InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Is All I Want ❯ Chapter 2
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
His grip was firm. Too firm. After hoisting her up, he still kept his large clawed hand around her small hand. As she was looking up at him, he had long black hair that was put up in high pony tail. He seemed a year or two older than she was. She saw that he had a long brushy tail that he wagged side to side slowly. Was he a wolf demon? His eyes were a beautiful ice blue. Wow. He seemed to be in pretty good shape as well. More likely one of the football players for the team. His shoulders were broad and he had some muscle on his arms. But what got her attention were a few large stains on his light brown shirt. Kagome frowned.
“I am so sorry, I wasn't even looking..." Kagome said as she pulled her hand out his grip.
"Nah, don’t even worry about it..I have plenty more of them! My name is Koga by the way, how about you?"
“Uh, Kagome..." Giving an awkward smile to him.
Kagome was normally shy when meeting new people. She just wasn't used to many people being so forward to knowing her name and getting to know her better as a person. So in her case she found this situation a little bit awkward. Most of all she felt bad of ruining Koga's shirt, even though he stated he had many more. Just by his attitude before he saw her proved that he might be upset in the slightest. Maybe he was telling her it was okay since he maybe didn't want to start bickering with her.
“I feel bad that I ruined your shirt. I hope you can get those stains out; luckily it is a somewhat darker colored shirt. Do you want me to get you a napkin or anything?" Giving him a sincere look that she did mean it.
"Really, Kagome, don't even worry, I will see if I have another shirt in my locker. Now tell me, why haven't I seen you around here before? Are you new?" Koga asked now looking at her deeply.
Trying not to notice his weird staring she glanced down. “No, I have been attending all four years here. I just don't socialize with everyone. I normally hang with just a small group of friends." As Kagome looked over to said friends that were at their history class door, waiting for her. Sango then waved at her to hurry since the bell will be ringing soon which will result in a tardy which Kagome does not want to get. Since graduating was nearing, she wanted to keep a good record of not being late.
"Um, Koga I need to be leaving now, I don't want to be late to class." She offered genuine smile.
“Sure thing Kagome, say let me walk you to class sometime or let's hang out during lunch? You seem like a cool chick. You look interesting...I hope to see you soon." As soon as he said that he turned away to walk to his next class.
You look interesting.
What does that mean? Kagome stood there looking as Koga turned into one of the hallways. He walks pretty quickly she observed. Well he is demon after all. Why did he want to get to know her more? For the slightest second, she had a feeling as if this all felt wrong. Why? She just met him; he wasn't rude to her or even mad about the stains on his shirt. Well it was an accident. You can't be as mad at someone for an accident right? Still, what was that feeling? She shrugged it off and re arranged her bag that slipped down from her shoulder and ran towards her friends waiting by the door.
As Kagome approached her three friends, Miroku and Sango were talking about some project for another class and walked into class. As Kagome followed, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Shippou turned her around, “What happened back there?"
“I accidently bumped into this guy named Koga and got food all over his shirt.." Kagome replied.
"Hmm..Koga huh?" Shippou replied almost instantly and as if he was lost in thought.
"Shippou? Is everything okay?" Kagome asked quietly as she looked up at her taller friend.
"Yeah, just. Please be careful around him okay?" Shippou was now staring at Kagome.
Just as Kagome was going to question why Shippou told her this, the bell rang.
There have been no recent attacks on humans from demons as there was a few hundred years back. To be specific there was many demon attacks on humans and vice versa each day back before humans and demons lived in a more peaceful world as of today. When such an occurrences did happen, they would send out the SWAT. Since the SWAT had both demon and hanyous in their squad along with humans, taking down a suspect is much easier task since demons are much stronger than the average human. Of course, if there is a threat that is caused by a demon then they would send in the demon SWAT officers with the humans following closely behind. This is how Sango and Shippou have met. Once Sango's father graduated out of the police academy, he was assigned with Shippou's father for four months while finishing his training. So when you are with the same person for each shift you did for the past four months you are bound to start talking and sooner or later become friends with your partner. With many common interests and hobbies the two men had a get together with both of the families such as BBQ's and monthly camping trips. Since both of their fathers being officers, they were taught to be extra cautious of everything around them. Be ready for anything. Expect the unexpected. With this being said, Shippou for being, well, a guy he was more protective of his friends and family.
