InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Murder, and Betrayal ❯ Uh, Oops! XD and a little quality time together. ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Don't own so you can't sue!

Love, Murder, and Betrayal

By: Miztikal-Dragon

Chapter Twenty-Three: Uh, Oops! XD and a little quality time together.
Kagome sat in what was called the living room on the black leather couch twiddling her thumbs as she watched the little girl with silver hair and bluish amber eyes. She wasn't going to let the child get the best of her like earlier. It was awkward to walk into the morbid mansion behind a greenish colored toad man who gave her dirty looks as she shifted her backpack. She was immediately being pulled on by a little girl asking if she could play tag or "lets hunt Jaken".

Deciding to turn down the girl as the toad man growled and stormed off, Kagome found out who "Jaken" was and then thought it to be a good idea to keep an eye on the small child until Sesshomaru would see her. The seven-year-old introduced herself happily as Shiori and began telling the teenager her whole life story while dragging Kagome into the living room.

At first she was shocked to hear everything the girl said from being taken from her bed, to stumbling into this mansion and being chased around by Jaken, the old imp like toad demon. If it had been Kagome who had gone through that, she didn't think that she would be able to be as happy and hyper as Shiori was.

Not even twenty minutes of endless rambling, somehow Kagome was suckered into playing tag, and of course, she was it first. That's when the chase began. It was fun to laugh when Shiori would sneak up behind Kagome and scare her, yet Shiori was always able to get away from being tagged and running giggling like a maniac down the long hallways.

She was able to corner the laughing child a times, but the little girl would always use her demonic speed and get away before Kagome could get the chance to catch her. The game went on for a long time and before long, the little girl began to wear out. Kagome too was a little drained, but from being an older sister, she was used to chasing her little brother Sota around the house very often, like everyday often.

The tiring girl gave Kagome an evil smirk as she darted back up the stairs and down the unfamiliar hallway that Kagome hadn't explored earlier. Chasing after the now laughing girl, Kagome tried to get to her, but Shiori ran right into what Kagome guessed to be one of the bedrooms or studies, and so on. Boy was she right, once she dove at Shiori and missed, she got to her feet and saw Sesshomaru and a woman I a very intimate position on the canopy bed not even a few feet away from where she stood.

Gasping in shock, she dove for Shiori who was laughing like a hyena on the floor, picked her up and darted out of the room, closing the door quickly behind her of course. She was so embarrassed that she had barged in on Sesshomaru doing something, or someone at the moment, how was she going to explain this and get out of the mansion alive after the angry glare the Inuyoukai had shot at her.

Smoothing out the wrinkles in her clothes, Kagome glanced over at Shiori who was laying asleep right next to her. A smile came to her face until somebody cleared their throat and her blood ran cold. Lifting her gaze, she looked at a rather young woman, she was wearing a pair of red sweat pants and an oversized white t-shirt. Her long black hair was lazily braided hanging over her shoulder.

Kagome stood up and blushed as the woman smiled warmly walking up to the embarrassed teenager and looking down at her sleeping daughter lying comfortably on the couch.

"Wow," Rin said as she picked up her daughter, "I've never seen my sugar blooded child pass out before ten, good job! Though, I do hope she sleeps through the night."

"It wasn't that hard," Kagome replied smiling, "I have a little brother and I'm used to really energetic children running around." She paused before adding, "I'm sorry for interrupting you and Sesshomaru. I didn't know that you two were I was chasing Shiori."

Rin laughed placing a hand on the girl's shoulder, "It's okay don't worry, I understand completely. Shiori loves to trick people into playing tag with her. She just loves the attention and will take it from anyone who will talk to her."

Kagome followed the woman as she walked to the stairs and began to climb. Her mind was at ease, and she felt a little more able to relax by the comforting aura that the woman was surrounded in. Walking down the poorly lit hallways, they were silent until the woman stopped and opened the door to a room and turned on the light. The woman frowned as she looked around and curiosity got the better of Kagome as she glanced into the room. It was filled with stuffed animals and toys that covered the floor, the closets were open and it was jam-packed with dresses and stuff. The wooden dressers were open and more clothes hung out and looked as though they were care freely tossed around the room. This must have been Shiori's room by the looks of it.

