InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Insanity ❯ Sesshomaru's Favor ( Chapter 16 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Love and Insanity
A/N: HELLO AGAIN! I know, its been a while, but here it is ^.~ and NO its NOT over, I still got allot more planned for this story. I cant leave Naraku and Inu yasha BOTH alive now can I? hahaha bet you guys are like "HEY! WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?!" Well, to those people, you are gonna have to find out... oh ya and another thing.... I WANT MY FAN ART! PWWWEEEEESSSEEE!!!!!!! Im dyin to see it! so to all the ones i asked for the fan art, and hey, for those who are bored and wanna draw me some fan art...send them my way! lol OH and for the people who cant find the lemon that i forgot to email it to.... email me at and i'll send it to you. Someone mentioned a sess/rin parring... well, not sure about that for this story.. i mean shes still only a little girl lol, but my story demonic demons has a big sessh/rin parring.. along with all the other parring we all love so much hehe. As for Kagome's friends names... MAN am I confused lol, you sure its yuka and not yuri? I remember now that one is Ayumi and not Ayame... Ayame is kougas bitch... anyways, i bet you guys dont even care and are just like "ok, shut up, i want the damn story" so here it is... hope you enjoy ^.~
Chapter 16
Sesshomaru's Favor
"Oh Sesshomaru-sama! Sesshomaru-sama! Why must you be so cruel?! I have always been such a faithful servant, have I not? Why must I be stuck with this annoying child while he goes? Does he no longer need my assistance? Does he no longer CARE for my assistance? If it wasn't for this stupid, disgusting, HUMAN CHILD! Perhaps he will... leave me! NO! He would never do such a thing!"
Rin laughed as she watched Jaken pace back and forth talking to himself. He really was very interesting to watch.
Jaken walked on top of a rock next to the two headed dragon where Rin sat in its back. He paid no attention to the child as he kept talking to himself out loud.
"OH SESSHOMARU-SAMA! YOU ARE SO CRUEL! Why do I even put up with-"
"Ouch! What the..." Jaken was interrupted when he felt a large rock hit the back of his head, right when he turned around to see who it was...
He rubbed his now aching forehead that had been pelleted by yet another large rock as he looked up to see who it was. His face slightly paled as he saw who it was.
"Oh... Lord Sesshomaru-sama, I-"
"No more Jaken, we're leaving" He said.
"Yes...Yes My Lord"
Rin claped as she bounced up and down on the two headed dragon's back. "YAY! Where are we going?"
"This stupid thing is making my ears itch" Inu yasha whined as he pointed to the band-anna on the top of his head. Kagome didn't even bother looking as she was to busy staring at a white kimono that caught her eye. "That is so pretty, I wish I had enough money for it" Kagome said as she continued to stare longingly at it. Inu yasha was starting to regret that he told her they would stay another day. At least they were going back right after this thing.
He began to look around to see if anything interesting would catch his eye. At the end of the hallway was a black store with the words 'Hot Topic' above it. "Lets go over there!" he said as he tugged on Kagome's sleeve. Kagome looked at the store and laughed. "I shoulda figured you would like that one"
They walked into Hot Topic and Inu yasha was staring at all the shirts and posters on the walls. Kagome went to look at underwear while Inu yashas was looking at... everything else. She came to shop at this mall mainly to get some more underwear for herself and Souta, and to buy her friends some gifts to bring back with her. Also, she needed to get birth control because of what they were doing now, and the clinic is close by.
Thongs weren't really her thing, but she thought that since she was here, she might as well look. As she picked up one with black and red lacing, Inu yasha walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She put the thong back and turned to face him.
"What are those?" he asked her, pointing to the thongs. She blushed and giggled before turning around to face him.
He got a confused look on his face as he picked one of them up and examined it. "It doesn't look like underwear to me... there's this... string thingy...I don't get it..." He said as he put them back. She smirked at him before grabbing the red and black laced one.
"They're for women...their very... I guess I could show you when we get home" She said as she winked at him. He didn't seem to understand... which made her laugh even more.
She grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers with his as she dragged him to look at more clothes. She was in one of those shopping moods where you just want to try on everything, so she picked out some red leather pants, a tight black short leather skirt, and a leather dominatrix shirt that shows lots of cleavage and laces all the way down to right above her belly button.
"I'm going to change into these...tell me what ya think" She said as she walked into the fitting room.
Inu yasha leaned onto the wall next to the fitting room with his arms crossed over his chest, waiting for her to come out. After a while, he sighed in boredom. What was taking her so long to get dressed?
"Oi, Kagome, what's takin ya?"
"Ummm... well, I changed... but I don't think I'm coming out..."
"Oh come on... it can't be that bad"
"Its not that, its just... I don't feel... decent..."
He chuckled as he pushed the curtain a little so he could peek in. His eyes widened as he looked her over. She looked so... sexy! The top of her breasts was showing clearly as the leather clung to every curve of her body with her belly showing. The skirt was indeed very short, it stopped just bellow her thighs. Kagome saw the look on his face and blushed.
"So... You like it?"
The replied by nodding his head up and down rapidly, like a little child. She giggled at him before pushing his face out and closing the curtain again. "Ok... I don't think I'll buy it though... its just not me" she mentally laughed when she heard Inu yasha whimper. She took of the skirt and replaced them with the red leather pants. When she got out of the fitting room to show Inu yasha, he nearly drooled. He looked around to see if anyone was looking, then walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her, letting his hands caress her legs. "Haha! I guess that means you like them"
"Why are we here? You said we could go back once we left the mall, or so you call it... You know, in MY time, Malls include deathmatches and pain... much more interesting" Inu yasha grunted. (A/N: ok to tell you the truth, not to sure if Im thinkin of the right time here, but I thought it would be funny for him to say lol)
"I have to get one more thing" Kagome replied.
"Oh... ummm, well" she knew they didn't have anything like birth control pills in feudal era, so, she was going to have to explain to him.
"You see... well, what we did know... well, since it happen, and... lets face it, it will most likely happen again (blush), I need to take these pills so I don't... get pregnant"
Inu yasha was silent for a moment as he stared at her. Why would she want to do that? He wanted to have someone to carry out his family name.
"Why? Don't you want to have a pup?"
Kagome looked at Inu yasha in shock. "Well, of course I want a child some day, but hell, I'm only 17 Inu yasha!"
He seemed to understand a little as they both kind of let the subject go. She got her "pills" and they left to go back to feudal era.
"Sesshomaru-sama! I see kaede-baba's village!" Rin cheered excitedly. He sighed as they walked closer. He knew Naraku was after Rin... he had to keep her safe, and, weather he liked it or not, this was probably the best way to do so. He could hear his cocky half wit brother's voice in his head already. Inu yasha probably knew he was here now. He walked past the village gardens with Rin and Jaken riding on the two headed dragon's back, peoples eyes staring frightened and curiously as they passed.
He walked up to Keade's hut, surprised to see that his half brother had not come out to greet him angrily. He pushed the curtain aside and walked into the hut. Once he walked in, Keade, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango stared at him before jumping up. Sango readied her weapon while Miroku pointed his staff defensively. "Sesshomaru... what are you doing here?" Miroku asked curiously.
"I wish to talk to Kagome..."
"Why? What business do you have with her?" Sango asked, her fingers tightly grasping the handle of her weapon. "My business with her is not my business with you... where is she?"
"She's gone back to her time, she... she should be back soon..." Shippo said as he hid behind Keade.
"Then... I shall wait for her to come..." and with that, he turned around and left the hut.
Just as he looked up the path, he saw 2 figures from afar. He could smell that it was Inu yasha and Kagome. He waited patiently for them to approach him as he leaned on the dragon.
"Sesshomaru! What the fuck are you doing here?!" Inu yasha shouted.
"Lower your voice, Inu yasha, I am not here with ill intentions"
"Then why are you here?"
He looked to Kagome and walked up to her, Inu yasha stepped in front of her and pushed her slightly behind him. "I need to talk to you" he said as he looked to Kagome, "Privately" he added as he glanced to Inu yasha. Kagome looked curiously at him. What could he possibly want? Normally, she would never trust Sesshomaru, but, for some reason, after her whole insane dream thing, she looked at him somewhat differently.
