InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Back to what we call 'normal every day life'. ( Chapter 21 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Twenty-one: Back to what we call 'normal every day life'.
A few days had gone by and oddly enough everything had gone back to normal, with the exception of a few things of course. Miroku, Sango, and Kagome were all back in school and hanging out once more. Kagome couldn't quite remember what had transpired at the hospital after Sesshomaru had left her, but whatever had happened, Koga had started coming around and following her everywhere saying it was for her protection.
Kagome didn't really mind Koga tagging along, she actually liked the company. So far Inuyasha hadn't had any contact with her but she kept her mind on other things. Sesshomaru made it one of his priorities for Kagome to start coming to his house after school, he told her it was only because he had somebody to help her with some miko training, and she was to found out after school.
Her alarm went off rather loudly at five thirty and the tired young girl groaned as she rolled over and hit the snooze button. She didn't even get the chance to go back to sleep when her twelve year old brother Sota creped into her bedroom and launched himself onto her bed, screaming bloody murder.
That woke her up pretty damn fast. Kagome sat up quickly, glancing around the room spotting her younger brother off to her side, holding his sides as he gleefully laughed at her. Kagome's sleep filled eyes narrowed angrily as she shoved Sota off her bed and onto the floor.
"Well good morning to you too sis!" he said sarcastically rubbing his lower back as she slowly got to his feet.
"Sota," She smiled wickedly, "You've got till the count of three"
She climbed out of her bed and stretched before she towered over her little brother. Her hands were on her hips as she glared at him. Sota stood there frozen, gulping and becoming frightened, he knew that she was serious, but his legs refused to move. The evil stare that she was giving him practically glued the boy's feet to the floor.
"One" She hissed.
With that Sota took off, he needed a giant head start, and Kagome was quick on her feet when mad and he made a stupid mistake by trying to wake her up for school.
"THREE!" She screamed as she dashed down the hallway after him, she wasn't going to let him get away, no, not this time.
Practically jumping down the stairs, Kagome almost caught up with Sota, but he made a sharp turn around the corner. Kagome almost fell as she turned the corner herself, but only came face to face with her father, a smile on his face, his arms crosses lazily over his chest. He was dressed in a business suit, which meant that he had a new job while she was away in the states.
"Kagome, you need to go get ready for school," Her father said calmly before turning to a cowering Sota behind him, "And Sota, you need to leave your sister alone, we don't need an angry teenaged girl in this house, especially when there's no one to protect you from her wrath once you both leave for school."
They both nodded before heading towards the stairs to get ready, Kagome smirked as her brother came up to her side and she gave him a "gentle shove" into the wall.
"Kagome," her father growled irritably.
"Sorry daddy," She said innocently, "My hands slipped."
Her first hour was quite boring as she listened to her teach drag on uselessly about history. Seriously when did they think that she would need to know anything about Hitler rejecting the Treaty of Versailles? It wasn't' like it really involved her in any way, so why try and learn the material? Kagome rested her head on her palms and yawned quietly, for some reason she didn't sleep too well, she hadn't really gotten a good sleep in a week or five.
Just as she was about to drift off, Sango poked Kagome with her finger and she looked over at her best friend, Sango only smiled. Kagome lazily turned her head and stared sleepily at the clock, only twenty-five minutes left of her class and then she was off to math with Miroku, boy did she just loathe that class. Pulling out a clean piece of paper and a bright green gel pen, she quickly scribbled a note, then passed it to Sango.
'So did you ever forgive Miroku for groping you in front of the principal yesterday?' --Kagome--
Sango turned her gaze to Kagome, a scowl on her face and Kagome shrugged her shoulders innocently, guess not. She sighed heavily before facing the whiteboard. Begging to drift off into la-la land and no sooner had she done that, had the bell rang signaling the end of first period. Kagome quickly gathered her belongings and scurried out of the cramped room, right behind Sango.
"So," Sango asked curiously, "How's Sota? Kohaku's been asking about him since he heard that your brother was coming home."
"Oh, Sota's just fine," Kagome replied shifting her backpack on her shoulder, "The private school he was enrolled in has helped him a lot I think he's even smarter that my math teacher."
