InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loves Consequences ❯ Kagome's Mistake ( Chapter 3 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I don't own Inuyasha I only own the characters that I made up, but I haven't even put any in besides Nisha, ok? Ok!
I don't know why I named this story `A Lord's Mate' I just couldn't think of anything else. Im not that creative, you know? OK so on with the story!!
Kagome ran down the path as she heard a growl followed by foot steps. `Shit shit shit shit! Why the hell did I do that?!' Now she heard rustling in the trees. Her feet burned from all the running she had done in the past hour, she had ran from Inuyasha's forest, to the hot spring, and now she was somewhere in between the two. She had sensed the presence of a small youkia earlier and had grabbed her bow and quiver. Expecting to have some practice with a tiny demon, instead she found a small wolf demon kid. It leaped to attack but was picked up by the scruff by the mother, a much larger youkia. Growling it set down the pup and started stalking towards Kagome. Seeing the only chance left to run, Kagome spun on the ball of her heel and dashed towards the hot spring. For once she didn't want Inuyasha's help; she wanted to defeat this youkia by herself, not even with Sango's help. Kagome sensed another youkia coming, they were farther away but approaching quickly. “Great another one!!”
Growling the wolf youkia leaped from the trees onto the ground in front of Kagome. Snarling, it stalked towards Kagome. “I meant no harm; I was just protecting the village!” Kagome said hastily, trying to prevent her blood from spilling. The youkia mother growled and snorted. “You'll regret you ever saw me or my pup.” Barking to its pup she said, “You get the remains” Kagome's eyes turned a steel blue as they filled with fear and anger. “No youkia is gonna get her remains you bitch!!”
A whirlwind pushed its way in front of Kagome. She recognized the voice as Kouga's and a wide smile slowly spread across her face. “Kouga! Why are you here?” Smirking he growled at the wolf and replied, “To set this bitch of a wolf straight, I told you before that if anyone and I mean anyone touches you here, they've got me to deal with!! Yet this bitch smelled human and came here without telling me!” Turning away from the blushing Kagome, he faced the frightened wolf mother.
“Now what did you think you were doing exactly?! Did you think that I wouldn't mind if you went out and had a little midnight snack?!?” Eyes flashing red he pushed off the ground and extended his claws. Raising them to strike Kagome yelled as loud as she could, “Kouga!! Sit!!! Sit!!! S-I-T!” Stunned by the loud tone Kouga dropped to the ground and covered his pointed ears. A nearby crash was heard by the tree to the pup's left.
“K-k-kag-o-me?!?” Rising from the ground near the trees was a person covered in dirt with dog ears. Covering her mouth Kagome told the mother to run and take the pup with her. “What was that for?!?” The two males yelled to Kagome then they looked at one another.
“Don't yell at my woman!!” Kouga yelled angrily.
“She `aint y'er woman an she never will be!” Inuyasha yelled back.
Shrugging as she watched the two have their usual fight. “I will choose who I want to call me woman! I will choose who I want to have as a mate! And I will choose if I want a baka wolf or a baka dog!!” Both of them looked at her in unison. “Did you just say mate?” They both said at the same time. Kouga was grinning while Inuyasha had one eyebrow quirked. `So she wants a demon.' Kouga thought as he began thinking of all the ways he could make her choose him. Inuyasha was sitting like a dog, staring Kagome right in the eyes.
“Hey—er...don't get any ideas!!” Kouga's smirk grew wider as he walked up to her and put both arms on each shoulder. “Kouga, I said don't get any ideas. Got it?!” Making her miko grow, her eyes narrowed and growled. Well atleast she did the most youkia like growl a human could do. “Get off her you mangy wolf!!” Inuyasha growled menacingly while Kouga and Kagome glared daggers at him.
“You never listen didn't Kagome say that she'll do what she wants, right Kagome?”
