InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loves Bond ❯ At Inu's ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After they arrived at Inuyasha's house and got up stair's into his room kagome asked,"Hey Yasha can I go on my msn user?"
"Yeah sure,I'll give you my,Sango's and miroku E-mail addresses. "Inuyasha said writting them down.Sango's-'' Miroku's-''
and Inuyasha's-''
"ok cool mine is.."Kagome said writting her's down,Kagome-''
"cool."Inuyasha replied as Kagome got on the computer put her msn E-mail in and stating a conversation with Sango and Miroku.
((Sango's screen name is-':DSango!:D'
Miroku's is-'@_@Miroku!@_@'
and Kagome's is-'><Kagome Kick A$$!><'))
><Kagome Kick A$$!><:“Hey, san miro!”
@_@Miroku!@_@:"Is this Inuyasha??"
:DSango!:D:"Dude creepy u put kagz nam in ur usernam?"
><Kagome kick A$$!><:"No u baka's!It's mi Kagz!Yash gave mi ur E-mail adressis."
:DSango!:D:"O no shit!r u at his huse ur sumpin?:O"
@_@Miroku!@_@:"Yeah r u ??ru??huh?huh?"
><Kagome kick A$$!><:"Yep sango u shuoda seen fuffly's face it hilarius!"
@_@Miroku!@_@:"Yep i agre kagz san u shouda seen it su did kohawku lyke his gift from mi?"
:DSango!:D:"Yeah i wish i sow.Yeah he luved it!"
><Kagome Kick A$$!><:"Well g2g guys!byebye good bye buhbye. xoxo. cya tutllu!
:DSango!:D:"Buhbye kagz!"
><Kagome kick A$$!>< has loged off.
:DSango!:D:"I g2g 2 bye roku!"
@_@Miroku!@_@:"I might as well go 2 bye sango!"
:DSango!:D has loged off.
@_@Miroku!@_@ has loged off.
"What do you wanna do inu?"Kagome asked getting of the computer.
"Uh.."He started.
"I KNOW!PILLOW FIGHT!!"She yelled grabbing a pillow and tackling Inuyasha in the head with it.
"Kagoume gat ouf!!"Me muffly said having a pillow in his face,as she continued hitting him with it until he jumped on her and hit her with the pillow until he let go of the pillow and helped her up.
"Thank's.."She said.
"No prob."He said slyly.
"Are you ok there Yasha-Chan?"
"Oh yeah Kagome-kun."he replied grabbing a more stuffed pillow and tackaling her with it feather's flying every were.
"AHH!!!"Kagome playfully yelped runnng from Inuyasha as his home phone rang,
"R-Ring R-Rrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnggggggggg!!"
"Uh...Moshi Moshi?"Inuyasha sked picking the phone up it was his princeable.
"Moshi Moshi, Inuyasha Takahashi?"the princeable asked.
"Speaking."he answerd.
"Ok well Today,we have forgot to tell the students in your class that you have to make a poster of a poem you in joy you may have partners it is due tomorrow ."He replied.
"Ok thank you,Oyasuminasai."He replied hagging up the phone.
"Who was that?"Kagome asked.
"Principle we have to do a poem we in joy an in a poster from and it's due tomorrow and were aloud partners."he replied annoyed by the Principle.
"Oh no!damnit!!!"She replied.
"Will you be my partner Kagz-kun?"He asked.
"Sure I'd be happy to!!!"She said with a smile.
"What poem??"He asks.
"Ummmmmm.....How bout the one I had one that drawing today?It'll scard people"She said laughing slightly.
"Sure who's it by?"
"Uh...Wasriumuse Buikamaie."She replied.
((Wasriumuse Buikamaie is NOT a real person I made the person up, So Wasriumuse Buikamaie is not a person or poet.))
"Ok."He replied getting into the internet and finding info on Wasriumuse Buikamaie then printing it out and a picture of him also as Kagome write the poem on the red poster board they found.Then inuyasha cut and glued the info and picture og the guy on it and the were done.
It read,
"Death."In neat hand writing and beside it it said,"By:Wasriumuse Buikamaie.” then the poem under the title, “With all the dark that goes trough life.....
why'd it have to hit me?why can't I go back?
It's all because of daddy he leaft and not come back,
If I was only oldder it wouldn't hurt so mutch,but that sad little girl,
she got no bye,she only saw him walk,
she trys and trys to forgive and forget but past keeps hunting.
That little girl is me..
once she happy now she not...
no more crying no more pain that little girl now see's black.
she lost the world, she lost her life.
but only if time could go back.
that once so happy little girl,
she tryed to cut away her pain,
but the pain still remains.
no truning back know,the little girl
she has gona away.
replaced with a bigger one,
who now steeps away,
cutting her pain,but it still remains..”
"Done!"Kagome said happily looking at there work.
"Yeah cool."Inuyasha added in.
"Hey kagz-kun I hava question for you."Inuyasha spoke.
"Ok shoot."She said waiting for the question as the door flung open as Sesshomaru stood there.
"Kagome you need to go home your mom needs you."Sesshomaru said.
"Ok.Bye Yasha-Chan see yeah Fluffy-Sama,Oyasuminasai!!"She said heading out the door into her car and driving home.
There u are ppl