"OK?! Kagome are you freakin nuts?!"
"Don't worry Inu yasha, I'll be fine, I promise" she whispered to him.
"Oh right, ya... have you forgotten all the times he's, well, I don't know, TRIED TO KILL US?!"
She looked deep into his eyes at that moment, leaned her face really close and whispered,"Trust me"
He paused for a moment before muttering something under his breath, but let her go and talk with him, but under the conditions that they were atleast within his eye sight.
Sesshomaru lead her away from everyone else. They were in sight, but not within Inu yashas hearing range. "Why do you need to talk to me?" she asked him curiously. "I have a favor to ask of you"
"A favor? What kind of favor?"
"Naraku is after Rin, I know this now. He wants to use her to get to me. I need to keep her safe and protected for a while. I came to leave her with you for days... maybe even weeks. Will you take her and keep her safe?"
She wanted to laugh soooo bad right then. Sesshomaru was actually politely asking her to take care of Rin. Who was she to refuse?
"Before I accept, I have to ask... Why me? I mean, I'm sure YOU can protect her just fine, why are you asking me to do so when you KNOW that we are in constant danger of Naraku and because our mission to find jewel shards?"
"Because... he is starting to think of me as more of a threat to him, which means he will be coming for me soon, I believe she is safest with you"
"How do you know this?" She asked curiously.
"I have my ways..."
Right at this moment, Kagome couldn't help but look at him even more so as 'a good guy'. Her eyes softened as the scene of him replayed in her head of when she stuck in the maze with the black sky. She remembered the sweet yet not in a romantic way, kiss that he had given her inside her head. It might not have been real, but she was sure that there was that side of him.
"Ok... I will take care of her the best I can"
He nodded slightly in gratitude before they both walked back to the others. Rin was picking flowers while Jaken was simply lost in his own thoughts. Inu yasha seemed to be stairing suspiciously at Sesshomaru.
"Come Jaken, we are leaving" He said as he walked up the path. Jaken followed immediatly, as well as the dragon. Rin looked up and instantly ran by his side to follow him. He stoped for a moment and looked down to her. "You must stay here with Kagome..." at his words, they could all hear Jaken whisper "YES!!!!" under his breath, then a loud THUNK, and an "ouch" sound.
"But Sesshomaru-sama, I want to go with you!" she pleaded as she tugged on his white, long sleeve.
"Do as I say Rin"
"Are you coming back for me?" she asked.
"Yes, I will come for you..." the frown on her face seemed turn into an automatic childish toothy grin.
"I will see you then Sesshomaru-sama!" She said as she curtseyed to him and ran back over Kagome.
"Feh! Sesshomaru has gone soft!" Inu yasha spat as he rolled his eyes.
Sesshomaru gave him a cold glance before turning and disappearing into the forest.
Naraku laughed wickedly as he looked at the image in Kanna's mirror. The image in the mirror was of Kagome and Sesshomaru... He heard the whole thing. He had planned this from the start. What was Sesshomaru's sorce of information was simply a scam... a way to get his hands on Rin and Kagome at the same time. To strike the hearts of both Inu yasha and Sesshomaru, this was his master plan to catch the ones who were in his way.
"What a fool..." he laughed once again. Everything was going according to plan. Kagome and Rin were his leverage, well, Kagome was part of the problem as well... but Rin was leverage, and leverage alone.
"It would seem you have made the perfect plan..." Kagura said, thinking there was a flaw.
"You do not think so?"
"I still think you are under estimating Sesshomaru, but... what does my opinion matter..."
"I do not think so... He has clearly given Rin up to Kagome for the time being, his thoughts are cloudy, he does not see it..."
"If you say so"
He turned away from Kagura, she was right, her opinion ment nothing to him, she over estimated him. He may be a vicious enemy, but he wasn't invincible. His plan was flawless, and he knew it. It was time to put the next part of his plan into action.
"Yes master Naraku" a cold yet young voice replied.
"It is time"
"Yes... Master Naraku" and with that, Kohaku was gone.
"I can't beleive you said yes... She will only get in the way!" Inu yasha grunted at Kagome. She sighed loudly as they walked along the path with their companions. "Inu yasha... I'm getting SICK of you saying that! I said yes... so DEAL WITH IT!!"