Putting Shiori into the bed and covering her up, Rin kissed her daughter's forehead and started to clean up the clustered room around her. Folding and hanging up all the clean clothes and putting them away into heir right places as she picked up stuffed animals and placing them in the nets that hung from the ceilings.

"Do you need any help?" Kagome asked sheepishly from the bedroom door.

"No, no it's okay," Rin said fixing a lampshade and then closing the velvet curtains, "I'm sure that Sesshomaru is probably waiting for you in the study grumbling about having to wait for a teenage girl while she explores his house."

"You sure?" Kagome asked curiously shifting from one foot to the next, watching as the woman continued to clean.

Rin looked around the room before nodding triumphantly. She slowly went back to the girl, turned off the bedroom light and closed the door. She smiled widely as she began to direct the child to the study where the Inu-youkai would be patiently waiting.

Everything had gone smoothly after Kagome and Rin entered the study to see Sesshomaru sitting at his desk typing away on his laptop, looking emotionless and deeply involved in his work. Kagome was uncertain of how to act, but soon found herself showing the two adults how she entered the Inu-youkai's data system and what all she did to improve the material. A few hours passed and she several angry staring contests later, Sesshomaru got onto his feet and drove Kagome home.

They had placed a few rules down on Kagome's can and cannot do list and in the end both Kagome and Rin were able to persuade the dog demon to allow her to go to the rock concert with Sango and Miroku. Why he was being over protective with Kagome when he had tired to kill her once before was completely beyond her, but it wasn't like she was going to complain now was she.

Once she was safely at home, Kagome was greeted happily by her brother and father. Together the three of them sat down and had a nice and comfortable dinner before Kagome went to her bedroom, cracking open a few textbooks and beginning her homework. Sota went into the living room and took over the television turning on his video game system while Mr. Higurashi put away all the left overs, emptied the dishwasher, and beginning to clean the dirty ones. He sighed heavily, but happily, they were beginning to act like a normal family again, and it was about time too.


Inuyasha narrowed his eyes as he tried to catch a glimpse of the man a few feet away. The hanyou had been following him for a while now, and the human was leading him around in circles. He frowned at the fact that Naraku had gone into hiding and nobody knew where he was. There were many different leads, but they all turned into dead ends and a waste of time.

He hadn't had any contact with anyone but Miroku and yet there was no information that was good information. It even seemed as though his best friend was keeping something very important under wraps. Inuyasha of course was really annoyed at this, but he continuously brushed it off because Kagome was okay and that's all he really wanted to know about.

Becoming impatient, Inuyasha turned and headed back to his car, he needed to get away from all this senseless drama, he wanted to get away. Unlocking and climbing into his car, the tired hanyou started the engine and drove off, searching for Naraku was senseless because he just wasn't around. He had dropped mysteriously from everyone's radar and was currently no where to be found.

Stopping at a red light, he glanced around at the scenery surrounding him. It was dark and the trees seemed to be reaching for him from their spots, their leaves rustling in the cold winter breeze. Arriving at Myoga's place a while later, Inuyasha walked inside and immediately went to the guest room and collapsed onto the bed, instantly falling into a restless sleep.


Sango was sitting silently on her bed listening to the radio as she ran a hair brush through her long soft dark brown hair. Her homework lay forgotten, strewn out over her desk along with the textbooks that Miroku had brought along with him. He lay watching her, his head in the girl's lap. He was truly grateful that she had given him another chance, he had promised to get his head straightened out and so far so good.

Miroku smiled as she gazed into Sango's deep chocolate eyes, that shinned with life, and sparkled with happiness. He could just stare at her for the rest of his life, with his head in her lap enjoying the expressions on her beautiful face if he was allowed to. Sango's parents were out at dinner and Kohaku was mindlessly playing video games in his room probably drooling as he stared like a zombie at the television screen. Miroku glanced down at his purple cast and looked over the things that Sango had drawn and written on it. Some things were very cute and others were just hilarious.

