InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love is a Fickle Thing ❯ Reunion ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Love is a Fickle Thing
DM Jade: good point. Regardless of whom Kagome chooses, she's still got the other era, right? And how would Kouga react to that knowledge? We'll have to find out.
Chapter 4
“Ready Kagome?” Kouga asked. Kagome nodded, and Kouga knelt down. “Get on then.” He said. Kagome tensed, but climbed onto Kouga's back. The wolf prince stood up and flashed a fang-filled grin over his shoulder. “Hold on.” Kagome tightened her grip, and Kouga dashed into the forest.
“I used to ride Inuyasha like this.” Kagome thought. “But he never ran anywhere near this fast.” In a few minutes, the village came into view as Kouga leapt out of the forest and hit the ground running.
“Kouga, I can walk from here.” She whispered. Kouga skidded to a stop as they neared the village.
“Are you sure Kagome?” he asked. “I don't want dog shit to get his paws on you again.” A growl started to slip into his voice.
“I'll be fine Kouga. Besides…” Kouga's hand snapped up and caught a dagger flying at his head. Kagome gulped. “The villagers don't know you.” She finished. Sure enough, a small group of villagers with axes and bows were gathering near the huts. Kagome ran to them and put her hands out.
“It's okay, it's okay, he isn't evil!” she pleaded. The villagers recognized the young miko and lowered their weapons.
“How the hell should I know where she is?” a voice shouted from across the village. Kagome gulped, and Kouga was by her side.
“You can do this Kagome. He tries anything, I rip him in two.” He whispered. Kagome nodded shakily and started towards Kaede's hut. As they came near, Inuyasha's voice was heard again.
“I asked her mother, she never came back home. Either she went through the well and skipped home, or never made it to the well.” He said. Kagome felt a tinge of anger well up inside her. He knew what had happened to her! He knew exactly what happened. Kouga must have gotten wind of the lie too, because his growling had started again.
They heard a loud sniff, and Inuyasha stuck his head out of Kaede's hut.
“Kagome, where have you been? And what the hell is the wolf doing here?” he asked. Kagome lowered her head and pushed past him into the hut. Inuyasha gave her a puzzled look. “What did I do?” he muttered, turning back to Kouga. The wolf snarled and punched Inuyasha in the jaw. The hanyou growled and grabbed Tetsusaiga.
“Don't hurt him Inuyasha.” Kagome whispered, not even turning to look at him. Inuyasha looked over his shoulder.
“Don't.” Kagome said. Inuyasha's shoulders slumped. Her voice was hallow. Emotionless. He frowned and sat down in a corner of the hut. Kouga sat next to Kagome across the other side of the hut.
“Kagome, where have you been recently?” Sango asked. Kagome lowered her head.
“I'd rather not talk about it.” She whispered.
“Well I'd personally like to know how the hell you ended up with the wolf.” Inuyasha growled. Kouga jumped to his feet.
“Like you don't fucking know you filthy half breed piece of shit!” he roared. Inuyasha got up as well.
“You want a piece of me ya mangy wolf?” he shot back.
“Sit.” Kagome muttered. Inuyasha slammed into the floor of the hut. Kaede sighed.
“Kagome, I wish ye would not sit Inuyasha so much in my hut. It is starting to damage my floor.” She said.
“Dammit Kagome, what that hell did I do?” Inuyasha sputtered, leaning his head up. Kagome's face grew red.
“Sorry Kaede.” She said. She took a deep breath. “Sitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsitsiiiiiii t!” she shouted at the top of her lungs. Inuyasha screamed as he plummeted through the wood on the sixth `sit', and made a deep crater. Kagome got up and stomped out of the hut. Kouga knelt down, grabbed Inuyasha's hair, and pulled him up to eye level.
“After what you've done dog shit.” He hissed. “You should grateful to even be alive. The next time you do anything like that to my woman, I'll have your head, regardless of what Kagome says.” Inuyasha scowled.
“What the hell are you talking about? What did I do?' he asked, confused. Kouga snarled and slammed the hanyou back into his hole, and ran after Kagome. Shippo leaned over and jumped down onto Inuyasha's back.
“Inuyasha, what did you do to Kagome this time?” he asked, putting his hands on his hips. Inuyasha turned his head slightly to look at Shippo with one eye.
“How the hell should I know?” he replied. Shippo sighed and sat down.
“Well whatever you did, go and apologize for whatever it was!” Shippo sat, smacking the hanyou in the back of the head. Inuyasha's arms tensed, and relaxed.
“Um…give me a few moments.” He groaned. Shippo got up and looked down at him.
“Are you alright Inuyasha?” he asked.
“I'll be fine.” Inuyasha croaked. “I just need some time to…move.” He groaned again and closed his eyes. Shippo gasped.
“I just can't move my back right now Shippo. Give me a minute.” He said. Shippo jumped out of the hole and looked up at Sango and Miroku.
“He can't move his back, I think Kagome really hurt him this time.” He explained. Sango frowned.
“I've never seen Kagome sit Inuyasha so much, and so forcefully.” She mused. Miroku nodded.
“Nor have I. Inuyasha, when you followed Kagome to the well, did you say anything to her?” he asked.
“I never saw her, she went through the well.” Inuyasha's reply came. “At least I thought she did, but when I went through last night, she wasn't there.” Miroku bowed his head.
“Are you sure Inuyasha? Because you must have done something recently to anger Kagome.”
“I haven't done anything!” Inuyasha protested. He tried to get up again, had his back had a spasm, and he collapsed. “Stupid wench damn near broke my back though! I should be the one who's pissed.” He grumbled.
- - - - - - - - - -
Kagome sat on the edge of the well, crying.
“How can he act like nothing happened?” she murmured. “I come back, and he acts like everything's normal?”
“Kagome!” Kouga called, running up to her. “The mutt is more clueless then usual. I slammed him into the hole again.” He said. He leaned over Kagome and looked down the well. “What are you doing near such an old well Kagome?” he asked. Kagome sniffed.
“I like to come here a lot.” She said. Kouga shrugged.
“I don't know why. Youkai could attack you all the way out here, what's so special about this place?” he muttered. Kagome lifted her head and gave him a small smile.
“Actually Kouga…I have something to tell you.”