"Well that's good to hear," Sango replied, "I got to go see you later at lunch! And stay out of trouble!"
Kagome laughed waving to Sango as she too quickly headed to her next class. She had managed to get to her seat as the tardy bell rang and she let out a sigh of relief, for the teach wasn't even in the room yet.
"Does your arms still hurt Miroku?" Kagome asked turning around to look at her best friend's current boyfriend.
"Not really," He smiled widely, "Since they put the cast on, it's been nothing but smooth sailing. The doctor said that my arms should mend in about six to nine months, if I'm careful."
"Yeah," Kagome replied indifferently, "So how are you going to get Sango to talk to you again?"
"Well, I'm glad that you asked," He said slyly reaching into his jacket to get something from one of his hidden pockets when the teacher walked in.
"Okay class," The heavy set woman growled, "Open your text books and do all of the even numbers up to fifty-six, I want your calculations correct, your answers highlighted and your papers must be neat. You may get started."
Miroku gave Kagome a sympathetic shrug before opening the textbook and focusing on doing his work. Reluctantly, Kagome turned back around, she too opened her textbook and began to work, today was going to be a long day and by the looks of it so far, it wouldn't be a good day either. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the mathematic word question, her pencil tapping lightly on the desk as she tired to think, 'Dammit!' she told herself, 'This is why I hate math so much!'
Lunch finally came after the long awaited ending of Kagome's second, third, and fourth periods. She was no officially swamped with homework and there wasn't enough hours of the day to finish all the assignments by tomorrow morning. Her schedule was jam-packed and she wondered if she could have any time to sleep tonight, probably not. Slowly Kagome got her foot and sat down on a bench underneath a very shady spot, hopefully if Sango and Miroku remembered, they would meet her so they all could eat lunch together, just the three of them.
Sango came running up to Kagome, an ecstatic look on her starry eyes. Kagome didn't take notice at first while she picked at the pepperoni on her greasy slice of pizza, Sango frowned slightly, putting her hands on her hips as she waited impatiently to be noticed.
"You know," Sango said irritably, "If you would use your napkins to degrease that rubbery tasting piece of fat you could actually eat your food for once instead of picking at it like you normally do.."
Kagome shifted her gaze from her very unamusing cafeteria food and onto her best friend Sango.
"Hi," Kagome replied sheepishly, "What's going on Sango?"
She could feel that her frowned either had really juicy gossip, or that something big had just happened and Kagome had missed out on it. Sango excitedly plopped down next to her friend with a smile plastered onto her now bright features.
"What are you doing in about a month on the thirteenth?" Sango asked.
"Uh," Kagome thought for a moment trying to remember is she had planned something, "I guess nothing. Why? What are we doing?"
"We," Sango said seriously, "Me and Miroku are going to a rock concert in a month"
"Oh okay?" Kagome replied confused.
"Yes, there's an and.." Sango frowned before she smirked, "And, you're invited to come with us!"
Kagome stared at her friend curiously for a moment, Sango wouldn't meet her gaze and Kagome laughed, "So in other words, I'm being force to go with you because you don't want to be alone with your lecherous boyfriend?"
"No, that's not true," Sango said uneasily looking her friend's stern and seriously. She hung her head in guilt, "well it okay it is, but I do really want to spend more time with my best friend."
Kagome laughed, hugging Sango then she pulled away and looked at her friend, a smile on her face.
"I was just kidding you know," Kagome laughed again, "I'd love to go with you and Miroku! You're my friends and nothing could keep me away from you guys."
Soon lunch had ended for both of the girls, they gave each other waves good-bye and quickly headed off to their next classes. Kagome sighed heavily as she took out her books and settled down into her chair. Her English class was one of her favorites, for the teacher like the idea of silent reading and Kagome herself had had no argument in that department. She immediately opened "Hearts in Atlantis" by Steven King and dove in.
Miroku had a grin on his face as he sat underneath a shady tree outside the cafeteria. He had just asked Sango if she had wanted to go to a rock concert with him. His girlfriend had made him seriously uneasy and nervous while she hadn't answered him after ten minutes, but she had agreed and he told her that she could ask Kagome to tag along if she wished.
