InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ to the mall, down the stairs and a murder at Wendy's ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!

Love, Murder, and Betrayal

By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter 3: to the mall, down the stairs and a murder at Wendy's

"Inuyasha you can turn around now," she said bending over to pick up her clothes, hiding her bra inside her blouse. He got up ad looked at her. She looked kind of silly with a business like skirt going up a little above her knees and a tight T-shirt.

He smiled walking back over to his closet and pulled out a light jacket, then tossing it to her, "You might wanna put this on over your shirt."

"Why?" she questioned catching the jacket.

Inuyasha pointed to his mirror and Kagome looked into it. She practically screamed. Her breasts barely fit into the shirt and to make things worse she could see her own nipples through it. In one quick motion she had his jacket on, and he couldn't help but laugh.

“Don’t laugh at me you pervert!" she growled.

He held his hands in the air to signal his surrender, but Inuyasha couldn't stop laughing. Kagome glared daggers at him, she was hurt. 'He's laughing at me.' She gave a cry of disgust and headed towards the door. Inuyasha stopped laughing and lunged for her. The door swung open right as she reached for it, knocking her back. Inuyasha caught her in his arms as Sesshomaru stepped in the door and smirked. He looked down at Kagome, whom wore a tight shirt which smelt like his fowl worthless brother.

"Star's here, to check on this girl." He sneered peering down at Kagome's chest.

Inuyasha helped Kagome stand then he pulled the jacket over her. He didn't like the way his brother stared.

"Kagome?" a girl squealed as she moved out from behind Sesshomaru and wrapped her arms around Kagome. She patted Star until she was released from the death grip of doom. She sniffled. "I'm so sorry Kagome."

"It's okay Star, I'm fine. Really I am" Kagome reassured her friend.

Sesshomaru turned and left, he seemed agitated and disgusted by something, so Inuyasha followed not wanting to be left with two teenaged girls alone. That left Star and Kagome to have a private conversation.

"Star, how did I get here? I mean in Inuyasha's bedroom?" Kagome became a little flushed as her cheeks turn a light shade of

"Well,” She started, "I don't really know how it happened exactly. I wasn't there all I saw was that Inuyasha was carrying you down the stairs and you were unconscious, he is the one who brought you here."

"Oh, okay" Kagome sighed heavily.

"So, how long ago did you wake up?" Staid aid seriously.

"…uh.." She thought hard for a moment then answered. "uh-Probably about a half hour ago, but I'm not sure."

"Did Inuyasha do anything to you?" Star asked checking over her friend's appearance carefully.

"No!" Kagome quickly said. "No, he's been a perfect gentleman."

Star didn't believe that the half demon could be human for even more than a second. It seemed highly impossible, though for the most part it was true. Giving up she shrugged it off her shoulders and smiled.

"Hey, I know something we can do!" Kagome chirped looking at Star.

"What is that?" Star replied confused.

"We can go shopping at the mall! I haven't been to go to them yet and we can get new clothing if you want."

Star screamed with delight and not even a moment later Inuyasha came running threw the door.

"What's wrong?" he gasped.

"Nothing you mutt" Star growled, "But Kagome and I are going to the mall!"


"It's okay Star, I'm fine, really I am" Kagome said softly.

Inuyasha watched Sesshomaru as he frowned and left, he was agitated, probably because there were humans in "his" house. Reluctantly Inuyasha followed his brother down the stairs into the living room.

"What's up with you Sesshomaru" Inuyasha asked halfhearted.

"Can't you tell on your own little brother. " Sesshomaru grunted sitting into his favorite armchair.

"Tell what?" Inuyasha was confused as he scratched his ears under his bandana slightly.

"That girl, she is exactly like that one human girl from a few years back I think her name was like---" he started.

"Don't you say it " Inuyasha threatened.

Sesshomaru laughed at his brother and finished. " Like Kyoto, no.. Kikyo. It’s the same thing that happened while we were staying in Tokyo! Dammit Inuyasha do you remember what happened last time? What Naraku did! He's following you and I'm am pretty tired of protecting your worthless half breed ass!"

