InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love's path ❯ Persuade ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“N-No” `crap now he knows I was staring at him.'
“So you're not staring at me like you think I'm . . . what's the word . . hot.”
“No, of course not!” Kagome knew she was caught as her blush deepened even further.
“Really, come here” he commanded watching the emotions flicker across her face. Kagome slowly got up and walked towards Sesshomaru feeling as if she was hypnotized. She sat down in front of him looking into his golden orbs as he looked back into her brown ones. Silence continued until Sesshomaru spoke; “Why do you say words that I have never heard before?”
“I don't”
“What about this hot word that means you are attracted to someone”
“Where I come from there are a lot of strange things that you have never heard or seen before.”
“Where are you from then?”
“I can't say”
“Really then maybe I can persuade you to change your mind since you think I'm . . . hot.” In a second Sesshomaru had pounced atop of Kagome straddling her waist. Kagome finally realized what had just happened and spoke without thinking.
“Get off of me you hentai, she tried pushing on his chest as fear engulfed her.
“Not until you tell this Sesshomaru where your village is” he grabbed her wrists pinning them above her head with his one arm.
“It's called Tokyo”
“Tok-e-oh, I have never heard of it” 'strange she's not lying or I would have been able to smell it.'
“It's true, that's where I live” she began feeling slightly uncomfortable about their position.
“Then you wouldn't mind showing me where you live” he smirked.
“I can't, now get off” she tried to free her arms but to no avail.
“You will show me where you live” he inched slowly closer until their noses were an inch apart.
“Then I'll persuade you” he closed the small distance between them until their lips touched. Sesshomaru ran his tongue over her bottom lip silently seeking entrance. She complied not being able to resist the feel of his lips on hers. They stayed that way until Kagome had to come up for air.
“Uh. . . Sesshomaru”
“I'll show you where I live.”
“Good, we'll leave tomorrow” he chuckled.
“Ok, um, can you get off of me now?” she indicated looking at his waist.
“Are you sure you want me too” he smirked as he settled more down more comfortable on her waist. Kagome let out a small moan that he picked up easily with his hearing. “Apparently not” he grinned making Kagome regret not being able to suppress her moan.
`I told you that you like her'
“Not you again'
`Yep it's me, you don't want to let her up do you?'
`Oh course I will'
`You like her, maybe even love her'
`I do not'
`Do too and don't deny it because I'm you and know what you are feeling.'
`Keh, though she does taste good'
`I knew it'
`And feels good underneath me'
`Well I'll leave you alone with your woman'
`She's not my woman'
`Yeahhhh, bye”
Sesshomaru looked down at Kagome's face watching as her blush made its way up her face. He lowered his lips back on hers as they shared a more passionate kiss than before. He released her lips earning a small whimper from the loss and continued kissing his way down her neck until he came to the juncture where her neck met her shoulder. He ran his tongue over the spot where she would be marked by her mate, making her shiver in pleasure. He could smell her arousal spike more also, suddenly he growled low in his throat sensing a presence watching them angrily.