After two months had gone by since Kagome first met Koga. He would randomly show up during lunch or passing periods between classes. Nothing really has not changed since then. Every time Kouga did show up when she was with her friends, she would see that Shippou went quiet and would look away. One day when she did confront Shippou as of why she needed to be careful around him, Shippou just stated that he got a bad vibe off of him. Something just rubbed him the wrong way. He said that he will always look after Kagome, because he saw her as a little sister he never had. But Kagome felt as if he was holding something back. She didn't want to say that he was. He always seemed to have a complete change in attitude when Koga was brought up.
Once the school day was over. The four had met up to start walking home their normal route. Halfway through the route everyone went their own separate way since everyone lives different ways. After Sango told her goodbyes with Kagome and turned onto her street she smiled and waved. Kagome then pulled out her headphones to listen to some music. She still had a block or so until she got to her house. Right when she was going to put the white buds into her ears,
She turned around to see who was calling her name. It certainly wasn't Sango. She saw Koga running up to her. Damn, he is quick, she thought. “Are you walking home?” He asked without being out of breath. For the past three years, the four friends had always walked the same way home. She never remembered seeing Koga walk this way before she met him. Of course she would remember him due to his long furry tail
"Yeah, how about you Koga?"
"Yup, I live that way." He smiled, pointing his clawed index finger in the opposite direction of where she lived. “Can I walk you home?"
"Koga, I live way over there," pointing the opposite way he did. “You don't need too."
"Don't worry! It's fine, I am not doing anything ways... come on let me walk you home. I think you owe me since you spilled food all over me a few months ago." He smiled down at her, ice blue eyes twinkling from the warm sun shining down on them.
She hesitated.
As they approached her place she stopped, “Thanks for walking me home Koga it was nice of you."
He smiled with his white sharp teeth, tail wagging.
“I told you it isn't a problem."
Just as Kagome was turning around he grabbed her by the shoulder. Again it was just too firm..
“Hey Kagome? I should ask, do you have a boyfriend?" Koga asked curiously just above a whisper.
Shit. Should I lie? Wait, he sees me almost every day at least during lunch or a passing period.. He will know I would be lying. Plus since he a wolf demon, he could probably just tell by sniffing me if I have been around other people besides Sango, Miroku and Shippou.
Where is he going with this?
"… Koga" She said lowly, looking down at the ground.
"Well, I don't see why not Kagome, you are very beautiful."
She didn't see herself beautiful. She was just the average height, she wasn't over weight or too skinny. Her jet black hair fell past her shoulders. Her eyes weren't some pretty blue or green. Just a simple brown. Of course, for turning 18 at the beginning of the year she did have a noticeably bigger set of breasts compared to other girls around her weight. But Kagome wasn't that person to show off her skinny body by wearing skin revealing clothes.
" Uhm, I need to go now Koga, I have a lot of homework to do..." His hand still on her shoulder. He was so much stronger.
“Let’s go to a movie this weekend? What do you say? My treat? Please? Let me take you on a date." Ice blue eyes staring at her brown orbs.
A few cars drove by and then a loud siren went off. They both looked and saw a speeding police cruiser rushing by with the bright lights on top of the roof. The cruiser was going to fast to see the officer.
I wonder if it is Shippou's or Sango's dad that went by just now.
He squeezed her shoulder pulling her away from her thoughts. She slightly winced at the pressure.
“I will let you know Koga okay. Please? Let me go, you are kinda hurting me." She gave a fake smile.
"Shit, sorry Kagome!" he let go instantly. Rubbing the back of his head. “So what do you say?" He widens his smile when she gave him another smile.
“I have never been on a date before Koga..."
“I will make it fun. If you don't want to do a movie, we can do anything you want."
Should I say yes?
“Okay, fine. I will. When though?" Kagome asked looking up at Koga.
As she looked into his eyes, she could of sworn something flashed in his eyes.
“This weekend! I will pick you up! I have my own car. Okay, I will let you go now Kags. See yah around!" Then he was gone. Running back the way they came.
Wait, his own car? Why would be walking home then?