"Feh! Whatever, Your just going to regret it when we are in battle If I can't get to her in time..."
"Well... He didn't ask YOU to protect her now did he?" Kagome huffed back.
Inu yasha suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.
"What? What is it?" Kagome asked as she let her hand rest on his shoulder.
"I smell blood... lots of it"
Sango stopped dead and reached for her weapon as Miroku held out his staff in front of him.
"Aye... I feel a dark presence near..." Miroku whispered.
Sango looked around her, she could feel it too, and she could see smoke up ahead.
"Look!" she pointed as she ran to it, the others hot on her heels.
It didn't take long for them to reach the village... well, what was left of it. It was burnt down, dead bodies everywhere, The whole place covered in so much blood that you couldn't even see the brown of the ground.
Kagome's eyes widened. "Who... Who could do such a thing?"
Suddenly a metal hook connected to a chain came flying at her.
She didn't even have time to dodge, so she squinted her eyes shut and tensed for impact. When it didn't come, she opened her eyes to see that she was safely in Inu yasha's warm embrace, away from the flying weapon.
"What was that?" she breathed.
They all looked forward to see who had attacked. Sango's eyes widened as she looked upon her friends attacker.
She took a step towards him as he backed away from her. She looked around once more to see all the blood, all the lifeless bodies on the ground...
"Oh Kohaku, What have you done?"
A/N: yup, gonna have to leave it there. Not my best chapter, ill admit. I know how much you guys wanted this update, i've gotten death threats tellin me to update lol. But hey, none of them were actually REAL death threats... I mean, if you kill me, who's gonna finish the story? hahahaha! anyways, I really am sorry it took so long. I just got out of the hospital not to long ago, still recovering from the 3 operations I had. yes I know, its horrible, but hey, what ya gonna do. hurts like a bitch too. anyways I will update soon, i've got this whole thing planned out in my head already... I bet you guys are dying to know what Naraku's evil plot is aint ya? well, I guess your gonna have to catch the next update! ^.~
A/N: HELLO AGAIN! I know, its been a while, but here it is ^.~ and NO its NOT over, I still got allot more planned for this story. I cant leave Naraku and Inu yasha BOTH alive now can I? hahaha bet you guys are like "HEY! WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN?!" Well, to those people, you are gonna have to find out... oh ya and another thing.... I WANT MY FAN ART! PWWWEEEEESSSEEE!!!!!!! Im dyin to see it! so to all the ones i asked for the fan art, and hey, for those who are bored and wanna draw me some fan art...send them my way! lol OH and for the people who cant find the lemon that i forgot to email it to.... email me at and i'll send it to you. Someone mentioned a sess/rin parring... well, not sure about that for this story.. i mean shes still only a little girl lol, but my story demonic demons has a big sessh/rin parring.. along with all the other parring we all love so much hehe. As for Kagome's friends names... MAN am I confused lol, you sure its yuka and not yuri? I remember now that one is Ayumi and not Ayame... Ayame is kougas bitch... anyways, i bet you guys dont even care and are just like "ok, shut up, i want the damn story" so here it is... hope you enjoy ^.~
Chapter 16
Sesshomaru's Favor
"Oh Sesshomaru-sama! Sesshomaru-sama! Why must you be so cruel?! I have always been such a faithful servant, have I not? Why must I be stuck with this annoying child while he goes? Does he no longer need my assistance? Does he no longer CARE for my assistance? If it wasn't for this stupid, disgusting, HUMAN CHILD! Perhaps he will... leave me! NO! He would never do such a thing!"
Rin laughed as she watched Jaken pace back and forth talking to himself. He really was very interesting to watch.
Jaken walked on top of a rock next to the two headed dragon where Rin sat in its back. He paid no attention to the child as he kept talking to himself out loud.
"OH SESSHOMARU-SAMA! YOU ARE SO CRUEL! Why do I even put up with-"
"Ouch! What the..." Jaken was interrupted when he felt a large rock hit the back of his head, right when he turned around to see who it was...
