InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost Within ❯ Chaps1-12 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Lost Within

Chapter 1: The Start of Lost

'...No...' Kagome's mind managed to gasp; she couldn't believe it. She didn't want to be seeing this, to bare witness to it, she couldn't, she can't see this! 'Why did it happen? What happened? What did I do to cause this?' Kagome's mind cried to herself as tears and heart wracking sobs caught her throat.

Her blue-green eyes were glassy with new tears, her face already streaked with them.

Too afraid to move, too afraid to speak, too afraid to think, Kagome stood in silent sorrow and horror as Inuyasha did and said the unthinkable to the one person Kagome hated more than anything.

Inuyasha stood before Kikyo, his golden eyes reflecting love from a past, a past he would not release from his grasp. He held Kikyo to him lovingly, kissing the side of her neck in adoration of love. "I love you Kikyo, now and forever." Inuyasha whispered into her ears.

"Nothing can ever replace you, nothing."

Kagome crumpled to the floor, her eyes blurred with tears, through the blurry daze she could see a red and white form moving together...Sounds of love reached Kagome's ears, but they were not meant for her. Her heart clenched as she was forced to hear the sounds of moans, gasps, and declarations of undying love.

Releasing a strangled sob Kagome clutched the tall pine tree next to her, digging her human nails into the bark, forcing herself to stand on numb legs. Her heart was cold, she could feel nothing, see nothing, and could not bear to hear the sounds coming from the one she loved most, and the one she hated most.

She walked on wobbly feet and unsteady legs, her fingers bloodied, she vaguely remembered having small, sharp pain sensations as she heard the audible snaps of her fingernails breaking. Kagome didn't care as she continued to stumble through the forest, blind to everything around her.

Kagome tripped more than once, crying out in pain as she twisted her ankle on a root. Forcing herself to stand on her quickly swelling and throbbing twisted ankle she tumbled a few more feet, before loosing her balance, tripping over a fallen tree. She fell down the other side, rolling down the side of a small but steep hill in a tangle of limbs.

The rip of cloth could be heard through out the forest, but it came from Kagome's school uniform. Her ankle throbbed with pain; her fingers were numb with it. Her eyes hurt, but nothing was as bad as the ache in her heart, it felt as if she were dieing inside, and Kagome was unable to stop it. She wondered vaguely if she even wanted to.

She collided against a solid object, falling backwards; she struck her head on a sharp rock. The enveloping darkness had become a newfound comfort to Kagome as she gave herself to it; hoping to die. At least that way, the rest of her soul would go to Kikyo; she'd be with some sense.

Golden eyes stared at the unconscious miko; his curiosity was mild, if at all non-existent. He noted her torn garments, bloodied body, and several injuries. With a graceful shrug of indifference he turned and began to leave, he stopped, a small amount of surprise registered in his liquid gold orbs; he turned and faced his servant. A delicate eyebrow arched in question.

Yellow snake eyes studied the girl with dislike, and yet something kept his attention. He didn't want the girl to die; he didn't want her near him. Make no mistake he hated humans intensely, but this miko...Inuyasha's wench...she was different.

Jaken himself was ever loyal and truthful to his master, but he only told his master what he needed to hear at the right times. For he was not as submissive and witless as he made himself to be, oh Jaken was weak surely, but what no one knew was that Jaken was clairvoyant, not even Sesshoumaru-sama knew that.

He permitted himself a sigh, he'd seen a great many a thing involving his master and this lowly human. If he did not do what he needed to do right this second, the fates would have his hide. 'Curse all the fates and all seven realms!' Jaken squawked to himself as he bustled over to the little wench whose destiny was by far greater than a simple shard-detector.

"Master...if I may..." Jaken began, stuttering as he twittled his thumbs, "I have served you for many a decade without pay in exchange for one favor as had been agreed when I had begun serving you..." He trailed off, inhaling deeply.

"Yes, I am aware of that Jaken, what is your favor to ask of me?" Sesshoumaru demanded. Though he sounded angry, he was, but he was quite curious, Jaken never cared for the life of a human.

"My favor that I Jaken am asking of you is to allow this human wench to be bound to you psychically and in a physical sense, the terms that I press upon you are that you must keep her alive and protected," He paused as he caught the obvious look of shock on his masters features, "She is to be within ten feet of you at all times through the physical bond or otherwise you will befall grave ill," Jaken noted the look of anger flooding his lords face, he needed to speed up and quickly finish this and say the ending words or he could revoke the favor and kill him,

"and that you will never pose threat to her life, so the favor is said, so-it-is-done! SoulandBodyBeBound!" Jaken finished quickly.

He sighed deeply as he finished it, oh his master would lash and beat him good but now the fates couldn't touch him, he'd done his part after all. At that Jaken glared at three bright, twinkling stars.

"Jaken..." -.-*

Immediately Jaken dashed exactly eleven feet away from the unconscious miko that would cause him no end of trouble. He heard the whistle of air as Sesshoumaru ran after him.

Immediately setting foot out of the ten-foot radius Sesshoumaru was ripped from the ground and thrown bodily towards the direction of Kagome. Jaken hid a small smirk, his days as a servant would certainly liven up more, and Rin would get off his back and be more entertained by Kagome.

"JAKEN!?" Sesshoumaru howled to the full moon in the starry sky.

Coughing once Jaken clutched his staff, to keep himself from trembling, "Y-Yes...M-Master...?" he trailed off.

He could feel the very intense waves of anger radiate from his master as Sesshoumaru slowly picked himself off the ground, turning to face his "faithful" servant. Taking slow, even steps; the demon lord of the western lands stopped a foot from Jaken, outstretching his clawed hand until he came across the barrier. He ran a single claw along the invisible wall silently; then slammed his fist into the surface.

"What." Sesshoumaru breathed calmly, "Have. You. Done?" He punctuated each word with a ghost of a growl.

"I-I...Forgive me master!!!! I...I knew not what I was thinking!" Jaken broke down into sobs, "Beat me, whip me, Lowly Jaken deserves such treatment!" He finished in a wail as he threw himself into the barrier, allowing his master to reach him.

Sesshoumaru clutched Jaken by the throat as he glared furiously into the little toad's eyes. He squeezed the lesser youkai's neck slowly, painfully, savoring each little gasp of pain Jaken emitted. No smile of pleasure broke his pale lips as Sesshoumaru continued to glare promises of a slow death at the lowly youkai he'd so foolishly believed had been loyal.

Jaken's vision was darkening into nothingness; he could feel death knocking at the door to his heart that pumped slower with each second. Thinking the end of his life was but seconds away.

Kagome awoke to thousands of nerves screaming in pain; she bit down on her lip to prevent her scream. Her ankle hurt as if a youkai had been knawing on it while her hands were numb, but the tips of her fingers sizzled with white-hot pain. Tears of pain and sorrow started anew on her dirt smudged face.

She heard a few words spoken from somewhere ahead of her, she couldn't make out the meanings, but the tone was cold, cruel, and hauntingly beautiful; and Kagome could think of only one person who could sound like that.

Dreading the worst she twisted her head to see the deadly lord of the western lands, Sesshoumaru. Her body constricted, pain lanced through her body like an arrow shot from a bow. She had to get away from him, needed to live.

No matter how badly she wanted to die, to be with Inuyasha in any way she could, Kagome could not be so unfair and selfish to those that have come to depend on her, mainly Shippou. The little kit needed her, and after a time Kagome had grown to need him. She couldn't let herself be killed and leave Shippou orphaned a second time.

Using her one soul reason to continue living Kagome grabbed the frazzled chunks of green eelgrass, fighting the pain that streaked down her frayed nerves. She pulled herself across the wet leaves and grass, using her uninjured foot to help push herself along.

Sesshoumaru was denied the pleasure of killing Jaken when he was once again thrown backwards towards Kagome like a rag doll. He landed flat on his back next to the struggling Kagome. It was then that he noticed she had arisen from her unconscious state; maybe her 'miko powers' could undo this blasted 'favor'.

Standing up with astounding speed he grabbed Kagome by the neck and jerked her to her feet; squeezing her neck painfully so, causing her to become short of breath.

He felt an invisible handclasp around his own neck, squeezing a thousand times harder than he was to Kagome, enough to make the youkai lord choke and gasp for breath. Sesshoumaru lessened the pressure on her neck so that she could once again breathe easily. The hand around his own neck did the same, he frowned and released the wench, she fell to the ground in a heap.

"Why don't you explain to her what has happened, Jaken." Sesshoumaru said slowly, directing his murderous gaze towards the recovering youkai.

Jaken shakily made his way over to the dirty, smelly human mate of Inuyasha and cleared his voice, "You are now permanently bound to the great lord Sesshoumaru..." Jaken said, noting the look of fear in Kagome's eyes. But being who he is, he didn't notice the fear being stomped on by blind anger...

(oh-hoo-hoo! ^__^)

"What?!" Kagome screamed through dry lips as she glared at Jaken.

Both youkai's flinched at the shrill sound as it pierced there over sensitive ears, threatening to deafen them.

'This can't be possible! Even grandpa had no myths or legends of such a thing happening! I can't be stuck with him! He'll kill me, and what about Shippou?!' Kagome's mind raced franticly, she racked her brain for any possible solution to this...this...whatever THIS was!

"How did this happen?" Kagome demanded as she managed to push herself into a sitting position, all tears and thoughts of sorrow pushed to the far back of her mind, for more pressing matters were at hand.

Jaken suddenly became unusually interested at the eelgrass in front of his feet...

"Well?!" Kagome snapped, pain, panic, and her frayed nerves making her half hysterical, (If not entirely...)

"Calm down brat," Sesshoumaru growled impatiently, the huge waves of petty emotions flooding his body and mind; it was making him queasy...he would have snorted to himself in disbelief but his 'lordliness' kept him from doing so.

"It was his payment for serving me for so many decades." He said calmly, having regained his impassive, aloofness once again.

'...Payment?...Is that what I am? Merely a stupid thing for someone to use me for there sadistic ways then cast me aside like a broken toy???' Kagome thought, her memories of earlier over-riding her senses, mixing reality with memory. 'Am I to be used as some sort of pawn for another man's purposes?!' She screamed at herself.

She thought she saw Inuyasha and...and...and HER embracing on the grass beside Sesshoumaru...but that's impossible...Kagome rubbed her eyes, only blurring her vision more as fresh tears welled up, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru were both glaring down at her hatefully, for her being so weak, so godamned weak!

Tears flooded her eyes, her senses and memories confused with past and present, Kagome tried to shake her head free of the swirling turmoil as she relieved her more sad memories with Inuyasha. She shook her head, balled up her fists as she clenched her jaw tightly.

The visions increased, hurting her mind, hurting her heart; Kagome screamed in pain as blackness engulfed her.

Sesshoumaru took a reflexive step back as he clutched his head in pain. He was unsure what happened; he had entered her mind, to see what recent memories if Inuyasha had been stored in her mind so he could find out what his stupid hanyou brother had done this time...*ahem* he meant to find ways of stealing the tetsusaiga of course... *nods* -.-

He had made sure not to have her aware of his presence, but something went wrong, for she confused reality and memory. Overloading her weak mind and his complex one with thousands of emotions he'd never thought a human capable of experiencing, let alone comprehending them.

Massaging his temples tenderly he cracked a golden eye open and fixed it on the unconscious wench named Kagome. He shook his head slightly, what a sick bastard Inuyasha had been to rut with a pile of dirt and ashes, right in front of his own lady no less! Hadn't InuTuiasha taught him better than that?

His lip curled into a sneer of disgusted revulsion; dropping his hand from his face he turned to the groveling Jaken, "We'd better seek shelter at my castle, before the fool-hardy half brother of mine finds sense enough to detect my presence."

"Y-Yes Sesshoumaru-sama!" Jaken said, glancing at his lord briefly he then pinned his gaze onto his two headed staff, "Rin will be most pleased to learn of her lords return as well as a human FEMALE companion for her entertainment." Jaken finished, a slight emphasis on 'female', trying to soften his lord's and his own newfound burden.

Sesshoumaru's face softened the slightest bit at the mention of Rin; Jaken was right, even if he didn't want to admit it, for Rin needed a female playmate.

Without giving a second glance to the (again) unconscious miko he grabbed her around the waist and jumped into the air gracefully (Not any other way for Sess-chan....), *unintentionally* leaving behind the still groveling Jaken.

Sunshine glittered through the large stain glass window; it's shimmering colors rousing Kagome from the darkness of sleep. Her mind and a few stray thoughts pulled together slowly, forming only the barest things with her eyes still closed,

'mmm...soft...' she thought, rolling onto her side, pulling the soft down comforter closer to herself, relishing the softness of it. Her blankets were never this...soft. She frowned to herself, her eyes still closed; she'd had the most horrible nightmare last night...that Inuyasha and Kikyo had...had...she couldn't even bring herself to say it, and then she'd seen Sesshoumaru...and Jaken...he had a favor? She had been bound to...