He glanced down at the cell phone in his hand and began to changing his ring tones when the all too familiar voice of Koga flooded through his ears.
"Hey you! Kagome's hentai friend!" The wolf youkai growled standing in front of Miroku, his hands on his hips girlishly.
"My name is Miroku," He said glancing agitatedly at the demon, "What do you want?"
"I want to ask you a favor." Koga said nervously.
Miroku put his phone away and situated himself, then ushering Koga to sit down in front of him, which the wolf youkai did obediently. Miroku closed his eyes for a moment before opening them watching Koga calmly, quietly, eerily.
"What do you want me to do?" Miroku asked emotionlessly.
"I want you to convince Kagome to dump that cur, Inuyasha and go back out with me." the wolf youkai blurted out.
Rubbing his temples and sighing heavily, he glared at the boy in front of him, "So you're telling me that you, Kagome's ex-boyfriend want me, Miroku to tell my girlfriend Sango's' best friend, who happens to be dating my closest friend Inuyasha to break up with him just so you can go back out with Kagome? Am I hearing this correctly? Or are you just that stupid and delirious?"
Koga angrily growled, clenching his fists, "Of course that's what I want you to do you lecherous piece of shit! Can't you hear a word I'm saying?"
"Sorry Koga," Miroku replied, "No can do Can't help you in this department.. You're on your own."
"WHY NOT!" Koga hissed angrily.
"One thing I don't have to." Miroku said calmly, "Second is that I wouldn't do that to my best friend. Third, I think that Kagome deserves better than yo---"
He was cut off when Koga growled angrily and grabbed Miroku's neck, giving it a good tight squeeze as he glared into the defenseless human's fear-filled eyes.
"You look here!" The wolf youkai threatened, "You will convince Kagome that I'm better than that dog boy Inuyasha"
"And if I don't?" Miroku choked out trying to pry off Koga's claws with his only good hand.
"Then I'll make you see the error of your ways,' Koga snarled gripping Miroku's neck tighter in his grasp.
Trying to think of a way to get the angered wolf youkai away so he could live long enough to see the rest of the day, Miroku lied through his teeth and sputtered, "I'll see what I can do!"
With that Koga released the teenaged boy and smiled arrogantly as he slowly got onto his feet. He thought about saying something to get that cocky attitude from the lecher's tone, but decided against it and walked away.
"I knew you'd see it my way," He chuckled disappearing into the school building.
Gasping for air as he held on to his neck, Miroku had thought that the stupid wolf was going to strangle him. God, was his luck taking a turn for the worst.
"That's it!" He coughed getting to his feet and grabbing all of his belongings, "I've had enough I'm becoming a monk like my ancestors!" He then walked slowly back inside the school to his next class..
To all of their disadvantages, the day seemed to slow down drastically and Kagome believed that school was never going to end. She had so much homework to do tonight, it wasn't funny. It seemed as if responsibility was being shoved down her throat, and she wasn't ready for it yet.
"Ms. Higurashi!" Some one yelled as Kagome continued to stare off into space, "Kagome!"
Kagome practically screamed as a giant text book was dropped onto her desk. Her eyes were wide was she held a hand to her racing heart. Her literature teacher stood over her, hands over the book, the man had dropped it to get her attention and it worked. She could hear some of her fellow classmates laughing at her expense and her checks flushed embarrassedly.
"I'm sorry Mr. Tanaka," She muttered not looking at her teacher.
"Now that I've finally captured your attention Ms. Higurashi," He snapped, her face turning even redder than before, "Would you pleas begin reading aloud or do I have to give you a detention and call on someone else?"
"no, you don't have to do that," She said quietly, "I'll read, who am I?"
"You're Portia," The teacher said irritably, "And if you don't remember we are on page 723, act two, scene one, line 280. Is there anything else?"
She shook her head and looked down at the open book. Sighing heavily she began to read, "I should not heed if you were gentle Brutus. Within the bond of marriage, tell me, Brutus, Is it expected I should know no secrets that appertain to you? Am I yourself, But in sort of limitation? To keep up with you at meals, comfort your bed, And talk to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the suburbs of your good pleasure? If it be no more, Portia is Brutus' harlot, not his wife?"