Nodding she pushed Kouga out of the way and said the word she loved, “Sit.” The necklace glowed on Inuyasha and he was forced into the ground creating a inu-crater. Laughing Kouga looked back up at the dirt covered face of an angry Inu and doubled over. “That's my women alright” Kouga managed to say in between laughs. But he regretted it once he saw Kagome's deathly smile. “Kouga come here I want to tell you something.” She said seductively.
Kouga felt a lump in his throat as he stumbled over to Kagome. With a skirt that went well up her thigh as she was kneeling, chest heaving as she breathed heavily, and half shut eyes. She looked like she was inviting him to shred her of those dreaded clothes! As he kneeled down she pressed her lips to his and watched Inuyasha from the corner of her eyes. He was fuming, fangs showing, eyes changing color, but something caught Kagome's eyes. `Hah! He's actually staring at my ass?! Oh that's great he's mad but he's staring at my ass, who gets mad and stares at someone's ass?!? A baka I guess.' Looking back to Kouga's lust filled eyes she leaned forward and pushed her chest against his nearly making him fall backwards. As he deepened the kiss she moaned loudly, very loudly. Inuyasha was almost a full demon, `I'm winning this time Inuyasha' she thought as she moaned even louder. Kouga mean while was having a battle of his own to control his youkia from just taking her right there. She pulled away from the kiss and ignored the growling Inuyasha.
“Mmm Kouga your such a good kisser.” Kagome said as she licked her lips.
That was the last straw. Inuyasha's eyes turned red as he extended his claws and jumped for Kouga. Kouga prepared for an attack. Kagome stood up and laughed. Inuyasha leapt high in the higher in the air growling wildly. “SIT BOY!!” Kouga's eyes widened as he saw the dog plunge from the sky like a bird with a broken wing. Barking and a loud grunt could be heard when he hit the ground. Mean while Kagome doubled over, her lungs were hurting from all that laughing. Kouga just stood there shocked from all the events. First a wolf was chasing Kagome. Then Kagome said that she wanted a mate. Then she actually moaned from something he himself was doing. Now she had `sat' a full fledged, raging dog demon and was laughing like crazy.
Calming down to giggles, Kagome walked over to Inuyasha and leaned over the large crater that Inuyasha had made. It was about three times bigger than a normal one. Shrugging she shook Inuyasha to make sure he was still alive. He didn't respond.
“In—Inuyasha!!” She shook him; Kouga walked over and told her he was still breathing. Sighing she wiped away the unshed tears in her eyes.
“That was scary I'm glad I didn't make you mad, heh.” Chuckling he patted her shoulder, “You'd make a great warrior in my pack, had any thought about joining it?” She shook her head hastily before she changed her mind. “No I can't; I have to find all the other jewel shards. Sorry but no.” He smiled. “Well I could always lend you a wolf. You know, so you don't have to walk around all the time,” He glanced at Inuyasha. “or have that baka of an inu carry you around all the time.” The recovering Inuyasha groaned hearing them talk about him. “Bwill hu stwop twalking abhout meh?!?” (Will you stop talking about me?!?) He shouted with a mouth full of dirt. “We aren't you baka were talking about how I could use a faster way of traveling than being carried. Baka.” Kagome snapped back. Kouga smiled mentally, she always had a way of making him joyful. He didn't know how or why, she just did.
Inuyasha snapped up at the sound of Kouga and Kagome hugging.
“What the hell is that for bitch?! You're just like Kikyo you know? Always changing your mind!!” Kagome came out of Kouga's embrace and stomped over to Inuyasha. She was fuming, enraged that he would ever call her Kikyo, that disgusting excuse for a reincarnation.
