InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Explaining ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “ I told you Sesshoumaru I was born from the gods, reading minds is not my only power,” she smirked. I get flashes of the feature, though rare I do have them and one not to long was about this fight. Also when I get them they are in pieces and fuzzy and so I put two and two together, there you have it,” Kagome finished.
Chapter 6
“So it would be pointless to continue to fight you,” Sesshoumaru said as his red eyes faded back into their original golden color
“No, no, no, no, I can control them like an on and off switch. It tool me three years to gain control of it and now I can get a peaceful sleep with out having voices in my head,” Kagome assured him.
“I give you my word that I will not use the power while I am fighting you,” she told him.
“All right, but you must not read my mind while we are in each other's presences,” he told her.
Sesshoumaru heard her whisper a low `damn'.
“Unless,” he continued, “I give you permission to do so,” Sesshoumaru finished.
“So can I read your mind Sesshoumaru,” Kagome paused, “-sama,” she added smiling trying to butter him up. (Not literally)
Sesshoumaru smirked as Kagome's face lit up with hope.
“No,” he said and Kagome pouted.
“Fine then Fluffanator be that way, we will continue this fight later when we have more time. I must go now and cancel a wedding,” Kagome said as she bowed.
Sesshoumaru returned the bow and walked off to the men's locker room to change back into his oringal clothing.
Kagome decided to stretch her wings and protrol the boarder of her lands.
Just as Kagome flew up Sesshoumaru was right behind her. The momentum of her wings created a gust of wind that blew his long hair back.
Sesshoumaru watched as she did a flip or two, and then just flew away from his line of sight.
4 Hours later
“Man that felt good,” Kagome said landing behind her house.
Kagome folded her wings back and absorbed them back into her body.
Kagome took a nice hot bubble bath and tried to think through what happened today.
“Ok I broke it off wi- `ring' `ring' her musings were cut off by the phone.
“ Hello,” Kagome answered.
“He Kagome how was your day?” Yuka asked.
“Ano…I went to work, I broke it off with Inuyasha, I fought with and insulated the lord of the west, which was kind of fun and I patrolled my lands,” Kagome finished.
“Ok, back it up, why did you break it off with Inuyasha?” Yuka asked.
“When I came home I found that shit head fucking Kikyo in my bed,” Kagome explained.
“Aww, kuso I am sorry Kagome,” Yuka said sincerely.
“No problem, I got to go. I will get back to you later, bye Yuka,” Kagome said.
“Bye Kagome,” Yuka said
“Damn, I still have to cancel all the wedding invitations and every thing else,” Kagome, said out loud. “Oh well, I will just do it when I have time. I wonder what Miroku wanted? I know I felt his aura outside of the dojo,” she added.
Kagome dressed into a black tank top and a pair of green and black girl boxers,
Kagome walked into her bedroom and crinkled her up her nose in disgust.
“Gross, it smells of that Inu-baka and that wretch. I guess I will go and sleep on the roof,” Kagome thought out loud. “Now I am going to have to have the whole room redone, damn it all,” she thought angrily.
Kagome grabbed her stereo and CDs. She climbed /floated /glided up the many stairs to the roof of her tall home. She stepped out of her house and took a deep breath of fresh unpolluted air.
“Good thing I decided to put a barrier around my property to keep all those fumes from destroying my sense of smell and al the rare plants I keep up here,” Kagome thought as she sat on her giant round pillow. (Coughdogpillowcough)
Kagome plugged her stereo in and put in her Marilyn Manson CD. She set her alarm to wake her up to the `Fight Song'. She lifted up a latch by the giant pillow and pulled out a black and blue silk sheet.
Kagome wrapped her self in the sheet and fell on top of her pillow like bed. She snuggled in to her tail, and during her slumber she unknowingly let her wings out to let them stretch out since she was on her stomach.
Earlier With Sesshoumaru(aka fluffanator)
“Damn that woman,” Sesshoumaru cursed out loud in her office going over his paper work.
“Her company in slowly passing ours in the stocks and by eleven a.m. tomorrow she will probably be three points ahead of us,” said Miroku who was called back in to the office.
“Do you not think I know that all ready Houshi,” Sesshoumaru snapped angrily at him. “Damn my half brother and his whore. If only he could keep it is his pants, but no he had to go and fuck the elder sister of our worst competition,” Sesshoumaru thought angrily.
Miroku shank back in his seat when he felt is boss's anger flare and his strong aura licked at his own small scared to high hell holy aura.
“Good bye Houshi, I have to go and deal with the hanyou,” Sesshoumaru said as he got up.
“Good bye Sesshoumaru-sama,” Miroku said giving Sesshoumaru a look over before he got up, bowed and left.
At the Tashio's house
“Inuyasha,” Sesshoumaru said quietly. “Inuyasha get down here you worthless hanyou,” Sesshoumaru roared.
“What in the seven hells do you want Fluffy?” Inuyasha asked running down the long staircase.
“You better pray to any god that accepts your hanyou ass, that your little mishap did not get in to the media like the rumors said it did,” Sesshoumaru growled out warningly.
“What are you talking about?” Inuyasha asked highly annoyed.
“Well let's find out shall we?” Sesshoumaru said more than asked and went into the living room and turned on the T.V.
A/N: What do you think is on the News? Humm? Well I guess you will have to wait to find out. Guess what, well you don't really have to guess since I am gonna' tell ya any ways. It snowed today and it is my best friends b-day and we got out of school early. It is unfair she gets snow on her birthday and all I get is lots and lots of rain on mine. I got over 200 hits so I happy for that and I also got another review from so me happy now. But you know what I love more than Sesshoumaru by just a speck, Reviews, yep reviews I would love to get more reviews but I ain't complaining. But please review for all that is Sesshoumaru please review, Thanks, Gothcat