"Get up wench, I am sick of being in this room." a cold voice pierced through her thoughts, echoing into the farthest corners of her mind.

'No, no, no, no, NO!' Kagome's mind screamed as she clutched the blankets closer to herself, 'It was just a nightmare...just a horrible, horrible, horrible nightmare!'

"For the last time, GET UP." The voice said firmly, the coldness seeping into her skin, making her shiver.

Opening her bright blue-green eyes, Kagome lifted her head from the blankets. Her eye's met with liquid golden ones that eyed her with little to no expression at all except mild impatience.

Without warning Sesshoumaru stood abruptly and grabbed the human's wrist and threw her out the door carelessly, not wanting to be in the stupid room that now reeked of the bitch's scent. He allowed himself a small smile of pleasure as she cried out in pain when her body collided with the stonewall in the hallway of his castle.

But the smile didn't last, as Sesshoumaru was pulled bodily from the room to crash into the same wall, falling onto the miko. She shrieked something that made his ears shrivel in pain; he covered his poor ears with his hands and pulled himself away from the screaming wench.

"SILENCE!" He shouted angrily.

Kagome fell silent at the demon lord's command, she stared up at him wordlessly, 'if it wasn't a nightmare...then...then...', her eyes grew glassy with unshed tears as she stared at her hands...her hands! They were healed? 'But how?' she wondered, her depression over her lost love stolen by sheer wonder and curiosity.

He watched the miko with mild interest as she studied herself, noting that her limbs and weak skin had been completely healed. He, Sesshoumaru himself had been surprised that she'd healed herself in her sleep. 'Her miko powers no doubt,' he remarked nonchalantly.

Sesshoumaru had a bit of time to think on his new burden he now carried, even more of a concern since the miko could not be more than ten feet from himself or he would be thrown into the direction of her...again. A ghost of a sigh escaped his lips as he raised his right arm and massaged his temples delicately, a headache already forming.

She would get in the way if he fought, she'd get in the way when it was time to take on a mate to sire pups, 'oh gods!' he thought as his eyes snapped open, she'd have to be in the room while he procreated! Ugh! She'd be in the way everywhere he went, she'd be in the way indefinitely!

He growled unconsciously; becoming blind to his surroundings as more visions of the human wench's presence accompanying him wherever he went.

The soft, quick padding of feet caught his attention, shaking his head he saw Kagome running down the hallway, trying to get away from him, his eyes widened, "STOP NOW OR I'LL-"

His words were cut off in a grunt of pain as he crashed in front of Kagome's feet, he groaned. This really was getting irritating.

Kagome's eyes were wide with shock, this was the second time that Sesshoumaru had been thrown in her direction. What was causing this sort of thing to happen. She took a few steps back as Sesshoumaru stood before her, a scowl on his face.

"Don't. Move." Sesshoumaru growled as he grabbed her wrist, squeezing it painfully until he heard a bone snap.

Kagome cried in pain, but she realized she hadn't been the only one to do so. Through tears of pain she saw Sesshoumaru staring at his crushed, bloody looking wrist; he brought it to his mouth and licked the blood away.

"How'd that-" Kagome started, the pain in her wrist now a dull throb.

"If you are injured," Sesshoumaru spoke through clenched teeth, "Then I am as well."

"Oh..." Kagome trailed off as she cradled her wrist, if he got hurt when she did, then he could not kill her without killing himself.

It was a small consolation that comforted Kagome only slightly as Sesshoumaru started walking down the opposite hall, he stopped a few feet away, "My patience is thin, do you want your stupid wrist healed or not?" he snapped at Kagome.

Quickly scurrying up to the angry lord she followed him down various winding hallways until he stopped in front of a closed door. He stood motionless off to the side of it.

"Well?" He snapped.

"Oh! Gomen!" Kagome gasped as she realized the obvious and opened the door with her uninjured hand, standing off to the side as Sesshoumaru moved past her.

Kagome followed wordlessly as he stopped in front of a large water basin filled with a red liquid which she hoped was not what she thought it was. She watched as Sesshoumaru placed his bloodied hand into the basin, and then wait.

After about a minute or two he brought his hand out of the red liquid substance and grabbed a makeshift wash cloth; drying his hand of the mysterious liquid. His pale, striped hand had been fully healed; her eyes widened in disbelief.

"What is that stuff? How did it heal your hand?" Kagome asked.

As if ignoring her questions he grabbed her arm and plunged her broken wrist into the water basin, "Hold it there." He ordered.

"It is eradica inju," He spoke flatly after a few moments, "It heals injuries."

"Where did you get it?" She asked, a small amount of awe in her voice.

"A family heirloom from past generations of my bloodline." Sesshoumaru said stiffly, a clear warning not to question any further.

He motioned for Kagome to pull her wrist from the basin.

Kagome nodded slightly as she pulled her hand out, marveling briefly on her newly healed wrist. Even the marvels of Sesshoumaru's family heirlooms didn't hold her oncoming thoughts out of her head as a wave of concern swept over her, 'Shippou...' she trailed off, she couldn't abandon the little kitsune, even if Inuyasha had...betrayed her.

Her eyes seemed to cloud over briefly, wallowing in self-pity at the thought of Inuyasha...but the fog of depression had been batted away as her green-blue eyes cleared with determination as she clutched her healed wrist. She had to get Shippou, no matter the cost. Even if she had to go through Sesshoumaru himself!

'Waaait...' Kagome's mind thought as a grin broke her lips, HE didn't have a choice in the matter, if he tried to hurt her, he would only be hurting himself, and every time she walked a certain distance away from him he would be thrown at her feet. He would have to come, he would be her protection. 'Hey, this "bond" thing might not be so bad after all...' She smirked to herself as she locked eyes with Sesshoumaru.

He DID NOT like that look on her face, not only did it not suite her unique purity and innocence as a powerful was downright creepy! His eyebrow arched in question.

"We're going to Inuyasha's forest to pick up Shippou." Kagome stated flatly as she exited the room at a brisk walk, if she was right, she could get out of his range so that he would be thrown at her feet.

His strangled yelp proved her theory correct as he fell into a heap at her bare feet, "Hurry up Sesshou, I need to get back so I can change into more decent clothes, my school uniform is all torn up." Kagome stated.

'Jaken will die.' Sesshoumaru thought as he flew through the air, carrying the miko bitch that now had the upper hand in this...this...whatever the hell it was. InuYasha's Forest was already in sight and growing larger by the second as they drew closer to it.

He could already sense his pitiful excuse of a half brother and the disgusting gods awful smell of the dead miko called Kikyo. He landed in a small clearing by bone eater's well and promptly dropped the wench on her rump.

"Ow! What was that for?" Kagome demanded as she rubbed her backside tenderly.

"You were getting heavy." He stated flippantly.

"WHAT?!" Kagome shrieked, making the demon lord wince, "I DO NOT WEIGH THAT MUCH!" Kagome yelled at the taiyoukai as she glared at him indignantly.

"Kagome!" Shippou yelled happily as he raced towards his recently acquired 'step mom'.

"Shippou! It's so good to see you!" Kagome smiled happily as she hugged the kitsune.

"Where did you go? You disappeared yesterday night and I was worried you left me!" He cried aloud into Kagome's torn shirt, clutching the material.

"I wouldn't leave you Shippou! I'd never do such a thing like that!" Kagome consoled the crying little fox cub, stroking his unruly brownish-red hair affectionately.

"SESSHOUMARU!" Inuyasha yelled furiously, drawing the tetsusaiga and rushing towards his half brother.

Kagome didn't even have time to form the word to subdue Inuyasha as she watched in horror the large fang rush down upon Sesshoumaru's head.

With a blur of speed he held the rusty blade of the tetsusaiga in his right hand, glaring at his brother coldly. He was little surprised to see the fang in its protective form; for if the fang had indeed sliced into his skin then it would harm Kagome, apparently the tetsusaiga could sense that.

"What? What's wrong with this stupid thing?!" Inuyasha growled helplessly as he swung the blade up and down, trying to bring its true form forth.

"Where have you been Kagome?" Inuyasha asked worriedly after he'd given up on his sword, placing it in its proper sheath.

Kagome froze as she met Inuyasha's eyes; they were a lot like Sesshoumaru's, Kagome thought absently. Her eye's saddened as she remembered what she'd seen and heard the night her life had changed so drastically.

Tears threatened to spill forth but she bit her lip to prevent the oncoming sobs, she would not cry, not in front of Inuyasha. it would be pointless, he loved...Kikyo and not her, the mere imitation of Kikyo; 'Besides,' Kagome reasoned with herself snidely, 'Inuyasha is on the dense side of things when it comes to matters of the heart,'

Sesshoumaru licked his lower lip, it had begun to bleed. His golden eyes studied Kagome and saw the small trickle of blood as she bit her lip, he noticed her glassy eyes. Apparently the wench was trying to hold back her tears, 'So she has a little pride and a spine in her after all.' he thought as he continued to watch the miko wordlessly.

"We should go now wench, before I lose my patience with the lowly hanyou." Sesshoumaru spoke coldly.

He was very well aware of the fact that he was saving the human from more emotional turmoil by saying that, but he couldn't help but feel respect for her. She was standing on her own two feet and controlling her tears of sorrow and betrayal while holding her head up high. And that, no matter the species, had to be respected on some level.

"I need to get my bag, then we can leave." Kagome said as she gazed at Sesshoumaru, her eyes shining with thanks.

Sesshoumaru gave an imperceptible nod of 'your welcome' as he turned towards the direction of the village.

"WHAT?!" Inuyasha roared in disbelief, "Kagome?! What is going on?! What is he Sesshoumaru talking about? Has he been-"

"Inuyasha?" Kagome said, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"WHAT?!" He all but screamed as he turned wild eyes onto Kagome.

"SIT." Kagome said in a clipped tone.

Inuyasha was slammed into the floor, "Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! SIT!" Kagome said again, several times.

Inuyasha groaned in pain as he muttered a few curses.

Sesshoumaru smiled sadistically at the sight Inuyasha made, turning his back on the groaning half demon he followed the stiff-backed figure of Kagome; and he knew then that she was fighting back tears, and would continue to fight them until they finally overwhelmed her. He sighed; Jaken was going to suffer for this.

"Hey Kagome! Where Have you been? We've missed you!" Miroku said as he threw his arms around Kagome, hugging her, "I've missed you..." He murmured to the stunned Kagome as his hand slid down her back, squeezing Kagome through her torn uniform...-.-***

"DIRTY LECH!!" Kagome and Sango both screamed.

Sango clobbered the priest/monk with her large boomerang while Kagome slapped Miroku across the face, twice.

Sesshoumaru's lip curled into a sneer, both girls were viciously attacking their already unconscious monk while screaming insanely, berating the disgusting fellow. He rolled his eyes when Shippou bounded in to separate the girls from the possibly dead monk; he only got himself further into the mess and fighting them.

Then an old woman with a patch over her eye got close enough to the group of struggling flesh and tried to separate them as well; getting her hand smacked away several times she gave up and started verbally berating them. Of course they couldn't hear her anyway...

Then INUYASHA came limping towards the clearing only to get struck in the head with Sango's large boomerang as it made it's return to it's owner; whom was currently dashing around Kagome trying to catch Shippou. Inuyasha howled in pain, baring his claws, having forgotten the great demon lord's existence, charged straight towards the group of jabbering females. Chaos ensued.

Sesshoumaru was noticeably disturbed. THIS was the group that managed to foil his plans to steal the tetsusaiga??? -.-;;;;

"ENOUGH!" Sesshoumaru roared above all the squabbling and fighting, everything froze in place; even the little birds in there tree's fell quite.

"Get your things so I may leave this wretched village. NOW." Sesshoumaru said tightly, a growl escaping the thin line his lips had become.

Kagome stood up slowly, motioned for Shippou to follow and headed towards Kaede's hut. Sesshoumaru was careful to keep within the bounds, not wanting to appear any less superior to the weaklings around him.

Inuyasha's eyebrow arched, was he imagining things or was his half-brother acting strange, he was following Kagome pretty closely. He cocked his head to the side, wondering. 'No...' he thought absently, 'THAT couldn't be it...he wouldn't be mating with her, being that she's a human and all...' he added, 'Besides, I would have smelled it.'

