InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love in strange places ❯ The ring.Symbol of their love opportunity ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 11

"SESSHOMARU! You better have a good explanation!" red was searing into her eyes. He took out the box and handed it elegantly into her hands. Anger quickly was replaced by curiosity, she slowly opened it and her eyes started to tear

"oh…" She then wrapped him in a heart warming hug. "thank you" as she slipped the ring on the other females were green with envy. The males were loathing him, he smirked as he wrapped his arms around her nuzzling her next aware of the jealousy and lust of the other males in the air.

"Still you have to get some new clothes." She said after pulling away, but not entirely for his arms was still around her waist. They walked into the male clothing store looking from rack to rack for some suitable clothing wile the children yawned sleepily from the bench in front of the stalls. Sesshomaru modeled countless outfits as woman in the store made gogglely eyes at his well built body that showed through wearing any shirt.

"Higarashi!" Kagome's face fell * please don't let it be him………please don't let it be him…please* She spined around and put on a fake a smile and said to her disappointment.

"Hello Hojo" there stood Hojo dressed like a major prep as always took one glance at her that took in her outfit and the children.

"are those you cousins? They are really cute they are just like you?" he was obviously trying to layer on the compliments. He then turned his attention to Kagome and turned his smile up a notch.

"Are you free tonight??" He was feeling quite confident right then. Manei was fuming as a vein popped on his head. He couldn't understand why the Ningen didn't know that momma was already Mated…or almost. Why would a ningen try to challenge the Lord of the Western Land, his father was the most powerful demon there is and wealthy too. A grin appeared on his face for he was proud to have Sesshomaru as his father.

"Momma who is this huma.." but before he could finish Shippo's hand flew up to cover his mouth for Kagome has reminded them that they did not know about demons. Hojo was shocked speechless as his fingers twitched occasionally. He then moved closer to Manei and looked at him carefully fully taking in the unwavering resemblance to Kagome.

"Otou!!!" Sora shouted drawing attention to Sesshomaru who was coming out of the change room. He took one look at kagome's discomfort and the inquiring human, he understood. Hojo's eyes strayed to Sesshomaru and widened at the sight. It was undeniable of the resemblance to Sesshomaru too. He then turned to Kagome but instead of leaving her alone he simply said.

"Kagome I understand." She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow, but he had to admit the human wasn't all as foolish as she thought he was. But the thought was quickly dissipated when Hojo went on talking.

"You are under pressure but you can come with me and I do not care if the child is not mine. I'm sure I can support you better than him. You may like those bad boys now but you are going to get hurt." Sesshomaru's patience was just about up. Kagome was shocked and then angry. Did hell freeze over? Just how thick was Hojo's head.

"Hojo.. I'm under no pressure and it's my choice to stay with Sesshomaru." She sighed in frustration that Hojo didn't understand any of the hints she gave. He took the sigh in a wrong way for he took it as she was being forced to say those words, perhaps rehearsed.

"It's alright Kagome you can be with me. You don't have to be afraid." That was enough for Sesshomaru.

"Listen here kid, Kagome is happy staying with me and she would love it that you will no longer pursue after her for she is taken." He didn't understand. Kagome then showed Hojo the ring Sesshomaru had bought her. His jaw hit the floor. Then the children dragged their parents away from the now depressed Hojo. Kagome waved an uncertain goodbye to him as his hair covered his eyes casting dark shadows.

Kagome secretly felt bad about Hojo finding it out that way, she meant to break it to him gently but it was obvious he wouldn't have gotten the hint any ways. She looked up at the man in front of her, Sesshomaru, his silver hair was waving gently as his pace increased. The dim lights in the mall casted shadows on the spot where the crescent moon usually lay. He felt her hot gaze and turned to stare into two twin pools of deep blue depth.

"Sesshomaru did you have to be so harsh with Hojo?" she knew that Hojo had it coming but it didn't mean that he deserved the news broken to him in such a rude manor. Her eyes shown curiosity of why Sesshomaru's reaction was so …….. over-protective.

"He did not leave when you told him that you were mated." He avoided eye contact from her for he knew his eyes would betray him for he was jealous. But his youkai honor made it impossible for him to admit. HIM jealous of a measly HUMAN.

Kagome's hand came up to his face and guided him to look into her eyes. Emotions flashed through his eyes as he gave into the warmth of her hand, nuzzling it silently.

He knew that he could of done better to get that Ningen away from her, but he, Sesshomaru, Lord of the West was not about to apologize to a mere female. But one look, one breath taking look into her eyes made him forget his title. It was love, or maybe perhaps foolishness, but what ever it is, he was sure he would never loose grip of it. For it was offered to him and it was something he wanted to keep to never loose.

"were you jealous" She chuckled letting go of his face gently. She was mocking him. She crossed her arms and she tapped her shoe on the floor waiting for an awkward answer while she smirked.

"Why would I be jealous" he stated as if bored, for the first time the Demon lord of the West could not contain his annoyance. His fingers fidgeted with the chain on the side of his pants.

She smirked knowingly at his actions, yup he was jealous alright. But if she kept pushing him she might just cross the line.

"Look the way I acted was because I was .." he whipped around and told her trying to muster an apologetic reply and explanation.

" you were Egoistic Jerk who likes to claim what is his…" she finished if off for him pissing him off to no ends. Then she slowly wrapped an arm around his stomach and nuzzled his neck showing affections. " and yet I still stick with you, we still care for you"

"isn't that right children…?"


"zzzzzzzzzzzZzzZzZzzzZ…" She looked down and saw them all sleeping in their arms. She smiled softly at them, it was a mother's smile.

Thirty minutes later they were home and once again he found himself in her embrace of reassurance and thy let their youkai features go. He brushed his fangs over her lips and sank into a deep passionate kiss. They broke apart and Kagome stood there just savoring the simple comfort of his embrace and his smell of pine. They both sighed in content as they continued their embrace. A sudden giggle made Kagome look down, there were the children with their hands all clamed over Sora's mouth.