He rubbed his now aching forehead that had been pelleted by yet another large rock as he looked up to see who it was. His face slightly paled as he saw who it was.
"Oh... Lord Sesshomaru-sama, I-"
"No more Jaken, we're leaving" He said.
"Yes...Yes My Lord"
Rin claped as she bounced up and down on the two headed dragon's back. "YAY! Where are we going?"
"This stupid thing is making my ears itch" Inu yasha whined as he pointed to the band-anna on the top of his head. Kagome didn't even bother looking as she was to busy staring at a white kimono that caught her eye. "That is so pretty, I wish I had enough money for it" Kagome said as she continued to stare longingly at it. Inu yasha was starting to regret that he told her they would stay another day. At least they were going back right after this thing.
He began to look around to see if anything interesting would catch his eye. At the end of the hallway was a black store with the words 'Hot Topic' above it. "Lets go over there!" he said as he tugged on Kagome's sleeve. Kagome looked at the store and laughed. "I shoulda figured you would like that one"
They walked into Hot Topic and Inu yasha was staring at all the shirts and posters on the walls. Kagome went to look at underwear while Inu yashas was looking at... everything else. She came to shop at this mall mainly to get some more underwear for herself and Souta, and to buy her friends some gifts to bring back with her. Also, she needed to get birth control because of what they were doing now, and the clinic is close by.
Thongs weren't really her thing, but she thought that since she was here, she might as well look. As she picked up one with black and red lacing, Inu yasha walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She put the thong back and turned to face him.
"What are those?" he asked her, pointing to the thongs. She blushed and giggled before turning around to face him.
He got a confused look on his face as he picked one of them up and examined it. "It doesn't look like underwear to me... there's this... string thingy...I don't get it..." He said as he put them back. She smirked at him before grabbing the red and black laced one.
"They're for women...their very... I guess I could show you when we get home" She said as she winked at him. He didn't seem to understand... which made her laugh even more.
She grabbed his hand, lacing her fingers with his as she dragged him to look at more clothes. She was in one of those shopping moods where you just want to try on everything, so she picked out some red leather pants, a tight black short leather skirt, and a leather dominatrix shirt that shows lots of cleavage and laces all the way down to right above her belly button.
"I'm going to change into these...tell me what ya think" She said as she walked into the fitting room.
Inu yasha leaned onto the wall next to the fitting room with his arms crossed over his chest, waiting for her to come out. After a while, he sighed in boredom. What was taking her so long to get dressed?
"Oi, Kagome, what's takin ya?"
"Ummm... well, I changed... but I don't think I'm coming out..."
"Oh come on... it can't be that bad"
"Its not that, its just... I don't feel... decent..."
He chuckled as he pushed the curtain a little so he could peek in. His eyes widened as he looked her over. She looked so... sexy! The top of her breasts was showing clearly as the leather clung to every curve of her body with her belly showing. The skirt was indeed very short, it stopped just bellow her thighs. Kagome saw the look on his face and blushed.
"So... You like it?"
The replied by nodding his head up and down rapidly, like a little child. She giggled at him before pushing his face out and closing the curtain again. "Ok... I don't think I'll buy it though... its just not me" she mentally laughed when she heard Inu yasha whimper. She took of the skirt and replaced them with the red leather pants. When she got out of the fitting room to show Inu yasha, he nearly drooled. He looked around to see if anyone was looking, then walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her, letting his hands caress her legs. "Haha! I guess that means you like them"
"Why are we here? You said we could go back once we left the mall, or so you call it... You know, in MY time, Malls include deathmatches and pain... much more interesting" Inu yasha grunted. (A/N: ok to tell you the truth, not to sure if Im thinkin of the right time here, but I thought it would be funny for him to say lol)
"I have to get one more thing" Kagome replied.
"Oh... ummm, well" she knew they didn't have anything like birth control pills in feudal era, so, she was going to have to explain to him.
"You see... well, what we did know... well, since it happen, and... lets face it, it will most likely happen again (blush), I need to take these pills so I don't... get pregnant"
Inu yasha was silent for a moment as he stared at her. Why would she want to do that? He wanted to have someone to carry out his family name.
"Why? Don't you want to have a pup?"
