InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love Struck ❯ Hurt ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Kara had just moved in with her aunt, cousins, and grandfather in Tokyo. Her mom had just gotten remarried, and Kara hated her stepfather so she left.
“Kara you will be staying in this room here,” her aunt said pulling her out of her daze.
“Thank you Aunt Suki,” Kara replied looking at the room. It wasn't much but she liked it. `Well as long as I'm free I might as well read' she thought to herself. Pulling out a copy of her favorite book (Twilight) she laid down on her futon and began to reed. After about an hour of reading she heard the well house door open. She put her book down to see who was outside. To her surprise it was her eldest cousin Kagome.
“Kagome your back,” their grandfather yelled as he was coming out of the storage shed.
“Hello grandpa, where's momma,” Kagome asked.
“I'm right here dear. I was just showing your cousin her room,” Suki said to her daughter.
“Kara's here. I haven't seen her in ages,” Kagome exclaimed.
Kagome took off at a dead run to find her “twin” cousin. Kara was just rounding the corner when she and Kagome collided. She was in shock for about a second before she burst out in a fit of laughter. Kagome was dumbstruck before she realized who she had run into.
“Kara it's so good to see you,” Kagome squealed pulling her cousin into a rib crushing hug.
“It's good to see you too Kags,” Kara said while returning the hug.
Three hours later.
Kagome had just finished telling her cousin about all of her adventures in the feudal era, leaving out the fact that she was in love with Inuyasha. Kara had just sat there in a daze during the whole story. She was intrigued by the tale and very curious about the well.
“Do you think I'd be able to go through the well,” Kara finally asked after a few moments of silence.
“I'm not sure so far only me and Inuyasha have been able to get through, but that doesn't mean we can't try. It doesn't mean that we can't try, it would be nice to have someone from here with me,” Kagome said.
Just then there was a loud crash outside. Then the sound of Souta yelling in an enthusiastic voice “Inuyasha.” Kagome had an angry look on her face. “Excuse me for a moment,” she said to Kara. Kara just nodded her head and waited. “Inuyasha SIT,” Kagome yelled followed by a loud BANG. Kara just sat there giggling; she had never seen her kind, loving cousin so angry. “Sorry `bout that,” Kagome said with a smile plastered on her face.
“It's alright,” Kara told her cousin/best friend. She thought to her self `I hope he's not hurt'. She couldn't help but worry about the wellbeing of others even if they deserved what they got as this man so obviously did.
“Hey, what cha do that for, wench,” a man who Kara guessed to be Inuyasha yelled in a muffled voice.
“Because I told you that I would be back in a week but you came after me,” Kagome yelled back. Then an idea struck her and she looked at her “twin” and said, “Kara remember how we used to switch places at school.”
Kara looked at her cousin with a confused look on her face. “Yeah I remember,” she said. “Why do you ask,” she asked Kagome.
“Okay stay here, I'm gonna go to my room. I want to see if Inuyasha will notice the small differences in our features,” Kagome said with a sly look on her face and ran up to her room.
`She's gonna be the death of me some day' Kara said to herself. She was so lost in the thought that she never even noticed the tall man with long silver hair and dog ears on his head enter the room.
“Oi wench we're going back,” Inuyasha stated bluntly to Kagome (Kara).
“Okay that does it mister if your gonna insult me I'm not going anywhere with you,” Kara yelled trying to imitate Kagome as best she could, considering she didn't know her cousins relationship with Inuyasha.
Inuyasha stared at the girl he had believed to be Kagome, his jaw hanging slack. “Who are you and where is Kagome,” he asked flatly.
“I'm right here Inuyasha,” Kagome said as she descended the stairs. “This is my cousin Kara,” she said motioning to the girl he was staring at.
“Holy shit Kagome she looks just like you,” Inuyasha said dumbly. How hadn't he noticed it wasn't Kagome when he entered the room? Her aura was completely different. He figured that it must have been her sent. They smelled almost the same, but Kara had a hint of cinnamon to her lavender sent, whereas Kagome smelled of vanilla. They were identical down to the very last lash.
“Can you stop staring at me like that, it's starting to creep me out,” Kara said flatly. She knew that he was comparing them mentally from the way he kept looking between the two. “Will you please sit” she was cut short by the man being slammed to the ground. “Ahhh, Kagome what did I do,” she asked her laughing cousin horror struck.
“I don't know,” Kagome finally said after her laughter subsided. “I'm usually the only one that can do that. I guess we're more alike than I thought,” she told her cousin in a solemn tone.
“I hope I didn't hurt him,” Kara said looking at the unconscious hanyou infront of her.