Listening to whom ever read next, she awaited her next lines, and she waited for this period to end, for the last class of the day to end so she could get her very busy day over and through
Sooner than what she thought, school was finally over. After what seemed to be like forever, Kagome was walking down the hallway at a medium pace, not really paying attention to the people around her or the person who just so happened to see her and draped an arm casually around her shoulder.
"Hey 'Gome, What'cha up to?" He asked.
"Sorry Koga," She said flatly, not looking at him as she peeled his arm from her, "I'm very busy today and I don't' need my ex-boyfriend hitting on me when my current boyfriend is away."
"I'm not hitting on you." Koga replied sounding shocked, "Who do you take me as? Can't I just say hi to a very close friend of mine after school?"
That made her stop and eye the wolf youkai carefully, he had a smile on his face as he stood there with the whole one backpack strap over his shoulders. He was in his navy blue school uniform, his jacket clutched in his arms showing off his white undershirt that exploited his chiseled abs. She felt disgusted a tiny bit, but blushed.
"What do you really want Koga?" She asked closing her eyes and putting her hands on her hips, 'Out of sigh, out of mind.' She told herself, "Because I know you didn't come here to 'stop and say hi to a close friend after school' so cut the crap."
"Why do you think that?" he questioned pretending to be innocent.
"LOOK!" She practically growled, "I don't have time for this! I have to be somewhere and if you're not going to tell me what the hell you want I'm going to leave your ass right now!"
"You have such a dirty mouth!" He snarled crossing his arms over his chest, "That bastard corrupted you! I'm going to wring his--"
"KOGA!" Kagome yelled impatiently, "You've lost your chance to speak, I have to go. Don't follow me!"
With that she turned on her heels and sped off angrily. She had hoped that Koga wouldn't follow her because she seriously didn't want to hurt him. Walking out into the open, her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped; there was Sango and Miroku making out in public!
Love, Murder, and Betrayal
By: Miztikal-Dragon
Chapter Twenty-one: Back to what we call 'normal every day life'.
A few days had gone by and oddly enough everything had gone back to normal, with the exception of a few things of course. Miroku, Sango, and Kagome were all back in school and hanging out once more. Kagome couldn't quite remember what had transpired at the hospital after Sesshomaru had left her, but whatever had happened, Koga had started coming around and following her everywhere saying it was for her protection.
Kagome didn't really mind Koga tagging along, she actually liked the company. So far Inuyasha hadn't had any contact with her but she kept her mind on other things. Sesshomaru made it one of his priorities for Kagome to start coming to his house after school, he told her it was only because he had somebody to help her with some miko training, and she was to found out after school.
Her alarm went off rather loudly at five thirty and the tired young girl groaned as she rolled over and hit the snooze button. She didn't even get the chance to go back to sleep when her twelve year old brother Sota creped into her bedroom and launched himself onto her bed, screaming bloody murder.
That woke her up pretty damn fast. Kagome sat up quickly, glancing around the room spotting her younger brother off to her side, holding his sides as he gleefully laughed at her. Kagome's sleep filled eyes narrowed angrily as she shoved Sota off her bed and onto the floor.
"Well good morning to you too sis!" he said sarcastically rubbing his lower back as she slowly got to his feet.
"Sota," She smiled wickedly, "You've got till the count of three"
She climbed out of her bed and stretched before she towered over her little brother. Her hands were on her hips as she glared at him. Sota stood there frozen, gulping and becoming frightened, he knew that she was serious, but his legs refused to move. The evil stare that she was giving him practically glued the boy's feet to the floor.
"One" She hissed.
With that Sota took off, he needed a giant head start, and Kagome was quick on her feet when mad and he made a stupid mistake by trying to wake her up for school.
"THREE!" She screamed as she dashed down the hallway after him, she wasn't going to let him get away, no, not this time.
Practically jumping down the stairs, Kagome almost caught up with Sota, but he made a sharp turn around the corner. Kagome almost fell as she turned the corner herself, but only came face to face with her father, a smile on his face, his arms crosses lazily over his chest. He was dressed in a business suit, which meant that he had a new job while she was away in the states.