Kagome looked at Inu yasha in shock. "Well, of course I want a child some day, but hell, I'm only 17 Inu yasha!"
He seemed to understand a little as they both kind of let the subject go. She got her "pills" and they left to go back to feudal era.
"Sesshomaru-sama! I see kaede-baba's village!" Rin cheered excitedly. He sighed as they walked closer. He knew Naraku was after Rin... he had to keep her safe, and, weather he liked it or not, this was probably the best way to do so. He could hear his cocky half wit brother's voice in his head already. Inu yasha probably knew he was here now. He walked past the village gardens with Rin and Jaken riding on the two headed dragon's back, peoples eyes staring frightened and curiously as they passed.
He walked up to Keade's hut, surprised to see that his half brother had not come out to greet him angrily. He pushed the curtain aside and walked into the hut. Once he walked in, Keade, Shippo, Miroku, and Sango stared at him before jumping up. Sango readied her weapon while Miroku pointed his staff defensively. "Sesshomaru... what are you doing here?" Miroku asked curiously.
"I wish to talk to Kagome..."
"Why? What business do you have with her?" Sango asked, her fingers tightly grasping the handle of her weapon. "My business with her is not my business with you... where is she?"
"She's gone back to her time, she... she should be back soon..." Shippo said as he hid behind Keade.
"Then... I shall wait for her to come..." and with that, he turned around and left the hut.
Just as he looked up the path, he saw 2 figures from afar. He could smell that it was Inu yasha and Kagome. He waited patiently for them to approach him as he leaned on the dragon.
"Sesshomaru! What the fuck are you doing here?!" Inu yasha shouted.
"Lower your voice, Inu yasha, I am not here with ill intentions"
"Then why are you here?"
He looked to Kagome and walked up to her, Inu yasha stepped in front of her and pushed her slightly behind him. "I need to talk to you" he said as he looked to Kagome, "Privately" he added as he glanced to Inu yasha. Kagome looked curiously at him. What could he possibly want? Normally, she would never trust Sesshomaru, but, for some reason, after her whole insane dream thing, she looked at him somewhat differently.
"OK?! Kagome are you freakin nuts?!"
"Don't worry Inu yasha, I'll be fine, I promise" she whispered to him.
"Oh right, ya... have you forgotten all the times he's, well, I don't know, TRIED TO KILL US?!"
She looked deep into his eyes at that moment, leaned her face really close and whispered,"Trust me"
He paused for a moment before muttering something under his breath, but let her go and talk with him, but under the conditions that they were atleast within his eye sight.
Sesshomaru lead her away from everyone else. They were in sight, but not within Inu yashas hearing range. "Why do you need to talk to me?" she asked him curiously. "I have a favor to ask of you"
"A favor? What kind of favor?"
"Naraku is after Rin, I know this now. He wants to use her to get to me. I need to keep her safe and protected for a while. I came to leave her with you for days... maybe even weeks. Will you take her and keep her safe?"
She wanted to laugh soooo bad right then. Sesshomaru was actually politely asking her to take care of Rin. Who was she to refuse?
"Before I accept, I have to ask... Why me? I mean, I'm sure YOU can protect her just fine, why are you asking me to do so when you KNOW that we are in constant danger of Naraku and because our mission to find jewel shards?"
"Because... he is starting to think of me as more of a threat to him, which means he will be coming for me soon, I believe she is safest with you"
"How do you know this?" She asked curiously.
"I have my ways..."
Right at this moment, Kagome couldn't help but look at him even more so as 'a good guy'. Her eyes softened as the scene of him replayed in her head of when she stuck in the maze with the black sky. She remembered the sweet yet not in a romantic way, kiss that he had given her inside her head. It might not have been real, but she was sure that there was that side of him.
"Ok... I will take care of her the best I can"
He nodded slightly in gratitude before they both walked back to the others. Rin was picking flowers while Jaken was simply lost in his own thoughts. Inu yasha seemed to be stairing suspiciously at Sesshomaru.
"Come Jaken, we are leaving" He said as he walked up the path. Jaken followed immediatly, as well as the dragon. Rin looked up and instantly ran by his side to follow him. He stoped for a moment and looked down to her. "You must stay here with Kagome..." at his words, they could all hear Jaken whisper "YES!!!!" under his breath, then a loud THUNK, and an "ouch" sound.
