InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Is Over Rated ❯ Ah, Mornings. ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Two
Ah, Mornings....

Rushing had paid off. Kagome was the first off all her friends to arrive at school, save maybe Jakostu whom no one ever say come in in the morning, but always seemed to be around. She kicked out a seat with her sole pair of combat boots and took a seat. Time to see if she could do it.

“Morning my lovely Kagome.” Koga grinned wolfishly, walking to get a seat next to her, only to have her put her feet on the chair. “Ouch, harsh. So’s that seat reserved then?” He asked, sitting on the table. For being a fairly popular junior he actually chose genuine friends instead of fans that simply liked him for his looks and track running ability. That was one of his admirable qualities...few admirable qualities. Aside from that he was basically loud, rowdy, and annoyingly over protective.

Kagome yawned, taking a foot off the seat. She just didn’t feel like being nice that day. “Yeah, savin’ it for Bob, the invisible man.” she muttered sarcastically. Hey it could be worse, she could have chose to act like the prince of ice, the senior and ‘ruler’ of the school, less formally known as Inuyasha’s elder brother Sesshomaru. Speaking of the devil...

Sesshomaru had apparently shown up with his hoard avid followers. “Helllloooo, Lord Fluff-head!” Kagome yelled as he passed by, cupping her hands around her mouth to add effect. Koga just chuckled quietly to himself watching her. He didn’t know why she had decided to behave as she was, but it was amusing none the less.

Sesshomaru stopped and nonchalantly glanced over at her, running his fingers threw his hair, “And what would my brother’s bitch want?” His tone was just as calm and cold as ever, but it had to be admitted, it did not lack sex appeal.

Kagome had to smirk evilly, was it possible to freak Princy out? “Hey, that’s ex-bitch to you, babe!” she winked. There was worse in store for him later that day, but for now she’d go easy.

“Oh, so unfortunate...” he muttered, he didn’t make it top priority to dabble in his brother’s affairs and hadn’t been aware of the breakup. Keeping his icy facade up he was slightly irked. Did she just call me babe.... Wait.. Lord Fluff head.... The wench has gone too far.. He clenched his hand in a fist before catching himself, that girl certainly had a way with pissing him off, not that she’d ever find it out. Not even glancing at his peons he turned away. There had to be a decent table in the cafeteria.

Kagome’s smirk grew, “Hm, wait, I’m trying to imagine you with a personality... Nope it’s just not coming to me... Sorry, it’s a lost cause there’s nothing we can do.”

Sesshomaru didn’t even recognize her existence, it wasn’t worth the effort and sat down at a table kiddie-corner to Kagome and Koga, who had apparently been joined by Miroku and Sango. The girl was so annoying, the only plus was she was attractive.... Sesshomaru blinked, had he just thought that?
“Well, that was interesting...” Sango began, only catching the end of the interaction. “Where do you think Kikyo and Inuyasha are?” she asked, they were both normally there already and the ten-minute bell or school was due to ring any moment.

Miroku grinned, “I bet I....” he began only to be smacked. “Know.... Hey you know it’s true.” It wasn’t. Kagome’s sister did have a thing for him, but she wouldn’t just go after him while he was going out with someone else. Besides, he was he was trying to hiatus love, something he should have tried when he wasn’t going out with anyone. The group knew it had really effected Kagome, she just was trying not to show it.

“Hiya!” Jakotsu smiled joining the group and hopping on Miroku’s lap simultaneously. He cuddled into Miroku despite his struggling. “Wolfy, you should let Miroku borrow one of your skirts... It would be too cute on him!”

Koga growled, “I already told you, it’s not a skirt it’s a kilt!” It was plaid and went well with his punkish appearance, leather jacket, army boots and spiked black hair. It really did resemble a skirt, but no one really took much note of it, save Jakotsu, who didn’t even like him. He was far more interested in Inuyasha then anyone else, but to him it was still fun to mess with their heads.

Jakostu smiled happily, “So you don’t wear anything under it then? Easy access is even better...” There were numerous chuckles heard. It was unfortunate that the bell was about to ring and they’d all have to go to their classes, but there was always lunch.

Koga blushed slightly out of embarrassment. “Would you shut up?” He did wear boxers underneath even if it wasn’t the traditional thing to do, though he was in no way traditional.

“But Wolfy, why would I--” Jakotsu began only to be cut off by the bell. Perfect timing for Koga.

Koga jumped down and ran out, “Time to go!” Without another word he was gone.

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Hello, did you like the second instalment? It was a little longer... Not much, but I’m just getting started. I promise the next one will be longer. I’ll try to get it up tomorrow or the next day....
R & R