"Kagome, you need to go get ready for school," Her father said calmly before turning to a cowering Sota behind him, "And Sota, you need to leave your sister alone, we don't need an angry teenaged girl in this house, especially when there's no one to protect you from her wrath once you both leave for school."
They both nodded before heading towards the stairs to get ready, Kagome smirked as her brother came up to her side and she gave him a "gentle shove" into the wall.
"Kagome," her father growled irritably.
"Sorry daddy," She said innocently, "My hands slipped."
Her first hour was quite boring as she listened to her teach drag on uselessly about history. Seriously when did they think that she would need to know anything about Hitler rejecting the Treaty of Versailles? It wasn't' like it really involved her in any way, so why try and learn the material? Kagome rested her head on her palms and yawned quietly, for some reason she didn't sleep too well, she hadn't really gotten a good sleep in a week or five.
Just as she was about to drift off, Sango poked Kagome with her finger and she looked over at her best friend, Sango only smiled. Kagome lazily turned her head and stared sleepily at the clock, only twenty-five minutes left of her class and then she was off to math with Miroku, boy did she just loathe that class. Pulling out a clean piece of paper and a bright green gel pen, she quickly scribbled a note, then passed it to Sango.
'So did you ever forgive Miroku for groping you in front of the principal yesterday?' --Kagome--
Sango turned her gaze to Kagome, a scowl on her face and Kagome shrugged her shoulders innocently, guess not. She sighed heavily before facing the whiteboard. Begging to drift off into la-la land and no sooner had she done that, had the bell rang signaling the end of first period. Kagome quickly gathered her belongings and scurried out of the cramped room, right behind Sango.
"So," Sango asked curiously, "How's Sota? Kohaku's been asking about him since he heard that your brother was coming home."
"Oh, Sota's just fine," Kagome replied shifting her backpack on her shoulder, "The private school he was enrolled in has helped him a lot I think he's even smarter that my math teacher."
"Well that's good to hear," Sango replied, "I got to go see you later at lunch! And stay out of trouble!"
Kagome laughed waving to Sango as she too quickly headed to her next class. She had managed to get to her seat as the tardy bell rang and she let out a sigh of relief, for the teach wasn't even in the room yet.
"Does your arms still hurt Miroku?" Kagome asked turning around to look at her best friend's current boyfriend.
"Not really," He smiled widely, "Since they put the cast on, it's been nothing but smooth sailing. The doctor said that my arms should mend in about six to nine months, if I'm careful."
"Yeah," Kagome replied indifferently, "So how are you going to get Sango to talk to you again?"
"Well, I'm glad that you asked," He said slyly reaching into his jacket to get something from one of his hidden pockets when the teacher walked in.
"Okay class," The heavy set woman growled, "Open your text books and do all of the even numbers up to fifty-six, I want your calculations correct, your answers highlighted and your papers must be neat. You may get started."
Miroku gave Kagome a sympathetic shrug before opening the textbook and focusing on doing his work. Reluctantly, Kagome turned back around, she too opened her textbook and began to work, today was going to be a long day and by the looks of it so far, it wouldn't be a good day either. Her eyebrows furrowed as she read the mathematic word question, her pencil tapping lightly on the desk as she tired to think, 'Dammit!' she told herself, 'This is why I hate math so much!'
Lunch finally came after the long awaited ending of Kagome's second, third, and fourth periods. She was no officially swamped with homework and there wasn't enough hours of the day to finish all the assignments by tomorrow morning. Her schedule was jam-packed and she wondered if she could have any time to sleep tonight, probably not. Slowly Kagome got her foot and sat down on a bench underneath a very shady spot, hopefully if Sango and Miroku remembered, they would meet her so they all could eat lunch together, just the three of them.
Sango came running up to Kagome, an ecstatic look on her starry eyes. Kagome didn't take notice at first while she picked at the pepperoni on her greasy slice of pizza, Sango frowned slightly, putting her hands on her hips as she waited impatiently to be noticed.