Shrugging off the uncharacteristic behavior of his older brother he rubbed the bump on his head, growling softly at Sango. 'Wait!' He thought, bolting to his feet, 'Why is Kagome leaving anyway? She still has to help find my shikon shards!' Inuyasha's eyes narrowed, deep in thought, 'SHE couldn't possibly smell her on me,' he paused, throwing a glance at the hut, 'I practically rubbed my skin off trying to get rid of the smell, and now I can barely smell it at all.'

He scratched his chin, Kagome wouldn't voluntarily leave him, 'Well there was that one time...' Inuyasha's mind trailed off, he brushed it away and stared at the hut, wishing to have the ability to see into it. 'Could Kagome have...?' He snorted as he shook his head once, 'No...couldn't have...or could she have seen...?'

Inuyasha shuddered, he really hoped she hadn't.

"Kagome! You can't go!" Inuyasha shouted as he stalked up to her, glaring down at her green-blue eyes now alight with fire.

"Well I am and that's final!" Kagome yelled back, all but spitting the words in his face.

"No you won't! Even if I have to tie you up and put scrolls on the old lady's hut! You're not going! So forget it!" He bit back angrily, taking a step closer.

"I AM GOING!" Kagome screamed back at him.

Inuyasha gripped Kagome's right arm and squeezed it roughly, not really thinking about it as he glared at her, "No you're not! You're going to stay here and help me find the rest of the shikon shards! It was your fault that the tama shattered after all!" He yelled back, his claws digging into her skin.

Sesshoumaru growled lightly, his right arm had begun to bleed; it stung painfully; burning its anger down into his bones.

Strangely, Kagome didn't feel the pain it should have caused, just a slight pain, like a paper cut. She glared at the offending claws that were embedded in her skin; a growl emerged from her throat as she pulled back her left hand. She let it sail through the air in a blurry arc of pale peach, the sound of sliced flesh was heard.

Inuyasha reeled back in pain, his hand releasing Kagome, bringing it to clasp his bloodied cheek. He wiped the blood away and stared at Kagome in shock.

Four bleeding cuts graced Inuyasha's cheek; Kagome looked at her hand, she looked at her nails, delicate, feminine claws were where her human nails should have been. She began to shake from the mere thought of what could be happening. Shaking her head she rubbed her eyes then looked at her hands again, there were human nails. 'I must have imagined it...' Kagome trailed off.

"We're leaving." Sesshoumaru stated flatly, turning his back on Inuyasha.

"...Kagome." Sesshoumaru said coldly, his patience was wearing thin but the many visions of himself being thrown around kept his feet bolted to the ground.

Shaking herself once more she turned to the unconscious monk and Sango, "I'll be living in the palace with Sesshoumaru-sama until we can figure certain things out, I'll come visit you every once in a while Sango," Kagome said to the solemn demon exterminator.

She had a feeling she shouldn't ask why, even though her curiosity was nipping at her heels, Sango remained silent. She nodded her head in acceptance.

Kagome smiled briefly then opened her arms to embrace her, they hugged briefly, drawing away from each other somewhat reluctantly, she then turned to Shippou and opened her arms; at which he promptly lunged into them, smiling contentedly.

Finally she turned to Inuyasha, her eyes a little shinier than norm, her face calm and collected, "I wish you well on your shard hunting Inuyasha," She paused, "I'm still going to carry on with my responsibility, just not with you."

Turning away she turned her head up and strode over to Sesshoumaru's side, she turned her head towards the gaping Inuyasha, "I hope Kikyo will be able to satisfy you Inuyasha," She paused, fighting the wave of tears that threatened to spill, "For it seems I had not been worthy enough for your love and affection that you so readily give to a soul stealer." She finished.

Inuyasha's mouth was wide, he felt like he couldn't breathe, 'She...she HAD seen us...' was his only thought that played like a broken record in his brain. Repeating over and over in his mind, making it difficult to think of anything else except complete shame.

Sesshoumaru sighed inwardly, he was going to get his kimono wet, but it would be worth the look of utter rage on his half-brother's face when he carried Kagome away from him. He bent over Kagome slightly, picking her up with graceful ease, he was surprised at how light she was...and how soft. 'Ohhhh no....not even going to think about it...' He growled to himself as Kagome snuggled into his right shoulder, wrapping one arm around his neck for extra support. She held the sleeping kitsune against her soft...'NO!' Sesshoumaru cut himself off with a mental slap to his face as he focused his attention on the large bag of Kagome's.

His large, fluffy tail uncoiled from his shoulder and wrapped around the bag, picking it off the ground with ease. Sesshoumaru then turned to the still gawking Inuyasha, he allowed a small smirk on his lips then.

"Goodbye dear brother of mine." Sesshoumaru said as he flew into the air, the howling rage of Inuyasha sounded like blissful music to his sensitive ears.

But even through the raging pipes of Inuyasha he still heard the muffled cries of the little miko. He sighed in exasperation, if he had his other arm he'd have cast a small sleeping spell to put her out of her melodramatic problems for a few months. He settled for reaching out a small snake-like tendril psychic thread into her mind, pressing the need for sleep upon her mind.

Her tears stopped as her arm slackened its hold on his neck. She fell into a comforting sleep in his arm.

Sesshoumaru landed easily upon the balcony connected to his bedroom. At least Jaken had done one thing right, this...psychic bond allowed him to enter Kagome's mind to change her state of consciousness if she annoyed him. He dropped the large backpack by the balcony doors and summoned Jaken.

"...Yes Sesshoumaru-sama, what is it you wish of me?" Jaken asked, bowing unusually low.

"Take the kitsune to the nursery and leave him there to wake along with his things." Sesshoumaru stated as he placed the quickly awakening Kagome on her feet.

"Yes Sesshoumaru-sama." Jaken answered blankly as he took the sleeping Shippou from Kagome's arms.

Another youkai appeared, bowing respectfully to his master, "Yes Sesshoumaru-sama?" He asked softly.

"Prepare a room for Kagome," Sesshoumaru ordered. The demon bowed out and set out on his task.

Kagome went to quickly follow the demon. She stopped when she heard something crash with an undignified grunt of pain. Turning around she saw a slightly frumpled Sesshoumaru stand up and dust himself off with a breath of a curse on his lips.

"Sorry, I...forgot." Kagome admitted, looking like a child properly scolded.

He brushed the apology aside carelessly. Sesshoumaru lifted his hand up to his temples as he began to pace. She couldn't go further than ten feet. . .no farther than that. . .ever. This only meant. . .'Well that's not entirely so bad...' half of him thought with a ghost of a smile.

Kagome yawned.

Better inform the little miko and prepare to cover his ears. He groaned inwardly as he caught the green-blue gaze that belonged to Kagome.

"Where will I sleep?" Kagome asked between yawns.

"In my bed." Sesshoumaru answered simply, indicating the large four-poster bed behind him.

"WHAT?! NO WAY!!" Kagome screeched at the top of her lungs, practically shaking the entire castle down to its foundation.

"Listen you little wench!" Sesshoumaru snapped, his anger lashing out briefly before he pounced on it, his face becoming emotionless once again, "I've no interest in your inadequate body, let alone even allow a human to enter the sanctity of my room," He paused to inhale a small breath to calm himself, "Do not make this even more difficult."

"Then if your room is so 'holy and sacred' why don't I sleep in a guest room!" Kagome snapped back, folding her arms across her chest.

Kagome was fighting a triple yawn and keeping her eyes open at the same time, she figured if she kept yelling at him she'd fall asleep right on her own two feet. Not a good picture to present to Sesshoumaru who already thought she was weak and as he so nicely put it, 'inadequate'.

"Simple ningen, my room is the best, and I will not lower myself to sleep anywhere else than my own bed." He growled.

"Now get into bed before you fall asleep where you stand." He added pointedly.

Kagome quickly slipped her shoes and socks off, curling herself up on the farthest side opposite of Sesshoumaru. Wrapping her arms around herself, her back to him.

Ignoring the miko he began to shed his armor. He growled in frustration, a single strap was refusing to untie, he had not had this problem before and had often been able to untie it with just his hand. But it seems he could not without help. Otherwise it would be another night in his armor which did not sound comfortable.

"Get over here now Kagome." Sesshoumaru snapped as he took a few steps towards her.

She turned large, slightly frightened eyes up to him, "What?"

He motioned to the single tie that was the cause of his discomfort, he made a small grunting noise as he glued his eyes to a point on the wall.

Kagome's eyes widened briefly in surprise, a blush then graced her cheeks, apparently the great Sesshoumaru-sama was having trouble with his own armor! Stifling a giggle she crawled across the spacious bed and outstretched her lithe fingers and fiddled with the knot.

In a matter of moments Kagome's hands dropped to her sides, the knot; no longer. She smiled up at the suddenly fidgeting Sesshoumaru, 'Maybe he's feeling a little ill?' Kagome thought questioningly as she watched Sesshoumaru quickly turn around and place his armor off to the side of his bed.

Regaining his self-control he then untied his sash and let his silken kimono fall to the floor.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Kagome's all too familiar screech said, "PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON RIGHT NOW!!" She screeched, scrambling backwards on the bed and tugging the blankets around her body.

Opening his eyes and dropping his hand from his throbbing ears he glared at Kagome then slid between the blankets, his back to her, "Got to sleep." His cold voice echoed through her head.

Not any less reassured then she had been earlier she settled herself down onto the bed, turning her back towards him. Kagome fell asleep the instant her eyes had closed.

Jaken closed the door quietly, mumbling to himself as he cursed the three hags that tormented his soul. This was going to be a much harder task than any he'd had before. I mean getting Rin set up with his master had been easier than what they'd asked of him this time!

Still muttering to himself he turned down the corridor and tottered away.

Sesshoumaru was dimly aware of morning, he refused to get up as his arm tightened around his pillow, had the seamstresses given him a new bigger pillow last night whilst he slept? This one was much more comfortable then the previous ones.

He nuzzled closer to the strangely shaped pillow and inhaled deeply, falling back into the depths of sleep.

Kagome's muffled groan reached her ears as she lifted her head, already seeing stray wisps of sunlight shimmer through the thick, velvet drapes. Her eyesight still blurry she raised a loosely balled fist and rubbed her eyes while yawning.

"Souta? Has school started already?" She called through the darkness of the expansive room.

Nothing but her own faint echo answered her call. She cocked her head to the side, trying to recall just exactly where she was. Her memory came back in tumbling tidbits of memory, some long flashes, others rolling streams of brief, momentary sights. Then like an arrow set free from a bow one crucial bit stabbed her mind.

Kagome's eyes widened as she noticed the very nice looking arm with familiar stripes near the wrist, a very MALE arm with dainty claws. It tightened around her waist instinctively, Kagome stiffened, biting her lip she slowly turned her face to look at the figure behind her.

Silver white hair sparkled like diamonds in the small strips of sunlight, two red stripes on either side of his face, a blue crescent moon on the center of his forehead. The cool, passive, relaxed expression of Sesshoumaru just happened to be the one spooned next to her, clutching her like a favorite teddy bear...

She studied his peaceful face briefly, before the situation stole over her. Her eyes widened once again,

"HENTAI!!!!" Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs as she shoved Sesshoumaru from the bed, gathering the sheets about her.

Sesshoumaru awoke with an unpleasant pain ringing in his ears while his bare rump connected with the cold floor, a vicious growl ripped from his throat as he sprang to his feet, glaring offensively at the human bitch.

"YOU SICK HENTAI YOUKAI!!" Kagome screamed again as she grabbed a vase full of blood roses and threw it at him.

Wincing in pain and grabbing the crystal vase with ease he placed it on his own nightstand and jumped on Kagome, successfully pinning her to the bed as his cold eyes narrowed angrily.

"Be quite." Sesshoumaru's liquid steel voice warned Kagome, "I may inflict harm upon myself when I injure you miko," Sesshoumaru paused as he pressed a claw to her throat that would leave a small red welt when he withdrew it, "But I am capable of withstanding much more pain than you ever could." He growled, withdrawing his single claw.

"...Hentai..." Kagome mumbled as she squirmed under his nude form.

Smirking at her unease he turned from her, standing in front of the large bed, conveniently in front of Kagome's side. He picked up his kimono and took his time putting it on. Ever aware of Kagome's embarrassed gaze. He wondered briefly if she dared to lower his gaze from his face.

When he finally looked at her, fully clothed her face was bright red. He smirked again.

She had looked.

"I need to take a bath." Kagome informed him as she stood and slipped on her socks and shoes, having regained her composure.

"Yes," Sesshoumaru paused as he exited his room, Kagome following behind, "You certainly need one."

"Hey! I do not smell!" Kagome defended, sniffing herself a few times, "...That bad..." She added as she followed Sesshoumaru through another hallway and into a large bathroom...

