InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Unanswered Questions & Unreturned Feelings ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2- Unanswered questions and Unreturned feelings
Sesshomaru had waited by the Goshinbuko tree for what seemed like hours thinking about the brash, loudmouthed little miko that had never been afraid of standing up to him. He thought about all the times he tried to kill her and then the final battle where he had been so impressed by her battle skills that he had actually wanted to smile at her. Sesshomaru shook his head and growled at the thought that he might actually like this girl. His inner beast hummed in appreciation of her skills, her long legs and her beautiful dark hair, ‘we like her and we want her all to ourself... why do you ignore me? We both know I won’t take any other as a mate, only one who has truly shown me her worth as the miko has... you have ignored me long enough!’ Sesshomaru’s eyes glowed an eerie crimson before settling back to golden amber and he moved away from the tree towards the little village that the elder miko resided in, all the while thinking about how he could find the young girl and make her his.
On the other side of the well Kagome was daydreaming about her demon lord once again and wishing with all her might that the well would allow her to see him again. Her friends were important to her and she did feel like a little part of her heart was missing without them... but it was the other half of her heart that burned and ached with longing for the one she loved. Kagome thought about the times he had tried to kill her and then the times she saw him care for Rin and protect her and then in the final battle the look of shock on his face when she shot that final arrow and killed Naraku. She remembered the odd look on his face after the battle as he steadily looked at her and then shook his head and disappeared into the forest. She had looked at her friends around the battlefield that day and though she cared about them, all she had really wanted was to follow him and take his arm and hug him to her. *sighing* Kagome turned from the giant God tree and walked slowly to the well if only to touch the old sides and remember the many times she had traveled through it into the past and her other life. As she approached the well she felt something... a deep stirring within her soul as though the other half was right there in front of her... and a certain demon on the other side stopped in the same spot on the other side of the well feeling her aura for the first time in 3 years. Kagome and Sesshomaru both thought at that exact moment how they would like to see each other again and in a spark of blue magic the well opened back up and Kagome leapt in without a second thought... straight into Sesshomaru’s waiting arms on the other side.
“Oomph! What the- hey its you!” *Kagome threw her arms around his neck and held on for dear life!* Sesshomaru was so shocked by the sudden impact on her body on his that he stumbled back and then stood perfectly still as the girl snuck her hands around his neck and pressed her face into his collar rubbing like a cat against his soft hair. “What do you think you are doing to this Sesshomaru? No one is permitted to touch me in such a way!” Sesshomaru dumped the girl unceremoniously onto the ground and strode away into the forest behind him, all the while nearly trembling with the need of his beast to take the girl right then and there.
Nearby in the village a certain hanyou picked up the scent of someone who hadn’t been there for 3 years and shot off like a bullet towards the Bone Eater’s Well. “Kagome!” There in the clearing next to the well was Kagome sitting there staring into the forest with tears in her eyes and looking more lost than she ever had before. Slowly she shook off the feelings of disappointment and sadness and turned to look at the red and silver blur that was fast approaching her, “Inuyasha!! Finally! I’ve missed you so much!” She threw her arms around the half-demon as he swung her around and nearly hugged the life out of her while saying her name over and over like a chant. “Oh Kagome we never thought we would get to see you again! How is it that now the well decided to let you through? Wait til the others find out! Shippo will be so excited and Sango will be happy you’ve come right in time for the birth of her and Miroku’s first child!” Inuyasha was so happy that he quickly put her on his back and shot back towards the village barely giving her notice to hold on. Kagome smiled into his back and was happy to see him and couldn’t wait to catch up with the others... and a baby was coming!! Her sister in heart was going to have a baby with the hentai monk! Wow. This was going to be one exciting reunion!
Sesshomaru had waited by the Goshinbuko tree for what seemed like hours thinking about the brash, loudmouthed little miko that had never been afraid of standing up to him. He thought about all the times he tried to kill her and then the final battle where he had been so impressed by her battle skills that he had actually wanted to smile at her. Sesshomaru shook his head and growled at the thought that he might actually like this girl. His inner beast hummed in appreciation of her skills, her long legs and her beautiful dark hair, ‘we like her and we want her all to ourself... why do you ignore me? We both know I won’t take any other as a mate, only one who has truly shown me her worth as the miko has... you have ignored me long enough!’ Sesshomaru’s eyes glowed an eerie crimson before settling back to golden amber and he moved away from the tree towards the little village that the elder miko resided in, all the while thinking about how he could find the young girl and make her his.
On the other side of the well Kagome was daydreaming about her demon lord once again and wishing with all her might that the well would allow her to see him again. Her friends were important to her and she did feel like a little part of her heart was missing without them... but it was the other half of her heart that burned and ached with longing for the one she loved. Kagome thought about the times he had tried to kill her and then the times she saw him care for Rin and protect her and then in the final battle the look of shock on his face when she shot that final arrow and killed Naraku. She remembered the odd look on his face after the battle as he steadily looked at her and then shook his head and disappeared into the forest. She had looked at her friends around the battlefield that day and though she cared about them, all she had really wanted was to follow him and take his arm and hug him to her. *sighing* Kagome turned from the giant God tree and walked slowly to the well if only to touch the old sides and remember the many times she had traveled through it into the past and her other life. As she approached the well she felt something... a deep stirring within her soul as though the other half was right there in front of her... and a certain demon on the other side stopped in the same spot on the other side of the well feeling her aura for the first time in 3 years. Kagome and Sesshomaru both thought at that exact moment how they would like to see each other again and in a spark of blue magic the well opened back up and Kagome leapt in without a second thought... straight into Sesshomaru’s waiting arms on the other side.
“Oomph! What the- hey its you!” *Kagome threw her arms around his neck and held on for dear life!* Sesshomaru was so shocked by the sudden impact on her body on his that he stumbled back and then stood perfectly still as the girl snuck her hands around his neck and pressed her face into his collar rubbing like a cat against his soft hair. “What do you think you are doing to this Sesshomaru? No one is permitted to touch me in such a way!” Sesshomaru dumped the girl unceremoniously onto the ground and strode away into the forest behind him, all the while nearly trembling with the need of his beast to take the girl right then and there.
Nearby in the village a certain hanyou picked up the scent of someone who hadn’t been there for 3 years and shot off like a bullet towards the Bone Eater’s Well. “Kagome!” There in the clearing next to the well was Kagome sitting there staring into the forest with tears in her eyes and looking more lost than she ever had before. Slowly she shook off the feelings of disappointment and sadness and turned to look at the red and silver blur that was fast approaching her, “Inuyasha!! Finally! I’ve missed you so much!” She threw her arms around the half-demon as he swung her around and nearly hugged the life out of her while saying her name over and over like a chant. “Oh Kagome we never thought we would get to see you again! How is it that now the well decided to let you through? Wait til the others find out! Shippo will be so excited and Sango will be happy you’ve come right in time for the birth of her and Miroku’s first child!” Inuyasha was so happy that he quickly put her on his back and shot back towards the village barely giving her notice to hold on. Kagome smiled into his back and was happy to see him and couldn’t wait to catch up with the others... and a baby was coming!! Her sister in heart was going to have a baby with the hentai monk! Wow. This was going to be one exciting reunion!