InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Loves ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha

A/N: Sorry for the delayed chapter people. I've been having major writers block, even for a short story like this, and school wasn't helping at all. Well anyway I'm back and thank you to Phoxy Kitsune and all before her for reviewing. I appreciate it! And now on with the story.

"Kagome, come join us." Kagura commanded in a smooth voice. `Stupid girl, isn't she?, but powerful'.

Kagome obediently walked over to the evil group; herself featured in the middle. Standing together the group looked so professional, unbeatable even.

Inuyasha tried to get her to stay "Kagome wait, what are you doing?, their the enemies!"

"I'm not sure she can heat you, less alone will listen to you Inuyasha" Miroku said trying to keep Inuyahsa from a panicked state. `I fear for my friends safety'.

The group had fallen into silence but it was broken with one word from Kagura, "Attack".

Kagome sprung for Inuyasha while Kohaku went for his older sister.

~Back at Naraku's castle

`Things are going as planned, soon Inuyasha will be dead'

~Back in the clearing

Miroku was with the bees `should I use the wind tunnel?'

As if hearing his thoughts Inuyasha yelled "Miroku!, do NOT use that wind tunnel of your do you hear me!"

Miroku smiled at this but then put on a serious face `I'm going to fight. None of us are going to die,' he stole a glance at Sango `to any of us'. With that thought he continued to bat away at the overgrown bugs.

About 30 feet away Sango stood with Kohaku. His gaze was and emotionless and dead. It pained her to see him with this but…she couldn't do anything about it. As he pulled the pike over his head ready to fight. Sango's eyes watered `It's so hard to see him like this…still'. He threw it and she blocked with her boomerang. "Kohaku, you don't have to do this!" she said in a painful and somewhat desperate voice, `Don't make me do this'.

Miroku was easily knocking the bees out of the sky, that is until Kagura came.

"Hello monk" she said clearly and coldly.

"Kagura" he said in the same manner. `Darnit this is going to be harder than I first suspected'.

Kirara, now transformed, was running to Miroku with Shippo on her back. She had been sent to assist Miroku by Sango.

Sango was having trouble fighting Kohaku because of both his skill and her emotions. She was now on the brink of tears but was still fighting strong. She thought to herself `Sorry Kohaku' as she let her boomerang fly. She let out a sob as she watched her weapon zoom towards her little brother. But to her surprise he dodged it, as it was coming back also. Sango caught it less than gracefully. "H-how,?" she stared at him and continued "nobody can dodge my attack".

"But you forget Sango," he said in a cold and emotionless voice that sent a shiver up Sango's spine, "I am not nobody, I am your brother". And with that said he threw his pike…and it was a perfect hit. She would be dead within 10 minutes. With his sister fatally wounded he woke up from his spell and gasped, face twisting in horror "Sango".


Miroku and Kagura were facing off when Kirara got there.

"Kirara get rid of the insects" Miroku commanded. When the fire cat left he resumed blocking Kagura's attacks.

Right now Kagura had the upperhand. She had been attacking him constantly, leaving now room for a counter attack.

`I'm getting tired of this, I have to get an attack in." He blocked with his staff trying to dodge her next wind attack but failed. Her wind attacks were quicker then he had realized. Because of his mistake he was unprepared to block the next few attacks and so he took them all. But Miroku was smarter then that, he had been purposely getting hit in certain spots, avoiding his vital organs to prevent a fatal blow.

But then he heard a pained scream from Sango and turned his head towards her.

Kagura used this moment to her advantage and used her fan to deliver her final blow. She hit her mark with ease. Miroku turned his head back to Kagura slowly starting to cough up blood.

He turned and went crawling toward s where he knew his love Sango would be. (The 2 scenes took place during the same time so Sango's been down for about 1 min.) She was also crawling to him and in about 5 minutes of pain, crawling on the cold hard ground, they met each other half way. And they were now both exhausted.

Kagura and Kohaku were watching from the places that the two had left from. Kohaku was in shock while Kagura just watched slight amusement at their struggling bodies.

"Sango" Miroku said in a cracked voice

"Miroku" Sango said affectionately with tears in her eyes.

They grabbed and held each other's hands, fingers interlocked.

"Sango I love you…," said a slowly fading Miroku.

"I love you too…Miroku…I always have…and always will…" Sango said her last words as her life ended.

Kohaku got out of his reverie as he saw his sister die. "NO!, SANGO!" he screamed as he ran towards his sister who was some distance across the clearing. "Sango I'm sorry," he said as he let the tears run down his face. And in a cracked voice he continued "…I am so sorry…please forgive me…" he said between sobs.

"Ha! Humans are so weak," Kagura said disgusted.

"You're the weak one Kagura!" Kohaku yelled defending his passed sister and also angered at her words. "You do whatever Naraku tells you to do, you are truly the weakest one here" he said in a calmer and serious voice.

This enraged Kagura `how dare he say that!' she thought angrily `I will kill Naraku!'. She killed her former accomplice `he can not get away with saying that'.

She was about to head back to the castle to prove him wrong when she was stopped… by Kirara.

A/N: What do yall think? Next chap will probably be the last. It'll have the Inu and Kag fight and a conclusion than maybe an epilogue type thing. I'll try to get that up soon. Well everyone's welcome to review…. Bye