"You know," Sango said irritably, "If you would use your napkins to degrease that rubbery tasting piece of fat you could actually eat your food for once instead of picking at it like you normally do.."
Kagome shifted her gaze from her very unamusing cafeteria food and onto her best friend Sango.
"Hi," Kagome replied sheepishly, "What's going on Sango?"
She could feel that her frowned either had really juicy gossip, or that something big had just happened and Kagome had missed out on it. Sango excitedly plopped down next to her friend with a smile plastered onto her now bright features.
"What are you doing in about a month on the thirteenth?" Sango asked.
"Uh," Kagome thought for a moment trying to remember is she had planned something, "I guess nothing. Why? What are we doing?"
"We," Sango said seriously, "Me and Miroku are going to a rock concert in a month"
"Oh okay?" Kagome replied confused.
"Yes, there's an and.." Sango frowned before she smirked, "And, you're invited to come with us!"
Kagome stared at her friend curiously for a moment, Sango wouldn't meet her gaze and Kagome laughed, "So in other words, I'm being force to go with you because you don't want to be alone with your lecherous boyfriend?"
"No, that's not true," Sango said uneasily looking her friend's stern and seriously. She hung her head in guilt, "well it okay it is, but I do really want to spend more time with my best friend."
Kagome laughed, hugging Sango then she pulled away and looked at her friend, a smile on her face.
"I was just kidding you know," Kagome laughed again, "I'd love to go with you and Miroku! You're my friends and nothing could keep me away from you guys."
Soon lunch had ended for both of the girls, they gave each other waves good-bye and quickly headed off to their next classes. Kagome sighed heavily as she took out her books and settled down into her chair. Her English class was one of her favorites, for the teacher like the idea of silent reading and Kagome herself had had no argument in that department. She immediately opened "Hearts in Atlantis" by Steven King and dove in.
Miroku had a grin on his face as he sat underneath a shady tree outside the cafeteria. He had just asked Sango if she had wanted to go to a rock concert with him. His girlfriend had made him seriously uneasy and nervous while she hadn't answered him after ten minutes, but she had agreed and he told her that she could ask Kagome to tag along if she wished.
He glanced down at the cell phone in his hand and began to changing his ring tones when the all too familiar voice of Koga flooded through his ears.
"Hey you! Kagome's hentai friend!" The wolf youkai growled standing in front of Miroku, his hands on his hips girlishly.
"My name is Miroku," He said glancing agitatedly at the demon, "What do you want?"
"I want to ask you a favor." Koga said nervously.
Miroku put his phone away and situated himself, then ushering Koga to sit down in front of him, which the wolf youkai did obediently. Miroku closed his eyes for a moment before opening them watching Koga calmly, quietly, eerily.
"What do you want me to do?" Miroku asked emotionlessly.
"I want you to convince Kagome to dump that cur, Inuyasha and go back out with me." the wolf youkai blurted out.
Rubbing his temples and sighing heavily, he glared at the boy in front of him, "So you're telling me that you, Kagome's ex-boyfriend want me, Miroku to tell my girlfriend Sango's' best friend, who happens to be dating my closest friend Inuyasha to break up with him just so you can go back out with Kagome? Am I hearing this correctly? Or are you just that stupid and delirious?"
Koga angrily growled, clenching his fists, "Of course that's what I want you to do you lecherous piece of shit! Can't you hear a word I'm saying?"
"Sorry Koga," Miroku replied, "No can do Can't help you in this department.. You're on your own."
"WHY NOT!" Koga hissed angrily.
"One thing I don't have to." Miroku said calmly, "Second is that I wouldn't do that to my best friend. Third, I think that Kagome deserves better than yo---"
He was cut off when Koga growled angrily and grabbed Miroku's neck, giving it a good tight squeeze as he glared into the defenseless human's fear-filled eyes.
"You look here!" The wolf youkai threatened, "You will convince Kagome that I'm better than that dog boy Inuyasha"
"And if I don't?" Miroku choked out trying to pry off Koga's claws with his only good hand.
"Then I'll make you see the error of your ways,' Koga snarled gripping Miroku's neck tighter in his grasp.