Being snapped from his thoughts when Sango sighed heavily, and put her hair brush down on her night stand, Miroku sat up and looked worriedly at the girl in front of him. She looked as though she was in deep thought and whatever she was thinking about was really bugging her.

"What's up Sango my dear?" he asked taking her small and warm hands into his.

She looked up at him and gave Miroku a sheepish smile as she squeezed his hands.

"I'm just thinking about Inuyasha and Kagome." She confessed.

"And what's going through that head of yours?" He asked curiously as he raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Sango smiled as she leaned into Miroku and kissed him. He responded by pulling her closer to him with his un-casted hand, deepening it before Sango reluctantly pulled away.

"I mean," She said licking her lips, "What is Kagome going to say when she finds out at the concert that Inuyasha's going to be there? What do you think is going to happen when she sees him for the first time since forever?"

"Well personally I'm hoping for the best," Miroku replied, "Because I really need to get Koga off my back The wolf just doesn't know when to quit."

"I know what you mean, but what's going to happen when Inuyasha finds out that Kikyo is alive again." Sango asked looking up at Miroku with worry and fee in her eyes, "How is he going to react when he finds out that Kikyo has tired to kill Kagome before? And us?"

"Let's just hope that he doesn't find out anytime soon." Miroku told Sango getting to his feet, "And if he does, we'd better pray that he doesn't screw up what he has with Kagome because I don't know what would happen if it should come to that.."

Miroku picked up his textbooks and put them into his backpack. He gave Sango a hug and a passionate kiss goodbye then headed out the door and into his rental car, the one his parents got him until they would be able to get him a new vehicle. He sighed as he started his engine and rove off down the dark road. He was excited about going to the rock concert, yet in a way he was also dreading it.

He smiled as he thought about Sango's reaction to him showing her the tickets and it would be forever etched in his mind. It was one of the few times that he had ever seen her face light up so brightly. The world around them may have been very chaotic and unsettling, but he was perfectly happy with how things between Sango and himself were going. In all honestly, they were doing better than ever before and he would never be the one to complain when it came to spending time with his beloved Sango because he indeed really loved her with all his heart. He understood how mushy and girly it sounded, but it didn't matter, if Sango wanted him to mow her lawn in his mother's best Sunday dress then he would throw all of his dignity out the window just to see her smile and laugh.

Getting to his house a while later, Miroku got out of his car and quickly walked inside his house and dropped his things on the kitchen table. He grabbed a bottle of soda and headed up to his room to finish the rest of his homework, jump into the shower, and then go to bed. He hoped that he would be able to get a good nights rest because he was dead tired and he really needed the shut eye. Chugging down his drink, Miroku wiped off his mouth and opened up his math book and began to solve the never ending equations.


When Sesshomaru came back to his home he shrugged off his coat and took off his shoes. Today had been one of those days. The Inu-youkai silently went up to his room and went straight to his bathroom, undressed, and climbed into the hot steamy waters of his awaiting shower. He laid his tired head against the cold tile as the water droned against his tense muscles. Inhaling deeply, he smirked at the scent that filled his nose.

The shower door slid open and Rin stuck her head in and smiled at the Inu-youkai showering. She eyed his body and giggled as she grabbed his arm, pulling him to her. With a chaste kiss to his lips, Rin pulled out a bottle of vanilla scented shampoo and dumped some of the contents into his hair. Sensibly, she massaged the shampoo into his long silver hair and sighed heavily.

"You know you shouldn't spoil Shiori with all those toys," She said tugging his hair gently, "Because she's already rotten enough."

He only grunted as he spun around, grabbed the fully clothed woman around the waist and dragged her under the shower of water as he rinsed out his soapy hair. She cried out angrily as she punched his arm playfully. Turning around in his arms, she leaned up on her tippy toes as her lips captured his in a passionate kiss. Pushing her against the tile, he deepened the kiss, then growled angrily as there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" Jaken said, "When you're done in the there, dinner's waiting."

Rin groaned as she put her head on Sesshomaru's chest, "Dammit! I thought I locked that bedroom door."

Sesshomaru chuckled as he pressed his lips against Rin's, "You did."
