in their words) "Happy go lucky stories". Well review please it would make me happy.