InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love in strange places ❯ Pain ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 14

Back at camp the children slept peacefully as the two adults approached them. Shippo shifted as soon as his mother's scent came within reach. Her calming scent of melon and roses calmed them luring them into a deep sleep. Sesshomaru slowly made his way to the tree by the children and slid down the trunk and came to a rest with Kagome upon his lap.

He took a deep breathe and took in the sweet smell of her scent, he then looked upon her now peaceful face as another one came to mind. The look of pure horror and despair upon her face earlier today told him she had an unspeakable past. But he knew one day she would open up to him and everything will be alright.

As the peaceful night air filled their senses they slowly drifted to the peace of sleep. Unaware of what the morning might bring, each too comfortable with each other's embrace let their guards down.

……………………… Kikyo(UGH HATE HER)…………….

"do we have a deal?" she stated eyes dull without emotion.

"oh yesssss asss long asss you keep your promissse." Hissed a snake youkai who hid in the shadow. She was Suki the powerful snake demoness. She slithered towards Kikyo. As she came into view her scales reflected the moon, her blood red eyes filled with malice and blood lust, her red hair hang limp without any life in it. Though she was a noble youkai but she could not find a mate. Or a certain some one.

"just remember make the girl suffer, and you may have that filthy youkai lord ." Kikyo returned her gaze to the youkai who hissed at her insult. For the youkai desired Sesshomaru but had been long turned down.

"Jussst make ssure Sessshomaru ssssshall not interfffere." Suki's eyes were turning black now as she laughed into the calm night's air. Soon she shall have the Lord of the Western land. And that little whore of a demon will be in pain for then she too will feel the pains of rejection.

" no need for I have the perfect distraction" She let a ghost of a smirk appear on her face.

Yes her dear reincarnation shall pay, for Inuyasha was hers and hers alone, to love, to hate, to despise, to kill. Though she remember her sister telling her something before.."never make a deal with the devil". Yes…the devil Suki was it's very picture.

"The girl shall die tonight." And with a ghost's whisper she laughed with pure joy , without malice, for the wrong reason perhaps for she was never meant to be with the living or interfere with their life.

`This was the night the hell shall rise for the gate has opened'

……………………… ….Kagome……………………̷ 0;……

She woke up only to see a pair of strong arms around her, relaxing as she realized it was just Sesshomaru. She carefully pried away his arms for she smelled water and it made her incredibly thirsty. She slowly crept around the children and headed in the direction of the water. She slipped through the woods like a silent ghost and made her way to a young stream which rushed with energy. She slowly bent her head down towards the water as sprays and splashes landed on her face.

Suddenly a scream pierced the night.

Kagome suddenly swung around and sniffed the air. Blood. She smelled Manei's blood. Instinct kicked in as she rushed through the forest with deadly urgency as anything that came in contact with her hand was destroyed. Red seeped into her eyes as she came closer and closer to her prey. *WHO DARES TO HURT MY PUPS* She bursted into the clearing with an almighty roar that would of made a dead man shiver in his grave.

Suki eyed Kagome with a bored expression. But none the less she was surprised to see such as strong female. Her eyes narrowed as she sniffed the air anger stirred in her as jealousy.

"You ssssmell like Ssssesshomaru and Sssssome One Elsssse." She hissed as she took a closer look at Manei. Her eyes widened with anger as she (STUPID) realized that Manei could be a bastard child of Sesshomarus. She hissed in disgust as she threw Manei towards a tree intending to injure or hurt him.

Luckily Kagome was too fast and had caught him and placed him in the security with other pups. Kagome then thought how could the youkai mistanken Manei's scent unless………. Ofcourse Manei often slept near both of them and especially tonight.

"No matter I'll dissspose of you all and your mother." She laughed as her deadly fangs flashed in the moonlight. She raised as scaily claw as she ran at kagome with shocking speed. Kagome quickly dodged and swiped at Suki with her own set of claws. Just then Suki's interest turned towards the pups, fully knowing that Kagome loves the children more then life it's self she swiped the air sending three red slashes towards the children.

