InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love @ 1st Sight ❯ Revealed Names And Smiles ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]'s been a while since I updated...huh? life is pretty tough and I have been working like crazy and I don't even have anytime for me!...I really sorry for not updating in about what???...a month?...I think so...but truly...i'm sorry... is the 2nd chapter of Love @ 1st Sight...soon...I will try to post another chapter of Makes The Heart Grow Fonder soon...enjoy and review...tell me what you think...Thanks!!!
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Love @ 1st Sight

Chapter 2: Revealed Names And Smiles

Finally, reaching her apartment, Kagome quickly opened the door and threw her bag on the sofa. Walking to her bedroom, she sat on her bed, thinking of the man that she bumped into earlier. What caught her the most was his eyes...his eyes were if his eyes were trying to get her attention. He was definitely cute! Of course, she was a bit intimidated, and quickly decided to walk pass him...she knew that was rude, but she never was good at eye-to-eye confrontation, and she becomes nervous...for she is afriad to reach out, she was always the type of girl who was always alone and never had a boyfriend. She always believed that no one was interested in her, she was just another woman who was always into her work. But she thinks that she doesn't need a boyfriend they only cause trouble in life, but then again, she would like to spend her life with someone to be be in love. She had a few crushes in high school, but she never dared to tell them..for she was afraid of rejection. So instead, she would become friends with them, never telling them how she felt about them, but with some pass time, she forgot about them and move on.

"Why am I thinking about this?..."

Leaving that thought aside she layed back on her bed and sighed.

"Finally, some rest..."


Kagome quickly got her cellphone and answered was her mother.

"Hi, mom..."

"Hi, honey, just calling you that I have a meeting and I need you to babysit Souta..."

Kagome could hear her brother's voice in the background, talking about he's 13, and that he doesn't need an babysitter.

"Ok, mom, I'll be there..."

"Ok, thanks..."

Hanging up her phone, Kagome quickly got her towel and headed to the bathroom to shower.

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Sitting at the juice bar, Inuyasha was thinking about the woman that bumped into him. He couldn't getvher out of his mind, she had beautiful black raven hair, and dark olive green eyes. She was a beauty beyond compare. He never saw a woman that beautiful...she was perfect, at least in his eyes. But he was a bit disturded for when he wanted to introduce himself, she just walked pass him...apologizing, leaving him with is mouth open and just staring at her. But he noticed at that encounter, she was staring at his eyes, and quickly became nervous. But he soon smiled, and hoped that he would met her again.

"Hey Inuyasha, I have been waiting for you to hurry up, man, what the hold up?"


"Come on... what's up with you?..."


"You sure? seemed you were thinking about something..."

" just that some girl bumped into me and she was beauty..."

"Oh!...what her name?"

"Don't know...I was going to introduce myself but she walked pass me..."

"Ha! Damn...too bad..."


"Come mom called...she wants you to see her new house..."

"Oh...yea...let's go..."

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Kagome quickly got to her mother's house and was greeted with her cat, Buyo.

"Hey, are you doing?..."

"Hi, honey..." Kagome's mother came to greet her.

"Hey mom, where's Souta?..."

"Hey, Sis..."

"Honey, I have to go...there is some sandwiches on the counter if you're hungry...I call the moment my meeting is over..."

"'t worry.."



Kagome's mother left and quickly got in her car, and drove off. Kagome was watching just drove down the street, she always drove like a maniac.

"Hey Kagome, want to play some basketball? I'll spot you 6 points...some what do you say?"

"What for?... I'll beat you..."

Souta took out the basketball and began playing with Kagome. After a good game, Kagome won by 3 points.

"That's not fair, you cheated!..."

" one told you to spot me 6 points..."

"But you said that you didn't need them, that you was going to beat me anyway..."'

"Oh well...that's your fault, I won..."

"Fine...Kagome, I'm hungry..."

"There's some sandwiches on the counter...go eat..."

"You're not going to eat?"

"Nah, not yet...just leave some for me..."


Souta quickly went inside, leaving Kagome sitting in the front porch. Kagome decided to sit outside, it was a beautiful night and the waether was cool.


Kagome soon saw a car driving and suddenly stop and park 2 houses away form her mother's house. Two men came out of the car, and they were talking and laughing and reaching the house, where they were greeted by a woman, and they entered the house.

"Never seen them before..."

Kagome couldn't really see the men from where she was sitting, she forgot about it.
A few moments later, Souta came out scaring Kagome.

"Kagome, you got to's soooo funny..."


"Sorry, sis, but see this, hahaha, you'll die..."

"I'll pass..."

"Suit yourself..."

Souta quickly went back in the house, slamming the door, making the basketball that was next to the door, to roll down the steps and to the front gate.


Kagome slowly got up and walked to the front gate to get the basketball, whan she heard a door quickly open and close. She turned her head to see what it was, she was one of the guys that entered the house moments ago come out and walked to the car from which they came from. He quickly opened the car door, seeming that he was looking for something. After a few seconds, he shuts the car door, and began to walk back to the house, when he stopped and noticed that someone was lookinf at him. He turned his head to the person, to only see a woman, a very familiar looking woman...

'Wait she looks like the girl that bumped into me earlier...'

'Wait, long black hair, violet eyes...oh...god...that's the guy I bumped into earlier...'

Kagome still standing there with the basketball in her havd, she snapped back to the reality and quickly began to walk back to the house. The man quickly ran after her...

"Hey wait!..."

"Sorry...but i didn't catch your name earlier, after you bumped into's Inuyasha..."


"Kagome...nice to meet you..."

"...likewise...umm...I'm sorry for bumping into you eariler..."

"That's ok..."

"Well..I never seen you around here..."

"Oh...well my mother just move here, I'm just here to see her and the new house....umm...I assume you live here?..."

" mother does...just here to babysit..."



"Coming!...I'm sorry, umm...I have to go..."

"Oh...umm...I would like to see you again..."


Kagome was a bit shocked at herself. She was able to have a eye-to-eye conversation with a cute guy...and was bold to say she would like to see him again too...but what caught the most was that this guy, Inuyasha, WANTS to see her was strange, but nice. Still a bit shocked, she smiled and began to walk to the house, leaving Inuyasha with a smile. To him, she was beautiful...more beautiful when she smiles...he really wants to see her get to know her.

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"Honey...this meeting is going to take a while..."

"Don't worry, mom...I'll stay here for the night...I'll see you later..."


Putting the phone back on the reciever, Kagome walked to the living room and turn on the tv...on to MTV2...just then she began to smile...knowing that what's causing her to smile was that guy, Inuyasha, he was making her smile...if she didn't know better...she just might like this guy...
As for Inuyasha...he walked back to his mother's house with a smile. His mother noticed his smile and asked why was he smiling...he just shook his head saying nothing.

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End Of Chapter 2: Revealed Names And Smiles
Well what do you think?
I hope you like it!!!
I just so tried from school and's a killer...
anyways...just tell me what you think!
Go the button...Please!!!