InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is A crazy thing ❯ What happened downstairs?? ( Chapter 10 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 8
Love is a Crazy thing
Sleepover and Scary movie
The boys turned on "Texas Chainsaw" on the t.v. when the girls came in.Love is a Crazy thing
Sleepover and Scary movie
"What are we wathcing?" asked Kagome
"Something..."replied Inu yasha.
That made Kagome very scared. the movie title popped on the screen and Kagome and Sango's eyes popped out.
"No hell I am going to watch that," said Kagome, "yeah..."added Sango.
"Dont worry!I'm here."said Inu yahsa, "you could watch the movie then sleep with me or just sop watching and just have fun with me right now"added inu Yasha in a whisper. Kagome quickly took the first option and began to crawl towards Inu yasha's body for some warmth and comfort. This made Inu Yasha very happy so he put his arms around his girl's waist to comfort her a bit more. Sango did the same but it made Miroku hyper so..ah...*boom!* there goes Miroku ont he ground (you should noe wut happened...) kagome screamed and screamed until Inu yasha finally decided that they should just go to sleep. kagome quickly agreed to that and they went upstairs leaving Sango clinging onto Miroku. Which didn't bother him at all...
"Inu Yasha, I am not going to watch one of those movies AGAIN!" said Kagome"scaredy cat...Anyways.." inu Yasha mumbled, he was getting a death glare from Kagome.
"Come on, lets go to sleep" suggested Kagome.
"Awww! Can't I have some fun first?" asked Inu Yasha,
"NO! I'm Tired and scared already..but...."said kagome.
"But you could sleep in your underwear with!"said Inu Yasha finishing Kagome's sentence . He quickly took kagome's clothes off and his own off leavin his boxers and Kagome's underwear. there stood a shocked kagome being carried bridal style towards the bed by inu yasha.
"Pervert!..." screamed Kagome. but that was suddenly covered by Inu Yasha's mouth sending a passionit kiss to Kagome when they landed on the bed. They explored each other's mouths for a while then Inu yasha said,"so, whos the pervert now??"
Kagome blushed.
Inu Yasha thought'I love it when she blushes like that'.
They shared another kiss then slept in each other's arms. But there are still the couple downstairs and there goes a thump and scream with Miroku's name in it..Hmm... wut happened??? The 'upstairs' couple ignored it and went back to sleep
To be continued...
I promise u guyz, the chapters will get longer each time!
thx 4 the reviews!
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