InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Loving the Rivel ❯ Chapter 8: ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time: “Awe come on Kagome, your not with the Mutt any more, so I thought, well you know, I could take you out to dinner or lunch or something,” The person said with pleading eyes.
Kagome let out a long sigh and looked up from her work.
Chapter 8
“Fine I will give you dinner, and if at anytime you decide to call me `my Kagome', or `my woman', it will be over. I do not nor will I ever belong to anyone. Do I make my self clear, Koga?” Kagome asked.
“Yes Lady Kagome,” Koga said. “I will pick you up at six thirty p.m. at your place, and wear something elegant,” Koga said smiling.
“You better not screw this up Lord Koga,” Kagome said, and Koga walked out of the door.
“Oh Kami-sama please tell me I did not just agree to go on a date with Lord Koga,” Kagome said out loud to her self.
“I cannot believe you agreed to go out with him!” a girl who walked into Kagome's office said.
“Sango, I thought you were on a trip in the states?” Kagome asked.
“I was I just got back last night,” Sango told her long time friend.
“I am never going to live this one down am I?” Kagome asked Sango.
“Nope, never going to happen,” Sango said
Kagome sighed.
“So I heard what happened on the news, want to give me the whole story? Sango asked.
“It is pretty much what you heard on the news. I come home early from work wanting to surprise Inuyasha with his gift and a nice night out on the town, and I found him and Kikyo `at it' in my bed of all places. So I kicked him out, and he is going to get his stuff out of my place this afternoon. That's pretty much it, yup, that's it,” Kagome finished saying.
“Damn girl,” Sango said shaking her head side to side. “And I still cannot believe you agreed to go out on a date with Koga-baka,” Sango continued.
Kagome just dropped her head on her desk and sighed.
“Maybe he will mess up and then it will be over, I never really liked him in the first place, and this way when he screws up he will be out of my hair,” Kagome said thoughtfully.
“Do you know the place he is taking you to?” Sango asked.
“No, he just said to wear something elegant,” Kagome told Sango.
“But what will you do if he does not mess it up?” Sango questioned.
“Then I will have to encourage him a little. All I need is for him to say `my woman' or `my Kagome' and I will be home free,” Kagome said grinning.
“Yeah, good luck with that,” Sango told Kagome with a wave and walked to her own office.
“Now, back to work,” Kagome said out loud to herself.
At Tashio Corp.
“Miroku where are we going to have the meeting at?” Sesshoumaru asked.
“At seven O'clock at the Over Full (my restaurant I made it up mine, mine, mine, stupid name but it's mine, ok to hyper back to the story),” Miroku replied.
“And who are we having this meeting with again,” Sesshoumaru asked rubbing at his temples.
“It is with Lord Naraku and his assistant Kagura, Sesshoumaru-sama. He wants combine our company with his,” Miroku said.
“Fine, fine, have you already made the reservations?” Sesshoumaru inquired.
“Yes,” Miroku stated bluntly.
“Ok, go back to work Miroku,” Sesshoumaru demanded.
“Yes Sesshoumaru-sama,” Miroku said with a bow and left to go do his work.
Six twenty-eight at Kagome's house.
`DING, DONG' `DING, DONG', the doorbell rang.
“Come on in,” was heard from the voice inside and the man walked in.
Kagome walked down the stairs and Koga stood with his mouth agape, and his eyes wide.
Kagome was wearing an off the shoulder dress. The sleeves stopped at the elbow and fanned out to a golden yellow, and it was barely sweeping the floor and hugged her curves in all the right places. There was also a slit from the hem to the hip and was twined together with a yellow ribbon. Kagome wore her long hair down and wore little makeup. A pair of one inch orange high heels with yellow silk ribbon twining around her calves to her knee adorned her feet.
Koga on the other hand was wearing a pair of black dress slacks with black dress shoes with a button up red shirt and a white wife beater underneath it all.
“Close your mouth Koga, you might catch a fly,” Kagome said walking up to him.
`Snap' Koga snapped his jaw shut and led Kagome out to his black limo waiting at the end of her drive way. Koga opened up the door for Kagome and allowed her to get in first.
Once the driver started moving Kagome decided to ask a question. “So do you mind telling me where we are going?”
“I have made a reservation at the `Over Full' for seven O'clock. It is about a half and hour away from your place,” Koga informed her.
“Is that a new restaurant?” Kagome asked.
“Yes, it is,” Koga said.