Trying to think of a way to get the angered wolf youkai away so he could live long enough to see the rest of the day, Miroku lied through his teeth and sputtered, "I'll see what I can do!"
With that Koga released the teenaged boy and smiled arrogantly as he slowly got onto his feet. He thought about saying something to get that cocky attitude from the lecher's tone, but decided against it and walked away.
"I knew you'd see it my way," He chuckled disappearing into the school building.
Gasping for air as he held on to his neck, Miroku had thought that the stupid wolf was going to strangle him. God, was his luck taking a turn for the worst.
"That's it!" He coughed getting to his feet and grabbing all of his belongings, "I've had enough I'm becoming a monk like my ancestors!" He then walked slowly back inside the school to his next class..
To all of their disadvantages, the day seemed to slow down drastically and Kagome believed that school was never going to end. She had so much homework to do tonight, it wasn't funny. It seemed as if responsibility was being shoved down her throat, and she wasn't ready for it yet.
"Ms. Higurashi!" Some one yelled as Kagome continued to stare off into space, "Kagome!"
Kagome practically screamed as a giant text book was dropped onto her desk. Her eyes were wide was she held a hand to her racing heart. Her literature teacher stood over her, hands over the book, the man had dropped it to get her attention and it worked. She could hear some of her fellow classmates laughing at her expense and her checks flushed embarrassedly.
"I'm sorry Mr. Tanaka," She muttered not looking at her teacher.
"Now that I've finally captured your attention Ms. Higurashi," He snapped, her face turning even redder than before, "Would you pleas begin reading aloud or do I have to give you a detention and call on someone else?"
"no, you don't have to do that," She said quietly, "I'll read, who am I?"
"You're Portia," The teacher said irritably, "And if you don't remember we are on page 723, act two, scene one, line 280. Is there anything else?"
She shook her head and looked down at the open book. Sighing heavily she began to read, "I should not heed if you were gentle Brutus. Within the bond of marriage, tell me, Brutus, Is it expected I should know no secrets that appertain to you? Am I yourself, But in sort of limitation? To keep up with you at meals, comfort your bed, And talk to you sometimes? Dwell I but in the suburbs of your good pleasure? If it be no more, Portia is Brutus' harlot, not his wife?"
Listening to whom ever read next, she awaited her next lines, and she waited for this period to end, for the last class of the day to end so she could get her very busy day over and through
Sooner than what she thought, school was finally over. After what seemed to be like forever, Kagome was walking down the hallway at a medium pace, not really paying attention to the people around her or the person who just so happened to see her and draped an arm casually around her shoulder.
"Hey 'Gome, What'cha up to?" He asked.
"Sorry Koga," She said flatly, not looking at him as she peeled his arm from her, "I'm very busy today and I don't' need my ex-boyfriend hitting on me when my current boyfriend is away."
"I'm not hitting on you." Koga replied sounding shocked, "Who do you take me as? Can't I just say hi to a very close friend of mine after school?"
That made her stop and eye the wolf youkai carefully, he had a smile on his face as he stood there with the whole one backpack strap over his shoulders. He was in his navy blue school uniform, his jacket clutched in his arms showing off his white undershirt that exploited his chiseled abs. She felt disgusted a tiny bit, but blushed.
"What do you really want Koga?" She asked closing her eyes and putting her hands on her hips, 'Out of sigh, out of mind.' She told herself, "Because I know you didn't come here to 'stop and say hi to a close friend after school' so cut the crap."
"Why do you think that?" he questioned pretending to be innocent.
"LOOK!" She practically growled, "I don't have time for this! I have to be somewhere and if you're not going to tell me what the hell you want I'm going to leave your ass right now!"
"You have such a dirty mouth!" He snarled crossing his arms over his chest, "That bastard corrupted you! I'm going to wring his--"
"KOGA!" Kagome yelled impatiently, "You've lost your chance to speak, I have to go. Don't follow me!"
With that she turned on her heels and sped off angrily. She had hoped that Koga wouldn't follow her because she seriously didn't want to hurt him. Walking out into the open, her eyes went wide and her mouth dropped; there was Sango and Miroku making out in public!