InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Heals a Broken Heart ❯ Love Found ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Fawks-chan...are you haven't spoken a word all day..." Kagome began. Fawks looked up at her then smiled.
"It's okay, K-chan, I'm fine..."
Yoko, in his animal form, perched on her shoulder, whined nuzzling his nose into her cheek.
"Yeah, well ya better take a bath soon, I don't how much longer I can stand Sessho-maru's scent on ya" Inu-yasha said rudely.
"Inu-yasha!" Kagome scolded. Fawks tried to hide the blush that arose in her cheeks at the sound of his name.
' ...he truly is a strange demon...why did he kiss me like that...' she brought her fingers to her lips.
Fawks lay awake, against Yoko, she cuddled into his soft fur trying to get comfortable but every time she closed her eyes she saw Sessho-maru's eyes boring down at her. Sighing, she got up, Yoko lifted his head to look a her.
"Shh...I'll be right back...I just need some air..." she whispered. Yoko lowered his head again. Fawks sighed as she left the forest, the night sky was a glow with stars. She lifted her turtles shell from her back, laying it on the ground beside her as she sat down in the grass. Something moving in the trees caught Fawks' attention, her eyes narrowed as she reached for the shell.
"Heh, you have your gaurd up as usual..." Sessho-maru smirked.
"...It's only you..." Fawks sighed relaxing her stance. Sessho-maru watched her for a moment before coming to sit beside her.
"You pursue Naraku as well, am I right?" she asked.
"That's right..."
Fawks blushed, "...Why did you kiss me the other day?"
"The heart wants what the heart wants..." he replied cryptically.
"...are you admitting...your true feelings of love for me?" she smirked sarcastically.
Fawks felt her face heat up as she turned to look at him. He gazed right back at her, his eyes glowing in the semi-darkness. Leaning forward, he kissed her softly. Fawks modestly returned his kiss.
"...And that is how I, Fawks, Demon slayer/ girl from the future, fell in love with a stoic demon lord of the past..."