Or what had the appearance of a bathroom, modernized toilets and sinks were missing along with the showerheads. The center was basically three hot springs connected with each other, the largest on top that had a small waterfall connected to a smaller hot spring, and ditto with the last hot spring. There were tables in the far corners with several large, small, and medium sized towels on them.

Kagome smiled giddily, the three bubbling pools looked so inviting compared to the cold lakes and streams she'd had to bathe in when traveling with Inuyasha. She frowned then, her eyes starting to water; she wiped at her eyes furiously then turned to Sesshoumaru, who was. Not. There.

She turned around this way and that, her blue-green eyes settling on the relaxed form of Sesshoumaru in the largest hot spring, his eyes closed. Kagome was once again appalled and shocked.

The many ways of proper etiquette that had been violated already was beyond count for Kagome, walking up to the middle hot spring she put her hands on her hips and glared at Sesshoumaru, there was no way in all seven realms was she going to bathe in the same room as him!

"And where am I to wash myself?" Kagome asked rudely, disturbing the silence with her annoyance.

Sesshoumaru cracked an eye open to study Kagome, he debated briefly whether or not to inform Kagome about the ten foot boundary, that was a twenty four seven type of deal. He'd rather not tell the wench when he'd measured she was fairly angry already with there little morning surprise; he hadn't minded really, he'd been the most comfortable in that damned bed than he'd been in decades.

But alas, the truth was his honor as well as his curse, he hated telling lies and double despised being lied to.

With a sigh that seemed to promise ear-splitting pain he stared into her eyes levelly.

"I will tell you this once, Kagome," He paused, pulling his arm out of the water to rest on the rim of the hot spring, "You and I, Sesshoumaru, can be no further then ten feet from each other," He paused again, "At. ALL. Times." He emphasized the 'all' so that it could not be forgotten so easily.

"Pull the rest together in that little brain of yours miko, the middle pool you may use." He added offhandedly, letting his head fall back, relaxing his tensed muscles.

Kagome stood still for a very, very long time. She didn't feel like screaming, her throat was sore already and she didn't feel like having to talk in whispers for the next few days. Sucking up her self-pity about this 'bond' thing she turned to Sesshoumaru once again,

"You so much as peak at me and I'll scream until your deaf." Kagome warned as she turned her back to him.

In a daze Kagome removed her garments and slipped into the spring, her muscles grateful for the warmth.

Sesshoumaru had peaked, but he sure as hell wasn't going to tell the little ningen that, Sesshoumaru smirked to himself as he turned away from Kagome and her rather...nicely developed figure. The faintest hint of a blush gracing his pale cheeks.

"I mean it! Turn around!" Kagome growled as Sesshoumaru waited by the closed door, back facing her.

"Do not dally." Sesshoumaru warned.

Why did females always take so much damned time in drying themselves off? He growled impatiently, clenching and unclenching his fists, he stopped. A sticky substance was on his palm, he brought his hand up to inspect it, blood. As it would seem, his impatience had gotten the better of him, enough to rip open his flesh in any event. He shrugged it off.

"OW!" Kagome cried out as she finished tying the sash on the silk kimono Sesshoumaru had supplied for her. Her palm had been sliced open, blood was beginning to pool in her cupped hand.

'She's had enough time.' He thought as he turned and followed the trail of fresh blood, other than his own. He noticed the pool of blood in her palm, his eyes glued to the ever growing puddle of red water. He licked his lips that had suddenly gone dry, he heard the faint calling of his name, he ignored it, bringing his own hand up to his mouth and drinking his own blood.

He growled, it was tainted with worldly knowledge and years of endless killing. Golden eyes were drawn back to the large pool of red blood that was beginning to leak onto the undeserving floor. Another growl escaped his parted lips and bloodied fangs, this one, more carnal and primitive than the previous ones.

Kagome was taking small steps backward, Sesshoumaru wasn't himself, or didn't seem to be, his eyes were fogged over with a filmy red fog, blocking the bright golden orbs that were his eyes. She noted his entire body was coated in thick layer of soft white fur...he was changing...but what was triggering it? She noticed the pooling blood on her palm, and how his eyes were glued to it. She shook her head as she scooted off to the side, if she could skirt around him and dash down the hall.

Her blood couldn't be causing him to do...this. She'd bled before...but, now that she thought about it, she hadn't been in the present company of him, but when he'd broken her wrist...Kagome shook her head, refusing to believe the possible reasons and refusing to let fear overwhelm her. Dogs could smell fear. Why couldn't demon dogs smell it? My point exactly, *nods*.

Dodging quickly around him she opened the door, slammed it shut and ran for the life of her down the stone hallways.

Sesshoumaru's limbs had changed as he broke down the door and chased after the bleeding miko, his body pumping with the thrill of the chase, his second form melting away into his true dog demon form. He lengthened his stride to make up for his absent limb, quickly catching up to his prey.

Pouncing on her with graceful accuracy he sniffed anxiously at her enclosed fist, licking at the streams of blood that escaped her enclosed fist. His body was over hers, his only arm resting rather comfortably across her body, pinning her to the floor while he nudged and nipped lightly at her fist.

He whined impatiently, whuffling and growling as he switched from the three constantly and still managing to lick at her palm. The hand relented and he gave a short 'yip' of victory and licked hungrily at the bloody hand.

It was sweet like the candies he'd had on rare occasions when he was a pup, except it was full of power, white innocence, and purity. The blood of a powerful virgin miko; a very rare thing, quite a delicacy among educated youkai. His senses overwhelmed his rationality as he continued to lap at the blood, always hungering for more.

Kagome was afraid to move, to speak, to even breathe loudly. She was extremely confused at Sesshoumaru's actions, first he'd been the usual cruel, cold-hearted bastard...and now he was in his true form, lapping at her bleeding hand like a puppy would lap up milk, was she going insane? Or maybe he was the insane one...Kagome couldn't quite figure which.

She sighed in relief, his dog form was reducing to his usual appearance, the more human looking one. But the strange thing was that as his human form began to become more visible, his eyelids drooped heavy with sleep. She also noticed her hand was getting cold, he'd stopped licking it.

"Eeep!" Kagome squeaked out.

Sesshoumaru had practically molded himself literally on top of her, nuzzling his drowsy-eyed, bloodied mouthed face into her neck, inhaling deeply before completely losing consciousness into the realm of sleep.

Kagome was once again shocked, he was asleep on her...again. Only this time, it was in the middle of the godamned hallway so that ANYONE could just stroll on by and see them! UGH! How bad was this bond going to get? Was this one supposed to be one of the perks to living with the lord of the western lands? Like hell she thought not!

A yawn escaped her mouth, 'the actually...quite comfy...' Kagome thought between yawns as she fought to stay awake. But the sudden comfiness of the floor and Sesshoumaru's body heat were not helping.

Before she knew it, She was dead unconscious like Sesshoumaru.

Jaken smirked to himself, brushing off invisible dust from his robes, a smile of satisfaction on his lips. What a perfect spell, he'd should have used it from the start. Jaken cocked his head to the side as if listening to something, he then nodded a few times before shaking his head.

Scurrying down the hall he began to set out orders for ALL servants to work strictly on the first floors of the castle.

He shrugged to himself, glaring at some unknown source, "Not everything works so fast as you'd like them too Future-sama," Jaken huffed as he turned a corner, giving orders to the 'nanny' to take care of the human brat and kitsune pup, not to let them out of her sight.

"Don't start badgering me! I can't rush Sesshoumaru-sama into things such as this!" Jaken squawked as he shook his staff at nothing.

"Fine then! If you think you three could do a better job then you do it! Bah!" Jaken shouted, throwing his tiny hands into the air as a sign of 'I quit'.

A pause in Jaken's step as he turned to stare up at the ceiling, a grin on his green face, "I thought so, can't do it without lowly Jaken can you? Hah!" He snorted proudly, puffing out his chest and continuing down the hall to deal with the merchants.

A small echoing of musical laughter filtered the hallway.

A sense of contented 'right'ness filled Sesshoumaru's mind as well as his body when he vaguely became aware of reality. His head hurt immensely so he took small doses of reality; gathering small tidbits of where he might be without the use of his eyes. No way was he going to risk a skull-wracking headache if he allowed sunlight to sting his overly sensitive eyes.

He felt something warm and soft beneath him . . . something very soft.

His right arm squeezed the soft object closer to himself, nuzzling his face into the smooth, silky softness of it. He frowned . . . this wasn't a pillow . . . this wasn't a blanket . . .

The soft object stiffened and the faint scent of fear reached his perceptive nose . . .

'Oh fuck...' Sesshoumaru growled to himself. Preparing himself for the barrage of ear splitting screams...the mad dash down the hall... and his royal self falling face first into the stone-cold floor. His muscles coiled, preparing to leap to his feet if need be and still look graceful doing it.

Sesshoumaru's body stiffened; awaiting the inevitable screams. None came . . .

Kagome lifted a hesitant hand towards Sesshoumaru's left shoulder. 'There used to be an arm their...' Kagome thought dimly, bringing her small hand across the exposed fleshy-stub that was the remainder of Sesshoumaru's left arm.

It felt alien and unnatural, the pale skin that had closed over the empty socket. There was a slight indent where Kagome assumed the bone would've been connected to.

She brought her hand over it again, except this time her entire hand studying the flesh instead of the feint brush of her fingertips. Her inner mind had painted a picture of what it would look like as she ran her fingers over the scarred flesh.

Sesshoumaru was paralyzed in place, his mind screamed at him to reprimand her, to hit her, to make her feel pain for touching him in such a place! How dare the insolent little-

His thoughts broke off when he felt Kagome shift under him, she gripped his shoulder tightly; trying to force him away from her. He made no move to help, figuring she'd give up in a moment or two but still she persisted.

Growing annoyed for reasons unknown to him, Sesshoumaru pinned Kagome's lower half with his legs then lifted himself up enough to properly glare at her. With narrowed eyes he locked them onto Kagome's own green-blue ones.

"Yes?" Sesshoumaru spoke icily, his yellow eyes bleeding a feint pink cloud.

Kagome made a small coughing noise and flicked her gaze first to his lips then to right behind him, locking her now worried gaze back to him.

Sesshoumaru's right hand grazed his mouth, dried blood greeted his clawed fingers. 'Kuso...' He cursed as he brushed as much as he could off of his face while looking as if he were scratching his chin.

Standing with graceful fluidity he turned slowly to the figure behind him, making sure his tail and robes flared behind him in a way to cover Kagome as well as looking like the royal figure he was.

Anger surged through his veins, his blood boiled to impossible heights. Gold eyes studied the female youkai standing before him, taking in her seductive figure with a studious gaze filled with an emotion deeper than loathe carefully hidden by his emotionless mask.

She was tall in stature, a good two inches taller than himself with a willowy figure. She wore a thin, black veil over her slim figure, a golden chain around her waist with the a fair length of it trailing to the floor. Her eyes were a bright, deep set green that was a sharp contrast to the glittery black liquid that lined her large, cold eyes. Long, silky black hair trailed down to her ankles, her hair done up in a *princess hair style.

Her unusually green eyes shimmered with lusty amusement as her gaze trailed over Sesshoumaru then the human behind him. Returning her gaze to Sesshoumaru she trailed her lust-filled eyes over the Western Lord's body, noting the pale, muscled physique she glimpsed between the crack in his garments. Her eyes stared pointedly below his naval; allowing her imagination to fill in the blank.

It always annoyed him when she did that. 'The horny bitch.' Sesshoumaru growled in his inner mind. He felt a specific section of his anatomy stir, beginning to harden.

His eyes flared with anger and arousal. 'The bitch did it on purpose!' He howled to himself, trying to get his hormones in check. She'd INTENTIONALLY decided to 'visit' him when she was in heat!

Every youkai knew that when a female was in heat they were nearly impossible to resist! It wasn't too strong with human females but there was the occasional few that were much more irresistible than even some female youkai.

"To what do I owe this...visit...?" Sesshoumaru stressed the word 'visit', "Princess of the Southern Lands, lover of pain, my seventh cousin, Nicca, the daughter of my father's brother, InuArusha." He finished in a regal, superior voice.

He could feel Kagome standing behind him, could sense her hand just burning to grab his; like a child afraid, needing the comforting touch a familiar figure. He could not give her the support she needed at this moment unless risking his reputation, for Nicca. Was. A Gossip.

"I've come upon your invitation to stay here for three weeks," Nicca replied smoothly with a formal bow required of her, "Lord of the Western Lands, Lord of Power and Beauty, my second cousin, Sesshoumaru, half brother of the hanyou Inuyasha, son of my father's brother, InuTuiasha." Nicca finished with a seductive smile.

"That invitation was written by my father," Sesshoumaru paused, "Several decades ago."