Inuyasha's thoughts took over and memories flooded back into his head like a tidle wave:

Two years before

Naraku threw Kikyo's unconscious body to the floor as Inuyasha arrived.

"You Bastard!" Inuyasha screamed

"I always get what I want Inuyasha, even if I have to use force to get it. And using force is always so much sweeter, than just having things handed to you." Naraku licked his lips and disappeared.

Inuyasha bent down over Kikyo and caressed her cheek, the tears poured from his eyes onto her face. She frowned and groaned.

"Kikyo…?" he whispered pulling her into his arms.

The hanyou was violently torn from his deep thoughts as he heard a scream from his room. He flew up the stairs, breathing heavily in front of Kagome and Star, "What's wrong?" he gasped trying to breathe and calm down his pulsing heart.

"Nothing you mutt. " Star said a little angry, "but Kagome and I are going to the mall!"

He growled at Star and she flipped him off. "She's not going" he growled again.

Kagome and Star yelled in unison, "Why not!"

"Because she needs her rest! She doesn't need to be at the mall when she should be in best resting!" he yelled.

"FINE!" Star screamed, "But I'm taking her to my house! I don't trust you Inuyasha!"

He cracked his knuckles and was about to protest when Star grabbed Kagome's arm and ran out of Inuyasha's room, where she quickly said good bye to Sesshomaru and took off outside. Inuyasha followed at their heals but stopped as the front door slammed shut, revealing Sesshomaru's displease face.

"Don't bother Inuyasha, they will be fine" He said calmly staring at his younger brother, challenging him to try and leave. Sesshomaru gave Inuyasha one of those ‘If you try and go after them I'll rip you to shreds and feed it to the cats’ looks. Inuyasha sighed and headed back up to his room.


Kagome couldn't believe how fast they were out of the house. Star breathed heavily, her chest heaving up and down until they had caught their breath. They hopped into Star's car and headed to Star's apartment, where she gave Kagome some decent clothing to wear and a pair of sneakers

"There now we can go!" Star said satisfied.

Kagome looked at herself in a mirror, she was wearing a pair of tight pants with faint white stripes down the side, a black tank top that read: "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because your boyfriend thinks so." Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and Star had given her may black bracelets to ear. Kagome felt kind of funky and over dressed for a trip to the mall, but Star assured her that she looked fine.

They spent the whole day at the mall and a lot of money. Kagome had bought four different outfits and Star had practically bought a whole store. They ate lunch at the food court, and Kagome was exhausted by five. She already was ready to go home and sleep. Star wanted to hit a few more stores, so Kagome stayed strong. After they piled everything into the back seat, Star turned on the radio and listened to it on the way back to the apartment. On the way home Kagome had fallen into a deep sleep.

"Kagome, wake up we're here." Star said nudging Kagome's side.

She opened her eyes and yawned, getting out of the car she grabbed some of the shopping bags and headed up the stairs right behind Star who was having a rather difficult time putting her key into the lock. Kagome's head was pounding, she hurt so badly and she was so tired.

As they walked inside Star turned on a light, she gasped as she found Inuyasha sitting like a stone in one of the chairs, he was staring at them.

"Oh, Inuyasha?" Star was puzzled to see him there, but she was in trouble for taking Kagome shopping.

"I thought I said Kagome needed to rest!" he growled not taking his eyes off of Star.

"Uh…yeah…well about that." she didn't know what to say.

Kagome's head pounded harder, she was on the brink of tears it hurt so much. She walked in and set down the bags and went back outside.

"Where are you going?" Inuyasha demanded, glaring at Kagome.

"To go get the rest of the bags." She replied standing above the stairs.

'My head!' her mind cried out, 'Please go inside I don’t know if--" Kagome suddenly became dizzy and she grasped onto the tailing. A harsh voice inside her head screamed, 'I need you! You need me! I control you!' it caused her pain. Her mind began to go blank as the voice continued to yell. Kagome's headache grew worse, she put her hands on her head covering her ears and shut her eyes. Soon she began to fall.


Inuyasha grew bored as he sat in an uncomfortable chair in front of Star's door, he was there so right when she walked in she would be able to his angry face. 'She shouldn't of taken Kagome to the mall!' he thought, 'She needed to rest.' About an hour later he heard the rustling of bags and the jingle of keys.

