InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Lost ❯ Running ( Chapter 1 )
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Rin was running. She had gotten lost. Jaken had lied to her. He had said that there were flowers just beyond a hill and there wasn't any. Now a demon was after her. Please Lord Sesshoumaru! Find me! I'm about to get eaten!
She tripped and fell face first into the dirt. The demon lunged at her. She scrambled up and ran faster away. The demon was catching up. Even though Rin was scared, she was starting to tire.
Rin tripped again but this time she didn't have the strength to get back up. The demon lunged. Rin shut her eyes tight, preparing for the blow. It never came. She opened one eye and saw the demon was no longer there. In its place was an arrow. She opened her other eye and walked over to the arrow. A girl walked out from the trees.
“You alright?” she asked. Rin turned around and looked at her. She's human. I know she is. Did she kill the demon? Rin only nodded. She wears a funny looking kimono. The girl walked over to Rin and knelt in front of her. Rin took a step back. She may be human but I can't trust her if she can kill a demon with one arrow. The girl sensed Rin's fear. “It's alright, I won't hurt you. My names Kagome,” she smiled. Rin gave a small smile back.
“My name's Rin,” Maybe I can trust her. Another demon came and launched itself at them. Rin huddled close to Kagome. Kagome strung another arrow and shot it at the demon. A scared aura surrounded the arrow and once it hit the demon, it was gone. “Wow!” Rin ran over to where the demon was. Kagome stood up and smiled.
“Are you lost?” she asked. Rin nodded. “Here, you can stay with me and my friends until we can get to your parents.”
“I don't have any parents or a village,” Rin looked at the ground.
“Do you stay with anyone?” Kagome asked worried. A girl as young as Rin shouldn't be on her own.
“Yup! I stay with someone! We travel a lot though. He might not find me for a while,” she grew sad.
“Don't worry. I'm sure my friends won't mind you staying with us until we find your guardian. What's his name?” Kagome asked.
“I can't say” Rin looked at her feet.
“That's alright. I'm sure in time when you're ready, you'll tell us” Kagome smiled. Rin smiled and walked beside Kagome.
This is it for chapter one. Chapter two coming soon!