InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Time ❯ Family Ties ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 11- Family Ties

Kagome spent several days wondering how her mother was and knowing she had to be worried about her. It had been one week since her friends had come to visit the castle and they were preparing to go back to the village the next day; so it had been a full 3 weeks that she had been with Sesshomaru in the castle and nearly a month since seeing her family. She had so much to tell her mother and grandfather and little Souta; she wanted them to know that she was happy with Sesshomaru and that she was now the Lady of the Western Lands, that she was going to stay there in the Feudal Era and for them not to forget her or worry. Kagome needed to tell them that because she was now the mate of a demon that she would now have his lifespan and its highly possible that she would live long enough to meet them again in her future and their present. She knew that Sesshomaru was concerned over her depression regarding her family and she knew that he and Inuyasha had been talking about someone else trying to go through the well and see if it would work. Inuyasha had volunteered to try but had not been able to get through during the years that Kagome was stuck in her time. Inuyasha decided to try the well before they returned Miroku and Sango to the slayer’s village. “Sesshomaru I know you are worried about Kagome and I am too, I know that she wants to say goodbye to her family but she knows that may not be possible. I feel so bad for her because she loves them and yet she loves all of us too, *sigh*, I wish I knew what to do to make her feel better about leaving them. I will try to use the well and pray to Kami that it lets me through to the other side. Why don’t you and Kagome come with me to the well and then if I can get through I’ll be able to tell Kagome right away and she won’t have to worry too long? It’ll make her happy and at least she will know that we tried, she’ll be able to see for herself if the well will work or not.” Sesshomaru sighed and knew that they would have to accompany Inuyasha to the well so that Kagome would be able to see the well and the attempt herself. “Very well little brother, we will accompany you and the others to the Bone Eater’s Well and hope for all our sake’s that it lets you through.” The two brothers left the study and went in search of the others in the dining room and decided to tell them to prepare for the trip to the well.

Kagome sensed her mate and Inuyasha entering the dining hall and she turned from helping to load up Shippo’s plate with food, “Ohayo gozaimasu Sesshomaru-sama and Inuyasha-sama.” The title was customary for Sesshomaru but surprised the hanyou that anyone especially Kagome would give him the honorific title. He looked at her and said, “huh?” Sesshomaru smirked for a moment before deciding to inform his brother of why Kagome had used the title, “Inuyasha, you are the second son of the great Dog General Inu Taisho and your status as a lord of the Western Lands has been recognized and accepted by myself and the other lords. You are the beta of my pack and thus second in command, you are lord here and this is now your home as well as mine and Kagome’s.” At that Sesshomaru bowed to his younger brother and finally felt the full acceptance of his brother and his pride in having such a strong sibling back where he belonged. Inuyasha looked startled at first and then moved, finally after so long he felt like he was where he was supposed to be, he was home, he was with family. He returned the low bow to his brother and answered, “thank you Sesshomaru-sama, I accept the role of beta and the title of lord. I am honored to be in your pack.”

Everyone was amazed at the difference between the brothers and they all sat down to eat together as a family should, of course, making Kagome very happy and tearful.

After their meal everyone went out to the garden and played while Kagome was called in for a talk with Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. They told her they would be traveling to the well and that they would attempt to send Inuyasha through to the other side, back to her time to tell her family was had happened. They were concerned for her and her feelings about the matter if the well should not allow Inuyasha to pass. Kagome listened to all they had to say and thanked them both for caring so much about her feelings and for understanding her need to say goodbye to them. They rejoined the others with a renewed sense of purpose in knowing they would be doing something good for someone else. Everyone wondered though if the Bone Eater’s Well would allow Inuyasha to pass and if it did or didn’t... then what?