As the door opened, a figure came in practically covered by the shopping backs, and by her scent he could tell it was Star.

"Oh, Inuyasha?" Star said surprised. He knew she'd expect him to come to the mall, but never enter her home.

The hanyou sniffed the air and he was overwhelmed by Kagome's tired jasmine scent. He stared at them harshly. Inuyasha was really ticked off.

"I thought I'd said Kagome needed to rest!" he growled glaring at Star his amber eyes never left her, he didn't even do so much as blink.

"uh…yeah..about that." she stuttered.

Inuyasha could tell Star was nervous and uncomfortable and he moved his eyes to Kagome when she came into through the doorway, bags in her hands, breathing heavily. By the look in her glassy eyes he could tell she was in pain. Inuyasha watched as Kagome set the bags down by Star and headed back towards the door. 'What the fuck is she doing!' his mind screamed.

"Where are you going?" he demanded as he shifted uncomfortable in the chair. He glared at her and was a little confused by her actions.

"To go get the rest of the bags." She replied standing next to the stairs.

He watched her as she gripped the stair's railing and knew immediately that something was wrong. Inuyasha jumped up "Kagome?" The hanyou thought that she might be getting sick and he started to get up, "Hey Kagome are you ok?"

Star looked back at Kagome to see her cover her ears. Kagome's knees buckled and she started to fall.

"Fuck!" Inuyasha growled running to Kagome, grabbing her arm and quickly pulling her to his chest.

Her eyes fluttered open and she whispered, "Inuyash--" then she fainted.

Inuyasha gently picked up Kagome, she was ice cold and it made him shudder. Star was frozen in place, her eyes opened wide with a horrified look on her face.

"Well don’t just stand there!" Inuyasha yelled, "get me some blankets!"

She blinked and rushed out of the room. The hanyou sat down in a chair with Kagome wrapped up in his arms. Star came back into the room with a huge heavy quilt and she looked at Inuyasha who held onto Kagome like she was only a child.

"Inuyasha, this is the heaviest blanket I could find it should help." she said handing the quilt to him.

He took the blanket loosening his grip from Kagome and softly he wrapped her inside it.

"Is she going to be okay?" Star cried staring into his eyes.

"I don’t know.." he whispered, holding Kagome close. He watched her sleep for what seemed like hours and Inuyasha struggled to keep his eyes open but soon it claimed him.


It could have been no later than one in the morning, the wind blew fiercely at a young girl's side as she closed the door of a Wendy's restaurant. It was her first time closing by herself. She pulled her jacket close to her body as a sudden breeze threatened to freeze the young girl. She locked the door and headed towards her car. She could smell the rain. Her bright yellow eyes glimmered in the car window, she was a cat youkai. The streetlights went off around her as she unlocked her door. Something wasn't right and it hadn't been since that girl was attacked the other day. Chills ran up her spine as she heard a twig break close by. Quickly she turned and the girl gasped, a cloaked figure stood over her, but it wasn't a youkai, or a hanyou, but a human.

"Can I help you?" she asked moving her tail, reaching for the door handle. All she heard was a laugh, a mix between innocence and pure evil.

The figure reached out with its sharp talons and grasped the girl by the neck, pulling out a switchblade. The defenseless cat demon was ripped to shreds so quickly that she didn't bleed until she was tossed to the ground and left for dead. The figure left disappearing into the darkness and the girl closed her eyes for the last time.


Inuyasha woke up to find the quilt wrapped around him and Kagome was no where in sight. He sniffed the air and got up from his spot. He found her in Star's bathroom hunched over the tub, passed out. He could smell right away that she’d gotten sick. Her hair laid over her shoulders in clumps, tangled as if she'd been in a dust storm. The hanyou picked up Kagome and brought her back into the living room.

Star had woken up already and started to make some coffee.

"You want some?" she asked holding up a coffee cup to Inuyasha.

He nodded putting Kagome on the couch. He quickly got the quilt and covered her up. A moment later Star handed Inuyasha a mug of steaming hot coffee. He tried to smile, but just turned and walked out onto the balcony, Star followed a little confused.

