InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love of a Kit ❯ The Battle of the Flowers ( Chapter 6 )
Me: Hi everyone! I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack…
Vurso: *Groans* Do you HAVE to do that this early in the morning?
Me: It's Nine-thirty.
Vurso: I'm not a morning dragon, and you know it.
Firethroat: Someone's in a bad mood…
Vurso: No shit Sherlock.
Erica: Hey, the attitude is MY area!
Vurso: *Growls and glares at her scarily*
Erica: Nevermind…
Me: What's with him?
Firethroat: Uh… we accidentally kept him up last night with our party.
Me: What party? Why wasn't I invited? Or even informed?
Erica: Uh… We don't own Inuyasha! Roll the fic, gotta run before Sera pounds us!
Both: *Run, with an irate author chasing them with her custom mallet, the Whackinator 2000*
Miroku smiled to himself as he stepped into the large clearing surrounding the well and his friends' house. Everything looked perfectly peaceful, a gentle breeze rustling the grasses. It all looked perfect…
Well, except for Inuyasha and the stranger fighting. Insert double-take right about… here.
After a few seconds, the monk realized that the match didn't look serious enough to be a real fight. There was no blood on the surrounding landscape, and both participants were laughing. A small blast of blue flame alerted him to the fact that the newcomer was a Kitsune… that and the long furry tail.
Well, might as well introduce himself. The young man stood, straightened his robes, and walked towards the two sparring ones.
"Inuyasha! Good to see you again, old friend." The two battlers stopped, revealing the mystery youkai to be a young male Kitsune, apparently only a couple years younger than him. "Who would this be? I am Miroku, a Buddhist priest." He bowed in greeting.
Imagine his surprise when his polite introduction was returned with a deep growling. He blinked in surprise as the youkai flexed his claws, glaring at him warningly. And he was even MORE surprised when Inuyasha bopped the fox on the head.
"Shippou?! What's with you?!" The inu hanyou demanded. Miroku's jaw, by this time, was halfway to the ground.
"Shippou? How… what…" He stammered out.
"Vengeful witch, what's it to you?" The monk didn't understand why he was being as much of a jerk as Inuyasha used to be. That is, until the next sequence of events.
Inuyasha looked over his friend's shoulder and grinned. "Hey! Kagome, Sango, look who's here!" Miroku turned around to smile happily towards the girls, perfectly prepared to start his courting of Sango right then and there if he had to.
What he wasn't prepared for was Shippou leaping over his head and running over to hug Sango, who looked as startled as everyone else. The monk's eyes widened, then narrowed as Shippou glared at him over his shoulder. The meaning was clear.
She's mine. Stay away. Inuyasha and Kouga had used that look too many times over Kagome for him to mistake it as anything else. Miroku surprised both himself and Inuyasha by growling deeply in his throat. So… Shippou thought he had a claim on the beautiful Sango.
"Looks like you have some competition…" Inuyasha murmured to the monk before jogging over to hug his mate.
Yes, and from a quarter I had not expected… Miroku and Shippou's glaring contest was becoming more and more frigid by the minute. Kirara had fun jumping up and batting at the icicles that were forming in midair.
Sango, however, was oblivious, as she was trying to pry herself loose from the death grip that Shippou was exerting on her. The author almost feels sorry for her… almost being the operative word here. After all, what sane straight girl wouldn't like having two bishies fighting over her?
Flowers was the thought that entered their minds at the same time. At once they were off, leaving Sango standing there, blinking.
"What's with them?"
Gotta find flowers, gotta find flowers… Shippou repeated mentally as he hurriedly searched in the forest, darting from place to place. His nose was working frantically, trying to catch a whiff of ANYTHING remotely floral.
He mentally cheered as his nose alerted him to something, and he immediately followed it… to find a patch of dandelions. Groaning, and having no other choice, he gathered the stalks in one hand, and sliced at the bases with a claw on his other. With his weedy prize, the Kitsune leapt back towards the clearing.
"You're SURE Kagome won't mind if I `borrow' some of her roses, Inuyasha?" Miroku asked again.
"Positive." Inuyasha sighed as he cut a few of the stems, using his claws to carefully trim away the thorns before handing them to the priest. "And girls love roses." He reassured him.
"Very well, I shall take your word for it." With that, Miroku started back towards the STILL stunned Sango.
Miroku and Shippou arrived at the same time, glaring at each other before they pushed the flowers into her hands.
This shook Sango out of her stupor, and she looked down to see flowers that she had once heard Kagome call "roses" in one hand, and somewhat mangled dandelions in the other. Before her stood a calm and composed Miroku, the obvious origin of the red flowers, and an out of breath Shippou, who had given her the slightly drooping yellow weeds.
Sango had always been curious as to what Kagome's roses smelled like, and so she rose that hand first, not noticing Miroku's triumphant expression, or Shippou's downcast one.
One sniff was all it took. "Ah… ah… ah… ACHOO!" A violent sneeze sent all the delicate petals of the roses flying into Miroku.
"Sorry. I guess I'm allergic to those." She sniffled a bit, before smiling at Shippou. "Thank you both, and how did you know that dandelions are my favorite?" With that, Sango turned to go into the house, completely missing the stunned expressions of both males as she tucked one of the yellow flowers into her hair.
Miroku turned to glare at the ecstatic Kitsune, who looked close to dancing in place from sheer happiness. "You may have won the battle, but the war is far from over." Shippou turned to scowl at the monk.
"Bring it on." He growled, using an expression he remembered Kagome explaining to him once.
Me: *Finishes tying up Firethroat and Erica, then leaving them to watch a marathon of Barney, Blue's Clues, and Dora.* Whoa, Vurso, you wrote the whole chapter!
Vurso: Yeah, I found that it helped me to relax.
Me: *Grins and gives the dragon a hug* Yay! Now I don't have to do it!
Vurso: Anyways, if you like the chapter, please review. Pretty please? *Big cute dragon face*