InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Sex, and Rock 'n' Role ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: I am soo bored. I'm sorry about the weak chapter 3, but I only had limited time. Hopefully this will be better. Enjoy!
Chapter 3: Skanky Bitch from Hell
Kagome walked the hallways of Shikon High, with Sango on her left, and Miroku on her right. They were telling her all about the school and its students. Kagome, being Kagome, didn't pay attention, but was busy thinking of what she and Hojou talked about the other night.
~ Flashback ~
“What are you doing here?” Kagome asked in a sharp whisper as soon as she got them into the alley. Hojou's answer was embracing her.
“I missed you, Kagome.” he murmured into her hair. She growled threateningly at him as she yanked out of his arms.
“NO! What are you doing here, in Tokyo?!” he sighed and scratched his head.
“Well, you see... err…”
“Well,” he took a deep breath and sighed, smiling. “Mamma decided to move here. I'm glad though, I get to be near you.” Kagome stared at her old boyfriend with her mouth open.
“Wh… WHAT?!?!?!?”
~ End Flashback ~
“Kagome.” a hand waved in front of her face, bringing her back to the present. She shook her head and scratched one of her twitching black ears.
“Err… Sorry. What was it again?” Sango let out a defeated cry and hit her arm lightly with her fist.
“What are we going to do with you? You have an attention span as short as a… as a…”
“As a grain of rice?” offered in Miroku.
“Thank you. An attention span as short as a grain of rice! Damn, even InuYasha has a better attention span! Honestly Kagome! STOP LAUGHING!!!”
During Sango's outburst, Kagome got a case of the giggles. She laughed harder when Sango shoved her into a locker, pissed at her.
“Sorry Sango.” Kagome apologized between pants. Sango just huffed in annoyance.
“Well, I have to go now, see you two later.” Miroku kissed each of their foreheads and turned, headed for class, waving at them. Someone embraced Kagome from behind, growling softly. She replied to it with a growl of her own, leaning back into his harms.
“Morning, Inu-kun.” said Sango as she went to her locker in front of them. InuYasha nuzzled Kagome's head and let her go, heading towards his own locker and let Kagome get to hers.
“Morning', Sango.” he said to her, smirking as he sniffed. “Well if it isn't,” he turned around to find a Simi-tall, black haired, brown eyed woman behind him. “Kikyo. Hey babe, what's up?” He asked, leaning back on his locker. His ear twitched toward Sango's and Kagome's direction, only to hear Kagome slam her locker with enough force to nock down the books on top. “What's gotten into you, Kagster?” he snapped just as Kikyo opened her mouth.
“Kagome?” asked Kikyo, a bewildered look on her face. She turned her head to find her 3rd cousin glaring at the pile of books on the floor and her friend's pale face gaping at Kagome.
“Damn it!” Kagome yelled and stalked off towards the office, Sango following behind her. Everyone looked at the two standing there, and then went back to their business. Kikyo turned back to the Hanyou in front of her and narrowed her eyes, hands going to her hips.
“Where were you last night?” she asked him. He just looked at her with his gold eyes and shrugged. Kikyo gave him a raged humph and slapped him.
“Don't Lie To Me, InuYasha Takahashi!”
“Don't Touch Him, Kikyo Katanami!” Kagome yelled at her, her eyes bleeding red as she stalked back down the hallway towards them. InuYasha jumped in-between them and growled at Kagome, who returned the growl with an even fiercer one. “She has no right to slap you!” she yelled a him.
“Maybe not, but you could hurt her, Kagome.” he stepped forward, not noticing the silence in the hallway. He gripped her wrist, earning him a sharper growl from her. “Calm down, Kagome.” he murmured to her, so that only demons could hear it. She visibly lowered her defenses a little at his soothing voice.
“Alright. But next time, Kikyo” she looked at her 3rd cousin over InuYasha's shoulder, making eye contact with the miko. “I will hurt you. No matter what Inu says.”
It was gym class when the two relations saw each other again. As soon as Kagome walked in the smell of her demented cousin hit her nose full force. It took all of her strength not to run right out of the room. The gym teacher introduced her, whom was also a miko.
“Okay, Kagome. You arrived just in time.” she said with a smile and turned to everyone else. “We're starting the weapon section today. We have sword, boomerang, bow and arrow, staff, and whip.” She told them all. Kagome took a seat in between Sango and Miroku, Miroku putting an arm around her shoulders and Sango gripping her hand. “So…” the teacher eyed them all. Kikyo was sitting by Naraku, another Hanyou, and by the looks of it, and the smell of it, they weren't paying the least bit of attention. “Who would like to try bow and arrow against Kikyo?” Kagome smirked and raised her hand.
“Alright. Kikyo, come and get your weapons.”
“Kikyo.” said the teacher again a little louder. Kagome barked at her relation, causing both her and the Hanyou to jump.
“Get down here, cuz.” smirked Kagome at her embarrassed cousin. Kikyo stumbled slightly as she made her way down and got a bow and arrow from the case. Kagome stepped up to her, being a tiny bit taller, and whispered in her ear, loud enough for all the demons to hear. Sesshomaru was surprised at how bold Kagome had gotten.
“Ever lose, cousin? Because your gonna get your ass whooped today.” Kikyo leered at Kagome.
`At least I'll have InuYasha.” She retorted. Kagome's eyes got a red tint to them.
“Get in position you two!” they did as told. On first shot they hit bull's eye. “Ten feet” Bull's eye. “Ten feet.” Bull's Eye. It went on and on until Kagome was the only one who hit Bull's eye.
~End of Class. Kagome and Kikyo in gym alone~
Kagome gathered her things and was about to leave the gym when she felt a burst of miko energy hit her back, sending her sprawling on the floor.
“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR?!!!??!!!” she screamed behind her, her back burning like she had just been hot with a flaming ball of fire. She was hit again in the back, making her double over as she kneeled up.
“Make a wish Kagome” she snarled. Sango and Miroku came into the room as Kagome was hit again.
“KAGOME!” they ran towards her.
“STAY BACK!!” she screamed.
"I wish my heart would stop hurting.* mumbled Kagome as she clutched at her chest, her claws digging into the skin.
Kikyo stood there with a satisfied smirk on her face as Kagome fell to the ground on hands an knees, her bow snapping in half in the process.
"Kagome!" Miroku and Sango came running up to her, faces pale and eyes wide. Kagome's breath came in pants as blood from her clenched fist started to drip.
"I'm...Alright" she panted, giving a weak smile. Sango touched Kagome's back and Kagome winced as if burned.
"No, you're not, Kagome. Lets get you out of here." Miroku said as he tried to pick her up. "Kikyo help us!" he shouted at the smirking girl.
Her smirk grew wider as she stepped forward.
"NO!!" screamed Kagome, jumping as far as she could while injured from her. The gym doors burts open and InuYasha ran in, only to stop as he saw Kagome collapsed on the floor with a small pool of blood beneath her.
Its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid. I know ^^' So, R&R please. Short, but longer than the last one.
Kagome: I'm a Hanyou?
InuYasha: …………………… You're a Hanyou?
Kagome: Guess so.
InuYasha: (Reads ending) you! (Points at me) You Hurt Kagome!
Me: (Sweet Drops) No, not me. Kikyo
InuYasha: NO! Kikyo wouldn't… Kagome don't…. ARG!!
Kagome: (sweat drops) it's not real, InuYasha.
InuYasha:……………… It… It's not?
Me and Kagome: Nope!
InuYasha:…………………… …………………………̷ 0;…yippee.
Me and Kagome: You are so dense (Both double over laughing at confused InuYasha)