InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is A Battlefield ❯ Love is A Battlefield ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or it's characters. I also do not own the song Love is a battlefield they Belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Pat Benatar.

This is in response to Frog Lady's challenge Bankotsu and Sango pairing.

Thank you jamied1968 for suggesting the song it fits PERFECTLY! :D

Thanks to jamied1968 for the help and beta-ing this for me! :D

I dedicate this to both Frog Lady and jamied1968

A/N this bold writing in the fic is being sung by Sango as she dances.

Love is a Battlefield by Pat Benatar

Sango dressed in a hot pink with black edges corset style top of dress with a skirt that hugs her shapely hips and flairs into a loose skirt that flows to mid thigh. She also has on boots that lace up half way to her knees and have a slight heel to them.

Bankotsu clothed in some black leather pants with chains dangling at the sides, that mold to his muscular legs and tight butt like a second skin, and a dark blue muscle shirt that molds to his impressive muscular chest and shows off his bulging biceps with combat boots.

Kagome sports a similar style dress to Sango's only a pale green. Kikyo’s is red and black with Ayame in solid black. Inuyasha, clad in red leather pants like Bankotsu's, as well as a red muscle shirt, with Kouga in brown leather pants and a brown muscle shirt.

The Music starts playing with Bankotsu, Sango, Kagome, Inu, Kouga, and Ayame start dancing along with the other men and women. Dancing in a bar, Sango and Bankotsu are eying each other almost as if sizing each other up from across the dance floor.

“Wohh...Ohh...” Sango begins singing as she starts swaying her hips enticingly at a slow sensual pace lazily rolling her head side to side.

We are young, heartache to heartache we stand
No promises, no demands

A random guy walks up to Sango and they begin slow dancing with her one arm loosely draped around his neck and his hands on her hips. Bankotsu starts slow dancing with a random girl, looking toward Sango as he drapes his own arm across the girl’s shoulder and the other on her shapely hips. Sango looks away from the duo, almost sad, as she continues singing.

Love is a battlefield

We are strong, no one can tell us we're wrong
Searchin' our hearts for so long

Sango looking bored continues slow dancing with the guy; similarly Bankotsu continues slow dancing with the girl also looking bored. Both Ban and San are eying each other intently with their dance partners oblivious to what's going on.

Both of us knowing, love is a battlefield

You're beggin' me go, you’re makin' me stay
Why do you hurt me so bad

Bankotsu and Sango's eyes lock on each other as she continues singing,

It would help me to know, do I stand in your way
Or am I the best thing you've had

Sango pushes away from the man and Bankotsu leaves the woman. Sango starts swaying her hips more sensually in the middle of the dance floor, staring directly into Bankotsu's eyes. He stares back at her.

Believe me, believe me, I can't tell you why
But I'm trapped by your love and I'm chained to your side

We are young, heart ache to heart ache we stand

Sango continues swaying her hips and starts rolling her head lazily side to side. Bankotsu watches eyes glued to the way her body moves.

No promises, no demands
Love is a battlefield

Sango's dancing kicks up a notch and it becomes even more sensual.

We are strong, no one can tell us we're wrong
Searchin' our hearts for so long, both of us knowing,
Love is a battlefield

She dances up to Bankotsu, looking him over as he apprises her.

When I'm losing control, will you turn me away
Or touch me deep inside
And if all this gets old, will it still feel the same
There's no way this will die
But if we get much closer I could lose control.

Sango's hand goes on Bankotsu's chest and sorta pushes him away, he stumbles back into the bar, looking at her with a challenge in his sapphire eyes.

And if your heart surrenders you'll need me to hold.

With hands on her hips and a challenge in her own eyes, Sango throws some lazy kicks to the beat of the music then starts shaking her thing. All the other girls begin dancing with her as the men watch from the side lines. With knee lifts after shaking their torsos, hips shaking as shoulders dip, the women continue to dance with Sango as lead.

Bankotsu leans back against the bar where Sango slightly shoved him, looking rather smug.

The other women back off, allowing Sango the spot light as her hips continue to roll from one side then the other as her shoulders continue to dip, her eyes still locked to his sapphire orbs, silently challenging him.

Still leaning against the bar looking smug and smirking with his interest severely peeked Bankotsu continues to enjoy the auburn haired beauty, never wavering from her chocolate gaze.
Sango throws her hands in the air. Then grabs her knees and begins rolling her hips once more. Rolling to a standing position, she begins to start snapping her fingers while swinging her arms one at a time, hips still swinging.

Bankotsu smirks sexily as his eyes begin to show signs of desire. His body begging to be nearer to the feisty being dancing on the floor, beckoning to him similar to the sirens of Ulysses’ Odyssey.

The other women join back in once more, accompanying Sango as she does a body shock roll, raising hands into the air, thrusts body forward each times her hands lower slowly until they are back by her sides again. One side hip shake thrust combo a few times, same side each time. Then a few more body thrusts forward. With fists punch above her head Sango resumes singing as she dances to the beat of the music.

We are young, heartache to heartache we stand

At the word ‘young’ Sango thrusts her finger out towards Ban, knowing that he can no longer resist her enticing body. He smirks deviously and begins to approach her. They start dancing together in tune with each other while she is still singing. Both dance as if rising to the other’s silent challenge and staring each other dead in the eye.

No promises, no demands
Love is a battlefield

As the line ‘love is a battle field’ is sung, Sango turns to walk off. Ban follows his face and eyes gleaming with determination, grabbing her elbow swinging her back around to face him.

We are strong,

With ‘we are strong’ Sango shakes off his hold on her arm and starts shaking her torso again all the while dancing away from him as all women flow around her again. Ban stands by the bar once more, shocked but impressed as his eyes stay glued to her frame, mesmerized by her movements like a cobra to the snake charmer’s flute.

No one can tell us we're wrong
Searchin' our hearts for so long, both of us knowing,

At ‘searching’ the women turn around and head back towards him. The other women back off as Sango gets within 5 feet of him, turning her back to him as she bends over, suggestively grinding her generous posterior enticingly at him. After a few heartbeats, unable to take much more of the pure torture, Ban comes up behind Sango, gripping her hips as he begins grinding against her back side.

Love is a battlefield

Once the music has ended they break apart, turning toward the each other to introduce themselves.

Bankotsu smirks and says impressed, “Nice moves.”

“Thanks, I'm Sango,” she replies, slightly a little out of breath as she holds out her hand to him.

Bankotsu smirks handsomely as he takes her hand saying, “I'm Bankotsu.” Both have grins reaching from ear to ear, like the Cheshire Cat of Alice.

“So Beautiful, can I buy you a drink?” Bankotsu asks enjoying the way her face and eyes light up and knowing the answer.

Sango smirks as she replies, “Sure.” They walk off toward the bar together.

A/N This is my first Bankotsu & Sango Pairing attempt. So please tell me how you liked it and if you didn't then where can I improve it? Thanks.