"But Sesshomaru-sama, I want to go with you!" she pleaded as she tugged on his white, long sleeve.
"Do as I say Rin"
"Are you coming back for me?" she asked.
"Yes, I will come for you..." the frown on her face seemed turn into an automatic childish toothy grin.
"I will see you then Sesshomaru-sama!" She said as she curtseyed to him and ran back over Kagome.
"Feh! Sesshomaru has gone soft!" Inu yasha spat as he rolled his eyes.
Sesshomaru gave him a cold glance before turning and disappearing into the forest.
Naraku laughed wickedly as he looked at the image in Kanna's mirror. The image in the mirror was of Kagome and Sesshomaru... He heard the whole thing. He had planned this from the start. What was Sesshomaru's sorce of information was simply a scam... a way to get his hands on Rin and Kagome at the same time. To strike the hearts of both Inu yasha and Sesshomaru, this was his master plan to catch the ones who were in his way.
"What a fool..." he laughed once again. Everything was going according to plan. Kagome and Rin were his leverage, well, Kagome was part of the problem as well... but Rin was leverage, and leverage alone.
"It would seem you have made the perfect plan..." Kagura said, thinking there was a flaw.
"You do not think so?"
"I still think you are under estimating Sesshomaru, but... what does my opinion matter..."
"I do not think so... He has clearly given Rin up to Kagome for the time being, his thoughts are cloudy, he does not see it..."
"If you say so"
He turned away from Kagura, she was right, her opinion ment nothing to him, she over estimated him. He may be a vicious enemy, but he wasn't invincible. His plan was flawless, and he knew it. It was time to put the next part of his plan into action.
"Yes master Naraku" a cold yet young voice replied.
"It is time"
"Yes... Master Naraku" and with that, Kohaku was gone.
"I can't beleive you said yes... She will only get in the way!" Inu yasha grunted at Kagome. She sighed loudly as they walked along the path with their companions. "Inu yasha... I'm getting SICK of you saying that! I said yes... so DEAL WITH IT!!"
"Feh! Whatever, Your just going to regret it when we are in battle If I can't get to her in time..."
"Well... He didn't ask YOU to protect her now did he?" Kagome huffed back.
Inu yasha suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.
"What? What is it?" Kagome asked as she let her hand rest on his shoulder.
"I smell blood... lots of it"
Sango stopped dead and reached for her weapon as Miroku held out his staff in front of him.
"Aye... I feel a dark presence near..." Miroku whispered.
Sango looked around her, she could feel it too, and she could see smoke up ahead.
"Look!" she pointed as she ran to it, the others hot on her heels.
It didn't take long for them to reach the village... well, what was left of it. It was burnt down, dead bodies everywhere, The whole place covered in so much blood that you couldn't even see the brown of the ground.
Kagome's eyes widened. "Who... Who could do such a thing?"
Suddenly a metal hook connected to a chain came flying at her.
She didn't even have time to dodge, so she squinted her eyes shut and tensed for impact. When it didn't come, she opened her eyes to see that she was safely in Inu yasha's warm embrace, away from the flying weapon.
"What was that?" she breathed.
They all looked forward to see who had attacked. Sango's eyes widened as she looked upon her friends attacker.
She took a step towards him as he backed away from her. She looked around once more to see all the blood, all the lifeless bodies on the ground...
"Oh Kohaku, What have you done?"
A/N: yup, gonna have to leave it there. Not my best chapter, ill admit. I know how much you guys wanted this update, i've gotten death threats tellin me to update lol. But hey, none of them were actually REAL death threats... I mean, if you kill me, who's gonna finish the story? hahahaha! anyways, I really am sorry it took so long. I just got out of the hospital not to long ago, still recovering from the 3 operations I had. yes I know, its horrible, but hey, what ya gonna do. hurts like a bitch too. anyways I will update soon, i've got this whole thing planned out in my head already... I bet you guys are dying to know what Naraku's evil plot is aint ya? well, I guess your gonna have to catch the next update! ^.~