Nicca shrugged modestly, "An invitation nonetheless lord Sesshoumaru-sama."

"Is your bed still empty m'lord? Or perhaps you'd rather have me be filling it?" Nicca smiled not so coyly, "You can not possibly tell me a mere human is able to satisfy such needs of a powerful youkai?"

Kagome's blood boiled; what was that BITCH implying? Like she'd EVER want to sleep with that nicely built hunk of flesh with that beautiful head full of silky white hair...Kagome's eyes widened.

'WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING!?!?!?!?!' Kagome screamed at herself, ignoring the bitch "Princess Nicca".

Sesshoumaru visibly flinched when the loud mental scream stabbed his mind. Even though his curiosity was beginning to rise it was not a good time to prod the miko's mind with Nicca present.

"I believe that is rather too personal a question for you to ask Nicca, for it is none of your business." Sesshoumaru snapped.

"Ouch m'lord..." Nicca pouted, "That was cold." She finished with a purr.

"I'll see you at the dinner table!" Nicca waved, turning on her heels and walking down the halls, swinging her slender hips as she did so.

Sesshoumaru permitted himself a growl when she was clear out of sight. He was painfully hard and shaking with rage.

Soft breathing slapped his eardrums; he reeled around and slammed Kagome against the wall, he felt a rib or two snap in his back, warning him of Kagome and his 'condition'.

Her feet barely brushed the ground, her back was pressed against the wall while Sesshoumaru's hips were pressed tightly against her own. A gasp escaped her throat, her hands flew to the youkai's shoulders, gripping them tightly.

She turned her questioning gaze to golden eyes that swam in a rosy cloud. Sesshoumaru wasn't in control of himself, his expressionless mask was gone; filled instead with a panting mouth and lusty eyes that burned with anger and unbridled wildness.

Her body was tingling from the hardness of Sesshoumaru but was filled with a strange excitement. Fear was vague and in the farthest places of her mind...Kagome had never felt like this before, she'd never thought about it...experienced it...or even wanted it.

She'd loved Inuyasha, but she'd never seen his pure demon side like she was witnessing with Sesshoumaru. It was strange that she was growing excited by such actions...

Another gasp was ripped from her throat as Sesshoumaru slammed her against the wall, ripping the side of her kimono in half, exposing her right shoulder and breast.

A growl emanated from the throat of the great demon lord as he lowered his glistening fangs onto the junction between her pale neck and shoulder.

His teeth pierced her flesh, drawing forth blood and shoots of pain that caused Kagome to cry out; tears streaming down her cheeks. Her body jerked painfully as he clamped his teeth down upon the open wound, harder, causing more blood to flow and more pain to Kagome's body as she squirmed in his grasp.

Unbeknownst to her she was only increasing the lords pleasure, causing him to bite down harder, cutting into the muscle as he rocked his clothed body against hers.

Kagome's tears were endless as her body sang with pleasure and pain, she gripped Sesshoumaru tightly, trying to push him away; he only growled and clenched down harder, slamming her bruised body against the wall.

The primitive, wild side of Sesshoumaru was in control.

Through blurred vision she saw blood on Sesshoumaru's right kimono sleeve; she raised a shaky hand and pushed the material aside, her eyes widened in surprise. She was not the only one enduring the pain, for a bite mark was clear on his shoulder, though the shape of her own mouth...

Blood gushed from his wound.

Kagome arched her body forward as the pain and pleasure overwhelmed her; the sheer enormity of it taking her by force. A moan of pain and pleasure escaped her throat. Sesshoumaru's movements began to slow as he sunk to the floor, Kagome straddling him; he pulled his mouth from the wound and lapped at it as his instincts told him so.

She looked at his eyes that were now filled with the emotionless mask once more.

Kagome's vision was dimming...she was suddenly so very tired.

'If Sesshoumaru reacts this way every time Nicca is around...I don't think I'll last the three weeks...and this wasn't even real sex...' Kagome thought dimly before her mind was pushed into oblivion.

Sesshoumaru sighed as he studied the sleeping miko; she was beginning to stir again.

A pale, delicately clawed finger pressed itself against Kagome's temple. Her movements ceased; she fell into the realms of black sleep once again.

He did not want to deal with Kagome . . . or Nicca. But he was no coward, and thus would have to face them both, conscious, at dinner . . .

Sesshoumaru mulled over the facts once again . . . Nicca was in heat, staying at his castle for three weeks in hopes to trap him in wedlock through procreation. He'd just barely escaped from fully mating with Kagome, he was stuck within ten feet of her at all times, Jaken will tortured, he could not continue to put the girl into sleep every time this happened, Jaken will die, Jaken will be maimed... oh, and Jaken will die . . . painfully so.

"JAKEN!" Sesshoumaru yelled angrily, slamming his fist against the thick oak desk that was now adorned with deep gouges...

Jaken walked slowly into the room, his hands clutching the two-headed staff rather tightly. Unbeknownst to his master the reason for his apparent 'fear' were not created by Sesshoumaru . . . but the premonition he'd just received from lady Future . . . and not a pleasant one.

He studied his master, his head cocked to the side; Jaken permitted himself a sigh as his hand cradled his skull.

Sesshoumaru's claws were inches away from Jaken's throat when he suddenly found himself face-first...on the floor. He slid his burning gold eyes upward, Kagome's wide, blue-green eyes stared down at him.

Utter disgust and loathe were naked in those intense, hateful eyes of hers.

"I HATE YOU!!" Kagome screamed over and over as she clutched herself, doubling over in pain as she rocked back and forth, sobbing uncontrollably.

He stared at her, shocked and hurt... "But Kago- I didn't mean-!" Sesshoumaru started, only to be drowned out by the echoing words of hate.


Sesshoumaru bolted upright, gasping for air as he glanced left and right; his eyes not seeing the small form of his faithful servant scurrying away...

His golden colored eyes turned slowly to his side, falling upon Kagome's soft features and even softer hair of ebony silk. Had it been a mere dream? Nightmare? Or a meeting through their psychic link? He did not know...

He must've nodded off for a bit when he'd been contemplating the current situation...and the new problem... among others that have yet to arise.

If he could last for three weeks against the burning heat that was ingrained within his blood to obey then he might just last the three weeks... 'just a mere three weeks, it will be over before Nicca can make a move' Sesshoumaru thought cockily.


Nicca strutted through the halls that would soon be hers, putting a few swings in her steps as she practically danced down the halls, reveling in her heady scent as well as the unusually large bulge she'd spied through the many folds of his kimono that he'd cleverly tried to hide.

Who cares about blood connections when your sexy relation has a nice body, and even better assets below the six-pack as well.

She grinned predatorily.

If only InuTuiasha were still alive, he would have made this whole seduction bit a lot easier on everyone. Nicca ran a pale hand through her long hair in an absent, nervous-minded gesture.

From the start that old man had planned for the two of them to wed, even if Sesshoumaru didn't agree, she'd had no problem at all, who wouldn't want to be the mate of the ruler of the western lands? And have the power to do as one pleased for all eternity? The only thing she'd have to do is produce an heir.

With another grinning smile of victory she continued to swagger down the hall.


"Too bad we can't make it easier for them." a little girl laughed as she hugged the large crystal sphere affectionately.

"Well we can't, we just observe like we're supposed too!." Another little girl shouted indignantly, as if she found everything a great nuisance.

"I don't recall you doing such a thing when that little hanyou wouldn't give up his wish to become a full demon, you wanted to help him match off with the iced lady-archer." Another voice teased mockingly, "And if I remember perfectly, when you meddled you got that nasty Aku or whatever jumbled up in that mess and THEN look what happened?"

"Thas right!" Piped up the little girl that still hugged the sphere, "An then daddy got AAAAAAnGRRREEEEEY with us when the doggy boy and ice-lady didn't hold hands then visit the cabbage patch to pick out their baby."

"YEAH Present! It was all your fault!" The eldest said, pointing an accusing finger at the stubborn little goddess.

"Shut up Future! That's Past's business now! We have to deal with the dog-king now! And the funny looking girl with her weird clothes!" The little goddess named Present spat angrily, stomping over to a corner in their room.

"They are not funny clothes...just REEEEEAAAALLLLY out-dated is all." Future spoke thoughtfully as she studied the school uniform Kagome wore through the large crystal.

"Well we need to get back to work otherwise daddy will be angry if we don't record... Like that one time..." The little girl named Past spoke.

"It was only for a few eons...we were playing jump-loop-loop." Future defended as the three little deities sat cross-legged in front of the glowing sphere.

"I don't like that Nic-Nic lady-bird she's got bad plans." Future mumbled.

"Don't worry, toady boy knows what's happening, he is the king of the world you know. He said so." Past comforted as she released the large sphere.


Sesshoumaru's cocky attitude died when his eyes connected with blue-green ones.

Except this time.

He couldn't read them.

Kagome grew tired of drifting in the inky darkness of her mind and was even tired of sleeping. So she'd simply drifted closer to consciousness. Since all her more forthright attempts had somehow gotten her shoved back towards the dreamless realm of darkness.

Her eyes studied Sesshoumaru, her mind bringing her up to date on what had happened in the hall.

The blood, the pain, the wild, uncontrolled demon blood within the Lord of the Western Lands, the pleasure, and her own dark, unfulfilled desires she'd never thought she'd possessed.

For once she understood the demon youkai that sat ramrod-straight before her all-seeing eyes no longer marred by sleepiness.

He was nervous, no doubt about what had happened earlier, and what her screaming reaction would be.

He was going to be in for a surprise.

Kagome scratched her head and gave a great sigh of exhaustion as she pushed herself into a sitting position in front of Sesshoumaru. Wrapping a blanket about herself she regarded the demon lord with a calm gaze.

"What happened?" Kagome made the statement a question, pawing gently over the white-bandage that covered her shoulder.

Kagome wasn't surprised by his heavy silence as he tried to read her through her eyes, but she wasn't about to let that happen, not right now, not with what's been going on.

First the incident where he'd slipped into his true form, and then the near...partial rape when he'd lost control...for the second time.

"Nicca is in heat." Sesshoumaru finally answered, his voice toneless though to Kagome, rather strained.

She cocked her head to the side, unintentionally baring her pale, yet tantalizing neck to Sesshoumaru; who was still a little 'buzzed' from the intoxicating scent of Nicca's heady arousal.

"So...when a female youkai is in heat..." Kagome trailed off blankly.

"They give off a specific scent." came Sesshoumaru's clipped reply.

"That..." Kagome trailed off again.

"That makes them...irresistible to male youkai." Sesshoumaru spat angrily.

Kagome nodded her head more to herself as the pieces fell into place. It made sense, since youkai were more in-touch with their primitive, demon side.

But one thing, or more like a few things puzzled her, why didn't he mate with Nicca then and there instead of 'attacking' herself?

"Why didn't you go with Nicca then?" Kagome asked quietly, staring at the golden eyes that were now devoid of subtle emotions.

"She is my cousin." was his reply.

Kagome didn't want to know why Nicca was so hot for Sesshoumaru but she had a hunch it had to do with getting her hands on...

...the Western lands.

(You dirty-minded people you! What did you think she was talking about? ^.^)

"Your father wrote the invitation...but he's why is it still valid?" Kagome asked, she had been curious about that.

"My...father," Sesshoumaru stressed that word a bit, "Had written that invitation awhile ago when he was planning to have me mate with Nicca,"

Kagome's eyes went wide, "But you're cousins! That's...that's incest!" Kagome said in mock horror.

Sesshoumaru's expression seemed confused on the word 'incest', but it quickly fled, "He did not care of blood-relations, merely to keep the bloodline pure after he passed on," Sesshoumaru spoke.

Kagome broke eye contact and rested her chin on her small fist, deep in her own thoughts.

She could feel the stray tendrils she'd learned to identify as 'Sesshoumaru's mind probes'. She smacked them away rudely, her thoughts were now her own, not to be looked at by a youkai.

Kagome may be simple-minded around exams and shard-collecting but she'd taken up on reading about psychic powers, one of her friends was a wiccan, she'd often told 'edited' versions of her 'adventures' to her, about how the 'bad-guys' seemed to know things before they happened and stuff like that. Her friend had explained. So Kagome did the smart thing and hit the books.

Kagome wasn't so defenseless anymore.

Getting her mind back on target she thought about their current situation. Nicca was in heat and staying as a guest for three weeks, Sesshoumaru and herself were bound with the ten-feet thingummy, and he lost his sense of self every time Nicca got near him. Not good.

But if they got away somewhere...

Kagome smiled, confusing and possibly creeping the great demon lord out...

She needed to go back home, there was a test coming up soon and she had to- 0.0 Kagome's eyes widened.