“Don't you EVER call me that dead bitch of yours!! When I want to be called a dead, pale, soul stealer ill call her for a lesson on it!! You jackass how you could EVER think I was Kikyo!!!” Kagome raised her hand, put all her miko energy she could into it, and struck him across the face. She was emotionless. Kagome looked at the bleeding face of Inuyasha and looked over at Kouga. He was just looking at her like she was crazy. “I'm guessing that you don't know who” she shuddered. “Kikyo is?” He shook his head. Inuyasha just looked at her, still stunned from the amount of energy she had put into that punch. “Let's just say he's her ex-bitch and now he wants me as his new one.” Looking over to Inuyasha she was glad to see that he flinched when she raised her hand to brush the stray hair from her eyes. Kagome narrowed her eyes as to say `don't say anything or your dead'
Turning around, Kagome stomped her way back to the village. “Stupid Inuyasha with his dead clay pot Kikyo. If he ever calls me her again I'll—““Personally kill you.” Finished off a dead calm voice. “Kikyo!! Come out here right now!” Stepping from behind the tree Kikyo stood in her everyday outfit.
“So, steal any new souls? Or are you growing weak in your dead years?” Kikyo just stood their glaring at her, no anger, sadness, jealousness. “Do you want me to not tell you this or would you rather find out by yourself?”
“What is it Kikyo?” Kagome asked as her curiosity took over.
“Inuyasha, he left you.” Hard to breath Kagome choked out. “Inuyasha—he left?” Nodding Kikyo smiled sadly, “Just like with me, he betrayed me, making me feel like it was my fault, my fault that he died when he was the one who caused my death. I was never meant to be alive again, and you were never meant to be here. I need to ask you something Kagome, do you know were Naraku is?” Feeling the pain ease she answered with anger laced in her voice. “If I knew where he is do you think he would still be alive?!” Chuckling Kikyo looked at Kagome straight in the eye.
“Wait a minute, where are her soul stealers?” Kagome wondered out loud. Looking up from the ground Kagome started thinking about Inuyasha. `He wouldn't really leave me right? Maybe I went too far. Maybe…NO! Kikyo's lying, Inuyasha wouldn't leave me, he wouldn't!'
“Kagome, how long I've waited for you to become mine.” Darting her eyes up she locked eyes with a mans. Something held Kagome's waist, held her tight enough that when she struggled, the pain made her feel dizzy. Chuckling he(im not telling who it is yet ^_^) walked up to her like a tiger hunting its pray. He stretched his arm out and raked one claw down the side of her face leaving a trail of blood. Giving a swift kick to the groin Kagome kicked Naraku. He stumbled backwards and held glared up at Kagome with red eyes. She could feel the grip on her stomach becoming tighter and elbowed whoever was back their in the ribs. A grunt of pain and the sound of someone falling could be heard as Kagome panicked. Naraku was recovering quickly and surely that person she elbowed would get up soon. `I have to keep Naraku down while that other person recovers, then they cant gang up on me' Horror fell over Kagomes features as Naraku raised a clawed hand toward her ankle, she had to do something. Kagome raised her foot high so that her knee was to her stomach and let her foot fall down hard on his hand. A crazed look came on to Naraku's face as he laughed manically. “Do you think that will stop me little girl?!?” Shuddering Kagome took her chances and kicked him hard in the face.
All rage took over as she thought of all the things, all the people he murdered for his own cause. Miroku's wind tunnel was his doing, Sango's whole village and family were killed, and Kohaku is suffering because this evil THING made him kill his own family. She was even mad that he tore Kikyo and Inuyasha apart, disguising himself as Inuyasha and hurting Kikyo, “JUST SO YOU COULD GET SOME STUPID JEWEL?!?” Kagome yelled as she felt her miko powers grow out of control as she gave him one last kick to his blood covered face before being pinned to the ground.
Kagome was scared. She regretted that she ever kicked Naraku in the first place, now whatever he was going to do would be far more painful then it would before.
I finally typed it!! Ok so I know that this is suppose to be Rin n Shessomaru but I had to add more people to it or it would be boring. So I guess everybody knew it was Naraku right? Right? Well I hope not lol. Ok so im happy that I got 3 more reviews (even if it was by the same person all 3 times) If anyone has a better name for the story, please write it in the review. I don't really know why I named it A Lords Mate, but oh well. So suggestions plz? Ok, if you read, you review ok? R&R