InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ The Talk ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 8- The Short Talk

Sesshomaru’s ears hurt from the baby’s crying when they walked up but thankfully were relieved as soon as the miko took the child from her mother’s arms. “Oh you little one... you must be quiet now so your mom can sleep, okay? Beautiful girl lets go outside for a minute or two and watch the sun set.” Kagome rocked the child in her arms and hummed a little lullaby her mother had sung to her as a child. The child stopped crying and looked with wide blue eyes at the girl holding her until they fluttered shut and she began to lightly snore. Sesshomaru was surprised the child took to the girl so quickly but then most took to Kagome like that, she inspired the best in people and everyone loved her. He wondered what she would be like when they had pups of their own until he shook his head and tried to dislodge all such thoughts until the right time. He quietly spoke to her, “Kagome this Sesshomaru wishes you to become my mate.” And just as quick Kagome looked at him, smiled and whispered, “I thought you just wanted me for my body.” She giggled softly so as not to wake the child and leaned over to place a quick kiss on his cheek which actually turned into a long, passionate kiss that only broke when a tiny cry came from Kagome’s arms. Kagome broke away and said, “oops I think someone is hungry now! Sango is still sleeping so hold Kaneko while I go see if I can find a bottle of some sort or something.” And with that she carefully laid the baby in Sesshomaru’s nervous arms while he sputtered, “wait I don’t want to- I don’t know anything about human babies. Kagome!” However Kagome just walked into the hut and ignored the stuttering protests of the demon lord and quietly hummed in anticipation of seeing him with their own children one day. “I wonder if he will end up an authoritative kind of father... or a stern on the outside and mush on the inside kind of dad. *sigh* I can’t wait to find out either way.”

Sesshomaru looked down at the small bundle in his arms and carefully kept his claws away from the tiny infant. He and Kaneko just looked at each other solemnly and quietly as if by some unspoken truce they knew each would care for the other, one as protector and one as a child loves those that protect them. Already the little baby girl was gazing into the large amber orbs and thinking, “his they sparkle. I like him.” Sesshomaru was fascinated by the tiny girl and how her blue eyes seemed to shine with happiness towards the demon lord and for the second time since adopting Rin the great taiyoukai felt the undeniable need to shelter and protect a human child.

Inuyasha and Miroku were in the garden standing still watching as the great demon lord of the Western Lands smiled at the human baby in his arms. At first Miroku had been concerned but trusted Kagome with his life and the life of his new daughter so he relaxed but kept watch. Inuyasha softly said, “Damn, maybe things are changing around here for the better. I’ve seen how Kagome looks at him and how he looks at her and I think we will be having some more kids around here pretty soon. Ha ha. Wow, who knew miracles really do happen?!” Miroku just gave Inuyasha a look and smiled before going back to tilling the vegetables in the garden.

Kagome rooted around the little hut before finally giving up and deciding to wake Sango up to feed little Kaneko. “Sango, Kaneko is hungry and you don’t have any bottles or anything so you’ll have to feed her yourself, okay?” Sango roused herself and sat up on the futon mattress before looking around and asking, “where is she?” Kagome smiled at her as Sesshomaru walked in carrying the tiny bundle with care and gentleness before placing her in a surprised Sango’s arms. “Kagome may I speak with you outside? Perhaps take a walk with me?” Sesshomaru spoke softly and moved towards the door as Sango attached the hungry child to her breast.

“Of course I’ll take a walk with you. I’d like to talk to you too. Come on.” Kagome waved over to Inuyasha and Miroku, who smirked at each other before waving her off. Arm intertwined in Sesshomaru’s she walked into the neighboring forest with visions of her lord naked and willing; Kagome blushed a light pink and got a shocked stare from the demon. “Kagome are you aroused by this Sesshomaru?” He stopped and looked her in the face before catching her chin in his hand and lifting it so his lips could meet hers. And just like that their passion welled up and exploded in a burst of flames between the two of them and Sesshomaru pressed Kagome against a tree while she ran her fingers through his long, silver tresses. “I don’t want to wait any longer, I’ve wanted to be yours for what seems like forever. Please lets go to your castle and be together, I want to be your mate.” With those words it seemed as though a dam had broken open and all the love and passion that Kagome felt in her heart matched what Sesshomaru felt as well. “As you wish miko, we must tell the others and depart quickly. I must have you, my beast will not allow me to wait any longer.” Sesshomaru stepped back quickly but was not able to disguise the crimson streaks in his lovely amber orbs or the sharp, elongated fangs that nearly pierced his bottom lip. Kagome composed herself and they turned to walk back to the village so they could tell their friends they were leaving for a few days.

“Miroku, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru is taking me to his castle for a few days... he, we, uh... um, we-...” Kagome blushed and thankfully was interrupted by the demon lord who finished her sentence, “we are going so that we can become mates, officially.” After some hugs and goodbyes with promises of returning in just a few days, the two departed on Sesshomaru’s energy cloud and went west towards his castle. Kagome snuggled against the great lord and thought about what the next few days were going to be like... “ooh, I can’t wait to see him naked. He he he. I can’t believe this is finally going to happen, I’ve waited for this my whole life and am so excited.” Sesshomaru had no doubts as to what Kagome was thinking about and if his sense of smell was on target, as usual, then the next stop was going to be his bed chamber.