'MY GODS HE HAS TO GO TO SCHOOL WITH ME!!!!' Kagome's inner voice screamed, 'AND THEN GYM CLASS!!' She became frantic, how was she going to go to school? Sesshoumaru hated humans and her time period had MILLIONS of them!

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh go-" Kagome chanted as her hands flew to her face as she rocked back and forth, on the verge of sheer panic.

Putting a stop to her chant she turned to Sesshoumaru whom looked rather...pale.

"Um...Sesshoumaru...?" Kagome started, trying to stave off the many shocked faces of Sesshoumaru that she could imagine when she told him.

He was immediately suspicious, this would not end as well as he may like...

"Yes?" He spoke tonelessly.

"Well, I have to tell you something...about where I live...and well you see...I have to go there...and well you kind of have to go with me..." Kagome spoke slowly, trying to break it to him in an easier way...

"Out with it already miko," Sesshoumaru growled in impatience, he had already knew she'd want to go see her family, the wench being who she was and all.

"Okay..." Kagome sighed, sucking in a mouthful of air, "I live in the..."

And you all know Kagome told EVERYTHING about that, even a few side stories about her grandfather because she got distracted.

"..." was Sesshoumaru's response...several times... -.-

The future full of weak humans was a bit far-fetched, one thing from the entire story of hers was clear to Sesshoumaru.

Her grandfather was insane.

"I don't believe it." He spoke, "I refuse to believe that these weak, stupid, and disgusting bunch of humans now run the world." He finished, as if winning the conversation as well as her firm affirmation that he was right.

She shook her head sadly, well he would see then wouldn't he?

Of course she forgot to mention about the school part though...

"But you'll go with me right?" Kagome asked hopefully, there was only two ways to go about this, with Sesshoumaru mildly interested, and Sesshoumaru snarling and being thrown about here and there.

"Only to get away from Nicca, meaning we'll be spending only three weeks in your...time period." He said, standing from the bed and motioning for her to follow.

Kagome skirted around the bed then grabbed the sleeve of his kimono, giving it a few tugs for his attention.

He looked at Kagome in answer to see her expressive eyes wide with an expression that clearly told him that what she said next wouldn't be any better,

"Yes?" He said flippantly, turning his eyes around the room to make sure Nicca was not near.

"Can Rin and Shippou come to?" Kagome asked, her hands unconsciously twiddling with the bit of cloth she held.

He could have rolled his eyes in abject boredom, he nodded briefly then made for the door again; the familiar tug on his sleeve stopped his actions.

"We won't be seeing Nicca right now...would we?" Kagome asked slowly, her hand flying to her injured shoulder absently.

He didn't hear the question for his eyes had been drawn to the white bandage upon her shoulder, she didn't know what it meant, and for that, his carelessness might go unnoticed.

But it would scar, but the one he carried on his own shoulder would not, for she would be unbound until she chose to give the bite mark in return.

Something he wasn't very sure about.

"Hello? Will we be seeing Nicca today?" Kagome said, waving a hand in front of Sesshoumaru's face.

He grabbed the wrist then turned his golden eyes to hers, "Yes, I'll need to inform her of my departure," Sesshoumaru spoke, "I'd advise you to properly cover any and all wounds you may have gotten during..." he trailed off, turning his gaze towards the double doors of his chamber.

"Will it...happen again if you go near Nicca?" Kagome asked, her voice slightly worried.

"It will not if our encounter is brief," he said.

"Then lets make it as brief as possible! Or not at all! We could leave her a note like I do with my mom! I'm sure she wouldn't mind-" Kagome broke off at the golden glare of Sesshoumaru's dark eyes.

"Or not..." Kagome sighed as they made there way down the halls towards the dining room.

Dinner had been served...with oden, though she wasn't quite happy with the way things were going, Nicca sat two seats away from Sesshoumaru, she was directly across from Kagome...


l l

l l


Seating arrangement- The table is very long, it goes further down-

And not to mention Nicca was chatting everyone's ear off about her father's courts, palace, welfare, fifth wife, seventh child, what size bra she wore...Kagome didn't really pay attention, she kept her eyes on her oden while stealing glances at the very, very, stiff appearance of Sesshoumaru.

She decided it was time to break off the chit-chat before Sesshoumaru lost all sense of himself...again.

"Princess Nicca," Kagome spoke with the best note of authority she could muster, "It has been a pleasure meeting with you and listening to what news you bring," she paused at the cold glare she received from said princess, "But we must depart immediately, we shall be back before the end of the week." Kagome spoke swiftly as she stood from her seat, head bowed in a submissive like gesture partly to keep herself from throwing her bowl of oden into the glaring princess Nicca's face.

"Then why mere human, must you both depart if it is of utmost importance?" Nicca sneered, glaring at Kagome angrily.

She'd only to kept talking for five more minutes and she would've been spread-eagle, bare-assed on the table next to her dinner, screaming out in sheer pleasure and this bitch of a human was taking it away.

"That is not your concern, we will be departing immediately." Kagome spoke flatly, turning from the angry bitch and glancing at the stiff Sesshoumaru.

With a nod he stood up then strode gracefully to Kagome's side as they walked briskly through the dinning hall and throughout the place.

Kagome quieted her breathing and quickened her pace, Sesshoumaru was on edge now, and if she didn't keep quiet then he might...

Jaken scurried up to his masters side, touching the bare foot of his master briefly, the lust in Sesshoumaru's eyes decapitated.

That would happen in due time but they needed to leave now, before Nicca thought to follow them. Shippou and Rin both came running up to Kagome and Sesshoumaru, little traveling packs on their backs.

They were silent as they trotted next to their companions, Shippou held Rin's hand in a gesture of comfort, though the little girl always seemed to be fearless, she was frightened of where they were going, for she'd been peeking into Sesshoumaru-sama's room when Kagome had been talking about where she'd lived, and he hadn't been very calm.

"Your things are by the door Sesshoumaru-sama and I will remain here to keep Nicca-sama from following after and until your return." Jaken spoke quickly as he jump-skipped a few times until he stood in front of his master.

"Be safe and patient my lord Sesshoumaru-sama, the future is not as defenseless as it seems." Jaken spoke cryptically with a bow of utmost loyalty and respect. He then dismissed himself and scurried down the opposite hall.

Though his legs kept moving his brain was circulating over what Jaken had said, he wasn't as stupid and useless as he took him for after all. But how would he know of the future?

He shook his head, that, he would deal with when he got back.

He saw a medium sized pack next to an unusually large one, he made to pick them up but Kagome had beat him to it, she put the larger one on her back and carried the smaller one in one of her arms,

"Shippou, Rin, come here." Kagome ordered softly.

Both kitsune and child jumped up towards Kagome's open arms, they were securely latched onto the traveling pack she held in her arm.

She turned to Sesshoumaru.

He stared at her for a few minutes, trying to figure out why she was looking at him with that expecting sort of look.


Sesshoumaru wrapped his arm around Kagome's waist and held her tightly against him as they took off into the air,

"We have to go faster, so Nicca can't track us." Kagome whispered into his ear.

His only answer was to speed up, until the white clouds blurred into the blue sky, the green trees a mesh of tones and lighter and darker greens.

He could already sense his hanyou brother, his sensitive nose picked up traces of dirt and bones.

InuYasha's Forrest came into view.

Kagome unconsciously clutched Shippou and Rin tighter as they drew closer to the village.

Her feet brushed the ground as Sesshoumaru released her, she looked around; the children she held were silent with apprehension. Kagome could already feel Inuyasha running at top speed in her direction.

She took a frightful step back, memories of Kikyo and him flying through her mind at top speed. Kagome's back bumped into the armored front of Sesshoumaru's.

The children wriggled in Kagome's arms, she reluctantly set them down.

Kagome gripped the sleeve of Sesshoumaru's kimono, trying to absorb some of his calm, collected apathetic attitude. Nothing helped as her heart beat frantically, she could already see the blur of a bright red. A clawed hand grasped her hand, and gave it a brief, reassuring squeeze before releasing it completely.

Kagome felt a small measure of confidence as she came face to face with a panting hanyou.

"Good, you finally decided to come back to where you belong, helping me gather the rest of the shards." Inuyasha nodded forgivingly.

. . .

Golden eyes met golden eyes, Kagome heard a loud, rumbling growl resonating from Inuyasha.

"As impatient as always, brother." Sesshoumaru drawled dully.

Inuyasha's ears flattened to his head as he glared death at the youkai. His hand rose to withdraw the tetsusaiga.


*Thud* "BITCH!" Inuyasha screamed as he pulled himself off the floor, "Fuck! I swear some things never change! You should learn to be a little more like Kikyo! At least she has some control!" Inuyasha roared without thinking.

Electricity crackled between the three of them, small, blue orbs began to form as they swirled around Kagome. Her blue-green eyes crystallized into a solid black, her pupils usurping the expressive colors.

"...Kik...yo? Control...? A. Little. More. Like. Her?" Kagome's voice resonated with rage, each syllable suffocating from the sheer fury of it all.

Rin clung to Shippou, shying behind Sesshoumaru-sama who stood fearlessly before the glowing Kagome-chan. Her shiny eyes were wide with fright.

"...Kagome? What's going on?" Inuyasha questioned softly, his eyes wide with amazement, he'd never seen anything like this before, not even from Kikyo.

"NEVER COMPARE ME TO HER!!!!" Kagome screamed, her head flying back as her body jerked convulsively.

The glowing blue orbs grew brighter and brighter, swirling around and around, going faster and faster until they were nothing but individual rings encircling Kagome.

Kagome balled herself up in mid-air, her heart beating furiously, she cried out in pain and fury. Her right shoulder burned with an excruciating intensity as it seemed to be alive with fire. Something exploded within Kagome, her body sprang open, her head thrown back, her arms and legs outstretched as a bright light burned everyone's eyes.

"KAGOME!" Shippou cried, rushing over to the fallen form of Kagome.

She wasn't moving, her frail body motionless, her shallow breathing the only evidence she still lived.

Inuyasha lay on his back, his breathing uneven, he rubbed his eyes furiously, blinking repeatedly. He pushed himself up into a sitting position. He looked around himself, he could see nothing but blackness.

He began to panic as he rubbed at his eyes again.

Still Inuyasha could see nothing.

'You are blind Inuyasha.' Kagome's voice echoed in his mind.

'WHAT? I CAN'T BE!' Inuyasha screamed.

'You will remain blind for three weeks.' Kagome's voice rang monotonously.

'I'll be back to normal?! Why wait three weeks? FIX ME NOW!' Inuyasha yelled, his hands flying to his face.

'No Inuyasha, you must be blind for three weeks,' Her voice said, 'For then you will feel what I felt, crippled and helpless to do anything. Learn your lessons well Inuyasha, and be grateful that I do not keep you blind, eternally.'


For once Inuyasha fell silent, his head ringing with the words she'd spoken. he sat on the grass, contemplating...

"Will Kagome-chan be okay???" Rin whimpered sadly, glancing at the unmoving Kagome, the straight-backed hanyou, and then Sesshoumaru-sama.

'Kagome get up, we do not have time to dally.'

Kagome's eyes snapped open, she sat up groggily, she was sore all over, and not the pleasant sore either. She rubbed her eyes and raked a shaky hand through her black hair. She could've sworn she'd heard Sesshoumaru's voice in her head...

She drew herself up on shaky feet, a hand on her throbbing skull and the other poised in mid-air, trying to keep her balance. Her knees buckled, a strong arm stopped her decent and gave her walking support. Kagome took shaky steps towards the enclosing village, she didn't spare herself a glance at the silent hanyou she'd thought she'd once loved.

Blue-green eyes looked up to study the profile of Sesshoumaru, he didn't look at her, and his face showed no caring. but he did not remove his arm and seemed very careful in handling her. An unknown sense of warmth swelled within her.

Rin and Shippou soon forgot the previous incident and dashed after one another, screaming and giggling cheerily as they dashed after the other village children to join in the fun and games.

Sesshoumaru's eyes darted towards Rin, he opened his mouth to call her back,

"Let her play for awhile." Kagome's soft voice said.

He turned his face towards her, studying her eyes before giving a small nod.

Reluctantly he withdrew his arm, though he didn't want Kagome to fall or force herself to walk, he still had a reputation to keep, a strict one, a demon lord could not be showing any sense of caring, be it pity or tolerability. It. Was weak.

Kagome let out a sigh as she nodded to herself, she understood; though not happily.

"Kagome!" Sango cried, running towards the smiling miko.

The two collided into a heartwarming embrace, they squeezed each other as if their very lives depended on it. Their love for each other growing all the more as they released each other, smiling warmly.

