InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love in strange places ❯ The numbness of Life's Blood ( Chapter 21 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 22

Numb….she felt numbness as she struggled with conciousness trying to regain hersight. Her eyelids would flutter ever so slightly and then close again, such little movement had tired her out. All she could do now was ever so slightly whimper for she felt so useless like she had always felt. The way she felt when Inuyasha first betrayed her, the way she felt when Sesshomaru thought she had betrayed him, and the same way she felt when she saw Suki and her mate kissing. Correction. He was never her mate.

Kagome clenched her clawed hands so tight that if ripped her skin sending blood red droplets onto the creamy silk colored bed spread. She leaned her head back and rolled her eyes down to watch the droplets of blood splatter in glorious patterns upon the bed making the bed seem to glisten in the night ray.

*Blood….is my blood really that important.* She thought for a moment and stared at the scarlet liquid that had burned trails down her hand. *So many sought after my blood….Suki….Kikyo…..Naraku……Inuyasha* she choked on a sob at her past loves name. No she would not shed any more tears for him, he had left her, she had done everything she could and she will not live in the past. But now ….. she was crying over Sesshomaru………… She let out a sigh.

*Sesshomaru….. I'm sorry for keeping things from you.* She thought as her eyes reflected deep sorrow. Suddenly the cool air breezed through the curtains and a second later three very ugly toad like things were standing beside her bed in each of their hand was a pot. She slowly attempted to move away from the creature with all her might she clenched her teeth in frustration.

"what…do you want" She whispered but just barely.

The youkais looked at each other and sighed at the demonmiko's misfortune for they felt sorry for all the hardship she had to encounter and will. But it was their job they had no choice.

"Lady Kagome….are you not? She simply bit her tongue and quietly nodded suspiciously.

"Good…. We are the soul collectors… we are here.." but before they could finish horror filled Kagome's eyes. SHE WAS SUPPOSE TO DIE IN SESSHOMARU"S PLACE! Her eyes were brimmed with tears she had failed him yet again. She lowered her eyes and silently asked for his forgiveness. "You're here for his soul aren't you?" she whispered softly confusing the demons.

"no my lady." The middle toad spoke up causing Kagome to raise her head and cast them a curious gaze.

"you see…. You must know when you changed the fate of your mate… you had to restore the balance of life and death, ne?" The toad nearest to her spoke. She nodded her head in understanding but as her heart started to pick up it's pace the toad continued.

"You did not die as you can see." The toad stated.

"Please….spare the life of my mate and take mine………." She whispered as best as she could for she had not energy left. She wanted to embrace the darkness of death and leave this world that brings her pain in every way.

"I'm sorry milady….'sigh' but it's not that easy." Said the toad. "but I'm not here to collect his soul nor yours." Now Kagome was confused. But something told her that this was not simply a gift from the Kami they had came here for a reason.

"You see we are here to collect your Life Blood. Every night we shall come and collect blood from you as in payment for his soul." She knew what she must do. She looked out of the door that opened to the balcony and slumped with such sadness that the toads fidgeted in guilt.

"….Take my blood." The toads were shocked. Perhaps the miko demon did not understand but by giving up her blood each night would mean a life time of torturous routine.

"But milady the process is very painful." She shook her head and refuse to be broken by fear.

"Take what you need………."She whispered as she lied back down on her bed and close her eyes in anticipation.

The toad sighed and started chanting. "Ske nodeshko natashi mofoey mexaney vanikoshi………"

Tears formed on the corner of her eyes as her pores started to bleed it felt like millions of needles stabbing into her. Little by little her blood came out in tiny droplets floating in the air towards the pot. Kagome grounded her teeth drawing blood from her lips as she trashed around. The pot slowly filled up. After a while the pain became so bad it was numbing. She felt dead.

Suddenly cuts appeared all over her body and the blood seeped out and went into the pots. Once they were filled to the top. A burning sensation covered her body painful and prickly she realized she was healed but she remembered that she had to face this every night for the rest of her life.

Her whole body ached and she fainted from the loss of blood. She let out a breathe and watched as the soul collectors left in a silent breeze. Just the Sesshomaru bursted into her room. He quickly moved over to her and embraced her in a bone crushing hug. Kagome winced silently in pain as every contact nailed her in the core.

Sesshomaru was overjoyed but noticed her pained expression and her pale lips looked as if loss of blood had occurred.

"Dajabou?*SPELLING* Kagome whispered trying to block away the pain she was experiencing physically and emotionally. She tried to focus on Sesshomaru who had let a tear slip down his cheek in front of her. Him the lord of the Western land had let him self show weakness.

As much as that warmed her heart the picture of Suki and Sesshomaru flooded back into her mind and she felt a painful tug at her heart. Tears slipped down the cheek. Sesshomaru as if reading her mind whispered to her.

"I love you… I always will… .and no matter what you have this Sesshomaru's heart." He said quietly.

She sobbed in happiness and nodded but she knew this happiness would be short lived.

He laid her back on the futon and spooned her body to his enjoying her closeness and scent. He missed her even though she was here, he had missed her lively movements. He was glad she had came back for him. For he wouldn't know what would happen if he lost her forever. But what now Suki is still out there was all he thought as he drifted happily into the oblivion of sleep with his mate safely in his arms.

Kagome's eyes watered as she whispered quietly to him " as long as your happy….but even I must sacrifice my love for you to stop the inevitable. It's only just begun

`I'm tired of being what you want me to be'
'Feeling so faithless, lost under the surface'
'I don't know what you're expecting of me'
'Put under the pressure, of walking in your shoes'
''Every step that I take is another mistake to you'
'I've become so numb'
'I can't feel you there'
'Become so tired, so much more aware'
'I'm becoming this, all I want to do'
'Is be more like me and be less like you `
'Can't you see that you're smothering me?'
'Holding too tightly, afraid to lose control'
'Cause everything that you thought I would be'
'Has fallen apart, right in front of you'
'Every step that I take is another mistake to you'
'An' every second I waste is more than I can take'
'And I know'
'I may end up failing too'
'But I know'
'I've Become so numb'
'I can't feel you there'
'I'm tired of being what you want me to be'

Kagome sang quietly as she fell into the teary sleep not knowing that the silver beside her had heard her.