"Hey Inuyasha?" she whispered from next to the door.

"Huh?" he replied taking a sip from the mug.

She stood there and thought for a moment, then shook her head "Never mind, it's nothing."

"Feh" he said drinking his coffee.

Inuyasha was gone before Kagome had woken up herself. Star was saddened when it came time for Kagome to go home, though Kagome herself was a little relieved. 'No more Inuyasha.' She smiled as Star pulled into the driveway at her house. They exchanged hugs and silent tears. Good thing she didn't buy too much from the mall or she would have to ask for help and she hated asking, it just tore out her insides for people to think she was weak.

'It's a little too late for that now.' a cruel voice said in the back of her mind, she growled 'shut up! No one asked you!' to herself.

She walked into the house to find no body home, she sighed then walked up to her room and tossed her dirty clothes into the hamper. Putting away all her clothes she sung along to the radio which blared

"They say a chance you got to kill the queen and then you made it oooh why do you"

She smiled, "this is what I call relaxing."

Soon after all her chores and homework were done Kagome grabbed her pajamas and headed to her bathroom. She bent over and put the plug into the tub. Then drew her water, making sure it would be warm enough. She looked in the cabinets and pulled out her scented bubble bath bottle. She opened it and dumped some of the contents in to the tub.

Kagome closed her eyes and grinned. Slowly she undressed and tossed her clothes by the door, she turned off the water and slid into the warm water sighing with pleasure.

"Finally I get to relax." she whispered closing her eyes once more.

Kagome woke p a few minutes later realizing she'd fallen asleep. Her water was pretty warm still, though most of the bubbles had disappeared. She heard her radio still playing, but it was the song that played that made her wince.

I need to feel you.

You need to feel me

I can't control you

You can't control me

She got up grabbing a towel and draping it over her chest as pulled out the plug and put it on the counter. Kagome walked out of her bathroom and shut off her radio, closed her window and locked it. She turned around to go back to the bathroom only to find no one other than Inuyasha, staring at her, his cheeks were pink as he held her shirt and shoes that she'd left at his house.

Kagome screamed dropping her towel, which made Inuyasha's face turn even redder than it was. She screamed again grabbing her robe from the wall next to her and covering herself.

"Inuyasha! GET OUT! NOW!" she yelled her face a little darker than his.

"I …uh..I" he stuttered. He didn't know what to say.

She started throwing things at his head. Kagome had become hysterical, "GET OUT! YOU PERVERT! GET OUT!"

Inuyasha couldn't dodge everything she threw at him, but he did manage to catch a big snow globe before it collided with his head. Before he knew it the hanyou was on the floor, with a rather large book on his face. Angrily he rubbed his head and growled as he got to his feet.

"FINE BITCH! I just came to see if you were okay!" Inuyasha turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the front door as he exited.

Kagome sighed, her face was turning back to its original pale color. She walked back to the bathroom and pulled on her pajamas. When she came back to her room she groaned noticing the big mess she made from throwing things at Inuyasha. She began to feel really bad for hitting him with that book. 'He probably didn't even know that I had been taking a bath,' she thought. Finally she went down stairs into the kitchen and grabbed the phone, dialing her counselor's number. It rang for a moment.

"Hello?” a woman said.

"Uh, hi this is Kagome Higurashi, I am just uh.. wanting to know if we could talk about my class schedule?" she asked

"Is everything okay?" the lady sounded worried.

"Yes, everything is fine Mrs. Adams, I just feel that the classes that you gave me are not challenging enough," she lied. Actually she'd only been to one of her classes that day. No surprise there.

There was silence for a few minutes then the woman went on, "Okay Kagome, we'll talk about putting you in different classes."

Kagome sighed, it was almost eight o'clock at night on a Sunday night, yet the counselor insisted on giving out her number. "Thank you Mrs. Adams, have a nice night."

"You too Kagome."

She hung up. Kagome looked around the house, but she couldn't find any signs of her mother. 'Wow she always gets off at five, where is she?' Kagome shrugged and headed back to her room and lay down on her bed, instantly falling asleep.