"How have you been? Are you okay? How's Shippou?" Sango questioned worriedly, "Has Sesshoumaru done something to you? If he has I'll-" Sango growled warningly.

"I'm fine, he hasn't done anything. Shippou's playing with Rin and the village's children" Kagome reassured, "We're heading towards the well so I can catch up on school." Kagome said, her cheeks flushing a rosy red at the thought of school...and Sesshoumaru's momentary ignorance of the situation...

"Kagome!" Miroku smiled cheerily, opening his arms wide, embracing the girl.

Sesshoumaru clamped his jaw shut firmly to prevent the low growl that he held on the tip of his tongue, but still a low, warning growl seeped forth; staying the monks straying hands.

Miroku froze in Kagome's grasp, his hand hovering beneath her sweet bottom, he'd heard the growl, and followed it to it's owner. Sesshoumaru. 'Why would he react like that? Unless...' Miroku trailed off in deep thought, he released Kagome and plastered a warm smile on his face, 'So....that's why...' he smiled in the direction of Sesshoumaru.

-.- Not good. I should kill him before he says anything...

"Come on Rin! Shippou! We're going!" Kagome hollered with an enthusiastic wave, she motioned for Sesshoumaru to pick up the pace.

Sesshoumaru grabbed the large pack that he'd been carrying with his tail along with his own, his tail had been started to cramp.

As soon as Miroku and Sango were gone from sight Kagome leaned heavily against the father(or God) Tree, panting in exhaustion. Her face began to bead with droplets of sweat as she screwed her eyes shut.

"Putting up a front aren't we?" Sesshoumaru spoke with disdain as he watched idly the kitsune and his young ward chasing one another around the bone eater's well.

"Let's go." Kagome said, ignoring his comment as she strode over to the well.

"Hold out your hands Rin, Shippou." Kagome said as she took out the small bottle that contained fragments of the shards.

Wordlessly the two held there palms outstretched, Kagome placed a single shard in each hand, closing their tiny fingers over the shard. Kagome then turned to Sesshoumaru her hand held out, containing a single shikon shard.

He plucked it out of her hand and held it in his fist. Sesshoumaru could feel the shard throb with power and seduction as it tried to seduce him with its illustrious power. With a single psychic thought he sent a psychic 'slap' to the shard, it's pulsing quieted to a pleasant throbbing pulse.

"Now just jump in." Kagome said, as Shippou whooped and jumped into the well.

He leaned a bit over the edge, the kitsune had vanished. So the blasted thing worked after all.

Rin chewed on her lip worriedly, "Don't worry, Shippou's waiting for you." Kagome smiled brightly.

Rin nodded enthusiastically as she too jumped into the well, disappearing from sight.

"Come on," Kagome said with a happy smile, grabbing Sesshoumaru's arm and tugging him into the well with her...

There was a wooden roof and walls around the well along with a small platform and steps, Kagome took the lead as she walked up the steps confidently,

"Mama!" Kagome called happily, the two hugged each other.

"It's good to see you again Kagome!" Her mother smiled affectionately.

"My, who is this darling little girl and boy?" she smiled, ruffling Rin and Shippou's hair affectionately.

"I'm Rin!" She chirped happily, her eyes shinning.

"And I'M Shippou!" the kitsune chimed.

"Darling! Absolute darlings aren't they Kagome!" Mrs. Higurashi spoke jovially.

"And...WHO IS THIS?" She said enthusiastically as she eyed Sesshoumaru cheekily.

He did NOT like that look.

"That's Sesshoumaru-sama!" Rin said happily.

0.o "What's this? My heavens is that a tail? It's carrying a backpack, my how cleverly resourceful!" Mrs. Higurashi gushed as she latched her hands on Sesshoumaru's pure white, fluffy tail.

"Uh-Mom...I don't think you should be..." Kagome trailed off... v.v;;

"Why it's soft! How do you keep it this soft? Oh I just love it!"


"Mom!" Kagome tried to pry her mother's hands off Sesshoumaru's tail.

"Oh WOW!" Souta cried, "That's cool! I want to touch it!" he said, running up to his mother and clutching the demon lord's tail.


"Is this one of the girls you travel with Kagome?" Souta asked.

'uh-oh...' Kagome thought frantically. 0.0

-.-*** Sesshoumaru growled, never had he been so insulted! His claws burned to rip them apart.

"DEMON!! Run Kagome, run Souta! Get away from the demon! I shall banish him with these ancient scrolls I have!" Kagome's grandfather screamed as he charged towards Sesshoumaru, he lunged into the air and slapped a scroll on the youkai's forehead.

He peeled the paper off of his face and pinned a deadly glare on the old man that would've made even Inuyasha shiver in fear.

The old man took a few hesitant steps back before pulling out a barrage of spell papers, "AHAH! I shall banish you to the afterlife with these!" the old man cackled, lunging up into the air once again.

You know, for an old man, he's pretty damned agile.

With his youkai speed he stepped aside and watched the old man fall flat on his face, he groaned in pain before passing out.

"I'd better get him to the doctor! Kagome you stay here and entertain our guests while Souta and I take Grandpa." Mrs. Higurashi said, turning serious as she released Sesshoumaru's tail then grabbed the unconscious grandfather, Souta rushed to help.

"Later Kagome!" Souta called.

Sesshoumaru turned to Kagome, staring at her.

"" Kagome trailed off ^.^;

"The little one will die." Sesshoumaru spoke.

"He didn't mean it! I swear, do look kind of..." Kagome mumbled, scratching her head sheepishly.

"Look kind of what?" He prompted.

"....youlookkindofgirlish...." Kagome whispered rapidly.

"..." Sesshoumaru glared at the miko angrily.

The lord of the western lands, a pure youkai feared by all, the eldest son of the Great InuTuiasha....WAS NOT FEMININE! -.-*

"Well come on, we have some things to uh...discuss..." Kagome trailed off...

Walking up the steps of her house she hadn't seen in a while Kagome pushed the door open, in rushed Shippou, dragging an excited Rin along with as the two squealed in delight.


"What's that?" Shippou asked, staring at the particularly chubby cat named Buyo.

"I don't know...maybe it's a youkai." Rin offered, poking it's side a bit.


Buyo walked away from the curious children, he padded up to the strange, tall thing before him wearing a white and red kimono. He sat down in front of it.


Sesshoumaru glared at the fat little thing sitting before him, he growled low.

"Mrrow..." Buyo stood up, and walked away.

"That was Buyo, our cat..." Kagome trailed off, taking the bags from Sesshoumaru and sprinting up the stairs, "Be right back!" she called over her shoulder.

She heard an all too familiar grunt of pain and just as she guessed, Sesshoumaru's rumpled form was glaring up at her.

"I'm sorry I forgot! I swear it was an accident!" Kagome spoke hurriedly, rushing over to help him up.

Kagome's offered help was knocked away as the demon lord stood up and straightened his clothing, "Incompetent human, you should remember such...inconveniences as this." He snarled scathingly.

Once happy blue-green eyes moistened, her hand flew to cover her mouth, "...Sorry..." Kagome whispered, turning herself away from him, dearly wishing to run into her room and cry, to be alone.

Tears slid down her cheeks.

A hollow laugh wrenched from her suddenly dry throat, rather ironic, ne? Before she'd seen Inuyasha and Kikyo became literally inseparable from Sesshoumaru, she'd never wanted to be alone. She'd always needed a friend with her wherever she went, from walking down the crowded halls of her school with her troop of girlfriends to- ...

'School!' Kagome thought frantically.

He didn't know what to do, he'd never actually made a woman cry before...unintentionally that is...He thought about comforting her briefly, before tearing the feeble whim to shreds.

"Sesshoumaru?" Kagome spoke quickly turning to face him, swiftly wiping away the salty substance on her face,

He arched an eyebrow in reply.

"In this...time period," Kagome paused, trying to put her words and thoughts in order, "The uh, children go to school, in large buildings where they learn, where they are taught mathematics, science, language, history, and...other such things along with physical activities..." Kagome explained.

"What is the point of this?" Sesshoumaru demanded calmly.

"Well, I attend these schools...along" Kagome trailed off as she became aware of Sesshoumaru's unusually attentive and intense gaze...

"And?" he inquired slowly, taking a step forward.

"...And..." Kagome managed to mumble, "....and I need to go to school...I've got tests to make-up..." the last of her reasoning flying out the window of her brain, turning her voice into a squeak.




"I've got-"


-About 7 or so in the morning....-

"I refuse to wear that." Sesshoumaru growled, glaring at the offensive boy's school uniform.

"You have to, otherwise they won't let you in and..." Kagome trailed off as she finished braiding Sesshoumaru's long white hair.

That's when Kagome noticed something missing.

"Where's your tail?" Kagome asked.

"None of your business wench, and if any of those humans come near me I shall kill them." Sesshoumaru growled.

"No you won't or I'll run, and keep running until you can do nothing but get thrown about." Kagome bit back, holding up the boy's uniform she had to make Sesshoumaru wear.

"Here, put this on." Kagome said as she turned around to give him a little privacy.

She could here the rustling of cloth, grunts of disgust...that quickly turned into growls, "This is impossible!" Sesshoumaru growled fiercely.

Kagome turned around and intercepted just in time to save the uniform from complete destruction from poison claws.

"It's not impossible, you're just not..." Kagome faded out when she met Sesshoumaru's hard stare.

"Here, I'll help you." Kagome said, holding up the white button-up shirt for him to slide his arm through.

Nothing happened, no arm went through the sleeve.

"Put your arm through the sleeve Sesshou," Kagome instructed.

"Do not call me that." He warned,

"Then put your arm in the sleeve." Kagome said simply.

And in went the arm...

Kagome then righted the shirt and proceeded to button it up. After helping him with the upper half of the outfit Kagome picked up the pants, then blushed.

"Um...Could you..." Kagome mumbled, "You put your legs in their then zip it up and button it." Kagome spoke quickly handing him the pants in one hand as she turned away from him, closing her eyes shut tight.

"My mother will watch over Shippou and Rin while we're don't worry." Kagome commented.

He allowed himself a small smile then as he let his kimono drop to the floor, taking the 'pants' from her he clumsily put them on and pulled them up, 'zipping' the zipper up and trying to button the tiny button on his pants.

It was a pain in the ass to do things when you only had one hand.

"Good your done." Kagome smiled, admiring Sesshoumaru in a white shirt and black pants, "Wait, your shirt's not tucked in and your button's undone, here, let me do it."

Taking a few steps closer she went down on one knee to tuck in his shirt, "Turn," Kagome instructed as she tucked in the sides and back. Standing she then clasped the top of his pants and fiddled with the button until it'd shut.

Her hands had just barely brushed his skin as she finally buttoned it, "There. All done, now here's your coat," Kagome spoke, helping him into his coat.

She leaned back and admired her handiwork, Sesshoumaru looked utterly handsome and beautiful wearing clothes from her time period, even if it was just a uniform.

An unusually sexy image flashed into her mind, Sesshoumaru wearing tight black leather...and chains...

Batting away the dark little fantasy she'd just had Kagome plastered an approving smile on her face.

Turning her eyes up to Sesshoumaru's, she froze, the golden eyes were not cold and apathetic, they were heated. She suddenly became fully aware how very, very close she was to Sesshoumaru.

"I..." Kagome glanced away, her eyes landing on her clock, "AM GOING TO BE LATE!" Kagome gasped in surprise, it'd taken her longer than she'd expected.

"Come on!" Kagome urged as she grabbed Sesshoumaru, her book bag, and then dashed down the steps and out of the house.

Kagome just managed to dash into the classroom with Sesshoumaru in tow seconds before the bell rang...

"Class, this is our new student...SessshoooMarow, please say-"

"Sesshoumaru is my name you little bi-" Sesshoumaru was cut off by a loud shriek from Kagome,

"Kagome, what was that for?" The teacher questioned.

"I thought I saw a rat..." Kagome trailed off. ^. ^;

"Why don't you tell us what your other school was like, SeshouMarow...?" The teacher asked pleasantly, butchering the pronunciation yet again...

He glared at the pathetic human then, the slightest hint of a growl resonating from the sneer on his lips.

The teacher shivered in barely repressed fear.

The class full of children was already commenting on his unearthly beauty and strange tattoo's on his face... Who was this dashing person before them? He seemed so much older and mature then any of the students, had he been held back? Surely he'd be smart enough to achieve perfect marks...but beauty and brains didn't always go hand in hand...

"Well, you may take the seat next to Higurashi Kagome then..." The teacher spoke quickly, motioning to the empty desk next to Kagome.

With a regal heir he turned his back upon the lowly human then sat himself in the funny looking thing called a chair. He turned to Kagome, glaring at her hatefully.