Kagome looked over and realize she couldn't draw her sword to protect them in time. So she did the only thing a mother would do. Sacrafice her self for the sake of the children, she threw herself infront of them and took in the blows.

"You and your bastard child are in my way of becoming the Lady of the Western Land." Her eyes narrowed into slits glaring at the now heavily bleeding Kagome.

"I'm not the lady of the Western Land and this isn't Sesshomaru-SAMA's child either so you are mistanken…. And as for any future I have…might not be possible" She said in a sad tone at the last part. She knew that she will not be able to stay with Sesshomaru for his family will demand him to marry a noble and soon all she will become is a concubine. He would get sick of her and throw her aside and would deny any shameful pups born into this world by her like her father had done. Suki had notice the sadness in the demoness and smirked for she knew what was upsetting her.

"He doesn't love you, you are just a play thing for now but soon he shall have to mate a NOBLE unlike the likes of you , you piece of scum." She said to Kagome as she visibly trembled at the words which his cousin had said before. Kagome could sense Sesshomaru in the trees near them. *why isn't he helping me. …. Maybe she was right…I'm just a play thing for now…he will never love me* she thought in sorrow as Suki delivered blows to her body ruining her white coat with streaks of red. She hovered of the pups in hopes of their survival. Her pups were the only thing she was living for.

……………………… .Sesshomaru………………….

He had woken up to find Kagome gone and followed her scent for she feared that she may get hurt. He slowly slipped through the woods as her scent became stronger. Suddenly another scent assaulted him nose. His brother. He walked closer until he saw Kagome on top of his brother occasional groans filled his ears as he felt like his heart was being teared apart. He could hear their occasiona out of breathe conversation.

"He was a fool he thought I loved him, hn, ridiculous my love he was an replacement" She said and kissed Inuyasha passionately.

Sesshomaru had enough he would never love again " I never loved you wench" as he sliced her apart. She just laughed even when she was suppose to be dead. *something is not right here* everything became blurry as her laugh turned high pitched. He was in the middle of a field of blood with Suki laughing *it was all an illusion, Kagome didn't betray me…kagome..* he thought as his eyes rested on a bleeding Kagome who's bangs covered her eyes, sadness radiated off her in waves.

"you were right Suki" She said warely a whisper. Suki was surprised she thought Kagome would go into a fit of depression or tears.

"Goodbye Suki" was all she said as she glowed red and the earth opened up and swallowed her into their firey wrath. Kagome collapse losing the will to live as the children clung on to her crying for their mother. Sesshomaru caught her before she crashed into the ground.

"Why…" as a darkness over come her he carried her to his castle and the children following him. Everyone saddened. He landed on his balcony over looking the gardens. A servant came and took the children away but they refused. They all sat beside her as he used the Tenseiga to heal her wounds.

"Why?" the same word that Kagome said now was in Shippo's mouth. " Why did you confirm her fears." He question without any fear as anger shook inside of him. Sesshomaru stared at the pup ashamed that he would fall into such an illusion.

" I was in an illusion, and I was tricked into believing she betrayed me." As he broke the silence that hung heavily in the air. " I did not mean to hurt her for I…love her unconditionally." He said shocking the pup that he would admit something.

"Sora always knew papa loved Okaa-san but Okaa-san doesn't and Okaa-san's hurt and the……"Manei quickly covered Sora's mouth and finished for her"youkai might have killed momma." He said hoping Sesshomaru would buy it. Sora turned to face Manei with her little claws on her hips." NO!....Sora was worried about……." She drifted off realizing what she was saying. As she slowly turned from the children's glares she stared into her otou's eyes sighing knowing that she was cornered. "eh heh…heh!

WHAT COULD SORA BE HIDING;) I'm so evil. Wait till the next chapter.