Some of these humans hadn't bathed in days! He brought his hand up to cover his nose, the teacher prattled on about pointless subjects he had no interest in paying attention to. Besides he was too distracted by the disgusting stench of the classroom and students, his nose was bombarded by an overly heady scent of musky flowers, fruits, spices, and something that smelled akin to a rotting corpse. He was truly and utterly disgusted by these humans, how could they possibly be in the same room and NOT be disturbed and disgusted by all these scents?

He could also smell several of the female bitches monthly bleeding, though vaguely tolerable it caused small disruptions in his self control; luckily when humans were in heat he could brush the smell away, blocking it out completely.

How the hell had Kagome done it?

He noticed several different pieces of folded parchment sat innocently on a table Kagome called a 'desk', he had to admit he was curious. Picking one up and unfolding it, he quickly read the sloppy Japanese writing, 'I like you, will you go out with me? Love, Chiharu', he picked up another, 'Dude, where'd u get ur tattoos? Wut happened to ur arm? Peace-Zakai' .

o.0 . . . -.- . . . o.o . . . -.-;

Humans were truly bizarre and disgusting creatures.

Kagome was only half of an exception, she didn't reek and she didn't smother herself in disgusting scents.

He flinched in pain when a sharp bell rang.

The students got up and began to crowd him, firing millions of questions and comments at the same time. Their voices were different in pitch and tone, some whining, some loud, others course and unrefined, others trying for seductive and failing horribly.

He could feel his claws filling with poison...

Kagome didn't like what was happening, Sesshoumaru was legendary for his patience, but that was in the feudal era when humans feared him and ran away. In this time period, they rushed up to him in eagerness, no fear whatsoever...Not good...

Just as she was about to break up a teacher walked in right as the bell rang.

"Back in your seats!" The man barked harshly, watching as the students swiftly went to their designated seats.

"I'm sure you're very popular with the students young man and enjoy disrupting classes," the man glared at Sesshoumaru, "But I do NOT tolerate such behavior in MY classroom, if you so much as make a peep it's off to the principal's office for you you sniveling brat!" he reprimanded harshly, slapping a thick ruler against Sesshoumaru's naked hand.

Rage and pure hatred flushed through his entire body, his entire being quivering with barely suppressed loathe. How. Dare. That. Human???

Striking the Lord of the Western Lands with a stick then having the balls to scold him? HIM?! LORD SESSHOUMARU? A POWERFUL, FEARED, AND REVERED YOUKAI?! DEATH IS TOO GOOD FOR THIS BASTARD OF PATHETIC FLESH!

Blood swirled in Sesshoumaru's golden eyes, drowning out all sense of self and control, nothing but anger and hatred.

"Sesshoumaru! Don't!" Kagome yelled feebly as the ground beneath her feet began to quiver from the gather masses of magic and power.

It was beyond her control, she couldn't think of anything she could possibly do to control the powerful youkai before her, what could she do? But she couldn't move! Fear kept her bolted to her seat as all she could do was shout for him and watch in horror as his pale skin changed to white fur.

"GET OUT QUICK! GET OUT OF THE CLASSROOM!" Kagome screamed at her classmates, they ran from their desks like scared dear, bounding over desks and fallen students with screams of terror falling from their mouths.

The once pompously arrogant teacher was now paralyzed with fear, his eyes frantic and pleading as he stared at a large, glaring demon dog that seethed with venomous fury.

Kagome's body was overcome with uncontrollable shivers of fear, fear for what Sesshoumaru would do to the teacher, do to the school, and do to himself. It was all her fault for forcing him to go to school with her, for thinking she could control him.

But she learned all too late that you can never control nor tame a proud creature like Sesshoumaru, it was impossible.

Tears of pain and anguish fell from her blue-green eyes as she watched the scene unfold, she only wished that she could somehow reach out to him, try to stop him from killing the frightened teacher. But such was impossible, for she was nothing but a human girl...

With a thunderous bellow of anger the dog demon clamped his salivating jaws around the teacher's midsection; a scream of pain and fear was ripped from his victim's mouth, he reveled in it.

He shook his large head this way and that to disorient his victim as well as cause further pain and damaged before carrying on with his next torturous action.

Dropping the screaming man to the floor he then placed his forepaw on the man's right arm, holding him in place. He dipped down and caught one of his legs with his large teeth. Sesshoumaru then jerked his head up, delighted at the strange ripping sound it made, along with the scream that followed.

He dropped the severed limb on the ground, he would've been wearing a sadistic smile if his dog form would allow it as he stared at his handiwork; the man was lying in his own blood, one of his legs laying at his side, he was barely conscious.

Bending down he then grabbed the left arm, preparing to rip it off in the same manor when he suddenly stopped and looked to his right.

Dark sapphire blue eyes stared at him, tears spilling down the pale cheeks of the female he could barely recognize.

Some of the red fog dissipitated, his true form shrinking just a bit; Kagome stared at him with strange dark blue eyes, they were glassy as she cried silently, no words of mercy spilled from her lips for the half-dead man beneath his paw.

He could see her worry, her sadness, and a faint trace of disapproval.

His lip curled into a snarl, but the snarl was directed at himself, he glanced back down at the man, and what he'd done to him. An unimaginable amount of disgust filled him, he was disgusted with himself and the man before him.

Sesshoumaru withdrew his paw from the now unconscious man, a strange noise came not to far away along with flashing lights, he ignored it as his body reduced in size until his naked, second form stood before the unmoving Kagome.

She was still frozen in shock, her eyes going no higher and no lower than his bare chest, for she could not move. Fear had paralyzed her, he realized.

But it wasn't fear of him, it was fear for him.

Jaken's cryptic words suddenly came to mind, '-the future is not as defenseless as it seems.', What had he meant by that?

Sesshoumaru raised a pale, bloodied hand up to Kagome's cheek, he brushed a stray tear from her cheek with his thumb, leaving a trail of blood as he did.

His golden eyes grew wide, the blood on her cheek, the blood of that ignorant human, the taint of worldly knowledge, the ancient promise, the bite mark...

'...through a servant a bond shall form, through the blood of a man the human blood shall die, tainted with knowledge beyond the worlds, the mate shall live through another's eyes...'

"Police! Freeze!" A young officer called, pointing his gun at the strangely nude, white-haired man standing, with his back to them.

Sparing a glance at the strangely dressed men he scooped Kagome up then burst through the glass window, flying as if his very existence depended upon it.

Halfway through the flight, Kagome seemed to regain control of her body, she wrapped her arms around Sesshoumaru's neck and hugged him close, crying her apologies into his neck as she wept...

. . . . . ElseWhere . . . . .

"Inuyasha...?" came a soft voice.

"Go away!" Inuyasha growled, clawing at the air in front of him.

Inuyasha's unusually still form sat at the base of the godfather tree, picking out clumps of grass in his frustration. He could see nothing! Just blackness! He couldn't stand it! He could not hunt shards if he could not see!

"Inuyasha," the voice spoke again, a soft, but cold hand rested on his shoulder.

Kikyo, he knew it was her, she was always cold. Like ice.

Fire and Ice...

"I cannot see! Leave me alone!" Inuyasha growled again, shrinking away from Kikyo's comforting touch.

"Who did this to you...?"

He felt cold fingertips brush against his closed eyelids, he jerked away from the touch; backing himself away as far as possible, but his back was already against the stout trunk of the ancient tree.

"...kagome...' Inuyasha growled.

Why had she done it? For making her a cripple? He'd done nothing to that bitch! So why did she have to go off with his brother then make him blind!?

A low growl resonated from his throat at the thought of Sesshoumaru. Why was he acting so strangely towards Kagome? Taking her away to live with him...then going to her time? What was going on?

Too many questions. Too few answers.

"I can bring back your sight Inuyasha,"

White dog-ears swiveled in the direction of the voice, "You can...?" he asked slowly.

"Yes, though not all of it, but enough for you to see." Kikyo's voice answered.

"Then do it."

He would go find Kagome, take her away from his brother then he would get some answers from her.

. . . . . . ElseWhere . . . . .

"I have no time to spend here! Where is Sesshoumaru?!" Nicca hissed, knocking a vase off of a small table.

"You do not treat Sesshoumaru-sama's property like that Nicca-sama! It is treason and penalty by torture!" Jaken squawked angrily.

"Oh shut up you stupid servant! You are worthless and pathetic, just like these trifle things!" Nicca hissed angrily, slashing her claws at Jaken.

He raised his staff and summoned a breath of fire.

Large, dancing flames arose from the mouths of both heads, spiraling together as they hungrily devoured the weak poison that dripped from Nicca's claws, burning her hand as well as her arm.

She shrieked in retaliation, withdrawing her hand immediately, clutching the bleeding injury to her protectively. Nicca turned her firey glare onto the disgusting toad-like creature that was lucky enough to be called a youkai.

"Where is the Eradica Inju?" Nicca demanded, standing abruptly.

"I do not recall such a name, good day to you Nicca-sama." Jaken huffed, turning on his heel and stalking away, he paused at the doorway and half turned.

"If you break any more things I will have the guards deal with you." Jaken spoke stiffly before closing the door behind him

Jaken sighed, Nicca would make her move soon, things would soon fall into place...

Nicca growled, raising her bloodied hand up to her waiting mouth, lapping at the coppery blood that spilled forth.

Her heat cycle would soon be over, she'd have to wait another decade before she'd get another chance to get her hands on Sesshoumaru and the Western Lands; but there was still a chance, if only she could find him!

"That's it!" Nicca snapped, eyes wide.

Jumping from her seat she dashed down the halls of the large palace-like castle, she stopped in front of a large, black door.

It was large and ancient, what lied within was rarely if ever used, and for good reason.

She returned her thoughts to the large, black door. It was made of solid black marble, the front was carved with intricate twists and turns, intertwining vines with numerous Celtic knots and loops, roses in full bloom along with their deadly thorns were also interwoven in the intricate pattern. The petals were carved from a shiny metallic stone known as hematite.

The door was truly a masterpiece, the artist was a mystery to the youkai that lived in this castle. For as long as the oldest youkai could recall, the door had always been there, guarding the ancient thing within its depths.

Pushing the door open with all the youkai strength she could muster, Nicca was lucky enough to hear the slow, creaking grown of the door giving way, allowing her entrance.

Striding past the door and the silk drapes that covered the stonewalls she stopped in front of a large crystal sphere with a thin silk sheet covering it.

Nicca raised her uninjured hand up towards the edge of the cloth, her hand began to shake with fear. Gulping down her nervousness and shoving her not-so-petty fears aside she yanked the silken cloth away from the crystal orb.

It pulsed with life, it's clear depths beginning to grow a cloudy black. It seemed to glow with an unearthly beauty, the far edges of the inner storm clouds glowing an eerie purple. wish something of me do you Nicca? ... yes you do don't you? ... you know the risk you place upon yourself as well as the cost for my services do you not?....

The formless words seemed to be everywhere, but Nicca knew they came from the very thing that could ever cause her ultimate fear. Gathering her tattered remains of her wits and courage she bowed low in respect,

"...Yes, I ask for your services Mighty Youkai-sama," Nicca spoke with a slight quiver of fear.

... ahhh...still chasing after something you'll never possess? ... I should've guessed I'd be seeing you... His destiny is already upon him little one... ...relinquish your desires... such will get you no where... ...the one for you is not so far behind now..... ....yes..... ....time for your destiny is at hand.... ....coming closer it is...

Nicca shook with fear as haunting laughter made her heart race.

"Tell me!" Nicca whispered hoarsely, falling to her knees, unable to keep standing.

.... as you wish little one... ....but when you die.... ...your soul is mine... ....

"Yes! Just tell me!" Nicca pleaded, the blood from her burns was dripping onto the floor, trailing up the wooden legs of the table to be absorbed by the hungry sphere.

... through Bone Eater's Well... ... another time awaits... ....the one you seek will be their... ...but the one your soul is bound to...

More laughter chilled Nicca's bones...

.... will also be their... ....beware little youkai... ....the little puppy of a boy has teeth...

The words were no more as the crystal fell silent, the rumbling storm clouds inside its clear depths no longer.

Nicca pulled herself up on shaky feet, placing the silk cloth over the crystal. Turning around slowly, she walked from the room, the large door closed silently behind her...

. . . . . . ElseWhere . . . . .

"He's been moping around for the past three days!" Sango snapped at the monk, pacing back and forth to relieve her anger.

"But Sango, you must have some pity for Inuyasha, he is temporarily blind after all..." Miroku chided, tilting his head to the side, when Sango turned just right....

"PERVERT!" Sango screamed, punching Miroku straight in the jaw.

Kaede walked up to the small group, shaking her head as she did so... Some things never changed...